
A set of values that specify factors to take into consideration when calculating the route.

ROUTING_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED No routing preference specified. Default toTRAFFIC_UNAWARE.
TRAFFIC_UNAWARE Computes routes without taking live traffic conditions into consideration. Suitable when traffic conditions don't matter or are not applicable. Using this value produces the lowest latency. Note: ForRouteTravelModeDRIVEandTWO_WHEELER,the route and duration chosen are based on road network and average time-independent traffic conditions, not current road conditions. Consequently, routes may include roads that are temporarily closed. Results for a given request may vary over time due to changes in the road network, updated average traffic conditions, and the distributed nature of the service. Results may also vary between nearly-equivalent routes at any time or frequency.
TRAFFIC_AWARE Calculates routes taking live traffic conditions into consideration. In contrast toTRAFFIC_AWARE_OPTIMAL,some optimizations are applied to significantly reduce latency.
TRAFFIC_AWARE_OPTIMAL Calculates the routes taking live traffic conditions into consideration, without applying most performance optimizations. Using this value produces the highest latency.