
public static classFirebaseAnalytics.EventextendsObject

An Event is an important occurrence in your app that you want to measure. You can report up to 500 different types of Events per app and you can associate up to 25 unique parameters with each Event type. Some common events are suggested below, but you may also choose to specify custom Event types that are associated with your specific app. Each event type is identified by a unique name. Event names can be up to 40 characters long, may only contain Alpha numeric characters and underscores ( "_" ), and must start with anAlpha betic character. The "firebase_", "google_" and "ga_" prefixes are reserved and should not be used.

The following event names are reserved and cannot be used:

  • ad_activeview
  • ad_click
  • ad_exposure
  • ad_impression
  • ad_query
  • ad_reward
  • adunit_exposure
  • app_background
  • app_clear_data
  • app_exception
  • app_remove
  • app_store_refund
  • app_store_subscription_cancel
  • app_store_subscription_convert
  • app_store_subscription_renew
  • app_update
  • app_upgrade
  • dynamic_link_app_open
  • dynamic_link_app_update
  • dynamic_link_first_open
  • error
  • first_open
  • first_visit
  • in_app_purchase
  • notification_dismiss
  • notification_foreground
  • notification_open
  • notification_receive
  • os_update
  • session_start
  • session_start_with_rollout
  • user_engagement

Constant Summary

String ADD_PAYMENT_INFO Add Payment Info event.
String ADD_SHIPPING_INFO Add Shipping Info event.
String ADD_TO_CART E-Commerce Add To Cart event.
String ADD_TO_WISHLIST E-Commerce Add To Wishlist event.
String AD_IMPRESSION Ad Impression event.
String APP_OPEN App Open event.
String BEGIN_CHECKOUT E-Commerce Begin Checkout event.
String CAMPAIGN_DETAILS Log this event to supply the referral details of a re-engagement campaign.
String EARN_VIRTUAL_CURRENCY Earn Virtual Currency event.
String GENERATE_LEAD Generate Lead event.
String JOIN_GROUP Join Group event.
String LEVEL_END Level End event.
String LEVEL_START Level Start event.
String LEVEL_UP Level Up event.
String LOGIN Login event.
String POST_SCORE Post Score event.
String PURCHASE E-Commerce Purchase event.
String REFUND E-Commerce Refund event.
String REMOVE_FROM_CART E-Commerce Remove from Cart event.
String SCREEN_VIEW Screen View event.
String SEARCH Search event.
String SELECT_CONTENT Select Content event.
String SELECT_ITEM Select Item event.
String SELECT_PROMOTION Select promotion event.
String SHARE Share event.
String SIGN_UP Sign Up event.
String SPEND_VIRTUAL_CURRENCY Spend Virtual Currency event.
String TUTORIAL_BEGIN Tutorial Begin event.
String TUTORIAL_COMPLETE Tutorial End event.
String UNLOCK_ACHIEVEMENT Unlock Achievement event.
String VIEW_CART E-commerce View Cart event.
String VIEW_ITEM View Item event.
String VIEW_ITEM_LIST View Item List event.
String VIEW_PROMOTION View Promotion event.
String VIEW_SEARCH_RESULTS View Search Results event.

Protected Constructor Summary

Inherited Method Summary


public static finalString ADD_PAYMENT_INFO

Add Payment Info event. This event signifies that a user has submitted their payment information. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value: "add_payment_info"

public static finalString ADD_SHIPPING_INFO

Add Shipping Info event. This event signifies that a user has submitted their shipping information. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value: "add_shipping_info"

public static finalString ADD_TO_CART

E-Commerce Add To Cart event. This event signifies that an item(s) was added to a cart for purchase. Add this event to a funnel with PURCHASEto gauge the effectiveness of your checkout process. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value:"add_to_cart"

public static finalString ADD_TO_WISHLIST

E-Commerce Add To Wishlist event. This event signifies that an item was added to a wishlist. Use this event to identify popular gift items. Note: If you supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value: "add_to_wishlist"

public static finalString AD_IMPRESSION

Ad Impression event. This event signifies when a user sees an ad impression. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value: "ad_impression"

public static finalString APP_OPEN

App Open event. By logging this event when an App is moved to the foreground, developers can understand how often users leave and return during the course of a Session. Although Sessions are automatically reported, this event can provide further clarification around the continuous engagement of app-users.

Constant Value:"app_open"

public static finalString BEGIN_CHECKOUT

E-Commerce Begin Checkout event. This event signifies that a user has begun the process of checking out. Add this event to a funnel with your PURCHASEevent to gauge the effectiveness of your checkout process. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value: "begin_checkout"

public static finalString EARN_VIRTUAL_CURRENCY

Earn Virtual Currency event. This event tracks the awarding of virtual currency in your app. Log this along with SPEND_VIRTUAL_CURRENCYto better understand your virtual economy. Params:

Constant Value: "earn_virtual_currency"

public static finalString GENERATE_LEAD

Generate Lead event. Log this event when a lead has been generated in the app to understand the efficacy of your install and re-engagement campaigns. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value: "generate_lead"

public static finalString JOIN_GROUP

Join Group event. Log this event when a user joins a group such as a guild, team or family. Use this event to analyze how popular certain groups or social features are in your app. Params:

Constant Value:"join_group"

public static finalString LEVEL_END

Level End event. Params:

Constant Value:"level_end"

public static finalString LEVEL_START

Level Start event. Params:

Constant Value:"level_start"

public static finalString LEVEL_UP

Level Up event. This event signifies that a player has leveled up in your gaming app. It can help you gauge the level distribution of your userbase and help you identify certain levels that are difficult to pass. Params:

Constant Value:"level_up"

public static finalString LOGIN

Login event. Apps with a login feature can report this event to signify that a user has logged in. Params:

Constant Value:"login"

public static finalString POST_SCORE

Post Score event. Log this event when the user posts a score in your gaming app. This event can help you understand how users are actually performing in your game and it can help you correlate high scores with certain audiences or behaviors. Params:

Constant Value:"post_score"

public static finalString PURCHASE

E-Commerce Purchase event. This event signifies that an item(s) was purchased by a user. Note: This is different from the in-app purchase event, which is reported automatically for Google Play-based apps. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value:"purchase"

public static finalString REFUND

E-Commerce Refund event. This event signifies that a refund was issued. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value:"refund"

public static finalString REMOVE_FROM_CART

E-Commerce Remove from Cart event. This event signifies that an item(s) was removed from a cart. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the @FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCY parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value: "remove_from_cart"

public static finalString SCREEN_VIEW

Screen View event. This event signifies a screen view. Use this when a screen transition occurs. This event can be logged irrespective of whether automatic screen tracking is enabled. Params:

Constant Value:"screen_view"

Search event. Apps that support search features can use this event to contextualize search operations by supplying the appropriate, corresponding parameters. This event can help you identify the most popular content in your app. Params:

Constant Value:"search"

public static finalString SELECT_CONTENT

Select Content event. This general purpose event signifies that a user has selected some content of a certain type in an app. The content can be any object in your app. This event can help you identify popular content and categories of content in your app. Params:

Constant Value: "select_content"

public static finalString SELECT_ITEM

Select Item event. This event signifies that an item was selected by a user from a list. Use the appropriate parameters to contextualize the event. Use this event to discover the most popular items selected. Params:

Constant Value:"select_item"

public static finalString SELECT_PROMOTION

Select promotion event. This event signifies that a user has selected a promotion offer. Use the appropriate parameters to contextualize the event, such as the item(s) for which the promotion applies. Params:

Constant Value: "select_promotion"

public static finalString SHARE

Share event. Apps with social features can log the Share event to identify the most viral content. Params:

Constant Value:"share"

public static finalString SIGN_UP

Sign Up event. This event indicates that a user has signed up for an account in your app. The parameter signifies the method by which the user signed up. Use this event to understand the different behaviors between logged in and logged out users. Params:

Constant Value:"sign_up"

public static finalString SPEND_VIRTUAL_CURRENCY

Spend Virtual Currency event. This event tracks the sale of virtual goods in your app and can help you identify which virtual goods are the most popular objects of purchase. Params:

Constant Value: "spend_virtual_currency"

public static finalString TUTORIAL_BEGIN

Tutorial Begin event. This event signifies the start of the on-boarding process in your app. Use this in a funnel with TUTORIAL_COMPLETEto understand how many users complete this process and move on to the full app experience.

Constant Value: "tutorial_begin"

public static finalString TUTORIAL_COMPLETE

Tutorial End event. Use this event to signify the user's completion of your app's on-boarding process. Add this to a funnel with TUTORIAL_BEGINto gauge the completion rate of your on-boarding process.

Constant Value: "tutorial_complete"

public static finalString UNLOCK_ACHIEVEMENT

Unlock Achievement event. Log this event when the user has unlocked an achievement in your game. Since achievements generally represent the breadth of a gaming experience, this event can help you understand how many users are experiencing all that your game has to offer. Params:

Constant Value: "unlock_achievement"

public static finalString VIEW_CART

E-commerce View Cart event. This event signifies that a user has viewed their cart. Use this to analyze your purchase funnel. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value:"view_cart"

public static finalString VIEW_ITEM

View Item event. This event signifies that a user has viewed an item. Use the appropriate parameters to contextualize the event. Use this event to discover the most popular items viewed in your app. Note: If you supply theFirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE parameter, you must also supply the FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CURRENCYparameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:

Constant Value:"view_item"

public static finalString VIEW_ITEM_LIST

View Item List event. Log this event when a user sees a list of items or offerings. Params:

Constant Value: "view_item_list"

public static finalString VIEW_PROMOTION

View Promotion event. This event signifies that a promotion was shown to a user. Add this event to a funnel with the ADD_TO_CARTand PURCHASEto gauge your conversion process. Params:

Constant Value: "view_promotion"

public static finalString VIEW_SEARCH_RESULTS

View Search Results event. Log this event when the user has been presented with the results of a search. Params:

Constant Value: "view_search_results"

Protected Constructors
