
public static classSafetyNetApi.AttestationResponseextendsResponse<SafetyNetApi.AttestationResult>

Response from attest(byte[], String)that contains aCompatibility Test Suiteattestation result.

Use the getStatus()method to obtain aStatus object. Calling the Status object's isSuccessindicates whether or not communication with the service was successful, but does not indicate if the device has passed the compatibility check. If the request was successful, getJwsResult()may be used to determine whether the device has passed the compatibility check.

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

Gets the JSON Web Signature attestation result.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods


Gets the JSON Web Signature attestation result.

Result is in JSON Web Signature format. For a description on usage of this result, seeRead the compatibility check response.

  • JSON Web signature formatted attesation response ornullif an error occurred.