
public final classGiftCardWalletObject.BuilderextendsObject

Builder forGiftCardWalletObject.

Public Method Summary

addImageModuleDataMainImageUri(UriData uri)
Adds an image module data image uri.
addImageModuleDataMainImageUris(Collection<UriData> uris)
Adds a collection of image module data image uris.
addInfoModuleDataLabelValueRow(LabelValueRow row)
Adds an info module data label value row.
addInfoModuleDataLabelValueRows(Collection<LabelValueRow> rows)
Adds a collection of info module data label value rows.
addLinksModuleDataUri(UriData uri)
Add a links module data.
addLinksModuleDataUris(Collection<UriData> uris)
Adds a collection of links module data.
addLocation(LatLng location)
Adds the location where the Wallet Object can be used.
addLocations(Collection<LatLng> locations)
Adds the collection of locations where the Wallet Object can be used.
addMessage(WalletObjectMessage message)
Adds a message to be associated with this object.
addMessages(Collection<WalletObjectMessage> messages)
Adds a collection of messages to be associated with this object.
addTextModuleData(TextModuleData data)
Adds a text module data.
addTextModulesData(Collection<TextModuleData> data)
Adds a collection of text modules data.
setBalanceCurrencyCode(String currencyCode)
Set the currency code for the current value of the gift card.
setBalanceMicros(long valueMicros)
Sets the amount in the card balance, value represents micros.
setBalanceUpdateTime(long balanceUpdateTimeStamp)
Sets a value indicating when was this card last updated, value represents milliseconds in UNIX epoch.
setBarcodeAlternateText(String barcodeAlternateText)
setBarcodeLabel(String barcodeLabel)
This method is deprecated. This value is unused by the platform and will be removed in the future.
Sets the type of the barcode.
setBarcodeValue(String barcodeValue)
Sets the value encoded in the barcode.
setCardIdentifier(String cardIdentifier)
This method is deprecated. This value is unused by the platform and will be removed in the future.
Sets the number identifying this card.
Sets the id of the class associated with this object.
The card's event number, an optional field used by some gift cards.
This method is deprecated. This value is unused by the platform and will be removed in the future.
This method is deprecated. This value is unused by the platform and will be removed in the future.
setInfoModuleDataShowLastUpdateTime(boolean show)
Sets the flag which determines whether to display the last update time of the Wallet Object.
Sets the issuer name of this gift card object.
Sets the card PIN.
setState(int state)
Sets gift card object state.
Sets the gift card title.
setValidTimeInterval(TimeInterval interval)
Sets the time period this object will be active and can be used.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addImageModuleDataMainImageUri(UriData uri)

Adds an image module data image uri.

If image modules data is also defined on the class, the ones defined here on the object will be displayed first, followed by those defined on the class.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addImageModuleDataMainImageUris(Collection<UriData> uris)

Adds a collection of image module data image uris.

If image modules data is also defined on the class, the ones defined here on the object will be displayed first, followed by those defined on the class.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addInfoModuleDataLabelValueRow(LabelValueRow row)

Adds an info module data label value row.

If info module data is also defined on the class, the one defined here on the object will be displayed first, followed by the one defined on the class.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addInfoModuleDataLabelValueRows(Collection<LabelValueRow> rows)

Adds a collection of info module data label value rows.

If info module data is also defined on the class, the one defined here on the object will be displayed first, followed by the one defined on the class.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addLinksModuleDataUri(UriData uri)

Add a links module data.

If links module data is also defined on the class, the one defined here on the object will be displayed first, followed by those defined on the class.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addLinksModuleDataUris(Collection<UriData> uris)

Adds a collection of links module data.

If links module data is also defined on the class, the one defined here on the object will be displayed first, followed by those defined on the class.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addLocation(LatLng location)

Adds the location where the Wallet Object can be used.

The Wallet Object platform uses this information to trigger geolocated notifications to users.

Note that locations in the object override locations in the class which override locations in the Google Places ID.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addLocations(Collection<LatLng> locations)

Adds the collection of locations where the Wallet Object can be used.

The Wallet Object platform uses this information to trigger geolocated notifications to users.

Note that locations in the object override locations in the class which override locations in the Google Places ID.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addMessage(WalletObjectMessage message)

Adds a message to be associated with this object. All users of this Wallet Object will receive its associated messages.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addMessages(Collection<WalletObjectMessage> messages)

Adds a collection of messages to be associated with this object. All users of this Wallet Object will receive its associated messages.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addTextModuleData(TextModuleData data)

Adds a text module data.

If text module data is also defined on the class, the ones defined here on the object will be displayed first, followed by those defined on the class.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder addTextModulesData(Collection<TextModuleData> data)

Adds a collection of text modules data.

If text module data is also defined on the class, the ones defined here on the object will be displayed first, followed by those defined on the class.

publicGiftCardWalletObject build()

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setBalanceCurrencyCode(String currencyCode)

Set the currency code for the current value of the gift card.

  • A reference to the object invoking the method to enable a fluent interface.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setBalanceMicros(long valueMicros)

Sets the amount in the card balance, value represents micros.

  • A reference to the object invoking the method to enable a fluent interface.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setBalanceUpdateTime(long balanceUpdateTimeStamp)

Sets a value indicating when was this card last updated, value represents milliseconds in UNIX epoch.

  • A reference to the object invoking the method to enable a fluent interface.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setBarcodeAlternateText(String barcodeAlternateText)

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setBarcodeLabel(String barcodeLabel)

This method is deprecated.
This value is unused by the platform and will be removed in the future.

Sets the barcode label describing the contents of the barcode, such as "GIFT CARD CODE" or "MEMBER ID."

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setBarcodeType(String barcodeType)

Sets the type of the barcode.

Acceptable values are:

  • "aztec"
  • "codabar"
  • "code128"
  • "code39"
  • "dataMatrix"
  • "ean13"
  • "ean8"
  • "itf14"
  • "pdf417"
  • "qrCode"
  • "textOnly"
  • "upcA"
  • "upcE"

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setBarcodeValue(String barcodeValue)

Sets the value encoded in the barcode.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setCardIdentifier(String cardIdentifier)

This method is deprecated.
This value is unused by the platform and will be removed in the future.

Sets the vendor assigned gift card identifier.

  • A reference to the object invoking the method to enable a fluent interface.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setCardNumber(String cardNumber)

Sets the number identifying this card.

cardNumber The card number, this field is required.
  • A reference to the object invoking the method to enable a fluent interface.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setClassId(StringclassId)

Sets the id of the class associated with this object.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setEventNumber(String eventNumber)

The card's event number, an optional field used by some gift cards.

  • A reference to the object invoking the method to enable a fluent interface.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setInfoModuleDataHexBackgroundColor (Stringcolor)

This method is deprecated.
This value is unused by the platform and will be removed in the future.

Sets the background color for the Info Module.

The format is #hhhhhh where h is a hex digit.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setInfoModuleDataHexFontColor(String color)

This method is deprecated.
This value is unused by the platform and will be removed in the future.

Sets the color for the font in this Info Module.

The format is #hhhhhh where h is a hex digit.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setInfoModuleDataShowLastUpdateTime (boolean show)

Sets the flag which determines whether to display the last update time of the Wallet Object.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setIssuerName(String issuerName)

Sets the issuer name of this gift card object.

This field is required and should match issuer name specified for the corresponding gift card class of the gift card object being created. It will be displayed to the user in the accepting gift card object confirmation screen.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setPin(Stringpin)

Sets the card PIN.

  • A reference to the object invoking the method to enable a fluent interface.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setState(int state)

Sets gift card object state.

Supported states are defined by WalletObjectsConstants.State

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setTitle(Stringtitle)

Sets the gift card title.

This field is required and should match the title specified for the corresponding gift card class of the gift card object being created. It will be displayed to the user in the accepting gift card object confirmation screen.

publicGiftCardWalletObject.Builder setValidTimeInterval(TimeInterval interval)

Sets the time period this object will be active and can be used. An object's state will be changed to expired when this time period has passed.