
public interfaceSuccessContinuation

A function that is called to continue execution then aTasksucceeds.

Public Method Summary

then(TResult result)
Returns the result of applying this SuccessContinuation toTask.

Public Methods

public abstractTask<TContinuationResult> then(TResult result)

Returns the result of applying this SuccessContinuation toTask.

The SuccessContinuation only happens then the Task is successful. If the previous Task fails, the onSuccessTask continuation will be skipped and failure listeners will be invoked.

private Task<String> doSomething(String string) {
// do something
task.onSuccessTask(new SuccessContinuation<String, String>() {
public Task<String> then(String string) {
return doSomething(string);
result the result of completed Task
Exception if the result couldn't be produced