
public abstract classCancellationTokenextendsObject

Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.

Developers writing methods that return a Task should take aCancellationToken as a parameter if they wish to make the Task cancelable (see below code snippet). A CancellationTokencan only be created by creating a new instance of CancellationTokenSource. CancellationTokenis immutable and must be canceled by callingCancellationTokenSource.cancel() on theCancellationTokenSource that creates it. It can only be canceled once. If canceled, it should not be passed to future operations.

WhenCancellationTokenSource.cancel() is called, all the Tasks with theCancellationTokenfrom thatCancellationTokenSource will be canceled. This operation only flags those Tasks as canceled, and the API author is responsible for stopping whatever the Task is actually doing to free up the resources.


public Task<Integer> doSomething(CancellationToken token) {

// Attach a listener that will be called once cancellation is requested.
token.onCanceledRequested(new OnTokenCanceledListener() {
public void onCanceled() {
// Some other operations to cancel this Task, such as free resources...

final TaskCompletionSource<Integer> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<>(token);

// do something...


CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
Task<Integer> task = doSomething(cts.getToken());
CancellableTaskexample in Activity context:
public class MyActivity extends Activity {

public void onStart() {

// Typically use one cancellation source per lifecycle.
cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

// That source's token can be passed to multiple calls.
.onSuccessTask(result -> doSomethingElse(result, cancellationSource.getToken()));

public void onStop() {

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

abstract boolean
Checks if cancellation has been requested from theCancellationTokenSource.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods

public abstract boolean isCancellationRequested()

Checks if cancellation has been requested from theCancellationTokenSource.

  • trueif cancellation is requested,falseotherwise

public abstractCancellationToken onCanceledRequested(OnTokenCanceledListener listener)

listener the listener that will fire once the cancellation request succeeds.