
public abstract classTask<TResult>

Represents an asynchronous operation.


the type of the result of the operation

See also


Public constructors

Public methods


Adds a listener that is called if the Task is canceled.


Adds an Activity-scoped listener that is called if the Task is canceled.


Adds a listener that is called if the Task is canceled.


Adds a listener that is called when the Task completes.


Adds an Activity-scoped listener that is called when the Task completes.


Adds a listener that is called when the Task completes.

abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>

Adds a listener that is called if the Task fails.

abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>

Adds an Activity-scoped listener that is called if the Task fails.

abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>

Adds a listener that is called if the Task fails.

abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>

Adds a listener that is called if the Task completes successfully.

abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>

Adds an Activity-scoped listener that is called if the Task completes successfully.

abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>

Adds a listener that is called if the Task completes successfully.

@NonNullContinuation<TResult, TContinuationResult> continuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified Continuation to this Task.

@NonNullContinuation<TResult, TContinuationResult> continuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified Continuation to this Task.

@NonNullContinuation<TResult,Task<TContinuationResult>> continuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified Continuation to this Task.

@NonNullContinuation<TResult,Task<TContinuationResult>> continuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified Continuation to this Task.

abstract @NullableException

Returns the exception that caused the Task to fail.

abstract TResult

Gets the result of the Task, if it has already completed.

abstract TResult
<X extendsThrowable>getResult(@NonNullClass<X> exceptionType)

Gets the result of the Task, if it has already completed.

abstract boolean

Returnstrueif the Task is canceled;falseotherwise.

abstract boolean

Returnstrueif the Task is complete;falseotherwise.

abstract boolean

Returnstrueif the Task has completed successfully;falseotherwise.

@NonNullSuccessContinuation<TResult, TContinuationResult> successContinuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified SuccessContinuation to this Task when this Task completes successfully.

@NonNullSuccessContinuation<TResult, TContinuationResult> successContinuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified SuccessContinuation to this Task when this Task completes successfully.

Public constructors



Public methods


public @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnCanceledListener(@NonNullOnCanceledListenerlistener)

Adds a listener that is called if the Task is canceled.

The listener will be called on main application thread. If the Task has already been canceled, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.


this Task


public @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnCanceledListener(

Adds an Activity-scoped listener that is called if the Task is canceled.

The listener will be called on main application thread. If the Task has already been canceled, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.

The listener will be automatically removed duringonStop.


this Task


public @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnCanceledListener(

Adds a listener that is called if the Task is canceled.

If the Task has already been canceled, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.


the executor to use to call the listener


this Task


public @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnCompleteListener(@NonNullOnCompleteListener<TResult> listener)

Adds a listener that is called when the Task completes.

The listener will be called on main application thread. If the Task is already complete, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. A Task is considered complete if it succeeds, fails, or is canceled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.


this Task


public @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnCompleteListener(
@NonNullOnCompleteListener<TResult> listener

Adds an Activity-scoped listener that is called when the Task completes.

The listener will be called on main application thread. If the Task is already complete, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. A Task is considered complete if it succeeds, fails, or is canceled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.

The listener will be automatically removed duringonStop.


this Task


public @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnCompleteListener(
@NonNullOnCompleteListener<TResult> listener

Adds a listener that is called when the Task completes.

If the Task is already complete, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. A Task is considered complete if it succeeds, fails, or is canceled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.


the executor to use to call the listener


this Task


public abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnFailureListener(@NonNullOnFailureListenerlistener)

Adds a listener that is called if the Task fails.

The listener will be called on main application thread. If the Task has already failed, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.

A canceled Task is not a failure Task. This listener will not trigger if the Task is canceled.


this Task


public abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnFailureListener(

Adds an Activity-scoped listener that is called if the Task fails.

The listener will be called on main application thread. If the Task has already failed, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.

A canceled Task is not a failure Task. This listener will not trigger if the Task is canceled.

The listener will be automatically removed duringonStop.


this Task


public abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnFailureListener(

Adds a listener that is called if the Task fails.

If the Task has already failed, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.


the executor to use to call the listener


this Task


public abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnSuccessListener(@NonNullOnSuccessListener<Object> listener)

Adds a listener that is called if the Task completes successfully.

The listener will be called on the main application thread. If the Task has already completed successfully, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.


this Task


public abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnSuccessListener(
@NonNullOnSuccessListener<Object> listener

Adds an Activity-scoped listener that is called if the Task completes successfully.

The listener will be called on the main application thread. If the Task has already completed successfully, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled. If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added.

The listener will be automatically removed duringonStop.


this Task


public abstract @NonNullTask<TResult>addOnSuccessListener(
@NonNullOnSuccessListener<Object> listener

Adds a listener that is called if the Task completes successfully.

If multiple listeners are added, they will be called in the order in which they were added. If the Task has already completed successfully, a call to the listener will be immediately scheduled.


the executor to use to call the listener


this Task


public @NonNullTask<TContinuationResult> <TContinuationResult>continueWith(
@NonNullContinuation<TResult, TContinuationResult> continuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified Continuation to this Task.

The Continuation will be called on the main application thread.

If the previous Task is canceled, the returned Task will also be canceled and the Continuation would not execute.

See also


public @NonNullTask<TContinuationResult> <TContinuationResult>continueWith(
@NonNullContinuation<TResult, TContinuationResult> continuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified Continuation to this Task.

If the previous Task is canceled, the returned Task will also be canceled and the Continuation would not execute.


the executor to use to call the Continuation

See also


public @NonNullTask<TContinuationResult> <TContinuationResult>continueWithTask(
@NonNullContinuation<TResult,Task<TContinuationResult>> continuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified Continuation to this Task.

The Continuation will be called on the main application thread.

If the previous Task is canceled, the Continuation would still execute and task.isCanceled() is true can be observed in the Continuation.

See also


public @NonNullTask<TContinuationResult> <TContinuationResult>continueWithTask(
@NonNullContinuation<TResult,Task<TContinuationResult>> continuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified Continuation to this Task.

If the previous Task is canceled, the Continuation would still execute and task.isCanceled() is true can be observed in the Continuation.


the executor to use to call the Continuation

See also


public abstract @NullableExceptiongetException()

Returns the exception that caused the Task to fail. Returnsnullif the Task is not yet complete, or completed successfully.


public abstract TResultgetResult()

Gets the result of the Task, if it has already completed.


if the Task is not yet complete


if the Task failed with an exception


public abstract TResult <X extendsThrowable>getResult(@NonNullClass<X> exceptionType)

Gets the result of the Task, if it has already completed.


if the Task is not yet complete


if the Task failed with an exception of type X


if the Task failed with an exception that was not of type X


public abstract booleanisCanceled()

Returnstrueif the Task is canceled;falseotherwise.


public abstract booleanisComplete()

Returnstrueif the Task is complete;falseotherwise.


public abstract booleanisSuccessful()

Returnstrueif the Task has completed successfully;falseotherwise.


public @NonNullTask<TContinuationResult> <TContinuationResult>onSuccessTask(
@NonNullSuccessContinuation<TResult, TContinuationResult> successContinuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified SuccessContinuation to this Task when this Task completes successfully. If the previous Task fails, the onSuccessTask completion will be skipped and failure listeners will be invoked.

The SuccessContinuation will be called on the main application thread.

If the previous Task is canceled, the returned Task will also be canceled and the SuccessContinuation would not execute.

See also


public @NonNullTask<TContinuationResult> <TContinuationResult>onSuccessTask(
@NonNullSuccessContinuation<TResult, TContinuationResult> successContinuation

Returns a new Task that will be completed with the result of applying the specified SuccessContinuation to this Task when this Task completes successfully. If the previous Task fails, the onSuccessTask completion will be skipped and failure listeners will be invoked.

If the previous Task is canceled, the returned Task will also be canceled and the SuccessContinuation would not execute.


the executor to use to call the SuccessContinuation

See also