
public classFrameInfoextendsObject

This class is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

AFrameInfo instance is aParcelablethat contains data about a video frame of a streaming session.

Inherited Constant Summary

Field Summary

public static finalCreator<FrameInfo> CREATOR

Public Constructor Summary

FrameInfo(int frameId, int frameSizeBytes, long frameReceiveStartTimeUs, long frameReceiveEndTimeUs)
This constructor is deprecated. The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

Public Method Summary

This method is deprecated. The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.
This method is deprecated. The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.
This method is deprecated. The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.
This method is deprecated. The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.
writeToParcel(Parceldest, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary


public static finalCreator<FrameInfo> CREATOR

Public Constructors

publicFrameInfo(int frameId, int frameSizeBytes, long frameReceiveStartTimeUs, long frameReceiveEndTimeUs)

This constructor is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

FrameInfo constructor requires frame id, frame size in bytes, and the first and the last packet arrival/receiving time of the frame.

The timing should be consistent withClockType configured.

Public Methods

public intgetFrameId()

This method is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

The ID of the frame, or frame number.

It should be >= 0 and monotonically increasing in one streaming session. This is used for Stream Protect to determine the effectiveness of protection.

public longgetFrameReceiveEndTimeUs()

This method is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

The arrival time of the last packet for this frame in microseconds.

public longgetFrameReceiveStartTimeUs()

This method is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

The arrival time of the first packet for this frame in microseconds.

public intgetFrameSizeBytes()

This method is deprecated.
The Stream Protect API will be shutdown in 2023.

The size of the frame in bytes. It should be >=0.


public voidwriteToParcel(Parceldest, int flags)