Set a point for a route to pass through

By default, intermediate waypoints are used for stopping for pickups and dropoffs, but you can also specify that an intermediate waypoint is meant just to pass through.

A route that contains an origin waypoint, a pass-through intermediate waypoint, and a destination waypoint contains just one route leg that connects the origin and the destination, while passing through the intermediate (called avia) waypoint.

Configure an intermediate waypoint to be a pass-through waypoint by setting theviaproperty of the waypoint totrueusing either Waypoint(REST) or Waypoint(gRPC).

Theviaproperty is most effective when creating routes in response to the user dragging the waypoints on the map. Doing so allows the user to see how the final route may look in real-time and helps ensure that waypoints are placed in locations that are accessible to the Compute Routes.

The following example demonstrates how to mark an intermediate waypoint as a pass-through waypoint.

"location": {
"latLng": {
"via": true

Access place IDs for intermediate waypoints

If you specify the location of an origin, destination, or intermediate waypoint as anaddress stringor as aPlus code,the API attempts to find the most relevant location which has a corresponding place ID. The geocodingResults.intermediates array in the results contains the place ID corresponding to the location of the waypoints, along with additional data about the location.

For each element of theintermediatesarray, use the intermediateWaypointRequestIndexproperty to determine which intermediate waypoint in the request corresponds to the place ID in the response.

For example:

  • You specify three intermediate waypoints in a request. Two of these waypoints are specified by address strings and one by latitude/longitude coordinates.

  • You includegeocodingResultsin the response field mask to specify to return thegeocodingResultsarray in the results.

curl -X POST -d '{
"address": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA"
"address": "24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94107"
"intermediates": [
"address": "450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, USA"
"latitude": 37.419734,
"longitude": -122.0807784
"address": "1836 El Camino Real, Redwood City, CA 94063"
"travelMode": "DRIVE",
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY'
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: routes.duration,routes.distanceMeters,routes.legs,geocodingResults'
'https://routes.googleapis /directions/v2:computeRoutes'

The response includes thegeocodingResultsarray containing the place ID for the origin, destination, and for two of the three waypoints. These are the waypoints at index 0 and 2 of the request. Because the waypoint at index 1 of the request was specified by using latitude/longitude coordinates, it is omitted from thegeocodingResultsarray in the response.

"routes": [{...}],
"geocodingResults": {
"origin": {
"geocoderStatus": {},
"type": [
"placeId": "ChIJj38IfwK6j4ARNcyPDnEGa9g"
"destination": {
"geocoderStatus": {},
"type": [
"placeId": "ChIJI7ES6tl_j4ARVpDZoXbWAiY"
"intermediates": [
"geocoderStatus": {},
"intermediateWaypointRequestIndex": 0,
"type": [
"placeId": "ChIJvdLMGyq7j4ARScE5tWX_C0Y"
"geocoderStatus": {},
"intermediateWaypointRequestIndex": 2,
"type": [
"placeId": "ChIJkTc0GKajj4AR9UMsOSHwGD0"