Docker Engine 23.0 release notes


From Docker Engine version 23.0.0, Buildx is distributed in a separate package:docker-buildx-plugin. In earlier versions, Buildx was included in thedocker-ce-clipackage. When you upgrade to this version of Docker Engine, make sure you update all packages. For example, on Ubuntu:

$sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

Refer to the Docker Engine installation instructionsfor your operating system for more details on upgrading Docker Engine.

This page describes the latest changes, additions, known issues, and fixes for Docker Engine version 23.0.

For more information about:

Starting with the 23.0.0 release, Docker Engine moves away from using CalVer versioning, and starts using the SemVer versioning format. Changing the version format is a stepping-stone towards Go module compatibility, but the repository doesn't yet use Go modules, and still requires using a "+incompatible" version. Work continues towards Go module compatibility in a future release.



For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

Packaging Updates



For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Add the--all/-aoption when pruning volumes. docker/cli#4229
  • Add--format=jsonfordocker info. docker/cli#4320
  • Fix log loss with the AWSLogs log driver. moby/moby#45350
  • Fix a regression introduced in v23.0.4 where dockerd would refuse to start if the fixed-cidr config parameter is provided but not bip. moby/moby#45403
  • Fix a panic in libnetwork during daemon start moby/moby#45376
  • Fix "tag" event not being sent when an image is built withbuildx. moby/moby#45410

Packaging Updates



For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Fix a performance regression in Docker CLI 23.0.0 docker/cli#4141.
  • Fix progress indicator ondocker cpnot functioning as intended docker/cli#4157.
  • Fix shell completion fordocker compose --file docker/cli#4177.
  • Fix an error caused by incorrect handling of "default-address-pools" indaemon.json moby/moby#45246.

Packaging Updates




Due to an issue with CentOS 9 Stream's package repositories, packages for CentOS 9 are currently unavailable. Packages for CentOS 9 may be added later, or as part of the next (23.0.4) patch release.

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Fixed a number of issues that can cause Swarm encrypted overlay networks to fail to uphold their guarantees, addressing CVE-2023-28841, CVE-2023-28840,and CVE-2023-28842.
    • A lack of kernel support for encrypted overlay networks now reports as an error.
    • Encrypted overlay networks are eagerly set up, rather than waiting for multiple nodes to attach.
    • Encrypted overlay networks are now usable on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 through the use of thext_bpfkernel module.
    • Users of Swarm overlay networks should review GHSA-vwm3-crmr-xfxw to ensure that unintentional exposure has not occurred.

Packaging Updates



For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Fully resolve missing checks forapparmor_parserwhen an AppArmor enabled kernel is detected. containerd/containerd#8087, moby/moby#45043
  • Ensure that credentials are redacted from Git URLs when generating BuildKit buildinfo. Fixes CVE-2023-26054. moby/moby#45110
  • Fix anonymous volumes created by aVOLUMEline in a Dockerfile being excluded from volume prune. moby/moby#45159
  • Fix a failure to properly propagate errors during removal of volumes on a Swarm node. moby/moby#45155
  • Temporarily work around a bug in BuildKitCOPY --linkby disabling mergeop/diffop optimization. moby/moby#45112
  • Properly clean up child tasks when a parent Swarm job is removed. moby/swarmkit#3112, moby/moby#45107
  • Fix Swarm service creation logic so that both a GenericResource and a non-default network can be used together. moby/swarmkit#3082, moby/moby#45107
  • Fix Swarm CSI support requiring the CSI plugin to offer staging endpoints in order to publish a volume. moby/swarmkit#3116, moby/moby#45107
  • Fix a panic caused by log buffering in some configurations. containerd/fifo#47, moby/moby#45051
  • Log errors in the REST to Swarm gRPC API translation layer at the debug level to reduce redundancy and noise. moby/moby#45016
  • Fix a DNS resolution issue affecting containers created with--dns-optor--dns-searchwhensystemd-resolvedis used outside the container. moby/moby#45000
  • Fix a panic when logging errors in handling DNS queries originating from inside a container. moby/moby#44980
  • Improve the speed ofdocker psby allowing users to opt out of size calculations with--size=false. docker/cli#4107
  • Extend support for Bash completion to all plugins. docker/cli#4092
  • Fixdocker stack deployfailing on Windows when special environment variables set bycmd.exeare present. docker/cli#4083
  • Add forward compatibility for future API versions by considering empty image tags to be the same as<none>. docker/cli#4065
  • Atomically write context files to greatly reduce the probability of corruption, and improve the error message for a corrupt context. docker/cli#4063




For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Fix containers not starting if the kernel has AppArmor enabled, butapparmor_parseris not available. moby/moby#44942
  • Fix BuildKit-enabled builds with inline caching causing the daemon to crash. moby/moby#44944
  • Fix BuildKit improperly loading cached layers created by previous versions. moby/moby#44959
  • Fix an issue whereipvlannetworks created prior to upgrading would prevent the daemon from starting. moby/moby#44937
  • Fix theoverlay2storage driver failing early inmetacopytesting when initialized on an unsupported backing filesystem. moby/moby#44922
  • Fixexecexit events being misinterpreted as container exits under some runtimes, such as Kata Containers. moby/moby#44892
  • Improve the error message returned by the CLI when receiving a truncated JSON response caused by the API hanging up mid-request. docker/cli#4004
  • Fix an incorrect CLI exit code when attempting to execute a directory with arunccompiled using Go 1.20. docker/cli#4004
  • Fix mishandling the size argument to--device-write-bpsas a path. docker/cli#4004




For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:


  • Set Buildx and BuildKit as the default builder on Linux. moby/moby#43992
    • Aliasdocker buildtodocker buildx build. docker/cli#3314
    • The legacy builder can still be used by explicitly settingDOCKER_BUILDKIT=0.
    • There are differences in how BuildKit and the legacy builder handle multi-stage builds. For more information, see Multi-stage builds.
  • Add support for pullingzstdcompressed layers. moby/moby#41759, moby/moby#42862
  • Add support for alternate OCI runtimes on Linux, compatible with the containerd runtime v2 API. moby/moby#43887, moby/moby#43993
  • Add support for the containerdrunhcsshim on Windows (off by default). moby/moby#42089
  • Adddockerd --validateto check the daemon JSON config and exit. moby/moby#42393
  • Add the ability to configure the daemon's HTTP proxy via flags or JSON config. moby/moby#42835
  • Add support for RFC 3021 point-to-point networks (IPv4 /31s) and single hosts (IPv4 /32s). For networks with two or fewer addresses, IPAM won't reserve a network and broadcast address. moby/moby#42626
  • Add support for settingipvlan_flagand using thel3sipvlan_modein theipvlannetwork driver. moby/moby#42542
  • Add support for displaying the value of themetacopyoption for theoverlay2storage driver. moby/moby#43557
  • Add support for describing Windows devices using the syntaxIDType://ID. moby/moby#43368
  • AddRootlessKit,slirp4netns,andVPNKitversion reporting. moby/moby#42330
  • Add experimental support for SwarmKit cluster volumes (CSI). moby/moby#41982
  • Add support for SwarmKit jobs indocker stack deploy. docker/cli#2907
  • Add thedocker stack configcommand to output the merged and interpolated config files as utilized bystack deploy. docker/cli#3544
  • Add a newdocker context showcommand that prints the name of the current context. docker/cli#3567
  • Add the--format=jsonshorthand variant of--format= "{{ json. }}"to all commands supporting the--formatflag. docker/cli#2936
  • Add a--quietoption todocker createanddocker runcommands to suppress output when pulling an image. docker/cli#3377
  • Add a--forceoption todocker network rmsubcommand. Causes CLI to return a 0 exit code even if the network doesn't exist. Has no effect on the server-side procedure for removing a network. docker/cli#3547
  • Add a--signaloption todocker stopanddocker restart. docker/cli#3614
  • Add a-v/--versionflag todocker-proxy. moby/moby#44703
  • Plugins are now discovered in well-known user-level paths when the daemon is running in rootless mode. moby/moby#44778
  • The daemon now handles common alternate JSON encodings in the JSON configuration file gracefully, and reports useful errors. moby/moby#44777, moby/moby#44832
    • UTF-8 with a byte order mark is accepted.
    • UTF-16 with a byte order mark is accepted.
    • Invalid UTF-8 is reported early and with a comprehensible error message.
  • Allow use ofSTOPSIGNALviadocker commit. moby/moby#43369
  • Add a new option to theAwsl (a ta đã chết) ogslog driver to allow skipping log stream creation in CloudWatch. moby/moby#42132
  • Add a new option to theAwsl (a ta đã chết) ogslog driver to specify the log format that's sent to CloudWatch. moby/moby#42838
  • Add a new option to thefluentdlog driver to set the reconnection interval. moby/moby#43100
  • Add new options-setters to the Go API client:WithTLSClientConfigFromEnv(),WithHostFromEnv(),andWithVersionFromEnv(). moby/moby#42224
  • Add generation of shell command completion through adocker completionsubcommand. docker/cli#3429
  • API: Add aSwarmheader toGET /_pingandHEAD /_ping,allowing single-request detection of Swarm support. moby/moby#42064
  • API: Add asignalparameter toPOST /containers/{id}/stopandPOST /containers/{id}/restartto set the signal used. moby/moby#43206
  • API: Add aCreateMountPointparameter toPOST /containers/create. moby/moby#43484
  • API: Add ashared-sizeparameter toGET /images/jsonto enable shared-size computation of images. moby/moby#42531
  • API: Add atypeparameter toGET /system/df,to control what object types to are considered when computing disk usage. moby/moby#42559
  • systemd: Use a systemd-managed containerd instead of a daemon-managed containerd. moby/moby#42373
  • systemd: moby/moby#43107



  • Require Windows Server RS5 / LTSC 2019 (build 17763) as the minimum to run the daemon. moby/moby#43254
  • DeprecateBuilderSizeon API version >= 1.42. moby/moby#42608
  • DeprecateBuildCache.Parentin favor of the newly introducedBuildCache.Parentson API version >= 1.42. moby/moby#43908
  • Deprecatepkg/urlutil,moving the implementation tobuilder/remotecontext/urlutil. moby/moby#43477



  • Change permissions on containerhostconfig.jsonfiles to0600(was0644). moby/moby#41620
  • Fix--seccomp-profilenot acceptingunconfinedand renamed the default seccomp profile tobuiltin. moby/moby#42481
  • Always build with seccomp support, and remove theseccompbuild tag. moby/moby#42501
  • Add seccomp support onriscv64. moby/moby#43553
  • Add support for setting flags passed toseccomp(2)in seccomp profiles. moby/moby#42648
  • Refactor seccomp types to reuse runtime-spec, and add support forErrnoRet. moby/moby#42005
  • Add support forDefaultErrnoRetinseccompprofiles. moby/moby#42604
  • Add an explicitDefaultErrnoRetfield to the default seccomp profile, with no behavior change. moby/moby#42649
  • BlocksocketwithAF_VSOCKin the default seccomp profile. moby/moby#44563
  • Re-enableprocess_vm_readvandprocess_vm_writevin the default seccomp profile. moby/moby#42083
  • Add syscalls related to PKU to the default seccomp profile. moby/moby#43812
  • Allowclock_settime64withCAP_SYS_TIME. moby/moby#43775
  • AllowbpfwithCAP_BPFandperf_event_openwithCAP_PERFMON. moby/moby#43988
  • Explicitly set theclone3syscall to returnENOSYSin the default seccomp profile, in order to ensureglibcwill correctly fallback to usingclone. moby/moby#42681

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Promoteoverlay2to be the default storage driver (btrfsandzfsare now opt-in). moby/moby#42661
  • Add a loading spinner to thedocker cpcommand. docker/cli#2708
  • Deprecate theElectAuthServerfunction, and made it return the default registry without calling theGET /infoAPI endpoint. docker/cli#2819
  • Progress bars are no longer reversed when rolling back Swarm services. docker/cli#2940
  • Usenet.JoinHostPort()to fix formatting with IPv6 addresses. docker/cli#2972
  • CLI error messages are now printed tostderr. docker/cli#3044
  • Improve performance ofdocker infoif a custom--formatis used that only uses local information. With this change, the CLI only uses the daemon API if it detects that information from the daemon is needed. docker/cli#3179
  • Remove the default value from the--stop-signalflag, as it may not reflect the actual default used by the daemon. docker/cli#3245
  • Add Compose schema3.10todocker stack;allow omitting theversionfield (resulting inlatest). docker/cli#3257
  • Compose version3is now equivalent to3.x(latest) indocker stack. docker/cli#3445
  • Fix<Ctrl-c>hanging on Windows to exit after running a container in non-interactive mode. docker/cli#3302
  • Add relative source paths to theruncommand in the-v/--volumeand-m/--mountflags. docker/cli#3469
  • docker exec -tnow sets the console size for the executed process immediately when it's created. docker/cli#3627
  • Update the pretty-print format ofdocker infoto provide more details on installed plugins. docker/cli#3645
  • Print warning messages for thedocker context listanddocker context usecommands when the context is overridden by the environment. docker/cli#3668
  • Add a customaliasesannotation that can be used to print all available aliases for a command. docker/cli#3694
  • The CLI no longer creates or updates the CLI configuration file when runningdocker context useand selecting the current context. docker/cli#3721
  • Non-existing contexts are now ignored when runningdocker context rm --force. docker/cli#3791
  • Add the ability to override integers to0in Compose files. docker/cli#3812
  • SIGINT (<Ctrl-c>) now passes through to running containers instead of causing the CLI to exit. docker/cli#3849
  • Improvedocker port CONTAINERUX by sorting ports before printing. docker/cli#3892
  • API:GET /containers/{id}/logsandPOST /containers/{id}/attachnow report which raw-stream format is in use using theContent-typeresponse header on API version >= 1.42. moby/moby#39812
  • Set default sandbox size for Windows layers to 127GB, and ensure that the--storage-optsflag applies to all storage on Windows. moby/moby#41636
  • Remove the plugin section from the containerd configuration file (/var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.toml). moby/moby#41675
  • Rejectnullmanifests during tar import. moby/moby#41842
  • Add shim config for custom runtimes for plugins. moby/moby#41854
  • Container health checks now resume when the daemon is restarted. moby/moby#41935
  • Quota is no longer disabled on cleanup of thebtrfsdriver. moby/moby#42273
  • Host devices that are accessible can now be mounted in--privilegedrootless containers. moby/moby#42638
  • Fix incorrect handling of**/foorecursive wildcard directory patterns in.dockerignore. moby/moby#42676
  • Extenddocker import --platformto allow marking an imported image as a foreign architecture. moby/moby#43103
  • Validation of CPU real-time options is now performed when the daemon starts instead of performing validations for each individual container, allowing startup to fail early. moby/moby#43131
  • Freeze thenamesgeneratorpackage against new additions. Users will have to be satisfied with the existing 25359 adjective-name combinations. moby/moby#43210
  • API:containers/{id}/attach/wsonly to streams according bystdin,stdoutandstderrparameters on API version >= 1.42. moby/moby#43322
  • Fix UDP traffic in containers not working after the container is restarted under sustained traffic. moby/moby#43409
  • Add support for pulling images with custom amd64 micro-architecture feature levels as supported by the latest versions of Go, GCC, LLVM, and other compiler tools. moby/moby#43434
  • Improve validation of invalid JSON requests in the API. moby/moby#43463
  • Mitigate the impact of slowexecstarts on health checks. Check timeout now only applies to the duration that the health check command is running. The time it takes to start the command no longer counts against the timeout. moby/moby#43480
  • Consolettysize is set immediately on creation. moby/moby#43593, moby/moby#43622
  • Fixoverlay2mounts not being cleaned up after failed container starts, or daemon shutdown. moby/moby#43659
  • Match manifest list resolution withcontainerd. moby/moby#43675
  • Skip use offirewalldfor networking when the daemon is running in rootless mode. moby/moby#43813
  • Custom NAT networks are now re-created after daemon restart if missing on Windows. moby/moby#43858
  • Fix terminating the container health-check process when it times out. moby/moby#43994
  • Fixlive-restorewith restart policies and volume refs. moby/moby#44237
  • API: Only anonymous volumes now pruned by default on API version >= v1.42. Pass the filterall=trueto prune named volumes in addition to anonymous. moby/moby#44259
  • API: Support concurrent calls on theGET /system/dfendpoint. moby/moby#42715
  • Improve the reliability of the daemon dumping the stack and exits with code 2 when sent a SIGQUIT. moby/moby#44831
  • Improve the reliability ofdocker logs -fon Windows, and prevent newlines from being dropped in thelocallog driver. moby/moby#43294
  • Fix a rare deadlock in the daemon caused by buffering of container logs. moby/moby#44856
  • Improve error handling in misc filesystem operations so that the daemon can start on a overlayfs backing filesystem. moby/moby#44834
  • Fix an issue where--ipc=hostwasn't handled correctly when the daemon is running in rootless mode. moby/moby#44863
  • Fix a long-standing set of issues where stale conntrack entries caused incorrect routing of UDP traffic for containers. moby/moby#44752
  • Fix half-registered containers being listed in the API, as well as a nil pointer de-reference and panic caused by using a partially registered container in API calls. moby/moby#44633
  • Fix a failure to create theDOCKER-USERip6tables chain. moby/moby#44845
  • Fix a failure to clean up iptables rules when theip6tablescommand isn't available. moby/moby#44727
  • Fix an issue where some iptables NAT rules weren't cleaned up after enabling the userland proxy. moby/moby#44811
  • Fix a potentially leaked process in rare situations where cleaning up a failed attempt to start a container was mishandled. moby/moby#44400
  • Fix theCreatedAttime of a volume reflecting initialization and not creation. moby/moby#44725
  • Fix an issue where the CLI incorrectly reported an incompatible server instead of an unreachable server in some commands. docker/cli#3901, docker/cli#3904
  • Fix broken completion of volumes in Zsh. docker/cli#2998
  • Improve output ofdocker contextwhen an invalid context is present. docker/cli#3847
  • Remove ANSI decoration of CLI help annotations when the output isn't a TTY, and added a newline for readability. docker/cli#3973
  • Adddocker container removeas an alias fordocker container rm. docker/cli#3986

Known issues

apparmor_parser ( tracking issue)

Some Debian users have reported issues with containers failing to start after upgrading to the 23.0 branch. The error message indicates that the issue is due to a missingapparmor_parserbinary:

Error response from daemon: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running `apparmor_parser apparmor_parser --version` failed with output:
error: exec: "apparmor_parser": executable file not found in $PATH
Error: failed to start containers: somecontainer

The workaround to this issue is to install theapparmorpackage manually:

apt-get install apparmor

BuildKit inline cache ( tracking issue)

Attempting to build an image with BuildKit's inline cache feature (e.g.docker build --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1.,docker buildx build --cache-to type=inline.) will result in the daemon unexpectedly exiting:

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x18 pc=0x147ff00]

goroutine 693 [running]:
github /docker/docker/vendor/github /moby/buildkit/cache puteBlobChain.func4.1({0x245cca8, 0x4001394960})
/go/src/github /docker/docker/vendor/github /moby/buildkit/cache/blobs.go:206 +0xc90
github /docker/docker/vendor/github /moby/buildkit/util/flightcontrol.(*call).run(0x40013c2240)
/go/src/github /docker/docker/vendor/github /moby/buildkit/util/flightcontrol/flightcontrol.go:121 +0x64
sync.(*Once).doSlow(0x0?, 0x4001328240?)
/usr/local/go/src/sync/once.go:74 +0x100
sync.(*Once).Do(0x4001328240?, 0x0?)
/usr/local/go/src/sync/once.go:65 +0x24
created by github /docker/docker/vendor/github /moby/buildkit/util/flightcontrol.(*call).wait

The daemon will restart if configured to do so (e.g. via systemd) after such a crash. The only available mitigation in this release is to avoid performing builds with the inline cache feature enabled.

BuildKit with warm cache ( tracking issue)

If an image was built with BuildKit on a previous version of the daemon, and is built with a 23.0 daemon, previously cached layers will not be restored correctly. The image may appear to build correctly if no lines are changed in the Dockerfile; however, if partial cache invalidation occurs due to changing some lines in the Dockerfile, the still valid and previously cached layers will not be loaded correctly.

This most often presents as files that should be present in the image not being present in aRUNstage, or any other stage that references files, after changing some lines in the Dockerfile:

[+] Building 0.4s (6/6) FINISHED
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
=> => transferring dockerfile: 102B
=> [internal] load.dockerignore
=> => transferring context: 2B
=> [internal] load metadata for
=> [base 1/2] FROM
=> CACHED [base 2/2] WORKDIR /app
=> ERROR [stage-1 1/1] RUN uname -a
> [stage-1 1/1] RUN uname -a:
#0 0.138 runc run failed: unable to start container process: exec: "/bin/sh": stat /bin/sh: no such file or directory
3 |
4 | FROM base
5 | >>> RUN uname -a
6 |
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c uname -a" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

To mitigate this, the previous build cache must be discarded.docker builder prune -awill completely empty the build cache, and allow the affected builds to proceed again by removing the mishandled cache layers.

ipvlan networks ( tracking issue)

When upgrading to the 23.0 branch, the existence of any ipvlannetworks will prevent the daemon from starting:

panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not string

goroutine 1 [running]:
github /docker/docker/libnetwork/drivers/ipvlan.(*configuration).UnmarshalJSON(0x40011533b0, {0x400069c2d0, 0xef, 0xef})
/go/src/github /docker/docker/libnetwork/drivers/ipvlan/ipvlan_store.go:196 +0x414
encoding/json.(*decodeState).object(0x4001153440, {0x5597157640?, 0x40011533b0?, 0x559524115c?})
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/json/decode.go:613 +0x650
encoding/json.(*decodeState).value(0x4001153440, {0x5597157640?, 0x40011533b0?, 0x559524005c?})
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/json/decode.go:374 +0x40
encoding/json.(*decodeState).unmarshal(0x4001153440, {0x5597157640?, 0x40011533b0?})
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/json/decode.go:181 +0x204
encoding/json.Unmarshal({0x400069c2d0, 0xef, 0xef}, {0x5597157640, 0x40011533b0})
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/json/decode.go:108 +0xf4
github /docker/docker/libnetwork/drivers/ipvlan.(*configuration).SetValue(0x4000d18050?, {0x400069c2d0?, 0x23?, 0x23?})
/go/src/github /docker/docker/libnetwork/drivers/ipvlan/ipvlan_store.go:230 +0x38

To mitigate this, affected users can downgrade and remove the network, then upgrade again. Alternatively, the entire network store can be removed, and networks can be recreated after the upgrade. The network store is located at/var/lib/docker/network/files/local-kv.db.If the daemon is using an alternate--data-root,substitute/var/lib/dockerfor the alternate path.

Kata Containers ( tracking issue)

The 23.0 branch brings support for alternate containerd shims, such asio.containerd.runsc.v1(gVisor) andio.containerd.kata.v2(Kata Containers).

When using the Kata Containers runtime, exiting anexecsession stops the running container, and hangs the connected CLI if a TTY was opened. There is no mitigation at this time beyond avoiding execing into containers running on the Kata runtime.

The root cause of this issue is a long-standing bug in Moby. This will be resolved in a future release. Be advised that support for alternate OCI runtimes is a new feature and that similar issues may be discovered as more users start exercising this functionality.