Set intermediate waypoints

Intermediate waypoints are locations in between the origin and destination that you want the route to go through. An intermediate waypoint can be a stop or you can specify it as a location to pass through. For an example of a waypoint for a stop, seeSet a stop along a route.For an example of a waypoint to pass-through, Set point for a route to pass-through.

Use theintermediatesarray property of the computeRoutesmethod (REST) or the ComputeRoutes method (gRPC), to define up to a maximum of 25 intermediate waypoints.

For each intermediate waypoint in the request, the Route object(REST) or Route object(gRPC) in the response adds an entry to thelegsarray to provide the details for that leg of the journey.

Each leg of a route is represented by a RouteLeg(REST) or RouteLeg(gRPC) object. Control whichRouteLegfields to return by using the response field mask.

Example - Set an intermediate waypoint

The following example uses theintermediatesarray property to add a single intermediate waypoint to the POST request body of a route.

This example uses a response field mask in theX-Goog-FieldMaskheader that specifies to return the following fields in the response:

  • routes.duration
  • routes.distanceMeters
  • routes.legscorresponding to the entireRouteLegobject.
curl -X POST -d '{
"latitude": 37.419734,
"longitude": -122.0827784
"sideOfRoad": true
"latitude": 37.417670,
"longitude": -122.079595
"intermediates": [
"latitude": 37.419734,
"longitude": -122.0807784
"travelMode": "DRIVE",
"routingPreference": "TRAFFIC_AWARE",
"departureTime": "2022-10-15T15:01:23.045123456Z",
"computeAlternativeRoutes": false,
"routeModifiers": {
"avoidTolls": false,
"avoidHighways": false,
"avoidFerries": false
"languageCode": "en-US",
"units": "IMPERIAL"
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY'
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: routes.duration,routes.distanceMeters,routes.legs'
'https://routes.googleapis /directions/v2:computeRoutes'

The response from this call contains thelegsarray. Each step of the leg is represented by a RouteLegStep(REST) or RouteLegStep(gRPC) object.

"routes": [
"legs": [
# First leg
"distanceMeters": 207,
"duration": "89s",
"staticDuration": "89s",
"polyline": {
"encodedPolyline": "ipkcFjgchVd@@@cF]@@oCK?"
"startLocation": {
"latLng": {
"latitude": 37.4197318,
"longitude": -122.0826233
"endLocation": {
"latLng": {
"latitude": 37.419734,
"longitude": -122.08077919999998
"steps": [ {
"distanceMeters": 21,
"staticDuration": "6s",
"polyline": {
"encodedPolyline": "ipkcFjgchVd@@"
"startLocation": {
"latLng": {
"latitude": 37.4197318,
"longitude": -122.0826233
"endLocation": {
"latLng": {
"latitude": 37.41954,
"longitude": -122.08262750000002
# Second leg
"distanceMeters": 598,
"duration": "159s",
"staticDuration": "159s",
"polyline": {
"encodedPolyline": "ipkcFz{bhVh@??{@xPBP?J}E{E?"
"startLocation": {
"latLng": {
"latitude": 37.419734,
"longitude": -122.08077919999998
"endLocation": {
"latLng": {
"latitude": 37.417616599999995,
"longitude": -122.07938820000001
"steps": [