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Special Attacks

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AircraftAerial Combat Day Battle Night Battle PowerNight Battle
Jet Assault·AACI
Battle Opening·Artillery Spotting·Anti-Submarine Warfare Cut-In
Support Expedition·Special Attacks·Anti-Installation·Friendly Fleet·Drop
Map Mechanics and Nodes·Evacuation·Damage Calculations·Accuracy, Evasion and Criticals·Shooting Order and Targeting

"Special Attacks", or "Touch", are special combats mechanics involving specific ships combinations in a fleet, in order to trigger a powerful attack, involving a unique animation and sometimes a unique "Touch CG" for the involved ships.

There are 3 main types of Touch currently in the game:

  • The"Big Seven Touches",the"Yamato Touch",the"French Touch",the"Queen Elizabeth-class Touch",some 2/3-battleships, 3-hits attacks.
  • The"Kongou Touch",a 2-battleships, 2-hits night attack.
  • The"Submarine Touch",a 1-submarine tender & 2/3-submarine, 2/4-hits torpedo attack

In aCombined Fleet,it is possible toboth:

  • Trigger a Big Seven or Yamato Touch in the main fleet during day battle,
  • Then trigger a Kongou Touch in the escort fleet during night battle.

No special attack can be triggered inPVP.

Big Seven Touch

"Big Seven"refers to the first 7 battleships built to carry the biggest naval guns (> 40 cm) allowed by theWashington Naval Treaty,namely, theNagato-class,Nelson-class,andColorado-class.

Nagato-classSpecial Attack

At Kai Ni,NagatoandMutsugain a special attack:

"Touch Helpers"
  • ANagato-class Kai Nimust be theflagship.
    • Secretaryfor combined fleets.
    • She must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ).
  • The 2nd ship in the fleet must beFBB/BB/BBV.
    • She must not beheavily damaged ( đại phá ).
  • There must be 6 or more surface ships in the fleet.
    • There must be no submarine in 6-ship fleets. In 7-ship fleets, only 1 submarine is allowed.
    • There must be no surface ship in the fleet sunk orevacuatedviaCommand FacilityFCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      during a sortie, making the remaining total < 6. Ships in the escort fleet are not counted.
  • Bug: The attack cannot trigger inCTFversus a single fleet.

If triggered:

  • The flagship will doa 1st & 2nd attack,
  • The 2nd battleship will doa 3rd attack,
  • Each attack targets a ship at random,
  • If all enemies sunk, then touch stops early.
Attack Multipliers
Equipment Ship in 2nd position
Ship Banner Nagato Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Mutsu Kai Ni.png
Nagato-class Kai Ni
(Nagato Flagship only) Other BB
Ship Banner Mutsu Kai.png
Mutsu Kai
Ship Banner Nelson Kai.png
Nelson Kai
Attacks 1, 2, & 3 Attacks 1 & 2 Attack 3 Attacks 1 & 2 Attack 3 Attacks 1 & 2 Attack 3
No Bonus Equipment 1.68 1.61 1.62 1.54 1.50 1.40 1.20
Surface RADARSurfaceSurface RadarOnly 1.93 1.85 1.86 1.77 1.73 1.61 1.38
Armor-Piercing ShellAP ShellsType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
2.27 2.17 2.18 2.08 2.02 1.89 1.62
Armor-Piercing ShellAPType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
+Surface RADARSurfaceRadar
2.61 2.50 2.52 2.39 2.33 2.17 1.86
  • The modifiers arepost-capon day battle, andpre-capon night battle.
  • The equipment bonuses do not stack further than 1 radar and/or 1 AP shell per ship.
    • Only ships equipped with those equipment will get a bonus for their attack(s).

  • Both ships involved consume additional ammunition when triggered:
Fleet type Triggering type Additional ammo consumption
Single Day battle (no night battle) 10 %
Day battle (with night battle) 15 %
Night battle (after day battle) 15 %
Night battle Node 5 %
Combined Day battle (no night battle) 0 %
Day battle (with night battle) 10 %
Night battle (after day battle) 10 %
  • Costs are rounded up.

The touch:

  • Can be triggered even if artillery spotting fails to activate.
  • Can only be activatedonce per sortie.
  • Has a chance to trigger every time the flagship takes a turn at shelling.
    • In single fleet, if it fails to trigger in day battle, there is a chance to trigger it in the follow-up night battle.
  • The rate is[1]:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Trigger}_\text{Rate}\text{%} = \Biggl\lfloor \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Lv}} + 1.5 \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Luck}} + 25 \Biggr\rfloor }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Lv} }[/math]the Level of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Luck} }[/math]theLuckLuck of the participating ships.

Ship Japanese/English Notes
Let's do this! Main guns, full broadside! FIRE!!!!!!! Special Attack Line
Hành くぞ! Chủ pháo, nhất 斉 xạ! うってぇ!!!!!!
Mutsu, leave it all to me! FIRE! Special Attack Line with Mutsu
Lục áo よ, この trường môn に nhậm せておけ! うってぇ!
Mutsu, follow me! First fleet, attack! Main guns, full broadside! FIRE! Special Attack Line with Mutsu
Lục áo よ, この trường môn に続け! Đệ nhất chiến đội, đột kích! Chủ pháo, nhất 斉 xạ! うってぇ!
Nelson? Interesting. Let's do this! FIRE! Special Attack Line with Nelson
Nelsonか? Diện bạch い. Hành くぞ. うってぇ!
Battleship Mutsu, beginning the attack! Full broadside, FIRE! Special Attack Line
Chiến hạm lục áo, đột kích するわ. Nhất 斉 xạ, うてぇ!
Nagato, leave it to me! FIRE! Special Attack Line with Nagato
Trường môn, nhậm せて! うてぇ!
Nagato, ready? Here we go! First Fleet, full broadside, FIRE! Special Attack Line with Nagato
Trường môn, いい? いくはよ! Đệ nhất chiến đội, nhất 斉 xạ, うてぇ!

Nelson-classSpecial Attack

NelsonandRodneyare able to perform a special attack:

"Touch Helpers"
  • ANelson-classmust be theflagship.
    • Secretaryfor combined fleets.
    • She must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ).
  • The 3rd and 5th ships must not be any CV/CVB/CVL/SS/SSV.
    • They can beheavily damaged ( đại phá ).
  • There must be 6 or more surface ships in the fleet.
    • There must be no submarine in 6-ship fleets. In 7-ship fleets, only 1 submarine is allowed.
    • There must be no surface ship in the fleet sunk orevacuatedviaCommand FacilityFCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      during a sortie, making the remaining total < 6. Ships in the escort fleet are not counted.

If triggered:

  • The flagship will doa 1st attack,
  • The 3rd ship will doa 2nd attack,
  • The 5th ship will doa 3rd attack,
  • Each attack targets a ship at random,
  • If all enemies sunk, then touch stops early.
Multiplier No other
Nelson-class present
Flagship Other Nelson-class
Base 2.0 2.3 2.4
Red T 2.5 2.875 3.0
  • The modifiers arepost-capon day battle, andpre-capon night battle.
  • There is an additional smallAccuracyAccuracy bonus of 1.05[2].
  • Even if the other two ships can attack submarines, they will never target them during the touch.

  • It doesnotcost any extra resources if triggered.

The touch:

  • Can be triggered even if artillery spotting fails to activate.
  • Can only be activatedonce per sortie.
  • Has a chance to trigger every time the flagship takes a turn at shelling.
    • In single fleet, if it fails to trigger in day battle, there is a chance to trigger it in the follow-up night battle.
  • The rate is[1][2]:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Trigger}_\text{Rate}\text{%} = \Biggl\lfloor 1.1 \times \sqrt{\text{Lv}_\text{FS}} + \sum_\text{Helper} \sqrt{\text{Lv}_\text{H}} + 1.4 \times \sqrt{\text{Luck}_\text{FS}} + 25 \Biggr\rfloor }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Lv}_\text{FS} }[/math]the flagship's Level,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Lv}_\text{H} }[/math]the helper ships' Level,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Luck}_\text{FS} }[/math]the flagship'sLuckLuck.

Ship Japanese/English Notes
Nelson Touch. Main guns 1 and 2, one more shot! Nelson Touch Line
Nelson Touch. Chủ pháo, nhất phiên, nhị phiên, もう nhất kích だ!
Rodney Squadron, charge. We'll divide those enemies. All ships, fire all your main guns! Commence bombardment! Special Attack Line
Rodney chiến đội, đột nhập. Địch を phân đoạn する. Các hạm, toàn chủ pháo 斉 xạ! Thủy め!

Colorado-classSpecial Attack

ColoradoandMarylandare able to perform a special attack:

"Touch Helpers"
  • AColorado-classmust be theflagship.
    • Secretaryfor combined fleets.
    • She must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ).
  • The 2nd and 3rd ships in the fleet must beFBB/BB/BBV.
    • They must not beheavily damaged ( đại phá ).
  • There must be 6 or more surface ships in the fleet.
    • There must be no submarine in 6-ship fleets. In 7-ship fleets, only 1 submarine is allowed.
    • There must be no surface ship in the fleet sunk orevacuatedviaCommand FacilityFCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      during a sortie, making the remaining total < 6. Ships in the escort fleet are not counted.

If triggered:

  • The flagship will doa 1st attack,
  • The 2nd ship will doa 2nd attack,
  • The 3rd ship will doa 3rd attack,
  • Each attack targets a ship at random,
  • If all enemies sunk, then touch stops early.
"Big 7"refers here toNagato Kai/NiNagato Kai
Nagato Kai Ni
,Mutsu Kai/NiMutsu Kai
Mutsu Kai Ni
,Nelson KaiNelson Kai,Rodney KaiRodney Kai[citation needed],Colorado/KaiColorado
Colorado Kai
Maryland Kai
Attack Multipliers
Equipment Any
2nd ship 3rd ship 2nd ship 3rd ship
is Big 7 not Big 7
Attack 1 Attack 2 Attack 3 Attack 2 Attack 3
No Bonus Equipment 1.50 1.50 1.52 1.30
Surface RADARSurfaceSurface RadarOnly 1.73 1.72 1.75 1.50
Surface RADARSurfaceSG Radar (Late Model)SG Radar (Late Model)Only 1.98 1.98 2.01 1.72
Armor-Piercing ShellAP ShellsType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
2.03 2.02 2.05 1.76
Armor-Piercing ShellAPType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
+Surface RADARSurfaceRadar
2.33 2.32 2.36 2.02
Armor-Piercing ShellAPType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
+Surface RADARSurfaceSG LMSG Radar (Late Model)
2.68 2.67 2.72 2.32
  • The modifiers arepost-capon day battle, andpre-capon night battle.
  • The equipment bonuses do not stack further than 1 radar and/or 1 AP shell per ship.
    • Only ships equipped with those equipment will get a bonus for their attack(s).

  • All three ships involved consume additional ammunition when triggered:
Fleet type Triggering type Additional ammo consumption
Single Day battle (no night battle) 10 %
Day battle (with night battle) 15 %
Night battle (after day battle) 15 %
Night battle Node 5 %
Combined Day battle (no night battle) 0 %
Day battle (with night battle) 10 %
Night battle (after day battle) 10 %
  • Costs are rounded up.

The touch:

  • Can be triggered even if artillery spotting fails to activate.
  • Can only be activatedonce per sortie.
  • Has a chance to trigger every time the flagship takes a turn at shelling.
    • In single fleet, if it fails to trigger in day battle, there is a chance to trigger it in the follow-up night battle.
  • The rate is probably[1]:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Trigger}_\text{Rate}\text{%} = \Biggl\lfloor \text{V} \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Lv}} + \text{W} \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Luck}} + \text{X} + \text{Y} \Biggr\rfloor }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Lv} }[/math]the Level of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Luck} }[/math]theLuckLuck of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{V & W} }[/math]some yet unknown bonus factors,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{X} }[/math]some yet unknown bonus variables,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Y} }[/math]some yet unknown base rate.

It is currently measured around 52~60 % if all three ships are lv.99.

Ship Japanese/English Notes
Colorado Squadron, full broadside! Open fire when you've confirmed your targets! We'll destroy them in one broadside. Fire! Special Attack Line
Colorado chiến đội toàn lực 斉 xạ! Các cá mục tiêu に pháo kích khai thủy! Nhất khí に tiêm diệt する. Fire!
Ready to begin directed fire. All ships, use the following targeting data. OK?...Open fire! Special Attack Line
Thống chế xạ kích を khai thủy する. Các hạm, mục tiêu chư nguyên nhập lực. OK?……Open fire!

Richelieu-classSpecial Attack

On Kai/Deux,RichelieuandJean Bartgain a special attack called"Richelieu! Overwhelm them!" (Richelieuよ! Áp đảo しなさいっ!, "French Touch"):

"Touch Helpers"
Richelieu Flagship: Jean Bart Flagship:
Ship Banner Jean Bart Kai.png Ship Banner Richelieu Kai.pngKai/Deux
  • ARichelieu-class Kai/Deuxmust beflagship.
    • Secretaryfor combined fleets.
    • She must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ).
  • The other "Touch Helper" must be in the 2nd position.
    • She must not beheavily damaged ( đại phá ).
  • There must be 6 or more surface ships in the fleet.
    • There must be no submarine in 6-ship fleets. In 7-ship fleets, only 1 submarine is allowed.
    • There must be no surface ship in the fleet sunk orevacuatedviaCommand FacilityFCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      during a sortie, making the remaining total < 6. Ships in the escort fleet are not counted.
  • Bug: The attack cannot trigger inCTFversus a single fleet.

If triggered:

  • The flagship will doa 1st & 2nd attack,
  • The 2nd battleship will doa 3rd attack,
  • Each attack targets a ship at random,
  • If all enemies sunk, then touch stops early.
Attack Multipliers[3]
Equipment Flagship
Ship Banner Richelieu Kai.png Ship Banner Jean Bart Kai.png
Attacks 1 & 2 Attack 3 Attacks 1, 2, & 3
No Bonus Equipment 1.30 1.24 1.24
Surface RADARSurfaceSurface RadarOnly 1.50 1.43 1.43
Armor-Piercing ShellAP ShellsType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
1.76 1.67 1.67
Armor-Piercing ShellAPType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
+Surface RADARSurfaceRadar
2.02 1.93 1.93
  • The modifiers arepost-capon day battle, andpre-capon night battle.
  • The equipment bonuses do not stack further than 1 radar and/or 1 AP shell per ship.
    • Only ships equipped with those equipment will get a bonus for their attack(s).

  • Both ships involved consume additional ammunition when triggered[4]:
Fleet type Triggering type Additional ammo consumption
Single Day battle (no night battle) 10 %
Day battle (with night battle) 15 %
Night battle (after day battle) 15 %
Night battle Node 5 %
Combined Day battle (no night battle) ?
Day battle (with night battle) ?
Night battle (after day battle) ?
  • Costs are rounded down.

The touch:

  • Can be triggered even if artillery spotting fails to activate.
  • Can only be activatedonce per sortie.
  • Has a chance to trigger every time the flagship takes a turn at shelling.
    • In single fleet, if it fails to trigger in day battle, there is a chance to trigger it in the follow-up night battle.
  • The rate is probably:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Trigger}_\text{Rate}\text{%} = \Biggl\lfloor \text{V} \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Lv}} + \text{W} \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Luck}} + \text{X} + \text{Y} \Biggr\rfloor }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Lv} }[/math]the Level of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Luck} }[/math]theLuckLuck of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{V & W} }[/math]some yet unknown bonus factors,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{X} }[/math]some yet unknown bonus variables,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Y} }[/math]some yet unknown base rate.

Ship Japanese/English Notes
? Special Attack Line
Jean Bart
? Special Attack Line

Queen Elizabeth-classSpecial Attack

On Kai,WarspiteandValiantgain a special attack:

"Touch Helpers"
Warspite Flagship: Valiant Flagship:
Ship Banner Valiant Kai.png Ship Banner Warspite Kai.png
  • AQueen Elizabeth-class Kaimust beflagship.
    • Secretaryfor combined fleets.
    • She must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ).
  • The other "Touch Helper" must be in the 2nd position.
    • She must not beheavily damaged ( đại phá ).
  • There must be 6 or more surface ships in the fleet.
    • There must be no submarine in 6-ship fleets. In 7-ship fleets, only 1 submarine is allowed.
    • There must be no surface ship in the fleet sunk orevacuatedviaCommand FacilityFCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      during a sortie, making the remaining total < 6. Ships in the escort fleet are not counted.
  • Bug: The attack cannot trigger inCTFversus a single fleet.

If triggered:

  • The flagship will doa 1st & 2nd attack,
  • The 2nd battleship will doa 3rd attack,
  • Each attack targets a ship at random,
  • If all enemies sunk, then touch stops early.
Attack Multipliers[5]
Equipment Flagship
Ship Banner Warspite Kai.png Ship Banner Valiant Kai.png
Attacks 1, 2 & 3 Attack 1 & 2 Attacks 3
No Bonus Equipment 1.24 1.20 1.24
Surface RADARSurfaceSurface RadarOnly 1.42 1.38 1.42
Armor-Piercing ShellAP ShellsType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
1.67 1.62 1.67
Armor-Piercing ShellAPType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
+Surface RADARSurfaceRadar
1.92 1.86 1.92
  • The modifiers arepost-capon day battle, andpre-capon night battle.
  • The equipment bonuses do not stack further than 1 radar and/or 1 AP shell per ship.
    • Only ships equipped with those equipment will get a bonus for their attack(s).

  • ??

The touch:

  • Can be triggered even if artillery spotting fails to activate.
  • Can only be activatedonce per sortie.
  • Has a chance to trigger every time the flagship takes a turn at shelling.
    • In single fleet, if it fails to trigger in day battle, there is a chance to trigger it in the follow-up night battle.
  • The rate is probably:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Trigger}_\text{Rate}\text{%} = \Biggl\lfloor \text{V} \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Lv}} + \text{W} \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Luck}} + \text{X} + \text{Y} \Biggr\rfloor }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Lv} }[/math]the Level of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Luck} }[/math]theLuckLuck of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{V & W} }[/math]some yet unknown bonus factors,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{X} }[/math]some yet unknown bonus variables,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Y} }[/math]some yet unknown base rate.

Ship Japanese/English Notes
? Special Attack Line
? Special Attack Line

YamatoSpecial Attacks

Yamato gains two different special attacks on Kai Ni/Juu.

They're distinguished by how many ships participate, there's a2-ship touchand a3-ship touch:

Devs also have stated that the touch helpers will be updated with relevant ship implementation[12].

Yamato-class 2-Ship Special Attack

"Touch Helpers"
Yamato Flagship: Musashi Flagship:
Ship Banner Musashi Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Iowa Kai.png
Ship Banner Bismarck Drei.png
Ship Banner Richelieu Kai.pngKai/Deux
Ship Banner Jean Bart Kai.png
Ship Banner Yamato Kai Ni.pngKai Ni/Juu
  • AYamato-class Kai Ni/Juumust beflagship.
    • Secretaryfor combined fleets.
    • She must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ).
  • Another "Touch Helper" must be in the 2nd position.
    • She must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ).
    • When usingMusashi Kai Nias the helper in the 2nd position withNagato Kai NiorMutsu Kai Niin the 3rd one beinglightly damaged ( tiểu phá )or better, there is a random chance to trigger the "3-Ship Special Attack"instead.
  • There must be 6 or more surface ships in the fleet.
    • There must be no submarine in 6-ship fleets. In 7-ship fleets, only 1 submarine is allowed.
    • There must be no surface ship in the fleet sunk orevacuatedviaCommand FacilityFCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      during a sortie, making the remaining total < 6. Ships in the escort fleet are not counted.
  • In single fleet,EchelonEchelon.pngneeds to be selected.
  • In a combined fleet,Cruising Formation 4Formation 4.pngneeds to be selected.
  • The touch can activate even if Yamato Kai Ni Juu is equipped with ASW equipment when facing a fleet mixed with submarines.

If triggered:

  • The flagship will doa 1st & 2nd attack,
  • The Helper will doa 3rd attack,
  • Each attack targets a ship at random,
  • If all enemies sunk, then touch stops early.
Equipment Yamato Kai Ni JuuYamato Kai Ni Juu2nd Yamato-class Kai NiYamato Kai Ni
Musashi Kai Ni
Other HelpersIowa Kai
Bismarck Drei
Richelieu Kai
Attacks 1 & 2 Attack 3 Attacks 1 & 2 Attack 3 Attacks 1 & 2 Attack 3
No Bonus Equipment 1.54 1.94 1.54 1.86 1.40 1.55
Surface RADARSurfaceSurface RadarOnly 1.77 2.23 1.77 2.14 1.61 1.78
Very Large RADARSpVery large radar15m Duplex Rangefinder + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni
15m Duplex Rangefinder Kai + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni + Skilled Fire Direction Center
1.96 2.45 1.95 2.35 1.77 1.96
Armor-Piercing ShellAP ShellsType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
2.08 2.62 2.08 2.51 1.89 2.09
Armor-Piercing ShellAPType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
+Surface RADARSurfaceRadar
2.39 3.01 2.39 2.89 2.17 2.41
Armor-Piercing ShellAPType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
+Very Large RADARSpVery large radar15m Duplex Rangefinder + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni
15m Duplex Rangefinder Kai + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni + Skilled Fire Direction Center
2.63 3.31 2.63 3.18 2.39 2.65
  • The modifiers arepost-capon day battle, andpre-capon night battle.
  • The equipment bonuses do not stack further than 1 radar and/or 1 AP shell per ship.
    • Only ships equipped with those equipment will get a bonus for their attack(s).

The attack will consume extra ammo from participating ships when triggered. The total ammo consumption will bex1.6of the original ammo consumption of those ships when the attack is triggered.

The touch:

  • Can be triggered even if artillery spotting fails to activate.
  • Can only be activatedonce per sortie.
  • Has a chance to trigger every time the flagship takes a turn at shelling.
    • In single fleet, if it fails to trigger in day battle, there is a chance to trigger it in the follow-up night battle.
  • The rate is[1][2][3]:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Trigger}_\text{Rate}\text{%} = \Biggl\lfloor \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Lv}} + 1.25 \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Luck}} + \text{A} + \text{B} + 33 \Biggr\rfloor }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Lv} }[/math]the Level of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Luck} }[/math]theLuckLuck of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{A} }[/math]the helper bonus, being:
    • 4if Yamato is helper,
    • 7if Musashi is the helper,
    • 0otherwise.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{B} }[/math]the bonus for equippingRADARRadarswith (AccuracyAcc ≥ 8?), being:
    • 10if 1 ship has a radar,
    • 20if both ships have a radar,
    • 0otherwise.

Yamato 3-Ship Special Attack

  • Yamato Kai Ni/Juumust be theflagship.
    • Secretaryfor combined fleets.
    • She must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ).
  • A pair of ships from a same "Helper Pair" must be in the 2nd and 3rd positions.
    • They must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ).
    • When usingMusashi Kai Nias the helper in the 2nd position withNagato Kai NiorMutsu Kai Niin the 3rd one:
      • If the 3rd ship islightly damaged ( tiểu phá )or better, there is a random chance to trigger the "2-Ship Special Attack"instead.
      • If the 3rd ship ismoderately damaged ( trung phá )or worse, the "2-Ship Special Attack"will trigger instead.
  • There must be 6 or more surface ships in the fleet.
    • There must be no submarine in 6-ship fleets. In 7-ship fleets, only 1 submarine is allowed.
    • There must be no surface ship in the fleet sunk orevacuatedviaCommand FacilityFCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      during a sortie, making the remaining total < 6. Ships in the escort fleet are not counted.
  • In single fleet,EchelonEchelon.pngneeds to be selected.
  • In a combined fleet,Cruising Formation 4Formation 4.pngneeds to be selected.
  • The touch can activate even if Yamato Kai Ni Juu is equipped with ASW equipment when facing a fleet mixed with submarines.
"Helper Pairs"
One of the following pairs:
Musashi Kai Ni2nd ship: In any order:
Ship Banner Musashi Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Nagato Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Nagato Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Mutsu Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Kongou Kai Ni C.png
Ship Banner Hiei Kai Ni C.png
Ship Banner Kongou Kai Ni C.png
Ship Banner Haruna Kai Ni B.pngKai Ni B/C
Ship Banner Ise Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Hyuuga Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Fusou Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Yamashiro Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Italia.png
Ship Banner Roma Kai.png
Ship Banner Musashi Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Mutsu Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner South Dakota Kai.png
Ship Banner Washington Kai.png
Ship Banner Colorado Kai.png
Ship Banner Maryland Kai.png
Ship Banner Warspite Kai.png
Ship Banner Valiant Kai.png
Ship Banner Warspite Kai.png
Ship Banner Nelson Kai.png
Ship Banner Nelson Kai.png
Ship Banner Rodney Kai.png
Ship Banner Richelieu Kai.pngKai/Deux
Ship Banner Jean Bart Kai.png

If triggered:

  • Yamato will doa 1st attack,
  • The 2nd ship will doa 2nd attack,
  • The 3rd ship will doa 3rd attack,
  • Each attack targets a ship at random,
  • If all enemies sunk, then touch stops early.
Equipment Musashi Kai NiMusashi Kai Ni(&HelperNagato Kai Ni
Mutsu Kai Ni
Nagato-classNagato Kai Ni
Mutsu Kai Ni
Ise-classIse Kai Ni
Hyuuga Kai Ni
Other "Helper Pairs" Any "Helper Pairs"
Attacks 1 Attacks 2 Attack 1 & 2 Attacks 1 Attacks 2 Attack 1 & 2 Attacks 3
No Bonus Equipment 1.65 1.80 1.65 1.65 1.58 1.50 1.65
Surface RADARSurfaceSurface RadarOnly 1.90 2.07 1.90 1.90 1.80 1.73 1.90
Very Large RADARSpVery large radar15m Duplex Rangefinder + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni
15m Duplex Rangefinder Kai + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni + Skilled Fire Direction Center
2.09 2.28 2.09 2.09 1.99 1.90
Armor-Piercing ShellAP ShellsType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
2.23 2.43 2.23 2.23 2.13 2.03 2.23
Armor-Piercing ShellAPType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
+Surface RADARSurfaceRadar
2.56 2.79 2.56 2.56 2.45 2.33 2.56
Armor-Piercing ShellAPType 91 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell
Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell Kai
+Very Large RADARSpVery large radar15m Duplex Rangefinder + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni
15m Duplex Rangefinder Kai + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni + Skilled Fire Direction Center
2.82 3.07 2.82 2.82 2.69 2.56
  • The modifiers arepost-capon day battle, andpre-capon night battle.
  • The equipment bonuses do not stack further than 1 radar and/or 1 AP shell per ship.
    • Only ships equipped with those equipment will get a bonus for their attack(s).

The attack will consume extra ammo from participating ships when triggered. The total ammo consumption will bex1.8of the original ammo consumption of those ships when the attack is triggered.

The touch:

  • Can be triggered even if artillery spotting fails to activate.
  • Can only be activatedonce per sortie.
  • Has a chance to trigger every time the flagship takes a turn at shelling.
    • In single fleet, if it fails to trigger in day battle, there is a chance to trigger it in the follow-up night battle.
  • The rate is probably:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Trigger}_\text{Rate}\text{%} = \Biggl\lfloor \text{V} \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Lv}} + \text{W} \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Luck}} + \text{X} + \text{Y} \Biggr\rfloor }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Lv} }[/math]the Level of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Luck} }[/math]theLuckLuck of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{V & W} }[/math]some yet unknown bonus factors,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{X} }[/math]some yet unknown bonus variables,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Y} }[/math]some yet unknown base rate.

It is notably affected by:

  • The Level and luckLuckstat of the participating ships,
  • RADARSurface Radars(5+ LoS?) on attacking ships (+8~10 %)[1].

It is currently measured above 70 %.

Main source:[13]


On Kai Ni B/C,Kongou,Hiei,andHarunagain a special attack called"Night Assault":

"Touch Helpers"
Kongou Flagship: Hiei Flagship: Haruna Flagship:
Ship Banner Hiei Kai Ni C.png
Ship Banner Haruna Kai Ni.pngKai Ni/B/C
Ship Banner Warspite.pngBase/Kai
Ship Banner Valiant.pngBase/Kai
Ship Banner Kongou Kai Ni C.png
Ship Banner Haruna Kai Ni B.pngB/C
Ship Banner Kirishima Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Kongou Kai Ni C.png
Ship Banner Hiei Kai Ni C.png
  • AKongou-class Kai Ni B/Cmust beflagship.
    • Flagshipof the 2nd fleet in combined fleets.
  • Another "Touch Helper" must be in the 2nd position.
  • Both must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ).
  • It must be aNight Battle.
  • There must be 5 or more surface ships in the fleet.
    • There must be no more than 1 submarine in 6-ship fleets. In 7-ship fleets, only 2 submarines are allowed.
    • There must be no more than 1 surface ship in the fleet sunk orevacuatedviaCommand FacilityFCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      during a sortie, making the remaining total < 5. Only ships in the escort fleet are counted for combined ones.

If triggered:

  • The flagship will doa 1st attack,
  • The 2nd battleship will doa 2nd attack,
  • Each attack targets a ship at random,
  • If all enemies sunk, then touch stops early.
[6]Nb of
35.6K3C35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai 3 C/K435.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai 4
Red T Parallel
Green T
0 1.920.8 x 2.4 2.4 31.25 x 2.4
1 2.130.8 x 2.4 x 1.11 2.662.4 x 1.11 3.331.25 x 2.4 x 1.11
2+ 2.210.8 x 2.4 x 1.15 2.762.4 x 1.15 3.451.25 x 2.4 x 1.15
  • The modifiers arepre-cap.
  • There is also anAccuracyAccuracy bonus of1.35~1.4[7].

  • The attack will consume extra ammo from both participating battleships when triggered. The total ammo consumption will bex1.2of the original ammo consumption of those ships when the attack is triggered, hence:
    • If it is triggered in a night battle in a normal node, it costs 6 % extra ammo.
    • If it is triggered in a night battle node, it costs 2 % extra ammo.

TheNight Assaultcan be:

  • Activated in the same battle as another separate special attack.
  • Activatedtwice per sortie,during night battle only:[1][2][3][4][5]
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Trigger}_\text{Rate}\text{%} = \Biggl\lfloor 3.5 \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Lv}} + 1.1 \times \sum_\text{Ships} \sqrt{\text{Luck}} + \text{A} + \text{B} - 33 \Biggr\rfloor }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Lv} }[/math]the Level of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Luck} }[/math]theLuckLuck of the participating ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{A & B} }[/math]as follow:
Bonus Flagship Conditions Flagship
Kongou C Hiei C Haruna B Haruna C
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{A} }[/math] Surface RADARSurfaceSurface Radarwith a baseLoSLine of Sight≥ 8equipped,
  • 0otherwise
30 10 15 20
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{B} }[/math] Large SearchlightLargeType 96 150cm SearchlightType 96 150cm Searchlightequipped,
  • 0otherwise
10 30 0 0

Submarine Special Attack

Also called the "AS Touch", it is aSpecial Attackinvolving aSubmarine Tenderleading a fleet of at least two submarines.

  • The flagship must be aSubmarine Tender(AS) at Lv 30+,
    • She must not be more thanmoderately damaged ( trung phá ).
  • The 2nd and 3rd ships must beSubmarines(SS) orAircraft Carrying Submarines(SSV) and notevacuatedviaCommand FacilitySFFCFStriking Force Fleet Command Facility,
    • The 4th ship may optionally be a SS(V), but does not affect the above requirement,
    • At least two SS(V) among the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ships must not be more thanlightly damaged ( tiểu phá ),
    • If all 3 ships are SS(V), the 2nd and 4th ones will attack; if one of the two ismoderately damaged ( trung phá ),the 3rd one will attack instead.[1]
  • The fleet must be a single fleet or aStriking Force Fleet,
  • The formation needs to be eitherEchelonEchelon.pngorLine AbreastLineAbreast.png,
  • At least oneSubmarine Supply MaterialSubmarine Supply Materialmust be available in the inventory.

  • Two SS(V) will launch torpedo strikes.
  • The attack power of each strike is postcapped and unaffected by formation, engagement, or damage cap.
  • A rough damage formula per Submarine attack is:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{DMG}_\text{day} = \text{TP} \times ( 1.2 + 0.04 \times \sqrt{LV} ) }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{DMG}_\text{night} = ( \text{FP + TP} ) \times ( 1.2 + 0.04 \times \sqrt{LV} ) }[/math]

  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{DMG} }[/math]the damage result for day and night battle respectively,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{FP} }[/math]the submarine'sFirepowerFirepowerstat,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{TP} }[/math]the submarine'sTorpedoTorpedo Attackstat,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{LV} }[/math]the submarine'sLevel.
    • [math]\displaystyle{ 1.2 + 0.04 \times \sqrt{LV} = 1.6 }[/math]at Lv 100.

The number of attacks per Touch ranges from 2 to 4.

  • Each submarine will trough either 1 or 2 torpedo strikes.
    • Only Lv 75+ submarines can trigger 2 strikes,
    • If a Lv 75+ submarine doesnotcarry anySubmarine EquipmentSubmarine Radar,it rolls between 1 and 2 strikes randomly (exact rate unclear yet),
    • If a Lv 75+ submarine does carry anySubmarine EquipmentSubmarine Radar,it is guaranteed to roll 2 strikes.

OneSubmarine Supply MaterialSubmarine Supply Materialwill beconsumedfor EACH battle the Touch triggers in.

  • If the Touch triggers twice in a battle, only a singleItem Card Submarine Supply Material.pngwill be consumed for this battle.
  • If the Touch triggers in multiple nodes, oneItem Card Submarine Supply Material.pngwill be consumed for each node it is triggered.
It doesnotconsume any extra ammo. If the game is refreshed before the battle ends, thenno materialwill be consumed even if the touch triggered.

Trigger rate is affected by the Level and luckLuckstat of the participating ships[1].

It has a chance to triggerevery timethe AS takes a turn at shelling.
  • It can trigger in both day and night for the same battle.
  • It can only trigger once during day battle.
  • If it fails to trigger during the day battle, there is still a chance to trigger it in the follow-up night battle.
  • If all enemies sunk, then touch stops early.
The attack order is always (where amo,g the attacking submarines, 1 is upper one and 2 is lower one):
  • 1-1-2-2 for 4 attacks,
  • 1-1-2 or 1-2-2 for 3 attacks,
  • 1-2 for 2 attacks.
    • If touch stops early, then attacks can be just 1-1
    • Also note that the actual order may be different from client animation of who shoots torpedoes, which always assigns attackers alternately like 1-2-1-2 or 1-2-1 or 1-2, so you may mismatch the real attack.
The touch can be activatedmultiple timesper sortie.

When attacking a fleet, the usualTargetingrules apply.

  • The torpedoes fired target ships independently,
  • When facing aCombined Fleet,if any ship is present in the escort fleet on day battle, then all torpedoes will be fired to the escort fleet.


See Also