
public classClockTypeextendsObject

This class is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

ClockType informs Stream Protect what is the clock of the packet receiving time (microseconds) in FrameInfo from client app. AClockType instance is aParcelable.CheckSystemClockfor more details.

Constant Summary

int BOOTTIME This constant is deprecated. The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.
int MONOTONIC This constant is deprecated. The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.
int REALTIME This constant is deprecated. The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

Inherited Constant Summary

Field Summary

public static finalCreator<ClockType> CREATOR

Public Constructor Summary

ClockType(int clockType)
This constructor is deprecated. The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

Public Method Summary

This method is deprecated. The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.
writeToParcel(Parceldest, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int BOOTTIME

This constant is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

Monotonic clock since system booted, for exampleSystem.elapsedRealtimeNanos() / 1000.This includes the deep sleep.

Constant Value:2

public static final int MONOTONIC

This constant is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

Monotonic clock since system booted, for exampleSystem.nanoTime() / 1000.It stops when the system enters deep sleep. We recommend to use this, even though the SDK supports other types.

Constant Value:1

public static final int REALTIME

This constant is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

Standard clock since the epoch, for exampleSystem.currentTimeMillis() * 1000.

Constant Value:0


public static finalCreator<ClockType> CREATOR

Public Constructors

publicClockType(int clockType)

This constructor is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

SpecifiesClockTypebeing used for timing inFrameInfo.

Public Methods

public intgetClockType()

This method is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.



public voidwriteToParcel(Parceldest, int flags)