
public class DataLayer extendsObject

The data layer is a map holding generic information about the application. It uses a standard set of keys so it can be read by any party that understands the specification. The data layer state is updated through its API. For example, an app might start with the following dataLayer:

"title": "Original screen title"
As the state/data of an app can change, the app can update the dataLayer with a call such as:
dataLayer.push(DataLayer.mapOf( "title", "New screen title" ));
Now the data layer contains:
"title": "New screen title"
After another push happens:
dataLayer.push(DataLayer.mapOf( "xyz", 3));
The dataLayer contains:
"title": "New screen title",
"xyz": 3
The following example demonstrates how array and map merging works. If the original dataLayer contains:
"items": [ "item1", null, "item2", { "a": "aValue", "b": "bValue" }]
After this push happens:
dataLayer.push( "items", DataLayer.listOf(null, "item6", DataLayer.OBJECT_NOT_PRESENT,
DataLayer.mapOf( "a", null)));
The dataLayer contains:
"items": [null, "item6", "item2", { "a": null, "b": "bValue" }]

Pushes happen synchronously; after the push, changes have been reflected in the model.

When an event is pushed to the data layer, rules for tags are evaluated and any tags matching this event will fire. For example, given a container with a tag whose firing rule is that "event" is equal to "openScreen", after this push:

dataLayer.pushEvent( "openScreen", DataLayer.mapOf());
that tag will fire.

Note: Updates to the DataLayer that include the key 'gtm.lifetime' may be persisted. Because of this, it is unsafe to push instances of your own types, or instances outside of your control.

Constant Summary

String EVENT_KEY If a map is pushed containing this key, it's treated as an event, and tags are evaluated.

Field Summary

public static final Object OBJECT_NOT_PRESENT Values of this type used in a List causes the List to be sparse when merging; it's as if there were no element at that index.

Public Method Summary

Returns the object in the model associated with the given key.
static List<Object>
Utility method that creates a list.
static Map<String,Object>
Utility method that creates a map.
push(Map<String,Object> update)
Merges the givenupdateobject into the existing data model, calling any listeners with the update (after the merge occurs).
Pushes a key/value pair of data to the data layer.
pushEvent(StringeventName,Map<String,Object> update)
Pushes an event, along with an update map, to the data layer.
Returns a human readable string representing the Data Layer object.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final String EVENT_KEY

If a map is pushed containing this key, it's treated as an event, and tags are evaluated.

Constant Value: "event"


public static final Object OBJECT_NOT_PRESENT

Values of this type used in a List causes the List to be sparse when merging; it's as if there were no element at that index.

Public Methods

public Object get (Stringkey)

Returns the object in the model associated with the given key. If the key is not found, nullis returned.

The key can can have embedded periods. For example: a key of"a.b.c" returns a map with key"c"in a map with key"b" in a map with key"a"in the model.

public static List<Object> listOf (Object...objects)

Utility method that creates a list.

For example, the following creates a list containing"object1"and "object2":

List<Object> list = DataLayer.listOf( "object1", "object2" );

public static Map<String,Object> mapOf (Object...objects)

Utility method that creates a map. The parameters should be pairs of key values.

For example, the following creates a map mapping"key1"to "value1"and"key2" to"value2":

Map<String, Object> map = DataLayer.mapOf( "key1", "value1",
"key2", "value2" );
IllegalArgumentException if there are an odd number of parameters or a key is not a string

public void push (Map<String,Object> update)

Merges the givenupdateobject into the existing data model, calling any listeners with the update (after the merge occurs).

If you want to represent a missing value (like an empty index in a List), use the OBJECT_NOT_PRESENTobject.

If another thread is executing a push, this call blocks until that thread is finished.

This is normally a synchronous call. However, if, while the thread is executing the push, another push happens from the same thread, then that second push is asynchronous (the second push will return before changes have been made to the data layer). This second push from the same thread can occur, for example, if a data layer push is made in response to a tag firing.

If theupdatecontains the keyevent,rules will be evaluated and matching tags will fire.

Note: Updates to the DataLayer that include the key 'gtm.lifetime' may be persisted. Because of this, it is unsafe to push instances of your own types, or instances outside of your control.

update the update object to process

public void push (Stringkey,Objectvalue)

Pushes a key/value pair of data to the data layer. This is just a convenience method that calls push(DataLayer.mapOf(key, value)).

A key with valueeventwill cause rules to be evaluated and matching tags to be fired.

Note: Updates to the DataLayer that include the key 'gtm.lifetime' may be persisted. Because of this, it is unsafe to push instances of your own types, or instances outside of your control.

public void pushEvent (StringeventName,Map<String,Object> update)

Pushes an event, along with an update map, to the data layer.

This is just a convenience method that pushes a map containing a keyevent whose value iseventNamealong with the contents ofupdatevia push(Map).

Note: Updates to the DataLayer that include the key 'gtm.lifetime' may be persisted. Because of this, it is unsafe to push instances of your own types, or instances outside of your control.

public String toString ()

Returns a human readable string representing the Data Layer object.