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Ship Card C.Cappellini.png
Ship Card C.Cappellini Damaged.png
Ship Banner C.Cappellini.png
Ship Banner C.Cappellini Damaged.png
Marcello Class Submarine

PLAAircraft0ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare0
SPDSpeedSlowLOSLine of Sight5→24
Build Time0:22 (Unbuildable)Remodel Req
IllustratorJijiSeiyuuIwahashi Yuka
Ship Card C.Cappellini Kai.png
Ship Card C.Cappellini Kai Damaged.png
Ship Banner C.Cappellini Kai.png
Ship Banner C.Cappellini Kai Damaged.png
C.CappelliniSửa(コマンダンテ・カッペリーニかい)C.Cappellini Kai
Marcello Class Submarine

PLAAircraft0ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare0
SPDSpeedSlowLOSLine of Sight7→28
Remodel Level30Remodel ReqAmmo50Steel190
IllustratorJijiSeiyuuIwahashi Yuka
Ship Card UIT-24.png
Ship Card UIT-24 Damaged.png
Ship Banner UIT-24.png
Ship Banner UIT-24 Damaged.png
Marcello Class Submarine

PLAAircraft0ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare0
SPDSpeedSlowLOSLine of Sight9→31
Remodel Level40Remodel ReqAmmo300Steel160
IllustratorJijiSeiyuuIwahashi Yuka
Ship Card I-503.png
Ship Card I-503 Damaged.png
Ship Banner I-503.png
Ship Banner I-503 Damaged.png
Y 503(い503)I-503
Marcello Class Submarine

PLAAircraft0ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare0
SPDSpeedSlowLOSLine of Sight10→33
Remodel Level55Remodel ReqAmmo360Steel180
IllustratorJijiSeiyuuIwahashi Yuka

Gameplay Notes

Submarines(SS)have high torpedoTorpedo Attackstats, and are limited to theOpening Torpedo Salvo,theClosing Torpedo Salvo,andNight Battle.They:

Special Mechanics

C.Cappelini Kai
  • Cannot attack during Night Battle

Equipability Exceptions

SS Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
FighterDive BomberTorpedo BomberJetFighterBomber2.pngReconnaissance AircraftLarge Reconnaissance AircraftSpReconnaissance SeaplaneReconSeaplane BomberBomberSeaplane FighterLarge Flying BoatRotorcraftLiaison AircraftAviation PersonnelTransportationMaterial.png
TorpedoesSubmarine TorpedoesSubMidget SubmarineMinisubSmall SONARSmallSubmarine Equipment Small Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunLarge Caliber Main GunVery Large Caliber Main GunSpSecondary GunLarge Secondary High-Angle GunSp_SecAnti-Aircraft GunAnti-Aircraft Fire DirectorDepth ChargesLarge SONARLargeSmall RADARSmallLarge RADARLargeVery Large RADARSp
Engine ImprovementAmphibious VehicleAnti-Ground RocketEmergency Repair PersonnelRation Anti-Aircraft ShellArmor-Piercing ShellMedium ArmorMediumLarge ArmorLargeFlareIcon.pngSearchlightLarge SearchlightLargeLookoutDrum CanisterLanding CraftLanding ForcesFacility.pngCommand FacilitySmoke GeneratorSupplies
RE:Emergency Repair PersonnelRationEquipment Card Improved Kanhon Type Turbine.pngEquipment Card Submarine 4-tube Stern Torpedo Launcher (Initial Model).pngEquipment Card Submarine 4-tube Stern Torpedo Launcher (Late Model).pngEquipment Card Submarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope.pngEquipment Card Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator (E27).pngEquipment Card Late Model Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator.pngEquipment Card Late Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel Equipment.png
Equipability notes:Night Fighter=Fighter;Night Torpedo Bomber=Torpedo Bomber;JetFighterBomber1.png=JetFighterBomber2.png;Night Reconnaissance Seaplane=Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon;Night Seaplane Bomber=Seaplane BomberBomber;Small Caliber Main High-Angle GunSmall=Small Caliber Main Gun;Medium Main High-Angle GunMedium=Medium Caliber Main Gun;Secondary High-Angle GunSec=Secondary Gun;Barrage Balloon=Smoke Generator

C.Cappellini Equipability Exceptions
Ship Banner C.Cappellini.png
Ship Banner C.Cappellini Kai.png
C.Cappellini Kai
Ship Banner UIT-24.png
Ship Banner I-503.png
Expansion Slot Exceptions - Can Equip:
Anti-Aircraft Gun
Ship Exceptions - Can Equip:
TransportationMaterial.pngDrum Canister
Can Equip:
TransportationMaterial.pngAnti-Aircraft GunDrum Canister
- Cannot Equip:
Midget SubmarineMinisub

Fit Bonuses

[edit]C.CappelliniEquipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Anti-Aircraft Gun2cm Flakvierling 382cm Flakvierling 38 (★4-6) +2 +2
(★7-9) +1 +3 +2
(★MAX) +1 +4 +3
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 One-time
Anti-Aircraft Gun3.7cm FlaK M423.7cm FlaK M42 (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +2 +2
(★MAX) +1 +2 +1 +3
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 One-time
Ship-Type Bonuses
TorpedoesType D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai)Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai) -1 -7
TorpedoesLate Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes)Late Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes) (1st equipped) (★8-9) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +1 One-time
Amphibious VehicleSpecial Type 4 Amphibious TankSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank
ORAmphibious VehicleSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai
(★0) +1 +2 -1
(★1-2) +1 +3 -1
(★3-5) +1 +3 +1 -1
(★6-9) +1 +3 +2 -1
(★MAX) +1 +4 +2 -1
Amphibious VehicleSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai (★0-1) +1 +1 +1
(★2-3) +2 +1 +1
(★4-7) +2 +2 +1
(★8-MAX) +3 +2 +1
Submarine EquipmentLate Model Submarine Radar & Passive RadiolocatorLate Model Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator +Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)ORSkilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)ORLate Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes)Late Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes) +3 +2 One-time
Submarine EquipmentLate Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel EquipmentLate Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel Equipment (★3-4) +1
(★5-9) +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1
(★2-MAX) +★4+ Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (4 tubes)Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (4 tubes) +7 +5 One-time

Drop Locations

ShipRarityTypeNo.World 1World 2World 3World 7World 4World 5World 6Remarks

Voice Lines


Event Japanese/English
Buon giorno! I'm a Marcello-class foreign submarine! Mi chiamo Comandante Cappellini! Just call me Cappellini! Nice to meet you!
Buon giorno! あたい, マルチェロ cấp nước ngoài hình lặn xuống nước hạm だお! Mi chiamo Comandante Cappellini! カッペリーニでいいお. よっろしく!
Buon giorno! I'm a Marcello-class foreign submarine! Comandante Cappellini! Ammiraglio, I'm doing well today!
Buon giorno! マルチェロ cấp nước ngoài hình lặn xuống nước hạm だお! Comandante Cappellini! Ammiraglio, あたいは hôm nay も nguyên khí さ!
Guten tag! I'm the Marcello-class foreign submarine, Cappellini! No, wait, my name is UIT-24! I'm a transport submarine now! I'm going to the Far East, to Japan! I'll do my best!
Guten tag! あたい, マルチェロ cấp nước ngoài hình lặn xuống nước hạm カッペリーニ! じゃなかった, nay の danh trước はUIT-24だ. Nay は chuyển vận lặn xuống nước hạm なんだー. Cực đông, Nhật Bản までいくおー. Ngoan trương るぜー!
I'm the Marcello-class foreign submarine, Cappellini! Wait, no, what was it again? Oh, right, I-class! Right now, I'm an I-class submarine, I-503! I'm still doing my best! I'm doing it, I'm fighting!
あたい, マルチェロ cấp nước ngoài hình lặn xuống nước hạm, カッペリーニ…じゃなかった! なんだっけ~! そうだ, y hào! Nay は y hào lặn xuống nước hạm, y 503だお! まだまだ ngoan trương るぜ! やるぜ~, chiến うぜ~!
I'm the Marcello-class foreign submarine, Comandante Cappellini! Well, I've had plenty of adventures and experiences. A buncha stuff happened, and I got renamed to UIT-24 and sent to the Far East. In the end, I became I-503 in Japan. I'm an I-class submarine now! Remember me as the submarine that ran around in those dark times!
あたい, マルチェロ cấp nước ngoài hình lặn xuống nước hạm, Comandante Cappellini! まあ, mạo 険と kinh nghiệm は phong phú だお! Sắc 々あってUIT24って danh trước になって cực đông へ. Cuối cùng は Nhật Bản で, y 503になったんだ! Y hào lặn xuống nước hạm だお! あ の hà liệt な thời đại を駆け rút けた lặn xuống nước hạm, あたい の ことも覚えておいてな!
Secretary 1
Ammiraglio, I'm ready to go!
Ammiraglio, あたい, hành けちゃうお!
Secretary 1
Admiral, seems like there's a lot going on. Oh well!
Admiral! なんだかいろいろ, あるよねー. ま, いっか!
Secretary 1
Admiral, I've taken a liking to this place!
Đề đốc さんよー, あたい, ここ khí に nhập ったお!
Secretary 2
Well, it'll work out somehow. It's all worked out so far!
まあ, なんとかなるっしょ. Nay までなんとか, なったし!
Secretary 3
By the way, I actually like gunfights more than torpedo fights. Because I can trust 'em more, you know. Well, HQ always scolds me for getting into danger. But I think it's fine.
あー, あたいね. Ngoài ý muốn と ngư lôi より, pháo chiến が hảo きなんだ. だって tin lại できんじゃん? そ の phương がさ! ま, あんまあぶねーことすんなって, bộ tư lệnh からはいっつも giận られるんだけどね. いいじゃんなー đừng に.
Secretary 3
So yeah, when I was still Cappellini, I fought enemies, but once the battle is over, you know, I wanted to rescue as many survivors as I could! Well, I got told to knock it off. Then a lotta stuff happened, and now I'm one of those "transport submarines". But I'm sure I can manage!
まあそうさ. カッペリーニ thời đại はさ, địch もやっつけっけど, một khi thắng bại がついたらさ, sinh tồn giả さんは thành る trượng trợ けたいと~! まぁ, それもあぶねーから, いい thêm giảm にしろって ngôn われんだ. そんでいろいろあってさ, あたい, nay は chuyển vận lặn xuống nước hạm っつーやつだお. まああたいなら, なんとかイケるだろって lời nói さ.
Secretary 3
Well, there was this and that, and now I'm here! This is a good place though! I like it, think it'd be nice to stay... Eh? I can? Yay! Then I'll work here for a bit! Thank you, ammiraglio! Oh right, "Admiral"!
まあ, そんで lưu れ lưu れてついて, nay はここよ, ここ. でも, ここはいいとこ! あたい, khí に nhập ったから, ずっと trụ んでようかなーって…え, いい の!? やったぜ! ならちょいっとばかし động いちゃうお! ありがと, ammiraglio…あ, đề đốc か.
Thinking about it, I experienced a lot. We almost got into a diplomatic incident one time. I managed to take care of it with smarts, courage, and using the night as cover. It was exhilarating at that time. Eh? It caused everyone trouble? Really? I'm sorry about that. I was also, well, desperate.
そーな, いろいろ kinh nghiệm したなー. ある khi なんか, ngoại giao vấn đề にもなりかけたんだお. Biết huệ と dũng khí と đêm を sử って, thừa り thiết ったんだ. あんときは thống khoái だったさー…え, chu りは đại 変だった? マジかー, そいつはすまねえ. あたいもまあ, hẳn phải chết だった の さ.
Secretary Married
Oh, Admiral, you don't look like you're doing so hot. Alright, I'll just have to make you my secret ultimate "Cappellini"! I got my hands on some nice cans of tomatoes and olive oil. You're about to taste the most amazing flavors! Have a seat!
あれ? Đề đốc, あんま nguyên khí ない の? じゃあ sĩ phương ない! あたいが tất sát kỹ の siêu tuyệt mỹ vị しいカッパリーニ làm ってあげるお! いいトマト phữu とオリーブオイル tay に nhập ったんだ! Tối cao の vị thực わせるぜ! Tòa っとき!
Ammiraglio-sorry, Admiral, did you ask for me? Just so you know, "Cappellini" isn't the same kind of noodle as udon, somen, or soba... oh, now's not the time? Eh? You want to marry me? Really? Wooow, I did want to live here permanently. Okay, for real then! Yeah, this is exactly what I wanted! Yay!
Ammiraglio, じゃねえし, đề đốc さんよ!あたいを hô んだかーい? カッペリーニはうどんでもそうめんでもそばでもないぜ!って, ああ, そうじゃない? えっ, あたいと kết hôn したい の!?マジで? はー, あたい, ここで vĩnh trụ したかったんだー. いいぜ, マジで! ああ, ガチで vọng むところだお!やったー!
Looking At Scores
Information, huh? Wait a sec, I'll get it! This is it, right?
Tình báo ね, đãi ってて, あたいが lấy るよ. これかいな?
Joining A Fleet
Marcello-class foreign submarine, Comandante Cappellini, sortieing! Now then, time to throw both my friends and enemies for a loop!
マルチェロ cấp nước ngoài hình lặn xuống nước hạm, Comandante Cappellini, ra kích だお!さあ, địch も vị phương もかき hồi すぜ!
Joining A Fleet
Germany Navy Transport Submarine UIT-24, leaving port! Now then, will everything go smoothly? I'll give it a go!
ドイツ hải quân chuyển vận lặn xuống nước hạm UIT-24, cất cánh だお! さあ, không có việc gì に sự việc, tiến むかな? やったるぜ!
Joining A Fleet
Adopted submarine I-503, sortieing! I've taken a liking to this place! Actually, this is the only place I've got! I'll give it a go, leave it to me!
Nhiếp lấy lặn xuống nước hạm, y hào 503, ra kích するお! ここ, khí に nhập ってんだ! つか, ここしかねえし! Nhậm せとけ, やったるぜー!
Equipment 1
Grazie! Thank you!
Grazie! ありがてぇ!
Equipment 2
Ohhhhh, I get it now. Well well, what's next?
はぁー, なるほどだお. さてさて, どうなる?
Equipment 2
AQUILA III? What's with that call sign? I don't recognize it![1]
AQUILA III? なにそ の コールサイン! Biết らねーし!
Equipment 3[2]
Grazie! Yay!
Grazie! やっとー!
Grazie! This really helps!
Grazie! すっごい trợ かるお!
Docking Minor
What's this for, it was noth- ow, that hurt!
なーに, こんな の…って, ngoài ý muốn といてぇ!
Docking Major
This is bad, this is bad! Really bad!
Oh my, a new ally!
やや, tân しい trọng gian だぉ!
Returning From Sortie
Everyone, grazie! The fleet is here!
みんなグラディ! Hạm đội khởi động だ!
Starting A Sortie
Ammiraglio! Huh? Oh, don't be so strict about things! I'm weighing anchor! Here I go!
Ammiraglio! あ? あ, kiên ぇこと ngôn うなって! あたい rút miêu するお! いくぜー!
Starting A Sortie
Ammiraglio! Or should I say, Admiral! I-503, weighing anchor, departing~!
Ammiraglio! じゃなかった, đề đốc さんよ! Y hào 503, rút miêu つるお, ra phát じゃー!
Battle Start
Ammiraglio! We found the enemy! Well, once in a while I'll do it the normal way, with torpedoes, torpedoes!
Ammiraglio! Địch さん thấy つけたぜ! まぁ, たまには chính công pháp で, ngư lôi でやっか! Ngư lôi で!
Battle Start
Admiral! This is bad, it's the enemy! I'm just a transport submarine right now! Oh no~!
Admiral! やべぇ! Địch さんだ! あたい, nay chuyển vận lặn xuống nước hạm やかんなー! やべぇってぇ!
Battle Start
Ammiraglio! Shoot, Admiral! I found the enemy! We can just wipe them out, right?
Ammiraglio! アカン! Đề đốc さんよ! Địch さん thấy つけた! やっちまっていいんだ の!
I got this!
あたいが, やったるわー
Secondary Attack
I see you, I see you, I'll get you!
Thấy えてる thấy えてる, やっつけるお!
Night Battle
Night, huh? I want to make tomato pasta, eat it, and sleep... wait, not now, gotta do this!
Đêm かぁ? Đêm はトマトパスタでも làm って, thực べて tẩm てたいよ. って, しっかたない!やるお!
I'm the one getting commended? That's pretty rare. Well, I'll just say grazie. How about we make some pasta and have a drink? Sure! Let's do it!
あたいを bao めてくれる の かい? Trân しいこともあるお. まぁ, tố thẳng にgrazie. Hôm nay はパスタでも như でて, mỹ vị しく một ly やるかい? いいよ, やっちゃおうぜ!
Minor Damage 1
Wow! That surprised me!
Minor Damage 2
Woah-woah-woah, close one!
うぉっとっと, nguy なっ!
Minor Damage 2
Oh no! Crash dive! Wait, why backwards? I guess that'll do!?
やば! Cấp tốc đi trước!ってなんで sau ろ hướng き!? いいけどさ!
Major Damage
Woaaaaah, woooooooooah! That was really dangerous! Emergency ascent! Huh? Ah, we can do it? Thank goodness!
うわぁああ, あああああ! ガチめに nguy なあああああ! Khẩn cấp nổi lên! えっ? あ, できる? よかったぁー!
Major Damage
Wooooooooooaaaaaaah! Like I'm sinking here! Emergency ascent! I'm definitely getting back! I like this place too much!
うわあああああああああああああ! ここで Thẩm むかよー. Khẩn cấp nổi lên! Tuyệt đối quy るお! ここ khí に nhập ってんだ!
Ehehe... so I finally messed up...? Well, I've been on quite a lot of adventures, so it's not so bad... If there's peace one day, I'd like to live in Yokohama forever, yeah...
えへへ, あたい toại にどじ đạp んだってか…まあいいや, kết cấu mạo 険したしな. なんか, bình thản になったらさ, hoành bang あたりにさ, ずっと trụ んでもいいなって, そう…
  1. Cappellini's code name during her voyage to the Pacific Theatre.
  2. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.


Time Japanese/English
It's now midnight, and the date has changed! Now then, it seems that I'll be in charge of various things today. Can I do it? Well, I'll manage somehow!
Sáng 0 khi, ngày phó が変わったお! さて, hôm nay は gì やらあたいが sắc 々 đảm đương するらしいお. できっかな? まっ, なんとかなるっしょ!
It's 1 o'clock, ammiraglio. 'Kay to say it like that? Guess so!
Nhất thời だお, ammiraglio. これでいいかな? いっか!
It's 2 o'clock, ammiraglio. I'm booored, boooored. I'll boil some pasta!
2 khi だお, ammiraglio. Hạ っちゃー hạ だねー パンタでも như でっか!
It's 3 o'clock, ammiraglio! And the pasta is ready! Capellini is dangerous for a midnight snack, but... Mmm, it's delicious!
3 khi だお, ammiraglio! さっ, パスターできたー! Đêm khuya の カッペリーニは ác ma だけど… んー!うまい!
It's 4 o'clock, ammiraglio! Shoot, it's almost morning! Let's get sleepy on some wine!
4 khi だお, ammiraglio! あかん, もうすぐ triều だ! ワイン uống んで cường dẫn に tẩm るお!
It's 5 o'clock, ammiraglio. In the end, we eat pasta, drank wine, and stayed up all night! Nooooo!
5 khi だおー, ammiraglio. Kết cục パスタ thực って, ワイン uống んで, trắng đêm じゃー! いえー!
It's 6 o'clock, ammiraglio! Oh well, I'll wake everyone else up too! Fleet, attention! Buon giorno! It's morning!
6 khi だお, ammiraglio! Sĩ phương ねえ, みんなも khởi こすぜ. Hạm đội rời giường! Buon giorno! Triều だぜー!
It's 7 o'clock, ammiraglio! You're fine with pasta for breakfast, right? I'll go make it!
7 khi だお, ammiraglio! Triều cơm もパスタでいいよな? Như でるぜー!
It's 8 o'clock, ammiraglio! Everyone, assemble! Huh? What did I just say? Eh? It's actually night? It's fine! Don't worry about the details!
8 khi だお, ammiraglio! Toàn viên tập hợp! あれ? あたい, nay なんて? え? Bổn đương は đêm? いいんだよ! Tế けぇことは khí にすんなって!
It's 9 o'clock, ammiraglio! Eh? You want me to say it properly? It's fine, it's just a small detail. Oh fine! Admiral. Admiral-san! We good now?
9 khi だお, ammiraglio! え?いい thêm giảm thẳng せ? いいじゃん! Tế けぇことはよ! わかったよ! Đề đốc! Đề đốc さんよ! これでいいかい?
It's 10 o'clock, ammira- er, Admiral! It's about time we head out to sea, right? Now's a good time!
10 khi だお, ammira… Vi う, đề đốc さんよ!そろそろアレだ, hải に ra っか?いい khoảnh hợp いだお!
It's 11 o'clock, Admiral. Hmph, yeah, that's it, more or less. Told you I could say it.
11 khi だお, đề đốc さんよ. ふん, うん, ざっとこんなもんよ. ちゃんとわきまえてるって.
It's 12 o'clock, Admiral. Lunch is... rice ball. Figures. Well, they're tasty enough now that I'm used to them. I like these salmon ones myself. The plum, not so much...
12 khi だお, đề đốc さんよ. お ngày はさすがにおにぎりか. まあ, これも quán れれば mỹ vị しいよ. あたいはこ の シャケって の がいいってね. Mai はまだ quán れねえな.
It's 1 o'clock, Admiral. Oh, now those are some familiar destroyers! Ciao, ciao!
1 khi だお, đề đốc さんよ. おっと, nhìn quen れた駆 trục hạm もいるじゃんかさ. Ciao, ciao!
It's 2 o'clock, Admiral! Oh, I know you. You must be the I-class Hacchan-san! It's been a while! Yeah, glad that we're both safe!
2 khi だお, đề đốc さんよ. おっと, おめぇは biết ってんぞ. Xác か y hào の はっちゃんさん! おひさだなぁ! そうさぁ! お lẫn nhau い không có việc gì で gì よりだお!
It's 3 o'clock! It's snack time! It's important, so important. I brought a lot of cornet cones! You want some, Admiral?
3 khi だお, おやつ の thời gian さ! Đại sự đại sự. コルネットたくさん cầm ってきたお! Đề đốc も thực べるかい?
It's 4 o'clock. Admiral, let's stay on break a little longer... Eh? No? Snack time is important! Seriously!
4 khi だお. Đề đốc さんよ, もうちょいおやつ hưu み…え, ダメ? おやつ thời gian は đại sự だお!マジで!
It's 5 o'clock. Oh, that must be... hey, Torelli! Is that you, Luigi Torelli!? Ah, that's not what you're called anymore? Oh don't sweat the details. Let's go back to port together!
5 khi だお. おっ, あ nô は…おーい, Torelli! Luigi Torelliじゃーん! あ, nay の danh trước は vi う? いいんだよ, tế けぇことは. Một tự に cảng に quy ろうぜ.
It's 6 o'clock. Admiral... I heard from Torelli that there's a nice trattoria here. Take me there! I wanna see it!
6 khi だお.… Đề đốc さんよぉ, なんかTorelliに nghe いたら, ここ, いいtrattoriaがあるんだって? あたいも liền れてけー! そこ, hành ってみたいおー!
It's 7 o'clock. Ah, so this is the Trattoria Mamiya! It's so nice! And so soothing, for some reason. Now, what should I order? It's nice not to have pasta once in a while!
7 khi だお. はぁー!ここがTrattoria Mamiya!いいねー!なんかいいよー, lạc ち くしさー!さ, gì lại もっかなー? たまにはパスタ bên ngoài もいいよ!
It's 8 o'clock! Mm, mm, mmmm! Delicious! The chef here is amazing! But those heavy cruisers at that table sure are noisy! Just who are th- huh? Ahaha, I, uh, yeah, I'll p-p-pretend I didn't see them. Maybe we should sneak out of sight...
8 khi だお! んっ!んっ!んっ!うまーい!やるなぁ!ここ の liệu lý người!てか, うるさいよ, あそこ の テーブル の trọng tuần たちー! Nhất thể どこ の liền trung だい…って, あれ? あは, そ, あっ, み, み, thấy なかったことにしよう! てか, thấy つからんとこ…
It's 9 o'clock. Admiral, grazie! I'm so glad we got to go to the trattoria! Let's go again! This place really is great. I'd love to live here perrrrrr-manently!
9 khi だお. Đề đốc さん, grazie! Trattoria, よかったお!また tới ようぜー! やっぱここいいわー! Vĩnh trụ してー!
It's 10 o'clock. Admiral, I'm so glad we have plenty of tomatoes in this era! I don't have to worry about the pasta sauce!
10 khi だお, đề đốc さんよぉ, こ の thời đại トマトも phong phú でよかったよー. これならパスタソースにも vây らねぇ!
It's 11 o'clock. It ended up being another long day, Admiral. We still have work tomorrow, so let's drink some wine and hit the hay. Buona notte!
11 khi だお. Đề đốc さんよ, なんだか hôm nay も mệt れたねー. Ngày mai もあるから, さっさとワイン uống んで tẩm ちまおっか!Buona notte!




General Information
  • Her full name isComandante Cappellini.She is named after Comandante Alfredo Cappellini, an Italian naval officer during the era of the unification of Italy.
  • She was launched on the 14th of May 1939.
  • Seized by the Imperial Japanese Navy after the Italian surrender and handed over to Germany asUIT-24on the 10th of September 1943.
  • Seized again by the Imperial Japanese Navy after the German surrender and commissioned asI-503on the 10th of May 1945.
  • Seized by the U.S. Navy in August 1945 and scuttled on the 16th of April 1946.
Update History
  • She was added on the 26th of August 2023 asSummer 2023 EventE5 drop.
  • She had all her conversions on release.
  • Survived World War II.
  • She is currently one of two ships that served in all 3 Axis navies. The other isLuigi Torelli.
  • Her kanmusu counterpart became part of an official collaboration on the 5th of July 2024 with the opening day for the Japanese screening of the Italian film "Comandante". This was complete even with a message from C. Capellini herself[1].

See Also