Policies for Directions API

This document lists requirements for applications developed with the Directions API. Note that use of the Directions API is governed by your Agreement with Google.

Providing terms of use and privacy policy

If you develop a Directions API application, you must make available the Terms of Useand a Privacy Policywith your application which meets the guidelines outlined in your Agreement with Google:

  • TheTerms of UseandPrivacy Policymust be publicly available.
  • You must explicitly state in your application'sTerms of Usethat by using your application, users are bound by Google’s Terms of Service.
  • You must notify users in yourPrivacy Policythat you are using the Google Maps API(s) and incorporate by reference the Google Privacy Policy.

The recommended place to make available yourTerms of Useand Privacy Policydepends upon your application's platform.

Mobile applications

If developing a mobile app it is recommended that you provide a link to the Terms of UseandPrivacy Policyon your application's download page in the relevant application store and in an application settings menu.

Web applications

If developing a web application it is recommended that you provide a link to theTerms of UseandPrivacy Policyin the footer of your website.

Pre-fetching, caching, or storage of content

Applications using the Directions API are bound by the terms of your Agreement with Google. Subject to the terms of your Agreement, you must not pre-fetch, index, store, or cache any Content except under the limited conditions stated in the terms.

Note that theplace ID,used to uniquely identify a place, isexempt fromthe caching restrictions. You can therefore store place ID values indefinitely. The place ID is returned in the `place_id` field in Directions API responses. Learn how to save, refresh, and manage place IDs in the Place IDs guide.

Displaying Directions API results

You can display Directions API results on a Google Map, or without a map. If you want to display Directions API results on a map, then these results must be displayed on a Google Map. It is prohibited to use Directions API data on a map that is not a Google map.

If your application displays data on a Google Map, then the Google logo will be included and may not be altered. Applications that display Google data on the same screen as a Google Map are not required to provide further attribution to Google.

If your application displays data on a page or view that does not also display a Google Map, you must show a Google logo with that data. For example, if your application displays Google data on one tab, and a Google Map with that data on another tab, the first tab must show the Google logo. If your application uses search fields with or without autocomplete, the logo must be displayed inline.

The Google logo should be placed in the bottom left corner of the map, with the attribution information placed in the bottom right corner, both of which should be on the map being presented as a whole and not below the map or another place within the application. The following map example shows the Google logo in the lower left of the map, and the attribution in the lower right.

policy attribution placement

The following zip file contains the Google logo in the correct sizes for desktop, Android, and iOS applications. You may not resize or modify these logos in any way.

Download: google_logo.zip

Don't modify the attribution.Don't remove, obscure, or crop out the attribution information. You cannot use Google logos inline (for example, "These maps are from [Google_logo]" ).

Keep the attribution close.If using screenshots of Google imagery outside of direct embeds, include the standard attribution as it appears in the image. If necessary, you may customize the style and placement of the attribution text, so long as the text is within close proximity of the content and legible to the average viewer or reader. You may not move the attribution away from the content, such as to the end of your book, the credits of your files or show, or the footer of your website.

Include third-party data providers.Some of the data and images on our mapping products come from providers other than Google. If using such imagery, the text of your attribution must say the name "Google" and the relevant data provider(s), such as "Map data: Google, Maxar Technologies." When there are third-party data providers cited with the imagery, only including "Google" or the Google logo is not proper attribution.

If you're using Google Maps Platform on a device where the attribution display is not practical, please contact the Google sales teamto discuss licenses appropriate to your use case.

Attributions for third-party content

If the response from the Directions API includes transit details, your application must display the names and URLs of the transit agencies that supply the trip results. See theagenciesarray in the Directions API responsefor a specification of the relevant fields. We recommend that you place this information below any Directions API data.

Style guidelines for Google attribution

Following are style guidelines for Google attributions in CSS and HTML if you're not able to use the downloadable Google logo.

Clear space

The amount of clear space around the lockup should be equal to or greater than the height of the "G" in Google.

The space between the attribution copy and the Google logo should be half the width of the "G".


The byline should always be clear, legible, and appear in the right color variation for a given background. Always be sure to provide enough contrast for the logo variation that you select.


Use Google Material Gray 700 text on a white or light background that uses a range of 0%–40% maximum tint of black.

RGB 95 99 104
HSL 213 5 39
HSB 213 9 41

On darker backgrounds, and over photography or non-busy patterns, use white text for byline and attribution.

RGB 255 255 255
HSL 0 0 100
HSB 0 0 100


Use the Robotofont.

Example CSS

The following CSS, when applied to the text "Google," would render "Google" with the appropriate font, color, and spacing on a white or light background.

font-family: Roboto;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 16px;
padding: 16px;
letter-spacing: 0.0575em; /* 0.69px */
color: #5F6368;