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Install PHPCS globally

Installing PHPCS globally makes PHPCS available for use from anywhere on a local machine. Following these instructions will install:


PHPCS commands on a local machine runningWindows may require different formattingthan the command examples shown below.


  1. Before beginning installation, ensure that Composer itself is up to date:
composer self-update && composer global update
  1. Run the command below in a terminal. This command can be run to update an existing global installation. Verbose output in the terminal will indicate what is being installed (or updated).
composer g require --dev automattic/vipwpcs -W
  1. Thephpcscommand should now be in the local machine’s PATH.
$ ls ~/ poser/vendor/bin
phpcbf phpcs
  1. Check PHPCS to ensure it is up to date.
$ phpcs --version
PHP_CodeSniffer version 3.7.2 (stable) by Squiz (http://


If thephpcscommand does not work, the Composer bin directory on the local machine will need to be added to thePATHenvironment variable. On most operating systems, thephpcbfandphpcsfiles are located in the~/ poser/vendor/bindirectory.

On a local machine running Linux, the file path might be~/.config/composer/vendor/bin.Verify the location of thephpcbfandphpcsfiles on the user’s local machine, and modify the file path as needed when following the instructions below.

  1. Edit the local machine’s shell profile (e.g.,~/.bash_profile,~/.zshrc,~/.bashrc) and add thePATHenvironment variable. The syntax (and the actual file that the shell loads on startup) will vary depending on the shell being used. For example, in~/.bash_profile,add the following code to the end of the file:
export PATH= "$HOME/ poser/vendor/bin:$PATH"
  1. After adding and saving thePATHenvironment variable to the shell profile, either:
    • Open a new terminal window
    • or source the shell profile in the existing terminal window by running:source ~/.bash_profile.
  1. Run thephpcscommand again.

Last updated: December 23, 2023

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