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Composition ( biên thành )is amain menufunction that appears in the main home screen. This menu is meant to organize the fleets, "heart lock" girls, view girlsStats,or record and deploy preset fleets.

Menu Functions

Overview of the Composition Menu Functions

The following functions appear in the composition menu:

  • Fleets- Fleets are arranged from numbers 1 to 4. The game starts with one fleet, and 3 additional fleets are unlocked after completing someQuests:
    • A4:2nd Fleet
    • A14:3rd Fleet
    • A16:4th Fleet
  • Change- Allows to assign, swap, or remove girls, as well as "heart locking" them.
  • Details- Allows to view girls'stats.
  • Fleet's Name- The name of the fleet.
  • Gift- Allows to useMamiya and Irakoto provide a morale boost to the fleets.
  • Removal all but Flagship- Automatically remove all girls in the fleet except the flagship (first ship).
  • Record Composition- Allows to save the current fleet as a preset. Seebelowfor details.
  • Deploy Composition- Allows to deploy saved preset fleets. Seebelowfor details.

Changing Fleet Composition

Assigning or Swapping Girls

Destroyers sorted by latest acquisition

To assign or swap a girl in a fleet, there is theChange (変 canh )button. This will bring up a list of all the girls possessed, including duplicates.

  • It is possible to change how the girls are sorted, by clicking on the blue button in the top right and cycling through the following options:
    • Level- Sorts from highest to lowest level. Ships of the same level are then ordered by "type" (see below).
    • Ship Type- Sorts by ship type and class.
    • New- Sorts by newest to oldest.
    • Damaged- Sorts by most to least damaged (in %). Undamaged girls are sorted by "type".
  • It is possible to filter the ships by types, by using the tabs along the top of the girl list.This option is only available for the browser version.Seehereto get an idea on how types are sorted per tab.
    • Clicking ◀ on the right will select/deselect all tabs.
    • Clicking on the small circle on the left will toggle between IJN andUSNShip Hull classifications.

Once the selection is made, clicking on her entry will bring up her stat card. TheChange (変 canh )button on her card must be clicked to confirm the selection.

Removing Girls

There are 3 ways to remove a girl from a fleet:

  1. Select the girl to remove and press theChange (変 canh )button. Then select theUndo (はずす)at the top of the ship list.This option is at the top of every page in the browser version but only at the top of the first page in Android.
    • The Secretary (1st fleet's flagship) cannot be removed and can only be swapped.
  2. Select the"Remove All but Flagship" ( tùy bạn hạm nhất quát giải trừ )option located at the top. This option will remove all girls but the flagship.
  3. Drag and drop a girl out of any of the fleet slots.

Adjusting Fleet Positions

The example shows how to move a girl from position 2 to the flagship position.

It is possible to click and drag girls around to adjust their position in the fleet. To do this, click on the girl's portrait and drag her to the desired position. She will swap places with the girl in that position.

Locking Girls

It is possible to "heart lock" girls to prevent them from being available forModernizationor Dismantling. To lock a girl, click theChange (変 canh )button to bring up the girl list and mouse over the empty space on the right of the list. A greyed out unlocked heart-shaped padlock will appear. Click on it to lock a girl. Redo this process to unlock a girl.

Always remember to lock the girls that are intended to be kept, to avoid any potential mistake.

Preset Fleets

Fleet presets allow to save fleet compositions and load them quickly. All players start with3 preset fleetsbut can unlock more by usingDock Opening Keys.

  • A maximum of19 Preset Fleetsare currently available, this amount may be increased in future updates.

Recording Presets

Fleet composition Recording Menu

Composition Recordingcan be done by selecting the Composition Record ( biên thành ký lục ) tab located in the bottom left corner of the Composition menu.

A list of the preset fleets and any empty slots are presented. Simply click the blueRecord ( ký lục )button to save the current fleet. To delete a preset, click the redDelete ( tước trừ )button.

  • The "current fleet" can be any of the 4 ones, but ones already sent in expeditions.
  • The fleet name will be recorded as well. When deploying this fleet, the name will change to the recorded one.
  • Equipment is not recorded. Girls will be deployed with whatever equipment they currently have on them.

More fleet preset slots can be unlocked from this menu. Locked slots will be displayed at the bottom of the list. If a Dock Keys is in the inventory, it is possible to click theUnlockbutton to increase the number of fleet presets.

Deploying Presets

Fleet composition Deploying Menu

Composition Deploymentcan be done by selecting the Deploy Composition ( biên thành triển khai ) tab located in the bottom left corner of the Composition menu.

The list of all the saved preset fleets is presented. Simply click the blueDeploy ( triển khai )button to load the selected fleet.

Important Notes

  • When attempting to deploy a preset with girls currently in other fleets, a warning will be displayed. It is still possible to choose to"Deploy All Except Those Assigned to Another Fleet" ( biệt hạm đội phối chúc hạm を trừ いて biên thành triển khai ),which will only deploy eligible ships in the preset.
  • The current fleet name will be overwritten with the saved name.
  • Girls in the docks can be deployed.
  • If a girl in the preset is no longer part of the forces,"Decommissioned Ship" ( trừ tịch hạm )will be displayed in her place.
    • The preset sans the missing girl can still be loaded.


Food Supply Ship Mamiya
Food Supply Ship Irako

Gifts ( cấp )are used to restore the morale of a fleet using items calledMamiya( gian cung )Item Icon Food Supply Ship Mamiya.pngandIrako( y lương hồ )Item Icon Food Supply Ship Irako.png.The number beside the button shows the total number ofMamiya and Irakopossessed.

  • Please seeGiftingfor more details on how morale affects girls.

Clicking on the button brings up a menu with the following options:

  • Use Mamiya- Uses 1 Mamiya to restore a girl's morale to 49 if between 40-49 or 40 if under 40. There is a random chance of having some ships get 50 morale.
  • Use Irako- Uses 1 Irako to give the flagship and 0-3 consort ships a +25 morale boost. The bonus morale to
  • Use Mamiya and Irako- Uses 1 Mamiya and Irako to gives all ships a +16 morale boost with a chance of bonus morale for Destroyers.

Note that although Mamiya and Irako are available through quests, they are still in short supply. It is recommended to resort to other means to restore morale andsparklefirst.

Fleet Name

To change the name of the fleet, just type a new name into the text box and clicking the "Edit" ( biên tập ) button.

  • Do note that using a 3rd party viewer/app may result in the menu being difficult to type in. If it is the case, either use the said viewer/app's own system, or simply paste a pre-copied text directly.

Keep in mind that the fleet's name is also saved when being used for preset compositions as well.

The name of the fleet is only useful to distinguish different fleets in the selection menu.

The 1st fleet's name can be viewed by all players:

  • Challenging you inPVP,
  • In theRankingfinal leader board.

View Details

Clicking on the yellowDetails ( tường tế )button will bring up their stats card. Please see theStatspage for more details on what each stat is.

See Also