Calculate toll fees for a route matrix

When you are computing a route matrix, you might want to take into consideration any toll fees on the routes in the matrix. For select cities, you can compute the estimated toll fee for a route in the appropriate currency.

To get tolls for a route, see Calculate tolls fees for a route.

For the list of supported toll locations, see the reference for TollPass.

Route matrix toll example

The following example uses the computeRouteMatrix method to return toll information on a route with an estimated price when a toll pass is used:

  • Set theextraComputationsarray field toTOLLSto enable the calculation of toll information.

  • Specify the vehicle type and the toll pass type by using the routeModifiersfield of theoriginwaypoints of the request. The toll price returned is based on the pricing used by the specified vehicle type and pass. If more than one pass is specified, the least expensive pricing is returned.

  • Use theresponse field maskto configure the method to return toll information in the response. Specify routes.travelAdvisory.tollInfoto return information for the entire route.

Request for a route matrix toll information

curl -X POST -d '{
"origins": [
"waypoint": {
"location": {
"latLng": {
"routeModifiers": {
"emissionType": "GASOLINE"
"tollPasses": [
"destinations": [
"waypoint": {
"location": {
"latLng": {
"longitude": -72.59806562080408
"travelMode": "DRIVE",
"extraComputations": [ "TOLLS" ]
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY' \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: originIndex,destinationIndex,travel_advisory.tollInfo,duration,distanceMeters,status' \
'https://routes.googleapis /distanceMatrix/v2:computeRouteMatrix'

Response for route matrix toll information

The response contains information on tolls in a TollInfo(REST) or TollInfo(gRPC) object.

To configure the method to return toll information, use the response field maskto set thetravelAdvisory.tollInfofield in the mask.

"originIndex": 0,
"destinationIndex": 0,
"status": {},
"distanceMeters": 150338,
"duration": "5382s",
"travelAdvisory": {
"tollInfo": {
"estimatedPrice": [
"currencyCode": "USD",
"units": "4",
"nanos": 400000000