Cloud-based maps styling release notes

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This page is updated with each new release of the Cloud-based maps styling. The changelog lists releases by date and includes any new features, bug fixes and significant performance improvements.

Consult theCloud-based maps styling overviewfor information on how to use cloud-based maps styling.

May 30, 2024

Updated the map style editor as follows:

  • Users can now paste and edit hex color values directly in the color field to configure polygon or polyline geometry fill or stroke colors.
  • Improved messaging for when vector maps cannot be loaded on user's web browser.
  • Added a prompt when users try to exit with unsaved changes.

Expanded theMap feature hierarchyas follows:

  • Added new Infrastructure features:
    • Commercial buildings containing businesses located underBuilding.
    • Ramps onto and between highways located underRoad Network.
  • Added a new Points of Interest feature:
    • Landmarkswhich have illustrated icons when enabled.

April 4, 2024

ExpandedMap feature hierarchywith:

  • New features under theInfrastructure > Transit stationfeature:

    • Bicycle share
    • Bus station
    • Ferry terminal
    • Funicular station
    • Gondola station
  • New features under theInfrastructure > Transit station > Rail station feature:

    • Tram station

Added support for polygon geometry customization for the following features:

  • Airport
  • Cemetery
  • Golf course

Resolved known issues 321086844and 325051372,in which some points of interest ignored custom styling and visibility across different zoom levels.

March 28, 2024

Updated map style editor to display current zoom level and coordinates of the center point of the view-port.

March 18, 2024

Legacy cloud-based maps styling deprecation

All legacy map styles will need to be migrated to thenext-generation of cloud-based maps styling to bring more customization capabilities for developers.

All Google cloud projects with existing legacy map styles or those who have chosen to opt-out of the next generation of cloud-based map styling prior to March 18, 2024, will be able to retain those preferences until March 18, 2025.

StartingMarch 18, 2024,you will not be able to create new legacy map styles unless you have previously opted-out of the latest version of cloud-based maps styling.

AfterMarch 18, 2025,all legacy map styles will be automatically migrated and decommissioned. This automatic migration might result in some changes to the map styles.

Update any legacy map stylesto the latest version before March 18, 2025 to avoid any disruption in some of your map styles.

Known issues

Following are known issues with cloud-based maps styling.

  • Text stroke styling doesn't always work if it is not styled in the base map. The known case is for Water.
  • 312220318:When strokes are applied to 3D buildings, the stroke is ignored, and different shades of the fill color are used instead to create effective edges.
  • 332916114:Not all Map features are style-able.

iOS Known Issues

  • The iOS client does not interpolate text stroke color for labels.