
public final classFaceDetectorextends Detector<Face>

Detector for findingFacesin a supplied image.

A face detector is created via an associated builder class, specifying the relevant detection options. For example, the code below creates a face detector which is optimized for tracking a single, relatively large face (e.g., the user of a device).

FaceDetector detector = new FaceDetector.Builder(context)
A detector may be used to run detection synchronously given aFrame,like this:
SparseArray<Face> faces = detector.detect(frame);
Alternatively, a detector may be used within a pipeline structure, in conjunction with sources (e.g.,CameraSource) and processors (e.g.,LargestFaceFocusingProcessor), enabling you to construct fairly advanced detection pipelines with minimal coding.

For example, the code below creates and starts a pipeline that continuously receives preview frames from a camera source for the front facing camera, runs detection on the frames, manages tracking of the most prominent face, and delivers continuous update notifications over time to a developer-defined "FaceTracker" instance.

new LargestFaceFocusingProcessor(
new FaceTracker()));

CameraSource cameraSource = new CameraSource.Builder(context, detector)
.setRequestedPreviewSize(320, 240)
Where "FaceTracker" is aTrackercallback for receiving notifications on the detected "Face" instance over time.

The face detector can be run with fairly low resolution images (e.g., 320x240). Running face detection on low resolution images is significantly faster than high resolution images. Note that the camera source's default preview resolution is much higher than is needed by this detector; you can often achieve higher speed/efficiency by reducing the preview size as illustrated above. However, you should also keep in mind that at lower resolutions, the face detector may miss some smaller faces due to having a less detailed image.

Adding the vision functionalitydependencyto your project's AndroidManifest.xml will indicate to the installer that it should download the dependency on application install.

Nested Class Summary

class FaceDetector.Builder Builder for creating face detector instances.

Constant Summary

int ACCURATE_MODE Indicates a preference for accuracy in extended settings that may make an accuracy vs.
int ALL_CLASSIFICATIONS Performs "eyes open" and "smiling" classification.
int ALL_LANDMARKS Detects all landmarks.
int CONTOUR_LANDMARKS Detects contours for landmarks.
int FAST_MODE Indicates a preference for speed in extended settings that may make an accuracy vs.
int NO_CLASSIFICATIONS Does not perform classification.
int NO_LANDMARKS Does not perform landmark detection.
int SELFIE_MODE Indicates a preference for predominant faces that typically appear in self-photography style and may not detect smaller and further away faces.

Public Method Summary

detect(Frame frame)
Analyzes the supplied frame to find faces, returning faces with associated tracking ID mappings.
Releases the resources associated with this detector.
setFocus(int id)
Sets the ID of the face to exclusively track in future use of the detector.

Protected Method Summary

Secondary mechanism for freeing the underlying native detector resources, in case the developer forgot to call the release()method.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int ACCURATE_MODE

Indicates a preference for accuracy in extended settings that may make an accuracy vs. speed trade-off. This will tend to detect more faces and may be more precise in determining values such as position, at the cost of speed.

Constant Value:1

public static final int ALL_CLASSIFICATIONS

Performs "eyes open" and "smiling" classification.

Constant Value:1

public static final int ALL_LANDMARKS

Detects all landmarks.

Constant Value:1

public static final int CONTOUR_LANDMARKS

Detects contours for landmarks.

Constant Value:2

public static final int FAST_MODE

Indicates a preference for speed in extended settings that may make an accuracy vs. speed trade-off. This will tend to detect fewer faces and may be less precise in determining values such as position, but will run faster.

Constant Value:0

public static final int NO_CLASSIFICATIONS

Does not perform classification.

Constant Value:0

public static final int NO_LANDMARKS

Does not perform landmark detection.

Constant Value:0

public static final int SELFIE_MODE

Indicates a preference for predominant faces that typically appear in self-photography style and may not detect smaller and further away faces.

Constant Value:2

Public Methods

publicSparseArray<Face> detect(Frame frame)

Analyzes the supplied frame to find faces, returning faces with associated tracking ID mappings.

  • mapping of int toFace, where the int domain represents the ID of the associated item. If tracking is enabled, as the same face is detected in consecutive frames the detector will return the same ID for that face.
IllegalArgumentException if the frame is null.
RuntimeException if the detector has been released.

public booleanisOperational()

public voidrelease()

Releases the resources associated with this detector.

public booleansetFocus(int id)

Sets the ID of the face to exclusively track in future use of the detector. This can be used to avoid unnecessary work in detecting all faces in future frames, when it's only necessary to receive results for a specific face. After setting this ID, the detector will only return results for the associated face. When that face is no longer present in a frame, the detector will revert back to detecting all faces.

id tracking ID to become the focus for future detections. This is a mapping ID as returned from detect(Frame)or received from Detector.Detections.getDetectedItems().
  • whether the focus succeeded. Invalid ids will return false.
RuntimeException if the detector has been released.

Protected Methods

protected voidfinalize()

Secondary mechanism for freeing the underlying native detector resources, in case the developer forgot to call therelease() method.
