
public classTfLiteextendsObject

Entry point for the TensorFlow Lite (TFLite) Java API provided by Google Play services.

Once the initialization has finished successfully, you can usethe regular Tensorflow Lite APIs.To benefit from the Google Play services runtime, remember to initialize yourInterpreterApi instance withoptions.setRuntime(FROM_SYSTEM)or options.setRuntime(PREFER_SYSTEM_OVER_APPLICATION).

For more information about this API, see theTensorFlow Lite guide.

Public Method Summary

static TfLiteClient
getClient(Context context)
Returns aTfLiteClient instance that can eventually be used as an argument forOptionalModuleApi.
static Task<Void>
initialize(Context context)
Initializes the TFLite API with the default options (which are to disable loading the GPU delegate).
static Task<Void>
initialize(Context context, TfLiteInitializationOptions options)
Initializes the TFLite API with the specified options.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public static TfLiteClient getClient(Context context)

Returns aTfLiteClient instance that can eventually be used as an argument forOptionalModuleApi.

public static Task<Void>initialize(Context context)

Initializes the TFLite API with the default options (which are to disable loading the GPU delegate). TFLite API methods should only be called after the task returned by this method has successfully completed.

This method returns aTask<Void>,so you should wait for the task to be completed, but the return value of the Task is irrelevant.

public static Task<Void>initialize(Contextcontext, TfLiteInitializationOptions options)

Initializes the TFLite API with the specified options. TFLite API methods should only be called after the task returned by this method has successfully completed.

This method returns aTask<Void>.Make sure to call TFLite API methods only after theTaskhas successfully completed. The return value of theTask,though, is irrelevant (will always benull).