APIs-Google user agent

APIs-Google is the user agent used by Google APIs to deliver push notification messages. Application developers can request these notifications to avoid the need for continually polling Google's servers to find out if the resources they are interested in have changed. To make sure nobody abuses this service, Google requires developers to prove that they own the domain before allowing them to register a URL with a domain as the location where they want to receive messages.

How APIs-Google accesses your site

APIs-Google sends each push notification using an HTTPS POST request. If the request fails due to an error condition that might be temporary, APIs-Google will resend the notification. If the request still doesn't succeed, it will continue to retry—based on an exponential backoff schedule—up to a maximum of several days.

The rate at which APIs-Google accesses your site varies by how many push notification requests were created for servers on your site, by how fast the monitored resources are getting updated, and by the number of retries occurring. As a result, the APIs-Google traffic patterns can be consistent in some scenarios, but in other scenarios the traffic can be sporadic or spiky.

Prepare your site for APIs-Google

APIs-Google uses HTTPS to deliver push notifications, so it requires your site to have a valid SSL certificate.Invalidcertificates include the following:

  • Self-signed certificates.
  • Certificates signed by an untrusted source.
  • Certificates that have been revoked.

Avoid unnecessary retry requests by ensuring that your application is well-designed and responds promptly to notification messages (within seconds).

Prevent APIs-Google from calling your site

To prevent APIs-Google from calling your site, do one of the following:

  • Unregister for notifications.If you administer a domain that has subdomains or URL subspaces that are owned or administered separately, one of the subdomain owners may have set up an application that uses push notifications. If you want to block APIs-Google, contact anyone who might have set up an application like this and ask them to disable it.
  • Use robots.txt.The user agent to specify in the robots.txt file is APIs-Google-APIs-Googledoes not follow rules for the Googlebot user agent. There may be a small delay beforeAPIs-Googlediscovers your robots.txt file change. If APIs-Googlecontinues to send messages to your site several days after you've blocked it in robots.txt, check that the robots.txt is in the correct location.

Verify the caller

If you suspect that you are receiving spoofed requests, you can verify that a bot accessing your server really is calling from google. Search your logs for any IP addresses identifying themselves as the APIs-Googleuser agent; a reverse DNS lookup shows the googlebot or google domain.