Amazon Corretto 8 Installation Instructions for Windows 10 or Later - Amazon Corretto 8

Amazon Corretto 8 Installation Instructions for Windows 10 or Later

This topic describes how to install and uninstall Amazon Corretto 8 on a host or container running the Windows 10 or later Windows operating system.

Install Amazon Corretto 8

Prerequisite:Amazon Corretto 8 requires Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2013 or newer. If it's not installed in your system, you can find it fromMicrosoft Download Centerpage.

  1. Download a Windows.msifile from theDownloadspage.

  2. Double-click the.msi file to start the installation wizard.

  3. Follow the steps in the wizard.

    You have the option of setting a custom installation path. By default, Amazon Corretto 8 is installed atC:\Program Files\Amazon Corretto\.If you set a custom path, make a note of it for the next step.

  4. Once the install wizard is finished, set theJAVA_HOMEand PATHenvironment variables.

    SetJAVA_HOMEto the installation location, noting that the directory contains the currently-installed version. For example, if the default directory is used for 8u422, then setJAVA_HOMEas C:\Program Files\Amazon Corretto\jdk1.8.0_422.

    Add%JAVA_HOME%\binto the currentPATH variable.

  5. Verify the installation by runningjava -versionin a command prompt. You should see the following output.

    openjdk version "1.8.0_422" OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto-8.422.05.1 (build 1.8.0_422-b05) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto-8.422.05.1 (build 25.422-b05, mixed mode)

Uninstall Amazon Corretto 8

You can uninstall Amazon Corretto 8 by following the standard steps to uninstall an application from Windows.

  1. OpenPrograms and Features.

  2. Search forAmazon Corretto 8and then select it.

  3. Chooseuninstall.