
public static classIPackageVerificationApiService.Stub.Proxyextends BaseProxy

Public Method Summary

getVerifyAppsData(IVerifyAppsDataCallback callback, long flags)
This method can be used to get a variety of VerifyApps related data.
listHarmfulApps(IListHarmfulAppsCallback callback)
Get a list of the harmful apps that are currently installed on the device.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public voidgetVerifyAppsData(IVerifyAppsDataCallback callback, long flags)

This method can be used to get a variety of VerifyApps related data. The data will be returned as a Bundle in a call to callback.onGetVerifyAppsDataResult(), and the exact data included depends on which flags are set in the flags argument. By default, the bundle will contain the following fields: last_scan_time_ms: long - The time in milliseconds since epoch of the last autoscan run harmful_apps_count: int - The number of harmful apps that were present at the last autoscan run recently_removed_apps_count: int - The number of harmful apps that have recently been removed default_warning_string_id: int - A default warning string that can be used if an app is missing a more specific warning id, and the provided warning_string is not in the correct locale LIST_HARMFUL_APPS (1 << 0) - Use this flag to get a list of harmful apps that are present on the device. harmful_apps: Bundle[] - An array of bundles - 1 for each harmful app. Each bundle will contain the following fields: package_name: string - the package name of the application version_code: int - the version code of the application sha256: byte[] - the SHA-256 digest of the apk warning_string_id: int - The resource id of a string in the Phonesky application that contains the localized warning string to show to the user for this app. In some cases this value will be missing, in which case the value from the "warning_string_text" field should be used instead warning_string_text: string - The warning string as sent from the server. This will only be set in case of new malware categories that we don't have local warning strings for yet, and only if the current locale matches the locale of the string. Otherwise, warning_string_id will be set to the generic malware warning string. warning_string_locale: string - The locale of warning_string_text remove_app_intent: PendingIntent - A pending intent to uninstall the application LIST_RECENTLY_REMOVED_APPS (1 << 1) - Use this flag to get a list of harmful apps that have been recently removed. recently_removed_apps: Bundle[] - An array of bundles. One for each removed app. Each bundle will contain the following fields: package_name: string - the package name of the application sha256: byte[] - the SHA-256 digest of the apk app_title: string - The title of the removed application, in the current locale at the time of removal app_title_locale: string - the locale of the included app title string removed_time_ms: long - the time that the app was removed, in ms since epoch. warning_string_id: int - The resource id of a string in the Phonesky application that contains the localized warning string to show to the user for this app. In some cases this value will be missing, in which case the value from the "warning_string_text" field should be used instead warning_string_text: string - The warning string as sent from the server. This will only be set in case of new malware categories that we don't have local warning strings for yet, and only if the current locale matches the locale of the string. Otherwise, warning_string_id will be set to the generic malware warning string. warning_string_locale: string - The locale of warning_string_text hide_removed_app_intent: PendingIntent - A pending intent to remove this app from the list of recently removed apps.

flags A bitfield specifying what data should be returned. The value values are: LIST_HARMFUL_APPS and LIST_RECENTLY_REMOVED_APPS.

public voidgetVerifyAppsDataV2(IVerifyAppsDataCallback callback,Bundle bundle)

public voidlistHarmfulApps(IListHarmfulAppsCallback callback)

Get a list of the harmful apps that are currently installed on the device.

callback An IListHarmfulAppsCallback object that will be called with the results of this API