
public static interfaceNodeClient.OnNodeMigratedListener
Known Indirect Subclasses

Receives events after a node migration has successfully finished.

Public Method Summary

abstract void
onNodeMigrated(StringnodeId, DataItemBuffer archive)
Notification that a watch has migrated from a previous phone to this phone.

Public Methods

public abstract voidonNodeMigrated(StringnodeId,DataItemBuffer archive)

Notification that a watch has migrated from a previous phone to this phone.

This notification contains an archive of the data items written by the previous phone. You may inspect the data items in the archive and integrate them into your own data items.

After this method completes, the data buffer is releasedand any data items it contains become invalid. You should freeze any data items that you wish to use after the callback completes.

You may want to filter the archive data items by path during this callback, freezing a subset of them into a temporary collection, and then schedule the work of processing and saving your data into a worker thread.

nodeId nodeId of the migrating watch.
archive the archive ofDataItems from the previous phone.