
public final classInstallReferrerReceiverextendsCampaignTrackingReceiver

The Google broadcast when an app is installed from the Google Play Store. ThisBroadcastReceiver listens for thatIntent,passing the install referrer data to GTM for Mobile Apps and Google Analytics.

To enable this receiver, add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<!-- Used for install referrer tracking-->
<service android:name= "" />
android:name= ""
android:permission= "android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES"
android:exported= "true" >
<action android:name= "" />
This receiver will automatically invoke the Google Analytics receiver to set the Campaign data. If both the Google Analytics SDK and Google Tag Manager SDKs are in use, only this receiver needs to be enabled.

Public Constructor Summary

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors
