signal— Set handlers for asynchronous events

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This module provides mechanisms to use signal handlers in Python.

General rules

Thesignal.signal()function allows defining custom handlers to be executed when a signal is received. A small number of default handlers are installed:SIGPIPEis ignored (so write errors on pipes and sockets can be reported as ordinary Python exceptions) andSIGINTis translated into aKeyboardInterruptexception if the parent process has not changed it.

A handler for a particular signal, once set, remains installed until it is explicitly reset (Python emulates the BSD style interface regardless of the underlying implementation), with the exception of the handler for SIGCHLD,which follows the underlying implementation.

On WebAssembly platforms, signals are emulated and therefore behave differently. Several functions and signals are not available on these platforms.

Execution of Python signal handlers

A Python signal handler does not get executed inside the low-level (C) signal handler. Instead, the low-level signal handler sets a flag which tells the virtual machineto execute the corresponding Python signal handler at a later point(for example at the nextbytecodeinstruction). This has consequences:

  • It makes little sense to catch synchronous errors likeSIGFPEor SIGSEGVthat are caused by an invalid operation in C code. Python will return from the signal handler to the C code, which is likely to raise the same signal again, causing Python to apparently hang. From Python 3.3 onwards, you can use thefaulthandlermodule to report on synchronous errors.

  • A long-running calculation implemented purely in C (such as regular expression matching on a large body of text) may run uninterrupted for an arbitrary amount of time, regardless of any signals received. The Python signal handlers will be called when the calculation finishes.

  • If the handler raises an exception, it will be raised “out of thin air” in the main thread. See thenote belowfor a discussion.

Signals and threads

Python signal handlers are always executed in the main Python thread of the main interpreter, even if the signal was received in another thread. This means that signals can’t be used as a means of inter-thread communication. You can use the synchronization primitives from thethreadingmodule instead.

Besides, only the main thread of the main interpreter is allowed to set a new signal handler.

Module contents

Changed in version 3.5:signal (SIG*), handler (SIG_DFL,SIG_IGN) and sigmask (SIG_BLOCK,SIG_UNBLOCK,SIG_SETMASK) related constants listed below were turned into enums(Signals,HandlersandSigmasksrespectively). getsignal(),pthread_sigmask(),sigpending()and sigwait()functions return human-readable enumsasSignalsobjects.

The signal module defines three enums:


enum.IntEnumcollection of SIG* constants and the CTRL_* constants.

Added in version 3.5.


enum.IntEnumcollection the constantsSIG_DFLandSIG_IGN.

Added in version 3.5.


enum.IntEnumcollection the constantsSIG_BLOCK,SIG_UNBLOCKandSIG_SETMASK.


See the man pagesigprocmask(2)and pthread_sigmask(3)for further information.

Added in version 3.5.

The variables defined in thesignalmodule are:


This is one of two standard signal handling options; it will simply perform the default function for the signal. For example, on most systems the default action forSIGQUITis to dump core and exit, while the default action forSIGCHLDis to simply ignore it.


This is another standard signal handler, which will simply ignore the given signal.


Abort signal fromabort(3).


Timer signal fromalarm(2).



Interrupt from keyboard (CTRL + BREAK).



Bus error (bad memory access).



Child process stopped or terminated.



Alias toSIGCHLD.

Availability:not macOS.


Continue the process if it is currently stopped



Floating-point exception. For example, division by zero.

See also

ZeroDivisionErroris raised when the second argument of a division or modulo operation is zero.


Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process.



Illegal instruction.


Interrupt from keyboard (CTRL + C).

Default action is to raiseKeyboardInterrupt.


Kill signal.

It cannot be caught, blocked, or ignored.



Broken pipe: write to pipe with no readers.

Default action is to ignore the signal.



Segmentation fault: invalid memory reference.


Stack fault on coprocessor. The Linux kernel does not raise this signal: it can only be raised in user space.


On architectures where the signal is available. See the man pagesignal(7)for further information.

Added in version 3.11.


Termination signal.


User-defined signal 1.



User-defined signal 2.



Window resize signal.



All the signal numbers are defined symbolically. For example, the hangup signal is defined assignal.SIGHUP;the variable names are identical to the names used in C programs, as found in<signal.h>.The Unix man page for ‘signal()’ lists the existing signals (on some systems this is signal(2),on others the list is insignal(7)). Note that not all systems define the same set of signal names; only those names defined by the system are defined by this module.


The signal corresponding to theCtrl+Ckeystroke event. This signal can only be used withos.kill().


Added in version 3.2.


The signal corresponding to theCtrl+Breakkeystroke event. This signal can only be used withos.kill().


Added in version 3.2.


One more than the number of the highest signal number. Usevalid_signals()to get valid signal numbers.


Decrements interval timer in real time, and deliversSIGALRMupon expiration.


Decrements interval timer only when the process is executing, and delivers SIGVTALRM upon expiration.


Decrements interval timer both when the process executes and when the system is executing on behalf of the process. Coupled with ITIMER_VIRTUAL, this timer is usually used to profile the time spent by the application in user and kernel space. SIGPROF is delivered upon expiration.


A possible value for thehowparameter topthread_sigmask() indicating that signals are to be blocked.

Added in version 3.3.


A possible value for thehowparameter topthread_sigmask() indicating that signals are to be unblocked.

Added in version 3.3.


A possible value for thehowparameter topthread_sigmask() indicating that the signal mask is to be replaced.

Added in version 3.3.

Thesignalmodule defines one exception:


Raised to signal an error from the underlyingsetitimer()or getitimer()implementation. Expect this error if an invalid interval timer or a negative time is passed tosetitimer(). This error is a subtype ofOSError.

Added in version 3.3:This error used to be a subtype ofIOError,which is now an alias ofOSError.

Thesignalmodule defines the following functions:


Iftimeis non-zero, this function requests that aSIGALRMsignal be sent to the process intimeseconds. Any previously scheduled alarm is canceled (only one alarm can be scheduled at any time). The returned value is then the number of seconds before any previously set alarm was to have been delivered. Iftimeis zero, no alarm is scheduled, and any scheduled alarm is canceled. If the return value is zero, no alarm is currently scheduled.


See the man pagealarm(2)for further information.


Return the current signal handler for the signalsignalnum.The returned value may be a callable Python object, or one of the special values signal.SIG_IGN,signal.SIG_DFLorNone.Here, signal.SIG_IGNmeans that the signal was previously ignored, signal.SIG_DFLmeans that the default way of handling the signal was previously in use, andNonemeans that the previous signal handler was not installed from Python.


Returns the description of signalsignalnum,such as “Interrupt” forSIGINT.ReturnsNoneifsignalnumhas no description. RaisesValueErrorifsignalnumis invalid.

Added in version 3.8.


Return the set of valid signal numbers on this platform. This can be less thanrange(1,NSIG)if some signals are reserved by the system for internal use.

Added in version 3.8.


Cause the process to sleep until a signal is received; the appropriate handler will then be called. Returns nothing.


See the man pagesignal(2)for further information.

See alsosigwait(),sigwaitinfo(),sigtimedwait()and sigpending().


Sends a signal to the calling process. Returns nothing.

Added in version 3.8.


Send signalsigto the process referred to by file descriptorpidfd. Python does not currently support thesiginfoparameter; it must be None.Theflagsargument is provided for future extensions; no flag values are currently defined.

See thepidfd_send_signal(2)man page for more information.

Availability:Linux >= 5.1, Android >=build-timeAPI level 31

Added in version 3.9.


Send the signalsignalnumto the threadthread_id,another thread in the same process as the caller. The target thread can be executing any code (Python or not). However, if the target thread is executing the Python interpreter, the Python signal handlers will beexecuted by the main thread of the main interpreter.Therefore, the only point of sending a signal to a particular Python thread would be to force a running system call to fail withInterruptedError.

Usethreading.get_ident()or theident attribute ofthreading.Threadobjects to get a suitable value forthread_id.

Ifsignalnumis 0, then no signal is sent, but error checking is still performed; this can be used to check if the target thread is still running.

Raises anauditing eventsignal.pthread_killwith argumentsthread_id,signalnum.


See the man pagepthread_kill(3)for further information.

See alsoos.kill().

Added in version 3.3.


Fetch and/or change the signal mask of the calling thread. The signal mask is the set of signals whose delivery is currently blocked for the caller. Return the old signal mask as a set of signals.

The behavior of the call is dependent on the value ofhow,as follows.

  • SIG_BLOCK:The set of blocked signals is the union of the current set and themaskargument.

  • SIG_UNBLOCK:The signals inmaskare removed from the current set of blocked signals. It is permissible to attempt to unblock a signal which is not blocked.

  • SIG_SETMASK:The set of blocked signals is set to themask argument.

maskis a set of signal numbers (e.g. {signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM}). Usevalid_signals()for a full mask including all signals.

For example,signal.pthread_sigmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK,[])reads the signal mask of the calling thread.

SIGKILLandSIGSTOPcannot be blocked.


See the man pagesigprocmask(2)and pthread_sigmask(3)for further information.

See alsopause(),sigpending()andsigwait().

Added in version 3.3.


Sets given interval timer (one ofsignal.ITIMER_REAL, signal.ITIMER_VIRTUALorsignal.ITIMER_PROF) specified bywhichto fire afterseconds(float is accepted, different from alarm()) and after that everyintervalseconds (ifinterval is non-zero). The interval timer specified bywhichcan be cleared by settingsecondsto zero.

When an interval timer fires, a signal is sent to the process. The signal sent is dependent on the timer being used; signal.ITIMER_REALwill deliverSIGALRM, signal.ITIMER_VIRTUALsendsSIGVTALRM, andsignal.ITIMER_PROFwill deliverSIGPROF.

The old values are returned as a tuple: (delay, interval).

Attempting to pass an invalid interval timer will cause an ItimerError.



Returns current value of a given interval timer specified bywhich.



Set the wakeup file descriptor tofd.When a signal is received, the signal number is written as a single byte into the fd. This can be used by a library to wakeup a poll or select call, allowing the signal to be fully processed.

The old wakeup fd is returned (or -1 if file descriptor wakeup was not enabled). Iffdis -1, file descriptor wakeup is disabled. If not -1,fdmust be non-blocking. It is up to the library to remove any bytes fromfdbefore calling poll or select again.

When threads are enabled, this function can only be called fromthe main thread of the main interpreter; attempting to call it from other threads will cause aValueError exception to be raised.

There are two common ways to use this function. In both approaches, you use the fd to wake up when a signal arrives, but then they differ in how they determinewhichsignal or signals have arrived.

In the first approach, we read the data out of the fd’s buffer, and the byte values give you the signal numbers. This is simple, but in rare cases it can run into a problem: generally the fd will have a limited amount of buffer space, and if too many signals arrive too quickly, then the buffer may become full, and some signals may be lost. If you use this approach, then you should set warn_on_full_buffer=True,which will at least cause a warning to be printed to stderr when signals are lost.

In the second approach, we use the wakeup fdonlyfor wakeups, and ignore the actual byte values. In this case, all we care about is whether the fd’s buffer is empty or non-empty; a full buffer doesn’t indicate a problem at all. If you use this approach, then you should setwarn_on_full_buffer=False,so that your users are not confused by spurious warning messages.

Changed in version 3.5:On Windows, the function now also supports socket handles.

Changed in version 3.7:Addedwarn_on_full_bufferparameter.


Change system call restart behaviour: ifflagisFalse,system calls will be restarted when interrupted by signalsignalnum,otherwise system calls will be interrupted. Returns nothing.


See the man pagesiginterrupt(3)for further information.

Note that installing a signal handler withsignal()will reset the restart behaviour to interruptible by implicitly calling siginterrupt()with a trueflagvalue for the given signal.


Set the handler for signalsignalnumto the functionhandler.handlercan be a callable Python object taking two arguments (see below), or one of the special valuessignal.SIG_IGNorsignal.SIG_DFL.The previous signal handler will be returned (see the description ofgetsignal() above). (See the Unix man pagesignal(2)for further information.)

When threads are enabled, this function can only be called fromthe main thread of the main interpreter; attempting to call it from other threads will cause aValueError exception to be raised.

Thehandleris called with two arguments: the signal number and the current stack frame (Noneor a frame object; for a description of frame objects, see thedescription in the type hierarchyor see the attribute descriptions in theinspectmodule).

On Windows,signal()can only be called withSIGABRT, SIGFPE,SIGILL,SIGINT,SIGSEGV, SIGTERM,orSIGBREAK. AValueErrorwill be raised in any other case. Note that not all systems define the same set of signal names; an AttributeErrorwill be raised if a signal name is not defined as SIG*module level constant.


Examine the set of signals that are pending for delivery to the calling thread (i.e., the signals which have been raised while blocked). Return the set of the pending signals.


See the man pagesigpending(2)for further information.

See alsopause(),pthread_sigmask()andsigwait().

Added in version 3.3.


Suspend execution of the calling thread until the delivery of one of the signals specified in the signal setsigset.The function accepts the signal (removes it from the pending list of signals), and returns the signal number.


See the man pagesigwait(3)for further information.

See alsopause(),pthread_sigmask(),sigpending(), sigwaitinfo()andsigtimedwait().

Added in version 3.3.


Suspend execution of the calling thread until the delivery of one of the signals specified in the signal setsigset.The function accepts the signal and removes it from the pending list of signals. If one of the signals insigsetis already pending for the calling thread, the function will return immediately with information about that signal. The signal handler is not called for the delivered signal. The function raises an InterruptedErrorif it is interrupted by a signal that is not in sigset.

The return value is an object representing the data contained in the siginfo_tstructure, namely:si_signo,si_code, si_errno,si_pid,si_uid,si_status, si_band.


See the man pagesigwaitinfo(2)for further information.

See alsopause(),sigwait()andsigtimedwait().

Added in version 3.3.

Changed in version 3.5:The function is now retried if interrupted by a signal not insigset and the signal handler does not raise an exception (seePEP 475for the rationale).


Likesigwaitinfo(),but takes an additionaltimeoutargument specifying a timeout. Iftimeoutis specified as0,a poll is performed. ReturnsNoneif a timeout occurs.


See the man pagesigtimedwait(2)for further information.

See alsopause(),sigwait()andsigwaitinfo().

Added in version 3.3.

Changed in version 3.5:The function is now retried with the recomputedtimeoutif interrupted by a signal not insigsetand the signal handler does not raise an exception (seePEP 475for the rationale).


Here is a minimal example program. It uses thealarm()function to limit the time spent waiting to open a file; this is useful if the file is for a serial device that may not be turned on, which would normally cause the hang indefinitely. The solution is to set a 5-second alarm before opening the file; if the operation takes too long, the alarm signal will be sent, and the handler raises an exception.


print(f'Signal handler called with signal{signame}({signum})')
raiseOSError("Couldn't open device!")

# Set the signal handler and a 5-second alarm

# This open() may hang indefinitely'/dev/ttyS0',os.O_RDWR)

signal.alarm(0)# Disable the alarm


Piping output of your program to tools likehead(1)will cause aSIGPIPEsignal to be sent to your process when the receiver of its standard output closes early. This results in an exception likeBrokenPipeError:[Errno32]Brokenpipe.To handle this case, wrap your entry point to catch this exception as follows:


# simulate large output (your code replaces this loop)
# flush output here to force SIGPIPE to be triggered
# while inside this try block.
# Python flushes standard streams on exit; redirect remaining output
# to devnull to avoid another BrokenPipeError at shutdown,os.O_WRONLY)
sys.exit(1)# Python exits with error code 1 on EPIPE


Do not setSIGPIPE’s disposition toSIG_DFLin order to avoidBrokenPipeError.Doing that would cause your program to exit unexpectedly whenever any socket connection is interrupted while your program is still writing to it.

Note on Signal Handlers and Exceptions

If a signal handler raises an exception, the exception will be propagated to the main thread and may be raised after anybytecodeinstruction. Most notably, aKeyboardInterruptmay appear at any point during execution. Most Python code, including the standard library, cannot be made robust against this, and so aKeyboardInterrupt(or any other exception resulting from a signal handler) may on rare occasions put the program in an unexpected state.

To illustrate this issue, consider the following code:


# If KeyboardInterrupt occurs here, everything is fine
# If KeyboardInterrupt occurs here, __exit__ will not be called
# KeyboardInterrupt could occur just before the function returns


For many programs, especially those that merely want to exit on KeyboardInterrupt,this is not a problem, but applications that are complex or require high reliability should avoid raising exceptions from signal handlers. They should also avoid catchingKeyboardInterruptas a means of gracefully shutting down. Instead, they should install their own SIGINThandler. Below is an example of an HTTP server that avoids KeyboardInterrupt:



print('Signal handler called with signal',signum)



print("Serving on port 8000")