
public static interfaceLoyaltyPointsBalance.Type

Type of the loyalty points balance.

Constant Summary

int DOUBLE Balance is a value of type double.
int INT Balance is a value of type integer.
int MONEY Balance is a value representing money with currency code and amount of money in micros.
int STRING Balance is a value of type string.
int UNDEFINED Balance is not set explicitly.


public static final int DOUBLE

Balance is a value of type double.

Constant Value:2

public static final int INT

Balance is a value of type integer.

Constant Value:0

public static final int MONEY

Balance is a value representing money with currency code and amount of money in micros.

Constant Value:3

public static final int STRING

Balance is a value of type string.

Constant Value:1

public static final int UNDEFINED

Balance is not set explicitly.

Constant Value:-1