Sequence Protocol

Part of theStable ABI.

Return1if the object provides the sequence protocol, and0otherwise. Note that it returns1for Python classes with a__getitem__() method, unless they aredictsubclasses, since in general it is impossible to determine what type of keys the class supports. This function always succeeds.

Part of theStable ABI.

Returns the number of objects in sequenceoon success, and-1on failure. This is equivalent to the Python expressionlen(o).

Return value: New reference.Part of theStable ABI.

Return the concatenation ofo1ando2on success, andNULLon failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expressiono1+o2.

Return value: New reference.Part of theStable ABI.

Return the result of repeating sequence objectocounttimes, orNULLon failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expressiono*count.

Return value: New reference.Part of theStable ABI.

Return the concatenation ofo1ando2on success, andNULLon failure. The operation is donein-placewheno1supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python expressiono1+=o2.

Return value: New reference.Part of theStable ABI.

Return the result of repeating sequence objectocounttimes, orNULLon failure. The operation is donein-placewhenosupports it. This is the equivalent of the Python expressiono*=count.

Return value: New reference.Part of theStable ABI.

Return theith element ofo,orNULLon failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expressiono[i].

Return value: New reference.Part of theStable ABI.

Return the slice of sequence objectobetweeni1andi2,orNULLon failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expressiono[i1:i2].

Part of theStable ABI.

Assign objectvto theith element ofo.Raise an exception and return-1on failure; return0on success. This is the equivalent of the Python statemento[i]=v.This functiondoes notsteal a reference tov.

IfvisNULL,the element is deleted, but this feature is deprecated in favour of usingPySequence_DelItem().

Part of theStable ABI.

Delete theith element of objecto.Returns-1on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statementdelo[i].

Part of theStable ABI.

Assign the sequence objectvto the slice in sequence objectofromi1to i2.This is the equivalent of the Python statemento[i1:i2]=v.

Part of theStable ABI.

Delete the slice in sequence objectofromi1toi2.Returns-1on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statementdelo[i1:i2].

Part of theStable ABI.

Return the number of occurrences ofvalueino,that is, return the number of keys for whicho[key]==value.On failure, return-1.This is equivalent to the Python expressiono.count(value).

Part of theStable ABI.

Determine ifocontainsvalue.If an item inois equal tovalue, return1,otherwise return0.On error, return-1.This is equivalent to the Python expressionvalueino.

Part of theStable ABI.

Return the first indexifor whicho[i]==value.On error, return -1.This is equivalent to the Python expressiono.index(value).

Return value: New reference.Part of theStable ABI.

Return a list object with the same contents as the sequence or iterableo, orNULLon failure. The returned list is guaranteed to be new. This is equivalent to the Python expressionlist(o).

Return value: New reference.Part of theStable ABI.

Return a tuple object with the same contents as the sequence or iterableo, orNULLon failure. Ifois a tuple, a new reference will be returned, otherwise a tuple will be constructed with the appropriate contents. This is equivalent to the Python expressiontuple(o).

Return value: New reference.Part of theStable ABI.

Return the sequence or iterableoas an object usable by the other PySequence_Fast*family of functions. If the object is not a sequence or iterable, raisesTypeErrorwithmas the message text. Returns NULLon failure.

ThePySequence_Fast*functions are thus named because they assume ois aPyTupleObjector aPyListObjectand access the data fields ofodirectly.

As a CPython implementation detail, ifois already a sequence or list, it will be returned.


Returns the length ofo,assuming thatowas returned by PySequence_Fast()and thatois notNULL.The size can also be retrieved by callingPySequence_Size()ono,but PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE()is faster because it can assumeois a list or tuple.

Return value: Borrowed reference.

Return theith element ofo,assuming thatowas returned by PySequence_Fast(),ois notNULL,and thatiis within bounds.


Return the underlying array of PyObject pointers. Assumes thatowas returned byPySequence_Fast()andois notNULL.

Note, if a list gets resized, the reallocation may relocate the items array. So, only use the underlying array pointer in contexts where the sequence cannot change.

Return value: New reference.

Return theith element ofoorNULLon failure. Faster form of PySequence_GetItem()but without checking that PySequence_Check()onois true and without adjustment for negative indices.