
ElevationService class

google.maps.ElevationService class

Defines a service class that talks directly to Google servers for requesting elevation data.

Access by callingconst {ElevationService} = await google.maps.importLibrary( "elevation" ).SeeLibraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Creates a new instance of aElevationServicethat sends elevation queries to Google servers.
getElevationAlongPath(request[, callback])
Makes an elevation request along a path, where the elevation data are returned as distance-based samples along that path.
getElevationForLocations(request[, callback])
Makes an elevation request for a list of discrete locations.

LocationElevationRequest interface

google.maps.LocationElevationRequest interface

An elevation request sent by theElevationServicecontaining the list of discrete coordinates (LatLngs) for which to return elevation data.

The discrete locations for which to retrieve elevations.

LocationElevationResponse interface

google.maps.LocationElevationResponse interface

An elevation response returned by theElevationServicecontaining the list ofElevationResults matching the locations of theLocationElevationRequest.

The list ofElevationResults matching the locations of theLocationElevationRequest.

PathElevationRequest interface

google.maps.PathElevationRequest interface

An elevation query sent by theElevationServicecontaining the path along which to return sampled data. This request defines a continuous path along the earth along which elevation samples should be taken at evenly-spaced distances. All paths from vertex to vertex use segments of the great circle between those two points.

Required. The number of equidistant points along the given path for which to retrieve elevation data, including the endpoints. The number of samples must be a value between 2 and 512 inclusive.
The path along which to collect elevation values.

PathElevationResponse interface

google.maps.PathElevationResponse interface

An elevation response returned by theElevationServicecontaining the list ofElevationResults evenly-spaced along the path of thePathElevationRequest.

The list ofElevationResults matching the samples of thePathElevationRequest.

ElevationResult interface

google.maps.ElevationResult interface

The result of anElevationServicerequest, consisting of the set of elevation coordinates and their elevation values. Note that a single request may produce multipleElevationResults.

The elevation of this point on Earth, in meters above sea level.
The distance, in meters, between sample points from which the elevation was interpolated. This property will be missing if the resolution is not known. Note that elevation data becomes more coarse (largerresolutionvalues) when multiple points are passed. To obtain the most accurate elevation value for a point, it should be queried independently.
The location of this elevation result.

ElevationStatus constants

google.maps.ElevationStatus constants

The status returned by theElevationServiceupon completion of an elevation request. Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For example,'OK'orgoogle.maps.ElevationStatus.OK.

Access by callingconst {ElevationStatus} = await google.maps.importLibrary( "elevation" ).SeeLibraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

INVALID_REQUEST The request was invalid.
OK The request did not encounter any errors.
OVER_QUERY_LIMIT The webpage has gone over the requests limit in too short a period of time.
REQUEST_DENIED The webpage is not allowed to use the elevation service.
UNKNOWN_ERROR The elevation request could not be successfully processed, yet the exact reason for the failure is not known.