Updating GP Premium

GP Premium updates contain bug fixes and new features. You can check what version you’re running inAppearance > GeneratePressor in thePluginsarea of your Dashboard.

In order to receive updates through your Dashboard, you need to activate your license key.

Finding Your License Key

To find your license key, go toyour accountand locate your download.

Copy your license key and move onto the next step.

Activating Updates

Now that we have our license key copied, we can navigate to “Appearance > GeneratePress” in our Dashboards.

Paste your license key into the license key field, and click the “Save” button.

Problem activating? Seethis article.

Manually Updating

Sometimes the update process through your Dashboard won’t work due to server restrictions. In that case, you can manually update.

  1. Download a fresh copy of your add-on throughyour account.
  2. Upload and activate the fresh copy you downloaded in step 1.