Routes API Usage and Billing

The Routes API uses apay-as-you-go pricing model. Requests for the Routes API are billed under the SKU for the features used by the request. Along with the overall Google Terms of Use, there areusage limits specific to the Routes API. Manage your costs and usagewith tools available in the Google Cloud Console.

How the Routes API is billed

The Routes API uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. The Google Maps Platform APIs and SDKs are billed by SKU. Usage is tracked for each SKU, and any API or SDK may have more than one product SKU.Cost is calculated by

SKU usage × Price per each use

Use ourPricing and Usage calculatorto estimate your usage cost per API or SDK. For qualifying Google Maps Platform SKUs, a $200 USD Google Maps Platform credit is available each month for each billing account. This credit is automatically applied to the qualifying SKUs.

Pricing for the Routes API

Compute Routesand Compute Route Matrixeach have three SKUs that determine the cost of a request. The SKU used to determine the cost is based on the service you request, Compute Routes or Compute Route Matrix, and the features that you use in the request. For example:

  • A request toCompute Routesis billed as a singleQUERY.

  • A request toCompute Route Matrixis billed perELEMENT of the request, where the number of elements is equal to: the number of origins multiplied by the number of destinations. If a request contain twoorigins andthreedestinations, then the single request is billed forsixelements.

  • A request that uses only basic features and fewer than 11 intermediate waypoints is charged based on theBasic SKU.

  • A request that uses an advanced feature, such as the TRAFFIC_AWAREorTRAFFIC_AWARE_OPTIMALroute modifiers, is charged based on theAdvanced SKU.

  • A request that uses a preferred feature, such as two-wheel routing, is charged based on thePreferred SKU.

SKU: Routes: Compute Routes - Basic

A request to Compute Routes.

Price per QUERY
0–100,000 100,001–500,000 500,000+
0.005 USD per each
(5.00 USD per 1000)
0.004 USD per each
(4.00 USD per 1000)
Contact Salesfor volume pricing

SKU: Routes: Compute Routes - Advanced

A request to Compute Routes that uses advanced features.

Price per QUERY
0–100,000 100,001–500,000 500,000+
0.01 USD per each
(10.00 USD per 1000)
0.008 USD per each
(8.00 USD per 1000)
Contact Salesfor volume pricing

The Advanced SKU is charged for a Compute Routes request that uses one or more of the following features:

  • Between 11 and 25 intermediate waypoints
  • Traffic aware or traffic aware optimal routing.These routing options correspond to setting the routingPreferenceproperty in the request to TRAFFIC_AWAREor TRAFFIC_AWARE_OPTIMAL.
  • Location modifiers.When you use the following options to indicate how drivers should approach a particular location:

SKU: Routes: Compute Routes - Preferred

A request to Compute Routes that uses preferred features.

Price per QUERY
0–100,000 100,001–500,000 500,000+
0.015 USD per each
(15.00 USD per 1000)
0.012 USD per each
(12.00 USD per 1000)
Contact Salesfor volume pricing

The Preferred SKU is charged for a Compute Routes request that uses one or more of the following features:

SKU: Routes: Compute Route Matrix - Basic

A request to Compute Route Matrix.

Price per ELEMENT
0–100,000 100,001–500,000 500,000+
0.005 USD per each
(5.00 USD per 1000)
0.004 USD per each
(4.00 USD per 1000)
Contact Salesfor volume pricing

SKU: Routes: Compute Route Matrix - Advanced

A request to Compute Route Matrix that uses advanced features.

Price per ELEMENT
0–100,000 100,001–500,000 500,000+
0.01 USD per each
(10.00 USD per 1000)
0.008 USD per each
(8.00 USD per 1000)
Contact Salesfor volume pricing

The Advanced SKU is charged for a Compute Route Matrix request that uses one or more of the following features:

SKU: Routes: Compute Route Matrix - Preferred

A request to Compute Route Matrix that uses preferred features.

Price per ELEMENT
0–100,000 100,001–500,000 500,000+
0.015 USD per each
(15.00 USD per 1000)
0.012 USD per each
(12.00 USD per 1000)
Contact Salesfor volume pricing

The Preferred SKU is charged for a Compute Route Matrix request that uses one or more of the following features:

Other usage limits

While there are no maximum number of requests per day, the following usage limits are in place for the Routes API.

The number of elements is calculated by taking the number of origins times the number of destinations.

Compute Routes

  • Rate limit of 3,000 QPM queries per minute.

  • Maximum allowed number of intermediate waypoints perComputeRoutesrequest request is 25.

Compute Route Matrix

  • The rate limit is 3,000 EPM elements per minute, calculated by number of origins times the number of destinations.

  • Maximum allowed number of origins and destinations that you can specify by using a place ID or address is 50.

  • Maximum allowed total number of elements per ComputeRouteMatrixrequest withroutingPreferenceset to TRAFFIC_AWARE_OPTIMALis 100.

  • Maximum allowed total number of elements per ComputeRouteMatrixrequest withtravelModeset toTRANSITis 100.

  • Maximum allowed total number of elements per ComputeRouteMatrixrequest otherwise is 625.

Terms of Use restrictions

For complete details on allowed usage, consult the License Restrictions section in the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.

Manage your cost of use

To manage your cost of use of the Routes API or to meet the demands of your production traffic, set daily quota limits on all requests to any API. Daily quotas are reset at midnight Pacific time.

To view or change quota limits for the Routes API:

  1. In the Cloud Console, open theGoogle Maps Platform Quotaspage.
  2. Click the APIs drop-down and select theRoutes API.
  3. To view the quota limits, scroll down to theRequests card.
    A table lists the quota names and limits.
  4. To change a quota limit, click theEditicon for that limit.
    In the dialog that appears, in theQuota Limitfield, enter the preferred billable daily quota limit (up to the quota limit, if any, specified by Google) and selectSave.

If your API usage reaches your billable quota limit on any given day, your application will not be able to access the API for the remainder of that day.