
public interfaceCapabilityApi

This interface is deprecated.

Exposes an API to learn about capabilities provided by nodes on the Wear network.

Capabilities are local to an application.

Nested Class Summary

interface CapabilityApi.AddLocalCapabilityResult This interface is deprecated. See CapabilityClient.addLocalCapability(String).
@interface CapabilityApi.CapabilityFilterType
interface CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener This interface is deprecated. Use CapabilityClient.OnCapabilityChangedListener.
interface CapabilityApi.GetAllCapabilitiesResult This interface is deprecated. See CapabilityClient.getAllCapabilities(int).
interface CapabilityApi.GetCapabilityResult This interface is deprecated. See CapabilityClient.getCapability(String, int).
@interface CapabilityApi.NodeFilterType
interface CapabilityApi.RemoveLocalCapabilityResult This interface is deprecated. See CapabilityClient.removeLocalCapability(String).

Constant Summary

String ACTION_CAPABILITY_CHANGED Capability changed action for use in manifest-based listener filters.
int FILTER_ALL Filter type for getCapability(GoogleApiClient, String, int), getAllCapabilities(GoogleApiClient, int):If this filter is set then the full set of nodes that declare the given capability will be included in the capability'sCapabilityInfo.
int FILTER_LITERAL Filter type for addListener(GoogleApiClient, CapabilityListener, Uri, int):if this filter is set, the given URI will be taken as a literal path, and the operation will apply to the matching capability only.
int FILTER_PREFIX Filter type for addListener(GoogleApiClient, CapabilityListener, Uri, int):if this filter is set, the given URI will be taken as a path prefix, and the operation will apply to all matching capabilities.
int FILTER_REACHABLE Filter type for getCapability(GoogleApiClient, String, int), getAllCapabilities(GoogleApiClient, int):If this filter is set then only reachable nodes that declare the given capability will be included in the capability'sCapabilityInfo.

Public Method Summary

addCapabilityListener(GoogleApiClient client, CapabilityApi.CapabilityListenerlistener,Stringcapability)
Registers a listener to be notified of a specific capability being added to or removed from the Wear network.
addListener(GoogleApiClient client, CapabilityApi.CapabilityListenerlistener,Uriuri, int filterType)
Registers a listener to be notified of capabilities being added to or removed from the Wear network.
addLocalCapability(GoogleApiClient client,Stringcapability)
Announces that a capability has become available on the local node.
getAllCapabilities(GoogleApiClient client, int nodeFilter)
Returns information about all capabilities, including the nodes that declare those capabilities.
getCapability(GoogleApiClient client,Stringcapability, int nodeFilter)
Returns information about a capability, including the nodes that declare that capability.
removeLocalCapability(GoogleApiClient client,Stringcapability)
Announces that a capability is no longer available on the local node.


public static finalString ACTION_CAPABILITY_CHANGED

Capability changed action for use in manifest-based listener filters.

Capability events do not support filtering by host, but can be filtered by path.

Constant Value: ""

public static final int FILTER_ALL

Filter type for getCapability(GoogleApiClient, String, int), getAllCapabilities(GoogleApiClient, int):If this filter is set then the full set of nodes that declare the given capability will be included in the capability'sCapabilityInfo.

Constant Value:0

public static final int FILTER_LITERAL

Filter type for addListener(GoogleApiClient, CapabilityListener, Uri, int):if this filter is set, the given URI will be taken as a literal path, and the operation will apply to the matching capability only.

Constant Value:0

public static final int FILTER_PREFIX

Filter type for addListener(GoogleApiClient, CapabilityListener, Uri, int):if this filter is set, the given URI will be taken as a path prefix, and the operation will apply to all matching capabilities.

Constant Value:1

public static final int FILTER_REACHABLE

Filter type for getCapability(GoogleApiClient, String, int), getAllCapabilities(GoogleApiClient, int):If this filter is set then only reachable nodes that declare the given capability will be included in the capability's CapabilityInfo.

Constant Value:1

Public Methods

public abstractPendingResult<Status> addCapabilityListener(GoogleApiClient client,CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener listener,String capability)

Registers a listener to be notified of a specific capability being added to or removed from the Wear network. Calls to this method should be balanced with removeCapabilityListener(GoogleApiClient, CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener, String)to avoid leaking resources.

Listener events will be called on the main thread, or the handler specified on clientwhen it was built (using GoogleApiClient.Builder.setHandler(Handler)).

Callers wishing to be notified of events in the background should useWearableListenerService.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> addListener(GoogleApiClient client,CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener listener,Uriuri, int filterType)

Registers a listener to be notified of capabilities being added to or removed from the Wear network. Calls to this method should be balanced with removeListener(GoogleApiClient, CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener)to avoid leaking resources.

uriandfilterTypecan be used to filter the capability changes sent to the listener. For example, ifuriand filterTypecreate a prefix filter, then only capabilities matching that prefix will be notified. Theurifollows the rules of the<data> element of <intent-filter>. The path is ignored if a URI host is not specified. To match capabilities by name or name prefix, the hostmustbe*. i.e.:


Listener events will be called on the main thread, or the handler specified on clientwhen it was built (using GoogleApiClient.Builder.setHandler(Handler)).

Callers wishing to be notified of events in the background should useWearableListenerService.

public abstractPendingResult<CapabilityApi.AddLocalCapabilityResult> addLocalCapability(GoogleApiClient client,String capability)

Announces that a capability has become available on the local node.

public abstractPendingResult<CapabilityApi.GetAllCapabilitiesResult> getAllCapabilities(GoogleApiClient client, int nodeFilter)

Returns information about all capabilities, including the nodes that declare those capabilities. The filter parameter controls whether all nodes are returned, FILTER_ALL, or only those that are currently reachable by this node, FILTER_REACHABLE.

The local node will never be returned in the set of nodes.

public abstractPendingResult<CapabilityApi.GetCapabilityResult> getCapability(GoogleApiClient client,String capability, int nodeFilter)

Returns information about a capability, including the nodes that declare that capability. The filter parameter controls whether all nodes are returned, FILTER_ALL,or only those that are currently reachable by this node, FILTER_REACHABLE.

The local node will never be returned in the set of nodes.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> removeCapabilityListener(GoogleApiClient client,CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener listener,String capability)

Removes a listener which was previously added through addCapabilityListener(GoogleApiClient, CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener, String).The listener is only removed from listening for the capability provided and will continue to receive messages for any other capabilities it was previously registered for that have not also been removed.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> removeListener(GoogleApiClient client,CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener listener)

Removes a listener which was previously added through addListener(GoogleApiClient, CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener, Uri, int). The listener is only removed from listening for the capability provided and will continue to receive messages for any other capabilities it was previously registered for that have not also been removed.

public abstractPendingResult<CapabilityApi.RemoveLocalCapabilityResult> removeLocalCapability(GoogleApiClient client,String capability)

Announces that a capability is no longer available on the local node. Note: this will not remove any capabilities announced in the Manifest for an app.