Selectors Level 4

Editor’s Draft,

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Selectorsare patterns that match against elements in a tree, and as such form one of several technologies that can be used to select nodes in a document. Selectors have been optimized for use with HTML and XML, and are designed to be usable in performance-critical code. They are a core component ofCSS(Cascading Style Sheets), which uses Selectors to bind style properties to elements in the document. Selectors Level 4 describes the selectors that already exist in[SELECT],and further introduces new selectors for CSS and other languages that may need them.

CSSis a language for describing the rendering of structured documents (such as HTML and XML) on screen, on paper, etc.

Status of this document

This is a public copy of the editors’ draft. It is provided for discussion only and may change at any moment. Its publication here does not imply endorsement of its contents by W3C. Don’t cite this document other than as work in progress.

Please send feedback byfiling issues in GitHub(preferred), including the spec code “selectors” in the title, like this: “[selectors]…summary of comment…”. All issues and comments arearchived. Alternately, feedback can be sent to the (archived) public mailing list[email protected].

This document is governed by the03 November 2023 W3C Process Document.

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“At-risk” is a W3C Process term-of-art, and does not necessarily imply that the feature is in danger of being dropped or delayed. It means that the WG believes the feature may have difficulty being interoperably implemented in a timely manner, and marking it as such allows the WG to drop the feature if necessary when transitioning to the Proposed Rec stage, without having to publish a new Candidate Rec without the feature first.


This section is not normative.

Aselectoris a boolean predicate that takes an element in a tree structure and tests whether the element matches the selector or not.

These expressions may be used for many things:

Selectors Levels 1, 2, and 3 are defined as the subsets of selector functionality defined in theCSS1,CSS2.1,andSelectors Level 3specifications, respectively. This module defines Selectors Level 4.

1.1.Module Interactions

This module replaces the definitions of and extends the set of selectors defined for CSS in[SELECT]and[CSS21].

Pseudo-element selectors, which define abstract elements in a rendering tree, are not part of this specification: their generic syntax is described here, but, due to their close integration with the rendering model and irrelevance to other uses such as DOM queries, they will be defined in other modules.

2.Selectors Overview

This section is non-normative, as it merely summarizes the following sections.

A selector represents a structure. This structure can be used as a condition (e.g. in a CSS rule) that determines which elements a selector matches in the document tree, or as a flat description of the HTML or XML fragment corresponding to that structure.

Selectors may range from simple element names to rich contextual representations.

The following table summarizes the Selector syntax:

Pattern Represents Section Level
* any element § 5.2 Universal selector 2
E an element of type E § 5.1 Type (tag name) selector 1
E:not(s1,s2,…) an E element that does not match eithercompound selectors1orcompound selectors2 § 4.3 The Negation (Matches-None) Pseudo-class::not() 3/4
E:is(s1,s2,…) an E element that matchescompound selectors1and/orcompound selectors2 § 4.2 The Matches-Any Pseudo-class::is() 4
E:where(s1,s2,…) an E element that matchescompound selectors1and/orcompound selectors2but contributes no specificity. § 4.4 The Specificity-adjustment Pseudo-class::where() 4
E:has(rs1,rs2,…) an E element, if there exists an element that matches either of therelative selectorsrs1orrs2, when evaluated with E as theanchor elements § 4.5 The Relational Pseudo-class::has() 4
E.warning an E element belonging to the classwarning(the document language specifies how class is determined). § 6.6 Class selectors 1
E#myid an E element with ID equal tomyid. § 6.7 ID selectors 1
E[foo] an E element with afooattribute § 6.1 Attribute presence and value selectors 2
E[foo= "bar" ] an E element whosefooattribute value is exactly equal tobar § 6.1 Attribute presence and value selectors 2
E[foo= "bar" i] an E element whosefooattribute value is exactly equal to any (ASCII-range) case-permutation ofbar § 6.3 Case-sensitivity 4
E[foo= "bar" s] an E element whosefooattribute value isidentical tobar § 6.3 Case-sensitivity 4
E[foo~= "bar" ] an E element whosefooattribute value is a list of whitespace-separated values, one of which is exactly equal tobar § 6.1 Attribute presence and value selectors 2
E[foo^= "bar" ] an E element whosefooattribute value begins exactly with the stringbar § 6.2 Substring matching attribute selectors 3
E[foo$= "bar" ] an E element whosefooattribute value ends exactly with the stringbar § 6.2 Substring matching attribute selectors 3
E[foo*= "bar" ] an E element whosefooattribute value contains the substringbar § 6.2 Substring matching attribute selectors 3
E[foo|= "en" ] an E element whosefooattribute value is a hyphen-separated list of values beginning withen § 6.1 Attribute presence and value selectors 2
E:dir(ltr) an element of type E with left-to-right directionality (the document language specifies how directionality is determined) § 7.1 The Directionality Pseudo-class::dir() 4
E:lang(zh, "*-hant" ) an element of type E tagged as being either in Chinese (any dialect or writing system) or otherwise written with traditional Chinese characters § 7.2 The Language Pseudo-class::lang() 2/4
E:any-link an E element being the source anchor of a hyperlink § 8.1 The Hyperlink Pseudo-class::any-link 4
E:link an E element being the source anchor of a hyperlink of which the target is not yet visited § 8.2 The Link History Pseudo-classes::link and:visited 1
E:visited an E element being the source anchor of a hyperlink of which the target is already visited § 8.2 The Link History Pseudo-classes::link and:visited 1
E:local-link an E element being the source anchor of a hyperlink targeting the current URL § 8.3 The Local Link Pseudo-class::local-link 4
E:target an E element being the target of the current URL § 8.4 The Target Pseudo-class::target 3
E:target-within an E element that is the target of the current URL or contains an element that does. § 8.5 The Target Container Pseudo-class::target-within 4
E:scope an E element being ascoping root § 8.6 The Reference Element Pseudo-class::scope 4
E:current an E element that is currently presented in a time-dimensional canvas § 10.1 The Current-element Pseudo-class::current 4
E:current(s) an E element that is the deepest:currentelement that matches selectors § 10.1 The Current-element Pseudo-class::current 4
E:past an E element that is in the past in a time-dimensional canvas § 10.2 The Past-element Pseudo-class::past 4
E:future an E element that is in the future in a time-dimensional canvas § 10.3 The Future-element Pseudo-class::future 4
E:active an E element that is in an activated state § 9.2 The Activation Pseudo-class::active 1
E:hover an E element that is under the cursor, or that has a descendant under the cursor § 9.1 The Pointer Hover Pseudo-class::hover 2
E:focus an E element that has user input focus § 9.3 The Input Focus Pseudo-class::focus 2
E:focus-within an E element that has user input focus or contains an element that has input focus. § 9.5 The Focus Container Pseudo-class::focus-within 4
E:focus-visible an E element that has user input focus, and the UA has determined that a focus ring or other indicator should be drawn for that element § 9.4 The Focus-Indicated Pseudo-class::focus-visible 4
a user interface element E that is enabled or disabled, respectively § 13.1.1 The:enabled and:disabled Pseudo-classes 3
a user interface element E that is user alterable, or not § 13.1.2 The Mutability Pseudo-classes::read-only and:read-write 3-UI/4
E:placeholder-shown an input control currently showing placeholder text § 13.1.3 The Placeholder-shown Pseudo-class::placeholder-shown 3-UI/4
E:default a user interface element E that is the default item in a group of related choices § 13.1.5 The Default-option Pseudo-class::default 3-UI/4
E:checked a user interface element E that is checked/selected (for instance a radio-button or checkbox) § 13.2.1 The Selected-option Pseudo-class::checked 3
E:indeterminate a user interface element E that is in an indeterminate state (neither checked nor unchecked) § 13.2.2 The Indeterminate-value Pseudo-class::indeterminate 4
a user-input element E that meets, or doesn’t, its data validity semantics § 13.3.2 The Validity Pseudo-classes::valid and:invalid 3-UI/4
a user-input element E whose value is in-range/out-of-range § 13.3.3 The Range Pseudo-classes::in-range and:out-of-range 3-UI/4
a user-input element E that requires/does not require input § 13.3.4 The Optionality Pseudo-classes::required and:optional 3-UI/4
E:blank a user-input element E whose value is blank (empty/missing) § 13.3.1 The Empty-Value Pseudo-class::blank 4
E:user-invalid a user-altered user-input element E with incorrect input (invalid, out-of-range, omitted-but-required) § 13.3.5 The User-interaction Pseudo-classes::user-valid and:user-invalid 4
E:root an E element, root of the document § 14.1:root pseudo-class 3
E:empty an E element that has no children (neither elements nor text) except perhaps white space § 14.2:empty pseudo-class 3
E:nth-child(n[ofS]?) an E element, then-th child of its parent matchingS § 14.3.1:nth-child() pseudo-class 3/4
E:nth-last-child(n[ofS]?) an E element, then-th child of its parent matchingS, counting from the last one § 14.3.2:nth-last-child() pseudo-class 3/4
E:first-child an E element, first child of its parent § 14.3.3:first-child pseudo-class 2
E:last-child an E element, last child of its parent § 14.3.4:last-child pseudo-class 3
E:only-child an E element, only child of its parent § 14.3.5:only-child pseudo-class 3
E:nth-of-type(n) an E element, then-th sibling of its type § 14.4.1:nth-of-type() pseudo-class 3
E:nth-last-of-type(n) an E element, then-th sibling of its type, counting from the last one § 14.4.2:nth-last-of-type() pseudo-class 3
E:first-of-type an E element, first sibling of its type § 14.4.3:first-of-type pseudo-class 3
E:last-of-type an E element, last sibling of its type § 14.4.4:last-of-type pseudo-class 3
E:only-of-type an E element, only sibling of its type § 14.4.5:only-of-type pseudo-class 3
E F an F element descendant of an E element § 15.1 Descendant combinator ( ) 1
E > F an F element child of an E element § 15.2 Child combinator (>) 2
E + F an F element immediately preceded by an E element § 15.3 Next-sibling combinator (+) 2
E ~ F an F element preceded by an E element § 15.4 Subsequent-sibling combinator (~) 3
F || E an E element that represents a cell in a grid/table belonging to a column represented by an element F § 16.1 Column combinator (||) 4
E:nth-col(n) an E element that represents a cell belonging to thenth column in a grid/table § 16.2:nth-col() pseudo-class 4
E:nth-last-col(n) an E element that represents a cell belonging to thenth column in a grid/table, counting from the last one § 16.3:nth-last-col() pseudo-class 4

Note:Some Level 4 selectors (noted above as "3-UI" ) were introduced in[CSS3UI].

3.Selector Syntax and Structure

3.1.Structure and Terminology

Aselectorrepresents a particular pattern of element(s) in a tree structure. The termselectorcan refer to asimple selector,compound selector,complex selector,orselector list. Thesubject of a selectoris any element that selector is defined to be about; that is, any elementmatchingthatselector.

Asimple selectoris a single condition on an element. Atype selector,universal selector,attribute selector,class selector,ID selector, orpseudo-classis asimple selector. (It is represented by<simple-selector>in the selectorsgrammar.) A given element is said tomatchasimple selectorwhen thatsimple selector, as defined in this specification and in accordance with thedocument language, accurately describes the element.

Acompound selectoris a sequence ofsimple selectorsthat are not separated by acombinator, and represents a set of simultaneous conditions on a single element. If it contains atype selectororuniversal selector, that selector must come first in the sequence. Only one type selector or universal selector is allowed in the sequence. (Acompound selectoris represented by<compound-selector>in the selectorsgrammar.) A given element is said tomatchacompound selectorwhen it matches allsimple selectorsin thecompound selector.

Note:As whitespace represents thedescendant combinator, no whitespace is allowed between thesimple selectorsin acompound selector.

Apseudo-compound selectoris apseudo-elementselector, optionally followed by additionalpseudo-classselectors, and optionally preceded by acompound selectoror anotherpseudo-compound selector, without anycombinators. (Apseudo-compound selectoris represented by<pseudo-compound-selector>in the selectorsgrammar.) Apseudo-elementmatchesapseudo-compound selectorwhen it has the specified pseudo-element name, matches the additional conditions represented by anypseudo-classes, and has anoriginating elementrepresented by the adjacent preceding selector. If there is no adjacent preceding selector, theuniversal selectoris assumed. (For example,.foo::beforeis equivalent *::before, and distinct

For example,, the.foois acompound selector, while the::before:hoveris apseudo-compound selector. However,,::beforeand::markerare separatepseudo-compound selectors.

Note:Apseudo-compound selectoris notacompound selector, and can’t be used in places that expect acompound selectoronly.Pseudo-compound selectorsact as if they carry acombinatorwith themselves, expressing their relationship with theiroriginating element, just as the>combinator expresses a relationship with a parent element.

Acombinatoris a condition of relationship between two elements represented by thecompound selectorson either side. Combinators in Selectors Level 4 include: thedescendant combinator(white space), thechild combinator(U+003E,>), thenext-sibling combinator(U+002B,+), and thesubsequent-sibling combinator(U+007E,~). Two given elements are said tomatchacombinatorwhen the condition of relationship between these elements is true.

Acomplex selectoris a sequence of one or morecompound selectorsand/orpseudo-compound selectors, withcompound selectorsseparated bycombinators. It represents a set of simultaneous conditions on a set of elements in the particular relationships described by itscombinators. (Complex selectors are represented by<complex-selector>in the selectorsgrammar.) A given element or pseudo-element is said tomatchacomplex selectorwhen it matches the finalcompound/pseudo-compound selectorin the sequence, and every preceding unit of the sequence alsomatchesan element orpseudo-element, with the correct relationship between consecutive units as expressed by the combinators separating them (or, forpseudo-compound selectors, the correctoriginating elementrelationship).

For example,.foo.barmatches an element with both "foo" and "bar" classes.

.ancestor >.foo.barmatches a subset of those elements: only those whose parent element (as indicated by the>combinator) has the "ancestor" class. a::beforepseudo-element, whoseoriginating

Alist of simple/compound/complex selectorsis a comma-separated list ofsimple,compound, orcomplex selectors. This is also called just aselector listwhen the type is either unimportant or specified in the surrounding prose; if the type is important and unspecified, it defaults to meaning alist of complex selectors. (See§ 4.1 Selector Listsfor additional information onselector listsand the various <*-selector-list> productions in thegrammarfor their formal syntax.) A given element is said tomatchaselector listwhen it matches any (at least one) of theselectorsin thatselector list.

3.2.Data Model

Selectors are evaluated against an element tree such as the DOM.[DOM]Within this specification, this may be referred to as the "document tree" or "source document".

Each element may have any of the following five aspects, which can be selected against, all of which are matched as strings:

Many of the selectors depend on the semantics of thedocument language(i.e. the language and semantics of the document tree) and/or the semantics of thehost language(i.e. the language that is using selectors syntax). For example, the:lang()selector depends on thedocument language(e.g. HTML) to define how an element is associated with a language. As a slightly different example, the::first-linepseudo-element depends on thehost language(e.g. CSS) to define what a::first-linepseudo-element represents and what it can do.

3.2.1.Featureless Elements

While individual elements may lack any of the above features, some elements arefeatureless. Afeaturelesselement does not matchany selector at all, except:

If a selector would otherwise match afeaturelesselement, except for the existence of the default namespace[CSS-NAMESPACES-3](becausefeaturelesselements do not have a namespace unless otherwise defined), the default namespace does not prevent the match.

For example, theshadow hostin ashadow treeisfeatureless, and can’t be matched byanypseudo-classexcept for:hostand:host-context()(or combinations including those, such as:is(:host,:root)).

Logical combinations like:not(.foo:host)will never match the host element (even if it doesn’t have a "foo" class), because not all of the simple selectors allowed to match theshadow host.

Similarly,:not(:host >.foo)will never match theshadow host, even tho theshadow hostis indeed *not* a descendant of itself and doesn’t have the "foo" class, because the subject of the complex selector argument (.foo) isn’t allowed to match theshadow host.

In general, you can’t match afeaturelesselement without explicitly using one of thesimple selectorsit’s allowed to match, to avoid accidentally selecting one of these elements (which are otherwiseintentionallyeasy to not think about). For example,*will never match afeaturelesselement.

The rule for:has(),above, works similarly. Even if ashadow hostcontains a.foodescendant,:has(.foo)will not match it, becausethe restof the compound selector (empty) doesn’t contain a simple selector that can match the host. You have to write:host:has(.foo)in order to match the host element.

3.3.Scoped Selectors

Some host applications may choose toscopeselectors to a particular subtree or fragment of the document, The root of the scoping subtree is called thescoping root.

When a selector isscoped, it matches an element only if the element is a descendant of thescoping root. (The rest of the selector can match unrestricted; it’s only the final matched elements that must be within the scope.)

For example, thequerySelector()method defined in[DOM]allows the author to evaluate ascopedselector relative to the element it’s called on.

A call likewidget.querySelector("a")will thus only findaelements inside of thewidgetelement, ignoring any otheras that might be scattered throughout the document.

3.4.Relative Selectors

Certain contexts may acceptrelative selectors, which are a shorthand for selectors that represent elements relative to one or morerelative selector anchor elements. Relative selectors begin with acombinator, with a selector representing theanchor elementimplied at the start of the selector. (If no combinator is present, thedescendant combinatoris implied.)

Relative selectors are represented by<relative-selector>in the selectorsgrammar, and lists of them by<relative-selector-list>.


Pseudo-classesaresimple selectorsthat permit selection based on information that lies outside of the document tree or that can be awkward or impossible to express using the other simple selectors. They can also be dynamic, in the sense that an element can acquire or lose a pseudo-class while a user interacts with the document, without the document itself changing.Pseudo-classesdo not appear in or modify the document source or document tree.

The syntax of apseudo-classconsists of a ":" (U+003A COLON) followed by the name of thepseudo-classas a CSSidentifier, and, in the case of afunctional pseudo-class, a pair of parentheses containing its arguments.

For example,:validis a regular pseudo-class, and:lang()is afunctional pseudo-class.

Like all CSS keywords,pseudo-classnames areASCII case-insensitive. Nowhite spaceis allowed between the colon and the name of thepseudo-class, nor, as usual for CSS syntax, between afunctional pseudo-class’s name and its opening parenthesis (which thus form a CSSfunction token). Also as usual,white spaceis allowed around the arguments inside the parentheses of a functional pseudo-class unless otherwise specified.

Like othersimple selectors,pseudo-classesare allowed in allcompound selectorscontained in a selector, and must follow thetype selectororuniversal selector,if present.

Note:Somepseudo-classesare mutually exclusive (such that acompound selectorcontaining them, while valid, will never match anything), while others can apply simultaneously to the same element.


Similar to how certainpseudo-classesrepresent additional state information not directly present in the document tree, apseudo-elementrepresents anelementnot directly present in the document tree. They are used to create abstractions about the document tree beyond those provided by the document tree. For example, pseudo-elements can be used to select portions of the document that do not correspond to a document-language element (including such ranges as don’t align to element boundaries or fit within its tree structure); that represent content not in the document tree or in an alternate projection of the document tree; or that rely on information provided by styling, layout, user interaction, and other processes that are not reflected in the document tree.

For instance, document languages do not offer mechanisms to access the first letter or first line of an element’s content, but there existpseudo-elements(::first-letterand::first-line) that allow those things to be styled. Notice especially that in the case of::first-line, which portion of content is represented by the pseudo-element depends on layout information that cannot be inferred from the document tree.

Pseudo-elementscan also represent content that doesn’t exist in the source document at all, such as the::beforeand::afterpseudo-elements which allow additional content to be inserted before or after the contents of any element.

Likepseudo-classespseudo-elementsdo not appear in or modify the document source or document tree. Accordingly, they also do not affect the interpretation ofstructural pseudo-classesor other selectors pertaining to theiroriginating elementor its tree.

The host language defines which pseudo-elements exist, their type, and their abilities. Pseudo-elements that exist in CSS are defined in[CSS21](Level 2),[SELECT](Level 3), and[CSS-PSEUDO-4](Level 4).


The syntax of apseudo-elementis "::" (two U+003A COLON characters) followed by the name of thepseudo-elementas anidentifier, and, in the case of afunctional pseudo-element, a pair of parentheses containing its arguments.Pseudo-elementnames areASCII case-insensitive. Nowhite spaceis allowed between the two colons, or between the colons and the name.

BecauseCSS Level 1andCSS Level 2conflated pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes by sharing a single-colon syntax for both, user agents must also accept the previous one-colon notation for the Level 1 & 2 pseudo-elements (::before,::after,::first-line,and::first-letter). This compatibility notation is not allowed for any otherpseudo-elements. However, as this syntax is deprecated, authors should use the Level 3+ double-colon syntax for thesepseudo-elements.

Pseudo-elementsarefeatureless, and so can’t be matched by any other selector.

3.6.2.Binding to the Document Tree

Pseudo-elementsdo not exist independently in the tree: they are always bound to another element on the page, called theiroriginating element. Syntactically, apseudo-elementimmediately follows thecompound selectorrepresenting itsoriginating element. If thiscompound selectoris omitted, it is assumed to be theuniversal selector*.

For example, in the selectordiv a::before, theaelements matched by the selector are theoriginating elementsfor the::beforepseudo-elements attached to them.

The selector::first-lineis equivalent to*::first-line, which selects the::first-linepseudo-element oneveryelement in the document.

When apseudo-elementis encountered in a selector, the part of the selector before thepseudo-elementselects theoriginating elementfor thepseudo-element; the part of the selector after it, if any, applies to thepseudo-elementitself. (See below.)

3.6.3.Pseudo-classing Pseudo-elements

Certainpseudo-elementsmay be immediately followed by any combination of certainpseudo-classes, in which case thepseudo-elementis represented only when it is in the corresponding state. This specification allows anypseudo-elementto be followed by any combination of thelogical combination pseudo-classesand theuser action pseudo-classes. Other specifications may allow additionalpseudo-classesto be attached to particularpseudo-elements. Combinations that are not explicitly allowed areinvalid selectors.

Note:Thelogical combination pseudo-classespass any restrictions on validity of selectors at their position to their arguments.

For example, since the:hoverpseudo-class specifies that it can apply to any pseudo-element,::first-line:hoverwill match when the first line is hovered. However, since neither:focusnor::first-linedefine that:focuscan apply to::first-line, the selector::first-line:focuswill never match anything.

Notice that::first-line:hoveris very different from:hover::first-line, which matches the first line of any originating element that is hovered! For example,:hover::first-linealso matches the first line of a paragraph when the second line of the paragraph is hovered, whereas::first-line:hoveronly matches if the first line itself is hovered.


Somepseudo-elementsare able to be theoriginating elementof otherpseudo-elements, which are defined as thesub-pseudo-elementsof thisoriginating pseudo-element. For example, when::beforeis given alist-itemdisplay type, it becomes theoriginating pseudo-elementof its::before::markersub-pseudo-element.

Where disambiguation is needed, the termultimate originating elementrefers to the real (non-pseudo) element from which apseudo-elementoriginates.

Unless the correspondingsub-pseudo-elementis explicitly defined to exist in another specification, pseudo-element selectors are not valid when compounded to another pseudo-element selector. So, for example,::before::beforeis an invalid selector, but::before::markeris valid (in implementations that support the::before::markersub-pseudo-element).

3.6.5.Internal Structure

Somepseudo-elementsare defined to have internal structure. Thesepseudo-elementsmay be followed by child/descendant combinators to express those relationships. Selectors containingcombinatorsafter the pseudo-element are otherwise invalid.

For example,::first-letter + spanand::first-letter emare invalid selectors. However, if a new::shadowpseudo-element were defined to have internal structure,::shadow > pwould be a valid selector.

Note:A future specification may expand the capabilities of existing pseudo-elements, so some of these currently-invalid selectors (e.g.::first-line:any-link) may become valid in the future.

The children of suchpseudo-elementscan simultaneously be children of other elements, too. However, at least in CSS, their rendering must be defined so as to maintain the tree-ness of thebox tree.

3.7.Characters and case sensitivity

All Selectors syntax isASCII case-insensitive(i.e. [a-z] and [A-Z] are equivalent), except for the parts that are not under the control of Selectors: specifically, the case-sensitivity of document language element names, attribute names, and attribute values depends on the document language.

For example,in HTML, element and attribute names are ASCII case-insensitive, but in XML, they are case-sensitive.

Case sensitivity of namespace prefixes is defined in[CSS3NAMESPACE]. Case sensitivity oflanguage rangesis defined in the:lang()section.

White spacein Selectors consists of the code points SPACE (U+0020), TAB (U+0009), LINE FEED (U+000A), CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D), and FORM FEED (U+000C). Other space-like code points, such as EM SPACE (U+2003) and IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE (U+3000), are never considered syntactic white space.

Code points in Selectors can be escaped with a backslash according to the sameescaping rulesas CSS.[CSS21]Note that escaping a code point “cancels out” any special meaning it may have in Selectors. For example, the selector#foo>acontains a combinator, but#foo\>ainstead selects an element with the idfoo>a.

3.8.Declaring Namespace Prefixes

Certain selectors support namespace prefixes. The mechanism by which namespace prefixes aredeclaredshould be specified by the language that uses Selectors. If the language does not specify a namespace prefix declaration mechanism, then no prefixes are declared. In CSS, namespace prefixes are declared with the@namespacerule.[CSS3NAMESPACE]

3.9.Invalid Selectors and Error Handling

User agents must observe the rules for handlinginvalid selectors:

Note:Consistent with CSS’s forwards-compatible parsing principle, UAsmusttreat asinvalidany pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, combinators, or other syntactic constructs for which they have no usable level of support. SeePartial implementations.

Aninvalid selectorrepresents, and therefore matches, nothing.

3.10.Legacy Aliases

Some selectors have alegacy selector alias. This is a name which, at parse time, is converted to the standard name (and thus does not appear anywhere in any object model representing the selector).

4.Logical Combinations

Selector logic can be manipulated bycompounding(logical AND),selector lists(logical OR), and thelogical combination pseudo-classes:is(),:where(),and:not(). Thelogical combination pseudo-classesare allowed anywhere that any otherpseudo-classesare allowed, but pass any restrictions to their arguments. (For example, if onlycompound selectorsare allowed, then onlycompound selectorsare valid within an:is().)

Note:Since inside:is()and:where()invalid arguments are dropped without invaliding thepseudo-classitself, selector arguments that are invalidated by contextual restrictions likewise do not invalidate the:is()pseudo-class itself.

4.1.Selector Lists

A comma-separated list of selectors represents the union of all elements selected by each of the individual selectors in theselector list. (A comma is U+002C.) For example, in CSS when several selectors share the same declarations, they may be grouped into a comma-separated list. White space may appear before and/or after the comma.

CSS example: In this example, we condense three rules with identical declarations into one. Thus,
h1 { font-family: sans-serif }
h2 { font-family: sans-serif }
h3 { font-family: sans-serif }

is equivalent to:

h1, h2, h3 { font-family: sans-serif }

Warning:the equivalence is true in this example because all the selectors are valid selectors. If just one of these selectors were invalid, the entireselector listwould be invalid. This would invalidate the rule for all three heading elements, whereas in the former case only one of the three individual heading rules would be invalidated.

Invalid CSS example:
h1 { font-family: sans-serif } { font-family: sans-serif }
h3 { font-family: sans-serif }

is not equivalent to:

h1,, h3 { font-family: sans-serif }

because the above selector (h1,, h3) is entirely invalid and the entire style rule is dropped. (When the selectors are not grouped, only the rule forh2..foois dropped.)

4.2.The Matches-Any Pseudo-class::is()

The matches-any pseudo-class,:is(), is a functional pseudo-class taking a<forgiving-selector-list>as its sole argument.

If the argument, after parsing, is an empty list, the pseudo-class is valid but matches nothing. Otherwise, the pseudo-class matches any element that matches any of the selectors in the list.

Note:The specificity of the:is()pseudo-class is replaced by the specificity of its most specific argument. Thus, a selector written with:is()does not necessarily have equivalent specificity to the equivalent selector written without:is()For example, if we have:is(ul, ol,.list) > [hidden]andul > [hidden], ol > [hidden],.list > [hidden]a[hidden]child of anolmatches the first selector with a specificity of (0,2,0) whereas it matches the second selector with a specificity of (0,1,1). See§ 17 Calculating a selector’s specificity.

Pseudo-elements cannot be represented by the matches-any pseudo-class; they are not valid within:is().

Default namespace declarations do not affect thecompound selectorrepresenting thesubjectof any selector within a:is()pseudo-class, unless that compound selector contains an explicituniversal selectorortype selector.

For example, the following selector matches any element that is being hovered or focused, regardless of its namespace. In particular, it is not limited to only matching elements in the default namespace that are being hovered or focused.

The following selector, however, represents only hovered or focused elements that are in the default namespace, because it uses an explicit universal selector within the:is()notation:

*|*:is(*:hover, *:focus)

As previous drafts of this specification used the name:matches()for this pseudo-class, UAs may additionally implement this obsolete name as alegacy selector aliasfor:is()if needed for backwards-compatibility.

4.3.The Negation (Matches-None) Pseudo-class::not()

The negation pseudo-class,:not(), is a functional pseudo-class taking a<complex-real-selector-list>as an argument. It represents an element that is not represented by its argument.

Note:In Selectors Level 3, only a singlesimple selectorwas allowed as the argument to:not().

Note:The specificity of the:not()pseudo-class is replaced by the specificity of the most specific selector in its argument; thus it has the exact behavior of:not(:is(argument)). See§ 17 Calculating a selector’s specificity.

Pseudo-elements cannot be represented by the negation pseudo-class; they are not valid within:not().

For example, the following selector matches allbuttonelements in an HTML document that are not disabled.

The following selector represents all but FOO elements.


The following compound selector represents all HTML elements except links.


As with:is(), default namespace declarations do not affect thecompound selectorrepresenting thesubjectof any selector within a:not()pseudo-class, unless that compound selector contains an explicituniversal selectorortype selector. (See:is()for examples.)

Note:The:not()pseudo-class allows useless selectors to be written. For instance:not(*|*),which represents no element at all, ordiv:not(span),which is equivalent todivbut with a higher specificity.

4.4.The Specificity-adjustment Pseudo-class::where()

The Specificity-adjustment pseudo-class,:where(), is a functional pseudo-class with the same syntax and functionality as:is(). Unlike:is(),neither the:where()pseudo-class, nor any of its arguments, contribute to thespecificityof the selector—​itsspecificityis always zero.

This is useful for introducing filters in a selector while keeping the associated style declarations easy to override.

Below is a common example where the specificity heuristic fails to match author expectations:
a:not(:hover) {
text-decoration: none;

nav a {
/* Has no effect */
text-decoration: underline;

However, by using:where()the author can explicitly declare their intent:

a:where(:not(:hover)) {
text-decoration: none;

nav a {
/* Works now! */
text-decoration: underline;

Note:Future levels of Selectors may introduce an additional argument to explicitly set the specificity of that instance of the pseudo-class.

4.5.The Relational Pseudo-class::has()

The relational pseudo-class,:has(), is a functional pseudo-class taking a<relative-selector-list>as an argument. It represents an element if any of therelative selectorswould match at least one element whenanchored againstthis element.

The:has()pseudo-class cannot be nested;:has()is not valid within:has(). Also, unless explicitly defined as a:has-allowed pseudo-element,pseudo-elementsare not valid selectors within:has(). (This specification does not define any:has-allowed pseudo-elements, but other specifications may do so.)

Note:Pseudo-elements are generally excluded from:has()because many of them exist conditionally, based on the styling of their ancestors, so allowing these to be queried by:has()would introduce cycles.

Note:Since:has()takes a<relative-selector-list>, its arguments areinherentlycomplex selectors(because they start, perhaps implicitly, with a combinator). This means:has()cannot be used in contexts that don’t allow complex selectors; its arguments will be guaranteed to be invalid.

For example, the following selector matches only<a>elements that contain an<img>child:
a:has(> img)

The following selector matches a<dt>element immediately followed by another<dt>element:

dt:has(+ dt)

The following selector matches<section>elements that don’t contain any heading elements:

section:not(:has(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6))

Note that ordering matters in the above selector. Swapping the nesting of the two pseudo-classes, like:

section:has(:not(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6))

...would result in matching any<section>element which contains anything that’s not a heading element.

5.Elemental selectors

5.1.Type (tag name) selector

Atype selectoris the name of a document language element type, and represents an instance of that element type in the document tree.

For example, the selectorh1represents anh1element in the document.

Atype selectoris written as aCSS qualified name: anidentifierwith an optional namespace prefix.[CSS3NAMESPACE](See§ 5.3 Namespaces in Elemental Selectors.)

5.2.Universal selector

Theuniversal selectoris a specialtype selector, that represents an element of any element type.

It is written as aCSS qualified namewith an asterisk (*U+002A) as the local name. Like atype selector, theuniversal selectorcan be qualified by a namespace, restricting it to only elements belonging to that namespace, and is affected by a default namespace as defined in§ 5.3 Namespaces in Elemental Selectors.

Unless an element isfeatureless, the presence of auniversal selectorhas no effect on whether the element matches the selector. (Featurelesselements do not match any selector, including theuniversal selector.)

Theuniversal selectorfollows the same syntax rules as othertype selectors: only one can appear percompound selector, and it must be the firstsimple selectorin thecompound selector.

Note:In some cases, adding auniversal selectorcan make a selector easier to read, even though it has no effect on the matching behavior. For example,div:first-childanddiv:first-childare somewhat difficult to tell apart at a quick glance, but writing the former asdiv *:first-childmakes the difference obvious.

5.3.Namespaces in Elemental Selectors

Type selectorsanduniversal selectorsallow an optional namespace component: a namespace prefix that has been previouslydeclaredmay be prepended to the element name separated by the namespace separator “vertical bar” (|U+007C). (See, e.g.,[XML-NAMES]for the use of namespaces in XML.) It has the following meaning in each form:

elements with name E in namespace ns
elements with name E in any namespace, including those without a namespace
elements with name E without a namespace
if no default namespace has beendeclaredfor selectors, this is equivalent to *|E. Otherwise it is equivalent to ns|E where ns is the default namespace.
CSS examples:
@namespace foo url(;
foo|h1 { color: blue } /* first rule */
foo|* { color: yellow } /* second rule */
|h1 { color: red } /*...*/
*|h1 { color: green }
h1 { color: green }

The first rule (not counting the@namespaceat-rule) will match onlyh1elements in the "" namespace.

The second rule will match all elements in the "" namespace.

The third rule will match onlyh1elements with no namespace.

The fourth rule will matchh1elements in any namespace (including those without any namespace).

The last rule is equivalent to the fourth rule because no default namespace has been defined.

If adefault namespaceis declared,compound selectorswithouttype selectorsin them still only match elements in that default namespace.

For example, in the following style sheet:
@namespace url( "" );

.special {... }

The.specialselector only matches elements in the "" namespace, even though no reference to the type name (which is paired with the namespace in the DOM) appeared.

Atype selectororuniversal selectorcontaining a namespace prefix that has not been previouslydeclaredis aninvalid selector.

5.4.The Defined Pseudo-class::defined

In some host languages, elements can have a distinction between being “defined” / “constructed” or not. The:definedpseudo-classmatches elements that are fully defined, as dictated by the host language.

If the host language does not have this sort of distinction, all elements in it match:defined.

In HTML, all built-in elements are always considered to be defined, so the following example will always match:

Custom elements,on the other hand, start outundefined, and only become defined whenproperly registered. This means the:definedpseudo-class can be used to hide a custom element until it has been registered:

custom-element { visibility: hidden }
custom-element:defined { visibility: visible }

6.Attribute selectors

Selectors allow the representation of an element’s attributes. When a selector is used as an expression to match against an element, anattribute selectormust be considered to match an element if that element has an attribute that matches the attribute represented by the attribute selector.

Add comma-separated syntax formultiple-value matching? e.g. [rel ~= next, prev, up, first, last]

6.1.Attribute presence and value selectors

CSS2 introduced four attribute selectors:

Represents an element with theattattribute, whatever the value of the attribute.
Represents an element with theattattribute whose value is exactly "val".
Represents an element with theattattribute whose value is awhitespace-separated list of words, one of which is exactly "val". If "val" contains whitespace, it will never represent anything (since the words areseparatedby spaces). Also if "val" is the empty string, it will never represent anything.
Represents an element with theattattribute, its value either being exactly "val" or beginning with "val" immediately followed by "-" (U+002D). This is primarily intended to allow language subcode matches (e.g., thehreflangattribute on theaelement in HTML) as described in BCP 47 ([BCP47]) or its successor. Forlang(orxml:lang) language subcode matching, please see the:lang()pseudo-class.

Attribute values must be<ident-token>s or<string-token>s.[CSS3SYN]


The following attribute selector represents anh1element that carries thetitleattribute, whatever its value:


In the following example, the selector represents aspanelement whoseclassattribute has exactly the value "example":

span[class= "example" ]

Multiple attribute selectors can be used to represent several attributes of an element, or several conditions on the same attribute. Here, the selector represents aspanelement whosehelloattribute has exactly the value "Cleveland" and whosegoodbyeattribute has exactly the value "Columbus":

span[hello= "Cleveland" ][goodbye= "Columbus" ]

The following CSS rules illustrate the differences between "=" and "~=". The first selector would match, for example, anaelement with the value "copyright copyleft copyeditor" on arelattribute. The second selector would only match anaelement with anhrefattribute having the exact value "".

a[rel~= "copyright" ] {... }
a[href= "" ] {... }

The following selector represents anaelement whosehreflangattribute is exactly "fr".


The following selector represents anaelement for which the value of thehreflangattribute begins with "en", including "en", "en-US", and "en-scouse":

a[hreflang|= "en" ]

The following selectors represent aDIALOGUEelement whenever it has one of two different values for an attributecharacter:


6.2.Substring matching attribute selectors

Three additional attribute selectors are provided for matching substrings in the value of an attribute:

Represents an element with theattattribute whose value begins with the prefix "val". If "val" is the empty string then the selector does not represent anything.
Represents an element with theattattribute whose value ends with the suffix "val". If "val" is the empty string then the selector does not represent anything.
Represents an element with theattattribute whose value contains at least one instance of the substring "val". If "val" is the empty string then the selector does not represent anything.

Attribute values must be<ident-token>s or<string-token>s.

Examples: The following selector represents an HTMLobjectelement, referencing an image:
object[type^= "image/" ]

The following selector represents an HTMLaelement with anhrefattribute whose value ends with ".html".

a[href$= ".html" ]

The following selector represents an HTML paragraph with atitleattribute whose value contains the substring "hello"

p[title*= "hello" ]


By default case-sensitivity of attribute names and values in selectors depends on the document language.

To match attribute valuesASCII case-insensitivelyregardless of document language rules, the attribute selector may include the identifieribefore the closing bracket (]). When this flag is present, UAs must match the attribute’s valueASCII case-insensitively(i.e. [a-z] and [A-Z] are considered equivalent).

Alternately, the attribute selector may include the identifiersbefore the closing bracket (]); in this case the UA must match the value case-sensitively, with “identical to”semantics[INFRA], regardless of document language rules.

Like the rest of Selectors syntax, theiandsidentifiers themselves areASCII case-insensitive.

The following rule will style theframeattribute when it has a value ofhsides,whether that value is represented ashsides,HSIDES,hSides,etc. even in an XML environment where attribute values are case-sensitive.
[frame=hsides i] { border-style: solid none; }
The following rule will style lists withtype= "a"attributes differently thantype= "A"even though HTML defines thetypeattribute to be case-insensitive.
[type= "a" s] { list-style: lower-alpha; }
[type= "A" s] { list-style: upper-alpha; }

Note:Some document models normalize case-insensitive attribute values at parse time such that checking if a string is case-sensitive matching is impossible. Case-sensitive matching viasflags is only possible in systems that preserve the original case.

6.4.Attribute selectors and namespaces

The attribute name in an attribute selector is given as aCSS qualified name:a namespace prefix that has been previouslydeclaredmay be prepended to the attribute name separated by the namespace separator "vertical bar" (|). In keeping with the Namespaces in the XML recommendation, default namespaces do not apply to attributes, therefore attribute selectors without a namespace component apply only to attributes that have no namespace (equivalent to|attr). An asterisk may be used for the namespace prefix indicating that the selector is to match all attribute names without regard to the attribute’s namespace.

An attribute selector with an attribute name containing a namespace prefix that has not been previouslydeclaredis an invalid selector.

CSS examples:
@namespace foo "";
[foo|att=val] { color: blue }
[*|att] { color: yellow }
[|att] { color: green }
[att] { color: green }

The first rule will match only elements with the attributeattin the "" namespace with the value "val".

The second rule will match only elements with the attributeattregardless of the namespace of the attribute (including no namespace).

The last two rules are equivalent and will match only elements with the attributeattwhere the attribute is not in a namespace.

6.5.Default attribute values in DTDs

Attribute selectors represent attribute values in the document tree. How that document tree is constructed is outside the scope of Selectors. In some document formats default attribute values can be defined in a DTD or elsewhere, but these can only be selected by attribute selectors if they appear in the document tree. Selectors should be designed so that they work whether or not the default values are included in the document tree.

For example, a XML UA may, but isnotrequired to, read an “external subset” of the DTD, butisrequired to look for default attribute values in the document’s “internal subset”. (See, e.g.,[XML10]for definitions of these subsets.) Depending on the UA, a default attribute value defined in the external subset of the DTD might or might not appear in the document tree.

A UA that recognizes an XML namespace may, but is not required to use its knowledge of that namespace to treat default attribute values as if they were present in the document. (For example, an XHTML UA is not required to use its built-in knowledge of the XHTML DTD. See, e.g.,[XML-NAMES]for details on namespaces in XML 1.0.)

Note:Typically, implementations choose to ignore external subsets. This corresponds to the behavior of non-validating processors as defined by the XML specification.


Consider an elementEXAMPLEwith an attributeradixthat has a default value of"decimal".The DTD fragment might be

<!ATTLIST EXAMPLE radix (decimal,octal) "decimal" >

If the style sheet contains the rules

EXAMPLE[radix=decimal] { /*... default property settings...*/ }
EXAMPLE[radix=octal] { /*... other settings...*/ }

the first rule might not match elements whoseradixattribute is set by default, i.e. not set explicitly. To catch all cases, the attribute selector for the default value must be dropped:

EXAMPLE { /*... default property settings...*/ }
EXAMPLE[radix=octal] { /*... other settings...*/ }

Here, because the selectorEXAMPLE[radix=octal]is more specific than the type selector alone, the style declarations in the second rule will override those in the first for elements that have aradixattribute value of"octal".Care has to be taken that all property declarations that are to apply only to the default case are overridden in the non-default cases' style rules.

6.6.Class selectors

Theclass selectoris given as a full stop (. U+002E) immediately followed by an identifier. It represents an element belonging to the class identified by the identifier, as defined by the document language. For example, in[HTML5],[SVG11],and[MATHML]membership in a class is given by theclassattribute: in these languages it is equivalent to the~=notation applied to the localclassattribute (i.e.[class~=identifier]).

CSS examples:

We can assign style information to all elements withclass~= "pastoral"as follows:

*.pastoral { color: green } /* all elements with class~=pastoral */

or just

.pastoral { color: green } /* all elements with class~=pastoral */

The following assigns style only to H1 elements withclass~= "pastoral":

H1.pastoral { color: green } /* H1 elements with class~=pastoral */

Given these rules, the firstH1instance below would not have green text, while the second would:

<H1>Not green</H1>
<H1 class= "pastoral" >Very green</H1>

The following rule matches anyPelement whoseclassattribute has been assigned a list ofwhitespace-separated values that includes bothpastoralandmarine:

p.pastoral.marine { color: green }

This rule matches whenclass= "pastoral blue aqua marine"but does not match forclass= "pastoral blue".

Note:Because CSS gives considerable power to the "class" attribute, authors could conceivably design their own "document language" based on elements with almost no associated presentation (such asdivandspanin HTML) and assigning style information through the "class" attribute. Authors should avoid this practice since the structural elements of a document language often have recognized and accepted meanings and author-defined classes may not.

Note:If an element has multiple class attributes, their values must be concatenated with spaces between the values before searching for the class. As of this time the working group is not aware of any manner in which this situation can be reached, however, so this behavior is explicitly non-normative in this specification.

When matching against a document which is inquirks mode, class names must be matchedASCII case-insensitively; class selectors are otherwise case-sensitive, only matching class names they areidentical to.[INFRA]

6.7.ID selectors

Document languages may contain attributes that are declared to be of type ID. What makes attributes of type ID special is that no two such attributes can have the same value in a conformant document, regardless of the type of the elements that carry them; whatever the document language, an ID typed attribute can be used to uniquely identify its element. In HTML all ID attributes are namedid; XML applications may name ID attributes differently, but the same restriction applies. Which attribute on an element is considered the “ID attribute “is defined by the document language.

AnID selectorconsists of a “number sign” (U+0023,#) immediately followed by the ID value, which must be a CSSidentifier. An ID selector represents an element instance that has an identifier that matches the identifier in the ID selector. (It is possible in non-conforming documents for multiple elements to match a single ID selector.)

Examples: The following ID selector represents anh1element whose ID-typed attribute has the value "chapter1":

The following ID selector represents any element whose ID-typed attribute has the value "chapter1":


The following selector represents any element whose ID-typed attribute has the value "z98y".


Note:In XML 1.0[XML10],the information about which attribute contains an element’s IDs is contained in a DTD or a schema. When parsing XML, UAs do not always read the DTD, and thus may not know what the ID of an element is (though a UA may have namespace-specific knowledge that allows it to determine which attribute is the ID attribute for that namespace). If a style sheet author knows or suspects that a UA may not know what the ID of an element is, they should use normal attribute selectors instead:[name=p371]instead of#p371.

If an element has multiple ID attributes, all of them must be treated as IDs for that element for the purposes of the ID selector. Such a situation could be reached using mixtures of xml:id, DOM3 Core, XML DTDs, and namespace-specific knowledge.

When matching against a document which is inquirks mode, IDs must be matchedASCII case-insensitively; ID selectors are otherwise case-sensitive, only matching IDs they areidentical to.[INFRA]

7.Linguistic Pseudo-classes

7.1.The Directionality Pseudo-class::dir()

The:dir()pseudo-class allows the author to write selectors that represent an element based on its directionality as determined by thedocument language. For example,[HTML5]defineshow to determine the directionality of an element, based on a combination of thedirattribute, the surrounding text, and other factors. As another example, theits:diranddirRuleelement of the Internationalization Tag Set[ITS20]are able to define the directionality of an element in[XML10].

The:dir()pseudo-class does not select based on stylistic states—for example, the CSSdirectionproperty does not affect whether it matches.

The pseudo-class:dir(ltr)represents an element that has a directionality of left-to-right (ltr). The pseudo-class:dir(rtl)represents an element that has a directionality of right-to-left (rtl). The argument to:dir()must be a single identifier, otherwise the selector is invalid. White space is optionally allowed between the identifier and the parentheses. Values other thanltrandrtlare not invalid, but do not match anything. (If a future markup spec defines other directionalities, then Selectors may be extended to allow corresponding values.)

The difference between:dir(C)and[dir=C]is that[dir=C]only performs a comparison against a given attribute on the element, while the:dir(C)pseudo-class uses the UAs knowledge of the document’s semantics to perform the comparison. For example, in HTML, the directionality of an element inherits so that a child without adirattribute will have the same directionality as its closest ancestor with a validdirattribute. As another example, in HTML, an element that matches[dir=auto]will match either:dir(ltr)or:dir(rtl)depending on the resolved directionality of the elements as determined by its contents.[HTML5]

7.2.The Language Pseudo-class::lang()

If the document language specifies how the (human)content languageof an element is determined, it is possible to write selectors that represent an element based on itscontent language. The:lang()pseudo-class, which accepts a comma-separated list of one or morelanguage ranges, represents an element whosecontent languageis one of the languages listed in its argument. Eachlanguage rangein:lang()must be a valid CSS<ident>or<string>. (Thus language ranges containing asterisks, for example, must be either correctly escaped or quoted as strings, e.g.:lang(\*-Latn)or:lang( "*-Latn" ).)

Note:Thecontent languageof an element is defined by the document language.

For example, in HTML[HTML5],thecontent languageis determined by a combination of thelangattribute, information frommetaelements, and possibly also the protocol (e.g. from HTTP headers). XML languages can use thexml:langattribute to indicate language information for an element.[XML10]

The element’scontent languagematches alanguage rangeif itscontent language,as represented in BCP 47 syntax, matches the givenlanguage rangein anextended filteringoperation per[RFC4647]Matching of Language Tags(section 3.3.2). Both thecontent languageand thelanguage rangemust becanonicalizedand converted toextlang formas per section 4.5 of[RFC5646]prior to theextended filteringoperation. The matching is performed case-insensitively within the ASCII range.

Thelanguage rangedoes not need to be a valid language code to perform this comparison.

Alanguage rangeconsisting of an empty string (:lang( "" )) matches (only) elements whose language is not tagged.

Note:It is recommended that documents and protocols indicate language using codes from[BCP47]or its successor, and in the case of XML-based formats, by means ofxml:langattributes.[XML10]See“FAQ: Two-letter or three-letter language codes.”

Examples: The two following selectors represent an HTML document that is in Belgian French or German. The two next selectors representqquotations in an arbitrary element in Belgian French or German.
:lang(fr-be) > q
:lang(de) > q

Note:One difference between:lang(C)and the|=operator is that the|=operator only performs a comparison against a given attribute on the element, while the:lang(C)pseudo-class uses the UAs knowledge of the document’s semantics to perform the comparison.

In this HTML example, only the BODY matches[lang|=fr](because it has a LANG attribute) but both the BODY and the P match:lang(fr)(because both are in French). The P does not match the[lang|=fr]because it does not have a LANG attribute.
<body lang=fr>
<p>Je suis français.</p>
Another difference between:lang(C)and the|=operator is that:lang(C)performs implicit wildcard matching.

For example,:lang(de-DE)will match all ofde-DE,de-DE-1996,de-Latn-DE,de-Latf-DE,de-Latn-DE-1996, whereas of those[lang|=de-DE]will only matchde-DEandde-DE-1996.

To perform wildcard matching on the first subtag (the primary language), an asterisk must be used:*-CHwill match all ofde-CH,it-CH,fr-CH,andrm-CH.

To select against an element’s lang attribute value using this type of language range match, use both the attribute selector and language pseudo-class together, e.g.[lang]:lang(de-DE).

Note:Wildcard language matching and comma-separated lists are new in Level 4.

8.Location Pseudo-classes

The:any-linkpseudo-class represents an element that acts as the source anchor of a hyperlink. For example, in[HTML5], anyaorareaelements with anhrefattribute are hyperlinks, and thus match:any-link. It matches an element if the element would match either:linkor:visited, and is equivalent to:is(:link,:visited).

User agents commonly display unvisitedhyperlinksdifferently from previously visited ones. Selectors provides the pseudo-classes:linkand:visitedto distinguish them:

After some amount of time, user agents may choose to return a visited link to the (unvisited):linkstate.

The two states are mutually exclusive.

The following selector represents links carrying classfootnoteand already visited:

Since it is possible for style sheet authors to abuse the:link and:visited pseudo-classes to determine which sites a user has visited without the user’s consent, UAs may treat all links as unvisited links or implement other measures to preserve the user’s privacy while rendering visited and unvisited links differently.

The:local-linkpseudo-class allows authors to stylehyperlinksbased on the users current location within a site. It represents an element that is the source anchor of a hyperlink whose target’s absolute URL matches the element’s own document URL. If the hyperlink’s target includes a fragment URL, then the fragment URL of the current URL must also match; if it does not, then the fragment URL portion of the current URL is not taken into account in the comparison.

For example, the following rule prevents links targeting the current page from being underlined when they are part of the navigation list:
nav:local-link { text-decoration: none; }

Note:The current URL of a page can change as a result of user actions such as activating a link targeting a different fragment within the same page; or by use of thepushStateAPI; as well as by the more obvious actions of navigating to a different page or following a redirect (which could be initiated by protocols such as HTTP, markup instructions such as<meta http-equiv= "..." >, or scripting instructions ). UAs must ensure that:local-link, as well as the:targetand:target-withinpseudo-classes below, respond correctly to all such changes in state.

8.4.The Target Pseudo-class::target

In some document languages, the document’s URL can further point to specific elementswithinthe document via the URL’sfragment. The elements pointed to in this way are the target elements of the document.

In HTML the fragment points to the element in the page with the same ID. The url, for example, points to the element withid= "section2"in the document at

The:targetpseudo-class matches the document’s target elements. If the document’s URL has no fragment identifier, then the document has no target elements.


This selector represents apelement of classnotethat is the target element of the referring URL.

CSS example: Here, the:targetpseudo-class is used to make the target element red and place an image before it, if there is one:
:target { color: red }
:target::before { content: url(target.png) }

8.5.The Target Container Pseudo-class::target-within

The:target-withinpseudo-class applies to any element to which the:targetpseudo class applies as well as to any element whose descendant in theflat tree(including non-element nodes, such as text nodes) matches the conditions for matching:target.

8.6.The Reference Element Pseudo-class::scope

In some contexts, selectors are matched with respect to one or morescoping roots, such as when calling thequerySelector()method in[DOM]. The:scopepseudo-class represents thisscoping root, and may be either a true element or a virtual one (such as aDocumentFragment).

If there is noscoping rootthen:scoperepresents the root of the document (equivalent to:root). Specifications intending for this pseudo-class to match specific elements rather than the document’s root element must define theirscoping root(s).

A virtualscoping rootis some object representing the root of a document fragment, and can be used in selector patterns to represent other elements’ relationships to thisscoping root, acting as the parent of any root elements in the document fragment it represents. A virtualscoping rootisfeaturelessand cannot be thesubject of the selector.

For example, if you have aDocumentFragmentdf, thendf.querySelectorAll(":scope >.foo")matches all the.fooelements that are "top-level" in the document fragment (those that have the document fragment as theirparentNode).

However,df.querySelector(":scope")will not match anything, as the document fragment itself can’t be thesubject of the selector.

9.User Action Pseudo-classes

Interactive user interfaces sometimes change the rendering in response to user actions. Selectors provides severaluser action pseudo-classesfor the selection of an element the user is acting on. (In non-interactive user agents, these pseudo-classes are valid, but never match any element.)

These pseudo-classes are not mutually exclusive. An element can match several such pseudo-classes at the same time.

a:hover /* user hovers over the link */
a:focus /* user focuses the link */

/* user hovers over the link while it’s focused */

Note:The specifics of hit-testing, necessary to know when several of the pseudo-classes defined in this section apply, are not yet defined, but will be in the future.

9.1.The Pointer Hover Pseudo-class::hover

The:hoverpseudo-class applies while the user designates an element (or pseudo-element) with a pointing device, but does not necessarily activate it. For example, a visual user agent could apply this pseudo-class when the cursor (mouse pointer) hovers over a box generated by the element. Interactive user agents that cannot detect hovering due to hardware limitations (e.g., a pen device that does not detect hovering) are still conforming; the selector will simply never match in such a UA.

An element also matches:hoverif one of its descendants in theflat tree(including non-element nodes, such as text nodes) matches the above conditions.

Document languages may define additional ways in which an element can match:hover. For example,[HTML5]defines a labeled control element asmatching:hoverwhen itslabelis hovered.

Note:Since the:hoverstate can apply to an element because its child is designated by a pointing device, it is possible for:hoverto apply to an element that is not underneath the pointing device.

9.2.The Activation Pseudo-class::active

The:activepseudo-class applies while an element is being “activated” by the user, as defined by the host language; for example, while a hyperlink is being triggered.

In addition, the:activepseudo-class applies while any generated box ofanyelement (or pseudo-element) is being actively indicated by a pointing device (in the “down” state), e.g. between the time the user presses the primary mouse button and releases it, or while a finger is pressing on a touchscreen.

Note:[HTML5]definesspecific conditions for HTML elements to be activated.

An element also matches:activeif one of its descendants in theflat tree(including non-element nodes, such as text nodes) matches the above conditions.

9.3.The Input Focus Pseudo-class::focus

The:focuspseudo-class applies while an element (or pseudo-element) has the focus (accepts keyboard or other forms of input).

There may be document language or implementation specific limits on which elements can acquire:focus. For example,[HTML]defines a list offocusable areas.

Document languages may define additional ways in which an element can match:focus, except that the:focuspseudo class must not automatically propagate to the parent element—​see:focus-withinif matching on the parent is desired. (:focusmay still apply to the parent element if made to propagate due to other mechanisms, but not merely due to being the parent.)

There’s a desire from authors to propagate:focusfrom a form control to its associatedlabelelement; the main objection seems to be implementation difficulty. SeeCSSWG issue (CSS)andWHATWG issue (HTML).

9.4.The Focus-Indicated Pseudo-class::focus-visible

While the:focuspseudo-classalways matches the currently-focused element, UAs only sometimes visiblyindicate focus(such as by drawing a “focus ring” ), instead using a variety of heuristics to visibly indicate the focus only when it would be most helpful to the user. The:focus-visiblepseudo-classmatches a focused element (or pseudo-element) in these situations only, allowing authors to change the appearance of the focus indicator without changingwhena focus indicator appears.

In this example, all focusable elements get a strong yellow outline on:focus-visible, and links get both a yellow outline and a yellow background on:focus-visible. These styles are consistent throughout the page and are easily visible due to their bold styling, but do not appear unless the user is likely to need to understand where page focus is.


User agents can choose their own heuristics for when toindicate focus; however, the following (non-normative) suggestions can be used as a starting point for when toindicate focuson the currently focused element:

User agents should also use:focus-visibleto specify the default focus style, so that authors using:focus-visiblewill not also need to disable the default:focusstyle.

9.5.The Focus Container Pseudo-class::focus-within

The:focus-withinpseudo-class applies to any element (or pseudo-element) for which the:focuspseudo class applies, as well as to an element (or pseudo-element) whose descendant in theflat tree(including non-element nodes, such as text nodes) matches the conditions for matching:focus.

10.Time-dimensional Pseudo-classes

These pseudo-classes classify elements with respect to the currently-displayed or active position in some timeline, such as during speech rendering of a document, or during the display of a video using WebVTT to render subtitles.

CSS does not define this timeline; the host language must do so. If there is no timeline defined for an element, these pseudo-classes must not match the element.

Note:Ancestors of a:currentelement are also:current, but ancestors of a:pastor:futureelement are not necessarily:pastor:futureas well. A given element matches at most one of:current,:past,or:future.

10.1.The Current-element Pseudo-class::current

The:currentpseudo-class represents the element, or an ancestor of the element, that is currently being displayed.

Its alternate form:current(),like:is(), takes a list ofcompound selectorsas its argument: it represents the:currentelement that matches the argument or, if that does not match, the innermost ancestor of the:currentelement that does. (If neither the:currentelement nor its ancestors match the argument, then the selector does not represent anything.)

For example, the following rule will highlight whichever paragraph or list item is being read aloud in a speech rendering of the document:
:current(p, li, dt, dd) {
background: yellow;

10.2.The Past-element Pseudo-class::past

The:pastpseudo-class represents any element that is defined to occur entirely prior to a:currentelement. For example, the WebVTT spec defines the:pastpseudo-classrelative to the current playback position of a media element. If a time-based order of elements is not defined by the document language, then this represents any element that is a (possibly indirect) previous sibling of a:currentelement.

10.3.The Future-element Pseudo-class::future

The:futurepseudo-class represents any element that is defined to occur entirely after a:currentelement. For example, the WebVTT spec defines the:futurepseudo-classrelative to the current playback position of a media element. If a time-based order of elements is not defined by the document language, then this represents any element that is a (possibly indirect) next sibling of a:currentelement.

11.Resource State Pseudo-classes

The pseudo-classes in this section apply to elements that represent loaded resources, particularly images/videos, and allow authors to select them based on some quality of their state.

11.1.Media Playback State: the:playing,:paused,and:seekingpseudo-classes

The:playingpseudo-class represents an element that is capable of being “played” or “paused”, when that element is “playing”. (This includes both when the element is explicitly playing, and when it’s temporarily stopped for some reason not connected to user intent, but will automatically resume when that reason is resolved, such as a “buffering” or “stalled” state.)

The:pausedpseudo-class represents an element that is capable of being “played” or “paused”, when that element is “paused” (i.e.not”playing” ). (This includes both an explicit “paused” state, and other non-playing states like “loaded, hasn’t been activated yet”, etc.)

The:seekingpseudo-class represents an element that is capable of” seeking” when that element is” seeking”. (For theaudioandvideoelements of HTML, seeHTML§ Seeking.)

11.2.Media Loading State: the:bufferingand:stalledpseudo-classes

The:bufferingpseudo-class represents an element that is capable of being “played” or “paused”, when that element cannot continue playing because it is actively attempting to obtainmedia databut has not yet obtained enough data to resume playback. (Note that the element is still considered to be “playing” when it is “buffering”. Whenever:bufferingmatches an element,:playingalso matches the element.)

The:stalledpseudo-class represents an element when that element cannot continue playing because it is actively attempting to obtainmedia databut it has failed to receive any data for some amount of time. For theaudioandvideoelements of HTML, this amount of time is themedia element stall timeout.[HTML](Note that, like with the:bufferingpseudo-class, the element is still considered to be “playing” when it is “stalled”. Whenever:stalledmatches an element,:playingalso matches the element.)

11.3.Sound State: the:mutedand:volume-lockedpseudo-classes

The:mutedpseudo-class represents an element that is capable of making sound, but is currently “muted “(forced silent). (For theaudioandvideoelements of HTML, seemuted.[HTML])

The:volume-lockedpseudo-class represents an element that is capable of making sound, and currently has its volume "locked" by the UA or the user, so the page author cannot change it. (For theaudioandvideoelements of HTML, see the algorithm for setting the element’seffective media volume.[HTML])

12.Element Display State Pseudo-classes

12.1.Collapse State: the:openand:closedpseudo-class

The:openpseudo-class represents an element that has both “open” and “closed” states, and which is currently in the “open” state.

The:closedpseudo-class represents an element that has both “open” and “closed” states, and which is currently in the closed state.

Exactly what “open” and “closed” mean is host-language specific, but exemplified by elements such as HTML’sdetails,select,anddialogelements, all of which can be toggled “open” to display more content (or any content at all, in the case ofdialog).

Note:Being “open” or “closed” is a semantic state. An element not currently being displayed (for example, one that hasvisibility: collapse, or belongs to adisplay: nonesubtree) can still be “open” and will match:open.

The:modalpseudo-class represents an element which is in a state that excludes all interaction with elements outside it until it has been dismissed. Multiple elements can be:modalsimultaneously, with only one of them active (able to receive input).

For example, thedialogelement is:modalwhen opened with theshowModal()API. Similarly, a:fullscreenelement is also:modalwhen opened with therequestFullscreen()API, since this prevents interaction with the rest of the page.

12.3.Fullscreen Presentation State: the:fullscreenpseudo-class

The:fullscreenpseudo-class represents an element which is displayed in a mode that takes up most (usually all) of the screen, such as that defined by the Fullscreen API.[FULLSCREEN]

12.4.Picture-in-Picture Presentation State: the:picture-in-picturepseudo-class

The:picture-in-picturepseudo-class represents an element which is displayed in a mode that takes up most (usually all) of the viewport, and whose viewport is confined to part of the screen while being displayed over other content, for example when using the Picture-in-Picture API.[picture-in-picture]

13.The Input Pseudo-classes

The pseudo-classes in this section mostly apply to elements that take user input, such as HTML’sinputelement.

13.1.Input Control States


The:enabledpseudo-class represents user interface elements that are in an enabled state; such elements must have a corresponding disabled state.

Conversely, the:disabledpseudo-class represents user interface elements that are in a disabled state; such elements must have a corresponding enabled state.

What constitutes an enabled state, a disabled state, and a user interface element is host-language-dependent. In a typical document most elements will be neither:enablednor:disabled. For example,[HTML5]definesnon-disabled interactive elementsto be:enabled, and any such elements that areexplicitly disabledto be:disabled.

Note:CSS properties that might affect a user’s ability to interact with a given user interface element do not affect whether it matches:enabledor:disabled;e.g., thedisplayandvisibilityproperties have no effect on the enabled/disabled state of an element.

13.1.2.The Mutability Pseudo-classes::read-onlyand:read-write

An element matches:read-writeif it is user-alterable, as defined by the document language. Otherwise, it is:read-only.

For example, in[HTML5]anon-disabled non-readonly<input>elementis:read-write, as is any element with thecontenteditableattribute set to the true state.

13.1.3.The Placeholder-shown Pseudo-class::placeholder-shown

Input elements can sometimes show placeholder text as a hint to the user on what to type in. See, for example, theplaceholderattribute in[HTML5]. The:placeholder-shownpseudo-class matches an input element that is showing such placeholder text, whether that text is given by an attribute or a real element, or is otherwise implied by the UA.

For example, according to the semantics of[HTML]theplaceholderattribute on theinputandtextareaelements provide placeholder text. The:placeholder-shownclass thus applies whenever such placeholder text is shown.

13.1.4.The Automatic Input Pseudo-class::autofill

The:autofillpseudo-class represents input elements that have been automatically filled by the user agent, and have not been subsequently altered by the user.

13.1.5.The Default-option Pseudo-class::default

The:defaultpseudo-class applies to the one or more UI elements that are the default among a set of similar elements. Typically applies to context menu items, buttons and select lists/menus.

One example is the default submit button among a set of buttons. Another example is the default option from a popup menu. In a select-many group (such as for pizza toppings), multiple elements can match:default. For example,[HTML5]defines that:defaultmatchesthe “default button” in a form, the initially-selected<option>(s) in a<select>, and a few other elements.

13.2.Input Value States

13.2.1.The Selected-option Pseudo-class::checked

Radio and checkbox elements can be toggled by the user. Some menu items are “checked” when the user selects them. When such elements are toggled “on” the:checkedpseudo-class applies. For example,[HTML5]defines thatchecked checkboxes, radio buttons, and selected<option>elementsmatch:checked.

While the:checkedpseudo-class is dynamic in nature, and can altered by user action, since it can also be based on the presence of semantic attributes in the document (such as theselectedandcheckedattributes in[HTML5]), it applies to all media.

An unchecked checkbox can be selected by using the negation pseudo-class:

13.2.2.The Indeterminate-value Pseudo-class::indeterminate

The:indeterminatepseudo-class applies to UI elements whose value is in an indeterminate state. For example, radio and checkbox elements can be toggled between checked and unchecked states, but are sometimes in an indeterminate state, neither checked nor unchecked. Similarly a progress meter can be in an indeterminate state when the percent completion is unknown. For example,[HTML5]defines howcheckboxescan be made to match:indeterminate.

Like the:checkedpseudo-class,:indeterminateapplies to all media. Components of a radio-group initialized with no pre-selected choice, for example, would be:indeterminateeven in a static display.

13.3.Input Value-checking

13.3.1.The Empty-Value Pseudo-class::blank

The:blankpseudo-class applies to user-input elements whose input value is empty (consists of the empty string or otherwise null input).

Roughly speaking, if a human looked at a printout of the form and would say it’s blank, it matches:blank.

A rule of thumb for interpreting:blankon form controls is:

Host languages can specify more precise rules for when form controls match:blank.

Note:This selector is at-risk.

13.3.2.The Validity Pseudo-classes::validand:invalid

An element is:validor:invalidwhen its contents or value is, respectively, valid or invalid with respect to data validity semantics defined by the document language (e.g.[XFORMS11]or[HTML5]). An element which lacks data validity semantics is neither:validnor:invalid.

Note:There is a difference between an element which has no constraints, and thus would always be:valid, and one which has no data validity semantics at all, and thus is neither:validnor:invalid. In HTML, for example, an<input type= "text" >element may have no constraints, but apelement has no validity semantics at all, and so it never matches either of these pseudo-classes.

13.3.3.The Range Pseudo-classes::in-rangeand:out-of-range

The:in-rangeand:out-of-rangepseudo-classes apply only to elements that have range limitations. An element is:in-rangeor:out-of-rangewhen the value that the element is bound to is in range or out of range with respect to its range limits as defined by the document language. An element that lacks data range limits or is not a form control is neither:in-rangenor:out-of-range. E.g. a slider element with a value of 11 presented as a slider control that only represents the values from 1-10 is:out-of-range. Another example is a menu element with a value of "E" that happens to be presented in a popup menu that only has choices "A", "B" and "C".

13.3.4.The Optionality Pseudo-classes::requiredand:optional

A form element is:requiredor:optionalif a value for it is, respectively, required or optional before the form it belongs to can be validly submitted. Elements that are not form elements are neither required nor optional.

13.3.5.The User-interaction Pseudo-classes::user-validand:user-invalid

The:user-invalidand the:user-validpseudo-classes represent an element with incorrect or correct input, respectively, but onlyafterthe user has significantly interacted with it. Their purpose is to help the user identify mistakes in their input.

These pseudo-classes must at least match their respective elements after the user has attempted to submit the form and before the user has interacted again with the input element or reset the form. They may also match at other times, as would be appropriate for highlighting an error to the user. For example,:user-invalidcould start matching an:invalidinput element once the user has changed its value and focus has moved to another element; or stop matching only after the user has successfully corrected the input.

Host languages may define more precise matching rules or defer to platform conventions; otherwise the exact behavior is UA-defined. Regardless, the:user-invalidpseudo-class must only match:invalidelements; and the:user-validpseudo-class must only match:validelements. See theHTML specificationfor the specific rules pertaining to HTML elements.[HTML]

For example, theinputelement in the following document fragment would match:invalidas soon as the page is loaded (because theinput's initial value violates its max constraint) but it won’t match:user-invaliduntil the user significantly interacts with the input field or attempts to submit the form it’s part of.
<input name='vol' type=number min=0 max=10 value=11>

14.Tree-Structural pseudo-classes

Selectors introduces the concept ofstructural pseudo-classesto permit selection based on extra information that lies in the document tree but cannot be represented by other simple selectors or combinators.

Standalone text and other non-element nodes are not counted when calculating the position of an element in the list of children of its parent. When calculating the position of an element in the list of children of its parent, the index numbering starts at 1.

Thestructural pseudo-classesonly apply to elements in the document tree; they must never matchpseudo-elements.


The:rootpseudo-class represents an element that is the root of the document.

For example, in a DOM document, the:rootpseudo-class matches thedocument element. In HTML, this will be thehtmlelement (unless scripting has been used to modify the document).


The:emptypseudo-class represents an element that has no children except, optionally,document white space characters. In terms of the document tree, only element nodes and content nodes (such as[DOM]text nodes, and entity references) whose data has a non-zero length must be considered as affecting emptiness; comments, processing instructions, and other nodes must not affect whether an element is considered empty or not.

Examples:p:emptyis a valid representation of thepelements in the following HTML fragment:
<p> </p>

div:emptyis not a valid representation of the<div>elements in the following fragment:

<div>this is not <p>:empty</p></div>

Note:In Level 2 and Level 3 of Selectors,:emptydid not match elements that contained only white space. This was changed so that that—​given white space is largely collapsible in HTML and is therefore used for source code formatting, and especially because elements with omitted end tags are likely to absorb such white space into their DOM text contents—​elements which authors perceive of as empty can be selected by this selector, as they expect.

14.3.Child-indexed Pseudo-classes

The pseudo-classes defined in this section select elements based on their index amongst theirinclusive siblings.

Note:Selectors 3 described these selectors as selecting elements based on their index in the child list of their parents. (This description survives in the name of this very section, and the names of several of the pseudo-classes.) As there was no reason to exclude them from matching elements without parents, or with non-element parents, they have been rephrased to refer to an element’s relative index amongst its siblings.


The:nth-child(An+B[ofS]? )pseudo-class notation represents elements that are amongAn+Bth elements from the list composed of theirinclusive siblingsthat match theselector listS, which is a<complex-real-selector-list>. IfSis omitted, it defaults to*|*.

TheAn+Bnotation and its interpretation are defined inCSS Syntax 3§ 6 The An+B microsyntax; it represents any indexi=An+Bfor any non-negative integern.

Note:For these purposes, the list of elements is1-indexed; that is, the first child of an element has index 1, and will be matched by:nth-child(2n+1), because whenn=0the expression evaluates to1.

For example, this selector could address every other row in a table, and could be used to alternate the color of paragraph text in a cycle of four.

:nth-child(even) /* represents the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc elements
:nth-child(10n-1) /* represents the 9th, 19th, 29th, etc elements */
:nth-child(10n+9) /* Same */
:nth-child(10n+-1) /* Syntactically invalid, and would be ignored */

Note:The specificity of the:nth-child()pseudo-class is the specificity of a single pseudo-class plus, ifSis specified, the specificity of the most specificcomplex selectorinS. See§ 17 Calculating a selector’s specificity. ThusS:nth-child(An+B)and:nth-child(An+BofS)have the exact same specificity, although they do differ in behavior (see example below).

By passing a selector argument, we can select the Nth element that matches that selector. For example, the following selector matches the first three “important” list items, denoted by the.importantclass:
:nth-child(-n+3 of li.important)

Note that this is different from moving the selector outside of the function, like:


This selector instead just selects the first three children if they also happen to be "important" list items.

Here’s another example of using the selector argument, to ensure that zebra-striping a table works correctly.

Normally, to zebra-stripe a table’s rows, an author would use CSS similar to the following:

tr {
background: white;
tr:nth-child(even) {
background: silver;

However, if some of the rows are hidden and not displayed, this can break up the pattern, causing multiple adjacent rows to have the same background color. Assuming that rows are hidden with the[hidden]attribute in HTML, the following CSS would zebra-stripe the table rows robustly, maintaining a proper alternating background regardless of which rows are hidden:

tr {
background: white;
tr:nth-child(even of:not([hidden])) {
background: silver;


The:nth-last-child(An+B[ofS]? )pseudo-class notation represents elements that are amongAn+Bth elements from the list composed of theirinclusive siblingsthat match theselector listS, counting backwards from the end.Sis<complex-real-selector-list>. IfSis omitted, it defaults to*|*.

Note:The specificity of the:nth-last-child()pseudo-class, like the:nth-child()pseudo-class, combines the specificity of a regular pseudo-class with that of its selector argumentS. See§ 17 Calculating a selector’s specificity.

The CSS Syntax Module[CSS3SYN]defines theAn+Bnotation.

tr:nth-last-child(-n+2) /* represents the two last rows of an HTML table */

foo:nth-last-child(odd) /* represents all odd foo elements in their parent element,
counting from the last one */


The:first-childpseudo-class represents an element that if first among itsinclusive siblings. Same as:nth-child(1).

Examples: The following selector represents apelement that is the first child of adivelement:
div > p:first-child

This selector can represent thepinside thedivof the following fragment:

<p> The last P before the note.</p>
<div class= "note" >
<p> The first P inside the note.</p>

but cannot represent the secondpin the following fragment:

<p> The last P before the note.</p>
<div class= "note" >
<h2> Note </h2>
<p> The first P inside the note.</p>

The following two selectors are usually equivalent:

* > a:first-child /* a is first child of any element */
a:first-child /* Same (assuming a is not the root element) */


The:last-childpseudo-class represents an element that is last among itsinclusive siblings. Same as:nth-last-child(1).

Example: The following selector represents a list itemlithat is the last child of an ordered listol.
ol > li:last-child


The:only-childpseudo-class represents an element that has no siblings. Same as:first-child:last-childor:nth-child(1):nth-last-child(1), but with a lower specificity.

14.4.Typed Child-indexed Pseudo-classes

The pseudo-classes in this section are similar to theChild Index Pseudo-classes, but they resolve based on an element’s indexamong elements of the sametype (tag name)in their sibling list.


The:nth-of-type(An+B)pseudo-class notation represents the same elements that would be matched by:nth-child(|An+B| ofS), whereSis atype selectorand namespace prefix matching the element in question. For example, when considering whether an HTMLimgelement matches thispseudo-class, theSin question ishtml|img(assuming an appropriatehtmlnamespace is declared).

CSS example: This allows an author to alternate the position of floated images:
img:nth-of-type(2n+1) { float: right; }
img:nth-of-type(2n) { float: left; }

Note:If the type of the element is known ahead of time, this pseudo-class is equivalent to using:nth-child()with a type selector. That is,img:nth-of-type(2)is equivalent to*:nth-child(2 of img).


The:nth-last-of-type(An+B)pseudo-class notation represents the same elements that would be matched by:nth-last-child(|An+B| ofS), whereSis atype selectorand namespace prefix matching the element in question. For example, when considering whether an HTMLimgelement matches thispseudo-class, theSin question ishtml|img(assuming an appropriatehtmlnamespace is declared).

Example: To represent allh2children of an XHTMLbodyexcept the first and last, one could use the following selector:
body > h2:nth-of-type(n+2):nth-last-of-type(n+2)

In this case, one could also use:not(),although the selector ends up being just as long:

body > h2:not(:first-of-type):not(:last-of-type)


The:first-of-typepseudo-class represents the same element as:nth-of-type(1).

Example: The following selector represents a definition titledtinside a definition listdl,thisdtbeing the first of its type in the list of children of its parent element.
dl dt:first-of-type

It is a valid description for the first twodtelements in the following example but not for the third one:

<dd>multistage rocket</dd>
<dd>nest of tables</dd>


The:last-of-typepseudo-class represents the same element as:nth-last-of-type(1).

Example: The following selector represents the last data celltdof a table rowtr.
tr > td:last-of-type


The:only-of-typepseudo-class represents the same element as:first-of-type:last-of-type.


15.1.Descendant combinator ()

At times, authors may want selectors to describe an element that is the descendant of another element in the document tree (e.g., "anemelement that is contained within anH1element "). Thedescendant combinatorexpresses such a relationship.

A descendant combinator is whitespace that separates twocompound selectors.

A selector of the formA Brepresents an elementBthat is an arbitrary descendant of some ancestor elementA.

Examples: For example, consider the following selector:
h1 em

It represents anemelement being the descendant of anh1element. It is a correct and valid, but partial, description of the following fragment:

<h1>This <span class= "myclass" >headline
is <em>very</em> important</span></h1>

The following selector:

div * p

represents apelement that is a grandchild or later descendant of adivelement. Note the whitespace on either side of the "*" is not part of the universal selector; the whitespace is a combinator indicating that thedivmust be the ancestor of some element, and that that element must be an ancestor of thep. The following selector, which combines descendant combinators andattribute selectors,represents an element that (1) has thehrefattribute set and (2) is inside apthat is itself inside adiv:

div p *[href]

15.2.Child combinator (>)

Achild combinatordescribes a childhood relationship between two elements. A child combinator is made of the "greater-than sign" (U+003E,>) code point and separates twocompound selectors.

Examples: The following selector represents apelement that is child ofbody:
body > p

The following example combines descendant combinators and child combinators.

div ol>li p

It represents apelement that is a descendant of anlielement; thelielement must be the child of anolelement; theolelement must be a descendant of adiv.Notice that the optional white space around the ">" combinator has been left out.

For information on selecting the first child of an element, please see the section on the:first-childpseudo-class above.

15.3.Next-sibling combinator (+)

Thenext-sibling combinatoris made of the “plus sign” (U+002B,+) code point that separates twocompound selectors. The elements represented by the twocompound selectorsshare the same parent in the document tree and the element represented by the firstcompound selectorimmediately precedes the element represented by the second one. Non-element nodes (e.g. text between elements) are ignored when considering the adjacency of elements.

Examples: The following selector represents apelement immediately following amathelement:
math + p

The following selector is conceptually similar to the one in the previous example, except that it adds an attribute selector — it adds a constraint to theh1element, that it must haveclass= "opener":

h1.opener + h2

15.4.Subsequent-sibling combinator (~)

Thesubsequent-sibling combinatoris made of the "tilde" (U+007E,~) code point that separates twocompound selectors. The elements represented by the twocompound selectorsshare the same parent in the document tree and the element represented by the first compound selector precedes (not necessarily immediately) the element represented by the second one.

h1 ~ pre

represents apreelement following anh1.It is a correct and valid, but partial, description of:

<h1>Definition of the function a</h1>
<p>Function a(x) has to be applied to all figures in the table.</p>
<pre>function a(x) = 12x/13.5</pre>

16.Grid-Structural Selectors

The double-association of a cell in a 2D grid (to its row and column) cannot be represented by parentage in a hierarchical markup language. Only one of those associations can be represented hierarchically: the other must be explicitly or implicitly defined in the document language semantics. In both HTML and DocBook, two of the most common hierarchical markup languages, the markup is row-primary (that is, the row associations are represented hierarchically); the columns must be implied. To be able to represent such implied column-based relationships, thecolumn combinatorand the:nth-col()and:nth-last-col()pseudo-classes are defined. In a column-primary format, these pseudo-classes match against row associations instead.

16.1.Column combinator (||)

Thecolumn combinator,which consists of two pipes (||) represents the relationship of a column element to a cell element belonging to the column it represents. Column membership is determined based on the semantics of the document language only: whether and how the elements are presented is not considered. If a cell element belongs to more than one column, it is represented by a selector indicating membership in any of those columns.

The following example makes cells C, E, and G gray.
col.selected || td {
background: gray;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
<col span= "2" >
<col class= "selected" >
<tr><td>A <td>B <td>C
<tr><td colspan= "2" >D <td>E
<tr><td>F <td colspan= "2" >G


The:nth-col(An+B)pseudo-class notation represents a cell element belonging to a column that hasAn+B-1 columnsbeforeit, for any positive integer or zero value ofn.Column membership is determined based on the semantics of the document language only: whether and how the elements are presented is not considered. If a cell element belongs to more than one column, it is represented by a selector indicating any of those columns.

The CSS Syntax Module[CSS3SYN]defines theAn+Bnotation.


The:nth-last-col(An+B)pseudo-class notation represents a cell element belonging to a column that hasAn+B-1 columnsafterit, for any positive integer or zero value ofn.Column membership is determined based on the semantics of the document language only: whether and how the elements are presented is not considered. If a cell element belongs to more than one column, it is represented by a selector indicating any of those columns.

The CSS Syntax Module[CSS3SYN]defines theAn+Bnotation.

17.Calculating a selector’s specificity

A selector’sspecificityis calculated for a given element as follows:

If the selector is aselector list, this number is calculated for each selector in the list. For a given matching process against the list, the specificity in effect is that of the most specific selector in the list that matches.

A few pseudo-classes provide “evaluation contexts” for other selectors, and so have their specificity defined specially:

For example:

Specificities are compared by comparing the three components in order: the specificity with a largerAvalue is more specific; if the twoAvalues are tied, then the specificity with a largerBvalue is more specific; if the twoBvalues are also tied, then the specificity with a largerCvalue is more specific; if all the values are tied, the two specificities are equal.

Due to storage limitations, implementations may have limitations on the size ofA,B,orC. If so, values higher than the limit must be clamped to that limit, and not overflow.

* /* a=0 b=0 c=0 */
LI /* a=0 b=0 c=1 */
UL LI /* a=0 b=0 c=2 */
UL OL+LI /* a=0 b=0 c=3 */
H1 + *[REL=up] /* a=0 b=1 c=1 */
UL OL /* a=0 b=1 c=3 */ /* a=0 b=2 c=1 */
#x34y /* a=1 b=0 c=0 */
#s12:not(FOO) /* a=1 b=0 c=1 */
.foo:is(.bar, #baz)
/* a=1 b=1 c=0 */

Note:Repeated occurrences of the same simple selector are allowed and do increase specificity.

Note:The specificity of the styles specified in an HTMLstyleattributeis described in CSS Style Attributes.[CSSSTYLEATTR]


Selectors areparsedaccording to the following grammar:






<complex-selector-unit>= [<compound-selector>?<pseudo-compound-selector>*]!


<compound-selector>= [<type-selector>?<subclass-selector>*]!


<combinator>= '>'|'+'|'~'|[ '|' '|' ]

<ns-prefix>= [<ident-token>|'*' ]?'|'




<class-selector>= '.'<ident-token>

<attribute-selector>= '['<wq-name>']'|
<attr-matcher>= [ '~'|'|'|'^'|'$'|'*' ]?'='
<attr-modifier>= i|s

<pseudo-class-selector>= ':'<ident-token>|

<pseudo-element-selector>= ':'<pseudo-class-selector>|<legacy-pseudo-element-selector>
<legacy-pseudo-element-selector>= ':' [before|after|first-line|first-letter]

In interpreting the above grammar, the following rules apply:

Note:A selector is also subject to a variety of more specific syntactic constraints, and adherence to the grammar above is necessarybut not sufficientfor the selector to be considered valid. See§ 3.9 Invalid Selectors and Error Handlingfor additional rules for parsing selectors.

Note:In general, a<pseudo-element-selector>is only valid if placed at the end of the last<compound-selector>in a<complex-selector>. In some circumstances, however, it can be followed by more<pseudo-element-selector>s or<pseudo-class-selector>s; but these are specified on a case-by-case basis. (For example, theuser action pseudo-classesare allowed after anypseudo-element, and thetree-abiding pseudo-elementsare allowed after the::slotted()pseudo-element.)

The fourLevel 2pseudo-elements(::before,::after,::first-line,and::first-letter) may, for legacy reasons, be written with only a single ":" character at their front, making them resemble a<pseudo-class-selector>.


For legacy reasons, the general behavior of a selector list is that if any selector in the list fails to parse (because it uses new or UA-specific selector features, for instance), the entire selector list becomes invalid. This can make it hard to write CSS that uses new selectors and still works correctly in older user agents.

The<forgiving-selector-list>production instead parses each selector in the list individually, simply ignoring ones that fail to parse, so the remaining selectors can still be used.

Note:Style rules still use the normal, unforgiving selector list behavior.<forgiving-selector-list>is used in:is()and:where()only. Although it does have some minor implications on specificity, wrapping a style rule’s selector in:is()effectively "upgrades" it to become forgiving, so long as it doesn’t contain any pseudo-elements (which aren’t valid in:is()or:where()).

Syntactically,<forgiving-selector-list>is equivalent to<any-value>?. It is thenparsed as a forgiving selector listto obtain its actual value.

Toparse as a forgiving selector listgiven an inputinput:
  1. Parse a listof<complex-real-selector>s frominput, and letselector listbe the result.

  2. Remove all failure items fromselector list, and all items that areinvalid selectors, then return a<selector-list>representing the remaining items inselector list. (This might be empty.)

Any items in a<forgiving-selector-list>that are invalid (whether explicitly, by using unknown selectors or syntax, or merely contextually, using known syntax but in an invalid context) must be treated as having zero specificity.

Note:<forgiving-selector-list>is intentionally used only in:is()and:where(), not in any other selector that takes a selector argument.

19.API Hooks

To aid in the writing of specs that use Selectors concepts, this section defines several API hooks that can be invoked by other specifications.

Are these still necessary now that we have more rigorous definitions formatchandinvalid selector? Nouns are a lot easier to coordinate across specification than predicates, and details like the exact order of elements returned fromquerySelectorseem to make more sense being defined in the DOM specification than in Selectors.

19.1.Parse A Selector

This section defines how toparse a selectorfrom a stringsource. It returns either a complex selector list, or failure.

  1. Letselectorbe the result ofparsingsourceas a<selector-list>. If this returns failure, it’s aninvalid selector; return failure.
  2. Ifselectoris aninvalid selectorfor any other reason (such as, for example, containing an undeclared namespace prefix), return failure.
  3. Otherwise, returnselector.

19.2.Parse A Relative Selector

This section defines how toparse a relative selectorfrom a stringsource. It returns either a complex selector list, or failure.

  1. Letselectorbe the result ofparsingsourceas a<relative-selector-list>. If this returns failure, it’s aninvalid selector; return failure.
  2. Ifselectoris aninvalid selectorfor any other reason (such as, for example, containing an undeclared namespace prefix), return failure.
  3. Otherwise, returnselector.

19.3.Match a Selector Against an Element

This section defines how tomatch a selector against an element.

APIs using this algorithm must provide aselectorand anelement.

Callers may optionally provide:

This algorithm returns either success or failure.

For eachcomplex selectorin the givenselector(which is taken to be alist of complex selectors), match the complex selector againstelement, as described in the following paragraph. If the matching returns success for any complex selector, then the algorithm return success; otherwise it returns failure.

Tomatch a complex selector against an element, process itcompound selectorat a time, in right-to-left order. This process is defined recursively as follows:

19.4.Match a Selector Against a Pseudo-element

This section defines how tomatch a selector against a pseudo-element.

APIs using this algorithm must provide aselectorand apseudo-element. They may optionally provide the same things they may optionally provide to the algorithm tomatch a selector against an element.

This algorithm returns success or failure.

For eachcomplex selectorin the givenselector,if both:

then return success.

Otherwise (that is, if this doesn’t happen for any of the complex selectors inselector), return failure.

19.5.Match a Selector Against a Tree

This section defines how tomatch a selector against a tree.

APIs using this algorithm must provide a selector, and one or moreroot elementsindicating thesubtreesthat will be searched by the selector. All of theroot elementsmust share the sameroot, or else calling this algorithm is invalid.

They may optionally provide:

This algorithm returns a (possibly empty) list of elements.

  1. Start with a list ofcandidate elements, which are theroot elementsand all of their descendant elements, sorted inshadow-including tree order, unless otherwise specified.
  2. Ifscoping rootwere provided, then remove from thecandidate elementsany elements that are notdescendantsof at least onescoping root.
  3. Initialize theselector match listto empty.
  4. For eachelementin the set ofcandidate elements:
    1. If the result ofmatch a selector against an elementforelementandselectoris success, addelementto theselector match list.
    2. For each possible pseudo-element associated withelementthat is one of the pseudo-elements allowed to show up in the match list, if the result ofmatch a selector against a pseudo-elementfor the pseudo-element andselectoris success, add the pseudo-element to theselector match list.

      The relative position of pseudo-elements inselector match listis undefined. There’s not yet a context that exposes this information, but we need to decide on something eventually, before somethingisexposed.

Appendix A: Guidance on Mapping Source Documents & Data to an Element Tree

This section is informative.

The element tree structure described by the DOM is powerful and useful, but generic enough to model pretty much any language that describes tree-based data (or even graph-based, with a suitable interpretation).

Some languages, like HTML, already have well-defined procedures for producing a DOM object from a resource. If a given language does not, such a procedure must be defined in order for Selectors to apply to documents in that language.

At minimum, the document language must define what maps to the DOM concept of an "element".

The primary one-to-many relationship between nodes—​parent/child in tree-based structures, element/neighbors in graph-based structures—​should be reflected as the child nodes of an element.

Other features of the element should be mapped to something that serves a similar purpose to the same feature in DOM:

If the elements in the document language have some notion of "type" as a basic distinguisher between different groups of elements, it should be reflected as the "type" feature.

If this "type" can be separated into a "basic" name and a "namespace" that groups names into higher-level groups, the latter should be reflected as the "namespace" feature. Otherwise, the element shouldn’t have a "namespace" feature, and the entire name should be reflected as the "type" feature.

If some aspect of the element functions as a unique identifier across the document, it should be mapped to the "id" feature.

Note:While HTML only allows an element to have a single ID, this should not be taken as a general restriction. The important quality of an ID is that each ID should be associated with a single element; a single element can validly have multiple IDs.

classes and attributes
Aspects of the element that are useful for identifying the element, but are not generally unique to elements within a document, should be mapped to the "class" or "attribute" features depending on if they’re something equivalent to a "label" (a string by itself) or a "property" (a name/value pair)
pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
If any elements match any pseudo-classes or have any pseudo-elements, that must be explicitly defined.

Some pseudo-classes are *syntactical*, like:has()and:is(), and thus should always work. Need to indicate that somewhere. Probably the structural pseudos always work whenever the child list is ordered.

For example,JSONSelectis a library that uses selectors to extract information from JSON documents.

This structure is sufficient to allow powerful, compact querying of JSON documents with selectors.

Appendix B: Obsolete but Required-webkit-Parsing Quirks for Web Compat

This appendix is normative.

Due to legacy Web-compat constraints, user agents expecting to parse Web documents must support the following features:


20.1.Changes since the 7 May 2022 Working Draft

Significant changes since the7 May 2022 Working Draft:

20.2.Changes since the 21 November 2018 Working Draft

Significant changes since the21 November 2018 Working Draft:

20.3.Changes since the 2 February 2018 Working Draft

Significant changes since the2 February 2018 Working Draft:

20.4.Changes since the 2 May 2013 Working Draft

Significant changes since the2 May 2013 Working Draftinclude:

Note:The 1 February 2018 draft included an inadvertent commit of unfinished work; 2 February 2018 has reverted this commit (and fixed some links because why not).

20.5.Changes since the 23 August 2012 Working Draft

Significant changes since the23 August 2012 Working Draftinclude:

20.6.Changes since the 29 September 2011 Working Draft

Significant changes since the29 September 2011 Working Draftinclude:

20.7.Changes Since Level 3

Additions sinceLevel 3:


The CSS working group would like to thank everyone who contributed to theprevious Selectorsspecifications over the years, as those specifications formed the basis for this one. In particular, the working group would like to extend special thanks to the following for their specific contributions to Selectors Level 4: L. David Baron, Andrew Fedoniouk, Daniel Glazman, Ian Hickson, Grey Hodge, Lachlan Hunt, Anne van Kesteren, Jason Cranford Teague, Lea Verou

Privacy Considerations

Security Considerations

ThePrivacy Considerationscould also be considered to affect Security.


Document conventions

Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification.

All of the text of this specification is normative except sections explicitly marked as non-normative, examples, and notes.[RFC2119]

Examples in this specification are introduced with the words “for example” or are set apart from the normative text withclass= "example", like this:

This is an example of an informative example.

Informative notes begin with the word “Note” and are set apart from the normative text withclass= "note",like this:

Note, this is an informative note.

Advisements are normative sections styled to evoke special attention and are set apart from other normative text with<strong class= "advisement" >,like this:UAs MUST provide an accessible alternative.


Tests relating to the content of this specification may be documented in “Tests” blocks like this one. Any such block is non-normative.

Conformance classes

Conformance to this specification is defined for three conformance classes:

style sheet
ACSS style sheet.
AUAthat interprets the semantics of a style sheet and renders documents that use them.
authoring tool
AUAthat writes a style sheet.

A style sheet is conformant to this specification if all of its statements that use syntax defined in this module are valid according to the generic CSS grammar and the individual grammars of each feature defined in this module.

A renderer is conformant to this specification if, in addition to interpreting the style sheet as defined by the appropriate specifications, it supports all the features defined by this specification by parsing them correctly and rendering the document accordingly. However, the inability of a UA to correctly render a document due to limitations of the device does not make the UA non-conformant. (For example, a UA is not required to render color on a monochrome monitor.)

An authoring tool is conformant to this specification if it writes style sheets that are syntactically correct according to the generic CSS grammar and the individual grammars of each feature in this module, and meet all other conformance requirements of style sheets as described in this module.

Partial implementations

So that authors can exploit the forward-compatible parsing rules to assign fallback values, CSS renderersmusttreat as invalid (andignore as appropriate) any at-rules, properties, property values, keywords, and other syntactic constructs for which they have no usable level of support. In particular, user agentsmust notselectively ignore unsupported component values and honor supported values in a single multi-value property declaration: if any value is considered invalid (as unsupported values must be), CSS requires that the entire declaration be ignored.

Implementations of Unstable and Proprietary Features

To avoid clashes with future stable CSS features, the CSSWG recommendsfollowing best practicesfor the implementation ofunstablefeatures andproprietary extensionsto CSS.

Non-experimental implementations

Once a specification reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage, non-experimental implementations are possible, and implementors should release an unprefixed implementation of any CR-level feature they can demonstrate to be correctly implemented according to spec.

To establish and maintain the interoperability of CSS across implementations, the CSS Working Group requests that non-experimental CSS renderers submit an implementation report (and, if necessary, the testcases used for that implementation report) to the W3C before releasing an unprefixed implementation of any CSS features. Testcases submitted to W3C are subject to review and correction by the CSS Working Group.

Further information on submitting testcases and implementation reports can be found from on the CSS Working Group’s website at Questions should be directed to the[email protected]mailing list.


Terms defined by this specification

Terms defined by reference


Normative References

A. Phillips, Ed.; M. Davis, Ed..Tags for Identifying Languages.September 2009. Best Current Practice. URL:
CSS Display Module Level 4.Editor's Draft. URL:
Daniel Glazman; Elika Etemad; Alan Stearns.CSS Pseudo-Elements Module Level 4.URL:
Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad.CSS Scoping Module Level 1.URL:
Elika Etemad; et al.CSS Text Module Level 4.URL:
Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad.CSS Values and Units Module Level 4.URL:
Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii.CSS Writing Modes Level 3.URL:
Bert Bos; et al.Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification.URL:
Bert Bos.Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 2 (CSS 2.2) Specification.URL:
Elika Etemad.CSS Namespaces Module Level 3.URL:
Tab Atkins Jr.; Simon Sapin.CSS Syntax Module Level 3.URL:
Anne van Kesteren.DOM Standard.Living Standard. URL:
Anne van Kesteren; et al.HTML Standard.Living Standard. URL:
Anne van Kesteren; Domenic Denicola.Infra Standard.Living Standard. URL:
S. Bradner.Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels.March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL:
A. Phillips, Ed.; M. Davis, Ed..Matching of Language Tags.September 2006. Best Current Practice. URL:
Tantek Çelik; et al.Selectors Level 3.URL:
Elika Etemad; Tab Atkins Jr..Selectors Level 4.URL:
Anne van Kesteren.URL Standard.Living Standard. URL:

Informative References

Chris Lilley; et al.CSS Color Module Level 5.URL:
Elika Etemad; Tab Atkins Jr..CSS Display Module Level 3.URL:
Tantek Çelik; Florian Rivoal.CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI).URL:
Tantek Çelik; Elika Etemad.CSS Style Attributes.URL:
Philip Jägenstedt.Fullscreen API Standard.Living Standard. URL:
Ian Hickson; et al.HTML5.URL:
David Filip; et al.Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 2.0.29 October 2013. REC. URL:
Patrick D F Ion; Robert R Miner.Mathematical Markup Language (MathML™) 1.01 Specification.7 March 2023. REC. URL:
David Carlisle; Frédéric Wang.MathML Core.URL:
Francois Beaufort.Picture-in-Picture.URL:
Simon Pieters.Quirks Mode Standard.Living Standard. URL:
Erik Dahlström; et al.Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition).16 August 2011. REC. URL:
John Boyer.XForms 1.1.20 October 2009. REC. URL:
Tim Bray; et al.Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition).8 December 2009. REC. URL:
Tim Bray; et al.Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition).26 November 2008. REC. URL:

Issues Index

Add comma-separated syntax formultiple-value matching? e.g. [rel ~= next, prev, up, first, last]
There’s a desire from authors to propagate:focusfrom a form control to its associatedlabelelement; the main objection seems to be implementation difficulty. SeeCSSWG issue (CSS)andWHATWG issue (HTML).
Are these still necessary now that we have more rigorous definitions formatchandinvalid selector? Nouns are a lot easier to coordinate across specification than predicates, and details like the exact order of elements returned fromquerySelectorseem to make more sense being defined in the DOM specification than in Selectors.
Only thetree-abiding pseudo-elementsare really handled in any way remotely like this.
The relative position of pseudo-elements inselector match listis undefined. There’s not yet a context that exposes this information, but we need to decide on something eventually, before somethingisexposed.
Some pseudo-classes are *syntactical*, like:has()and:is(), and thus should always work. Need to indicate that somewhere. Probably the structural pseudos always work whenever the child list is ordered.
Semantic definition should probably move back here.
Need to define tree for XML.


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Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView37+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile10.1+


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+IE9+
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView2+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile10.1+


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+IE10+
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari5+Chrome for Android?Android WebView37+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile10.1+


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+IE10+
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari5+Chrome for Android?Android WebView4.4.3+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile10.1+


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)13+IENone
Firefox for Android16+iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView2.2+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile11+


In only one current engine.

Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


In only one current engine.

Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


In only one current engine.

Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


In only one current engine.

Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)13+IENone
Firefox for AndroidNoneiOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView37+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile10.1+


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)13+IENone
Firefox for AndroidNoneiOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView37+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile10.1+


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+IE9+
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView37+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


In no current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+IE9+
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari2+Chrome for Android?Android WebView2+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile10.1+


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+IE3+
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView37+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile10.1+


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+IE7+
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView37+Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile10.1+


Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?


In all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?IENone
Firefox for Android?iOS Safari?Chrome for Android?Android WebView?Samsung Internet?Opera Mobile?