Before you begin


With the Google Maps for Flutter package, you can add maps based on Google maps data to your iOS or Android application. The SDK automatically handles access to the Google Maps servers, map display, and response to user gestures such as clicks and drags. You can also add markers, polylines, ground overlays, and info windows to your map. These objects provide additional information for map locations, and allow user interaction with the map.

When using the SDK you need to comply with theGoogle Maps Platform Terms of Serviceand ensure that your app complies with applicable laws.

Flutter Plugin Model

Flutter plugins use Dart channels to call platform-specific APIs. Flutter developers interact with a single, app-facing package. This package recognizes the platform that the app is running on and federates the API calls to the appropriate native code


This documentation is designed for people familiar withFlutter developmentconcepts. You should also be familiar withGoogle Mapsfrom a user's point of view. With this guide, you can start exploring and developing applications with the Google Maps for Flutter package. To learn about specific details of classes and methods, check out thereference documentation.

Attribution requirements

If you use the Google Maps for Flutter package in your application, you must include the attribution text as part of a legal notices section in your application. Google recommend including legal notices as an independent menu item, or as part of an "About" menu item.

To get the attribution text, call theshowLicensePage endpoint.

Supported platforms

With the Google Maps for Flutter package, you can build apps that target iOS, Android and the Web.

Refer to the Flutter documentation for the development environments requirements and current versions oftarget platforms.

To useMaps URLs,your target device needs the appropriate Google Maps app installed. For mobile devices, this includesGoogle Maps for iOSor Google Maps for Android.