
public interfaceRecaptchaClient

The main entry point for interacting with the reCAPTCHA API.

Public Method Summary

abstract Task<VerificationHandle>
challengeAccount(RecaptchaHandle recaptchaHandle,String challengeRequestToken)
Sends a challenge to an account in order to verify the identity of the user.
abstract Task<Boolean>
close(RecaptchaHandle handle)
Closes the initialized RecaptchaHandle.
abstract Task<RecaptchaResultData>
execute(RecaptchaHandle handle,RecaptchaAction action)
Returns a score indicating how likely the action was triggered by a real user.
abstract Task<RecaptchaHandle>
Prepares and initializes a RecaptchaHandle.
abstract Task<VerificationResult>
verifyAccount(Stringpin, VerificationHandleverificationHandle)
Verifies a PIN against a verification handle obtained through a challengeAccount(RecaptchaHandle, String)call.

Public Methods

public abstract Task<VerificationHandle> challengeAccount(RecaptchaHandle recaptchaHandle,String challengeRequestToken)

Sends a challenge to an account in order to verify the identity of the user.

This method can be optionally called if you decide to perform a two factor authentication check on an account.

recaptchaHandle RecaptchaHandle initialized through init(String).
challengeRequestToken The challenge request token obtained through CreateAssessment().

public abstract Task<Boolean> close(RecaptchaHandle handle)

Closes the initialized RecaptchaHandle.

Closes the handle if you will not be using it again to save resources.

handle RecaptchaHandle initialized through init(String).
  • true if the handle got closed successfully for the first time, false if there wasn't anything to close (e.g., the handle was already previously closed).

public abstract Task<RecaptchaResultData> execute(RecaptchaHandle handle,RecaptchaAction action)

Returns a score indicating how likely the action was triggered by a real user. A score close to 0 indicates a likely bot, and a score close to 1 indicates a likely human.

This method should be called every time there is an action to be protected.

handle RecaptchaHandle initialized through init(String).
action User interaction that needs to be protected.

public abstract Task<RecaptchaHandle> init(StringsiteKey)

Prepares and initializes a RecaptchaHandle.

siteKey A site key registered for this app at// /recaptcha-enterprise/docs/create-key

public abstract Task<VerificationResult> verifyAccount(Stringpin,VerificationHandle verificationHandle)

Verifies a PIN against a verification handle obtained through a challengeAccount(RecaptchaHandle, String)call.

The method should be called to verify a PIN submitted by the user. The returned VerificationResult will contain aStatus and either aVerificationHandle or a new reCAPTCHA token. The four possible cases are:

  • API call succeeded and the verification status is SUCCESS:the returnedVerificationResult will contain a new reCAPTCHA token that can be used through the reCAPTCHA Enterprise API CreateAssessment() to verify that the user was indeed verified.
  • API call succeeded but the verification status is RECAPTCHA_2FA_ABORTED:the returnedVerificationResult will contain a new reCAPTCHA token that can be used through the reCAPTCHA Enterprise API CreateAssessment() to obtain more information on what went wrong.
  • API call succeeded but the verification failed with remaining attempts: the verification status will give more information about the failure and a new VerificationHandle can be obtained through the returnedVerificationResult, which you can use to call verifyAccount(String, VerificationHandle)again.
  • API call failed:anApiException will be thrown with a non-successStatus, which gives more information on what went wrong.
pin The fixed-length numerical PIN entered by the user. If a PIN with unexpected length or non numerical characters is entered, a RECAPTCHA_2FA_INVALID_PINerror will be returned.
verificationHandle A verification handle containing information required to preform the verification operation.