
public interfaceChannelimplementsParcelable

This interface is deprecated.

A channel created through ChannelApi.openChannel(GoogleApiClient, String, String).

The implementation of this interface is parcelable and immutable, and implements reasonableObject.equals(Object) andObject.hashCode() methods, so can be used in collections.

Nested Class Summary

interface Channel.GetInputStreamResult This interface is deprecated. See ChannelClient.getInputStream(ChannelClient.Channel).
interface Channel.GetOutputStreamResult This interface is deprecated. See ChannelClient.getOutputStream(ChannelClient.Channel).

Inherited Constant Summary

Public Method Summary

addListener(GoogleApiClient client, ChannelApi.ChannelListenerlistener)
Registers a listener to be notified of events for this channel.
close(GoogleApiClient client, int errorCode)
Closes this channel, passing an application-defined error code to the remote node.
close(GoogleApiClient client)
Closes this channel, making any future operations on it invalid.
getInputStream(GoogleApiClient client)
Opens the input side of the channel to receive data from the remote node.
Returns the node ID of the node on the other side of the channel.
getOutputStream(GoogleApiClient client)
Opens the output side of the channel to send data to the remote node.
Returns the path that was used to open the channel.
receiveFile(GoogleApiClient client,Uri uri, boolean append)
Reads input from this channel into a file.
sendFile(GoogleApiClient client,Uri uri)
Reads from a file into the output side of the channel.
sendFile(GoogleApiClient client,Uri uri, long startOffset, long length)
Reads from a file into the output side of the channel.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public abstractPendingResult<Status> addListener(GoogleApiClient client,ChannelApi.ChannelListener listener)

Registers a listener to be notified of events for this channel. This is the same as ChannelApi.addListener(GoogleApiClient, ChannelApi.ChannelListener),but the listener will only be notified of events for this channel. The listener will not receive ChannelApi.ChannelListener.onChannelOpened(Channel)events.

Calls to this method should balanced with removeListener(GoogleApiClient, ChannelApi.ChannelListener)to avoid leaking resources.

Listener events will be called on the main thread, or the handler specified on clientwhen it was built (using GoogleApiClient.Builder.setHandler(Handler)).

client a connected client
listener a listener which will be notified of changes to the specified stream

public abstractPendingResult<Status> close(GoogleApiClient client, int errorCode)

Closes this channel, passing an application-defined error code to the remote node. The error code will be passed to ChannelApi.ChannelListener.onChannelClosed(Channel, int, int),and will cause remote reads and writes to the channel to fail withChannelIOException.

TheInputStreamand OutputStream returned from getInputStream(GoogleApiClient)or getOutputStream(GoogleApiClient)should be closed prior to calling this method. If they are not, both streams will throwChannelIOException on the next read or write operation.

errorCode == 0is used to indicate that no error occurred.

client a connected client
errorCode an app-defined error code to pass to the remote node

public abstractPendingResult<Status> close(GoogleApiClient client)

Closes this channel, making any future operations on it invalid.

This method behaves like close(GoogleApiClient, int),witherrorCode == 0.

client a connected client

public abstractPendingResult<Channel.GetInputStreamResult> getInputStream(GoogleApiClient client)

Opens the input side of the channel to receive data from the remote node. Methods on the returned input stream may throwChannelIOException. See GetInputStreamResult.getInputStream()

This method should only be used once on any channel, and once it was called, receiveFile(GoogleApiClient, Uri, boolean)cannot be used.

client a connected client

public abstractStringgetNodeId()

Returns the node ID of the node on the other side of the channel.

public abstractPendingResult<Channel.GetOutputStreamResult> getOutputStream(GoogleApiClient client)

Opens the output side of the channel to send data to the remote node. Methods on the returned output stream may throwChannelIOException. See GetOutputStreamResult.getOutputStream()

This method should only be used once on any channel, and once it was called, sendFile(GoogleApiClient, Uri, long, long)cannot be used.

client a connected client

public abstractStringgetPath()

Returns the path that was used to open the channel.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> receiveFile(GoogleApiClient client,Uriuri, boolean append)

Reads input from this channel into a file. This is equivalent to calling getInputStream(GoogleApiClient),reading from the input stream and writing it to a file, but is implemented more efficiently. Writing to the file will be done in a background process owned by Google Play Services.

This method should only be used once on any channel, and once it was called, getInputStream(GoogleApiClient)cannot be used. The channel should not be immediately closed after calling this method. To be notified when the file is ready, install aChannelApi.ChannelListener, with an implementation of ChannelApi.ChannelListener.onInputClosed(Channel, int, int).

client a connected client
uri URI of the file into which data should be written. This should be a {@linkplain Uri#fromFile( file URI} for a file which is accessible to the current process for writing.
append if true, data from the channel will be appended to the file, instead of overwriting it.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> removeListener(GoogleApiClient client,ChannelApi.ChannelListener listener)

Removes a listener which was previously added through addListener(GoogleApiClient, ChannelApi.ChannelListener).

client a connected client
listener a listener which was added using addListener(GoogleApiClient, ChannelApi.ChannelListener)

public abstractPendingResult<Status> sendFile(GoogleApiClient client,Uri uri)

Reads from a file into the output side of the channel. This is equivalent to calling getOutputStream(GoogleApiClient),reading from a file and writing into the OutputStream, but is implemented more efficiently. Reading from the file will be done in a background process owned by Google Play Services.

This method should only be used once on any channel, and once it was called, getOutputStream(GoogleApiClient)cannot be used. The channel should not be immediately closed after calling this method. To be notified when the file has been sent, install aChannelApi.ChannelListener, with an implementation of ChannelApi.ChannelListener.onOutputClosed(Channel, int, int).

This method is identical to calling sendFile(GoogleApiClient, Uri, long, long)withoffset == 0and length == -1.

client a connected client
uri URI of the file from which data should be read. This should be a {@linkplain Uri#fromFile( file URI} for a file which is accessible to the current process for reading.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> sendFile(GoogleApiClient client,Uriuri, long startOffset, long length)

Reads from a file into the output side of the channel. This is equivalent to calling getOutputStream(GoogleApiClient),reading from a file and writing into the OutputStream, but is implemented more efficiently. Reading from the file will be done in a background process owned by Google Play Services.

This method should only be used once on any channel, and once it was called, getOutputStream(GoogleApiClient)cannot be used. The channel should not be immediately closed after calling this method. To be notified when the file has been sent, install aChannelApi.ChannelListener, with an implementation of ChannelApi.ChannelListener.onOutputClosed(Channel, int, int).

client a connected client
uri URI of the file from which data should be read. This should be a {@linkplain Uri#fromFile( file URI} for a file which is accessible to the current process for reading.
startOffset byte offset from which to start reading
length maximum number of bytes to read from the file, or-1if the file should be read to its end. If the file doesn't contain enough bytes to reach length,fewer bytes will be read.