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Ship Card I-36.png
Ship Card I-36 Damaged.png
Ship Banner I-36.png
Ship Banner I-36 Damaged.png
Y 36(い36)I-36
Junsen Type B Aircraft Carrying Submarine

PLAAircraft2ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare0
SPDSpeedSlowLOSLine of Sight9→31
Build Time0:22 (Unbuildable)Remodel Req
IllustratorHoshi AkariSeiyuuMoriyama Yurika
Ship Card I-36 Kai.png
Ship Card I-36 Kai Damaged.png
Ship Banner I-36 Kai.png
Ship Banner I-36 Kai Damaged.png
Y 36Sửa(い36かい)I-36 Kai
Junsen Type B Aircraft Carrying Submarine

PLAAircraft3ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare0
SPDSpeedSlowLOSLine of Sight10→33
Remodel Level50Remodel ReqAmmo290Steel170
IllustratorHoshi AkariSeiyuuMoriyama Yurika

Gameplay Notes

Submarines(SS)have high torpedoTorpedo Attackstats, and are limited to theOpening Torpedo Salvo,theClosing Torpedo Salvo,andNight Battle.They:

Submarine Aircraft Carriers(SSV),areSSthat can equipReconnaissance SeaplaneRecon/Seaplane BomberBomber/Seaplane Fighterseaplanes.

Special Mechanics

  • None

Equipability Exceptions

SSV Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
Reconnaissance SeaplaneReconSeaplane BomberBomberSeaplane FighterTransportationMaterial.png FighterDive BomberTorpedo BomberJetFighterBomber2.pngReconnaissance AircraftLarge Reconnaissance AircraftSpLarge Flying BoatRotorcraftLiaison AircraftAviation Personnel
TorpedoesSubmarine TorpedoesSubMidget SubmarineMinisubSmall SONARSmallSubmarine Equipment Small Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunLarge Caliber Main GunVery Large Caliber Main GunSpSecondary GunLarge Secondary High-Angle GunSp_SecAnti-Aircraft GunAnti-Aircraft Fire DirectorDepth ChargesLarge SONARLargeSmall RADARSmallLarge RADARLargeVery Large RADARSp
Engine ImprovementAmphibious VehicleAnti-Ground RocketEmergency Repair PersonnelRation Anti-Aircraft ShellArmor-Piercing ShellMedium ArmorMediumLarge ArmorLargeFlareIcon.pngSearchlightLarge SearchlightLargeLookoutDrum CanisterLanding CraftLanding ForcesFacility.pngCommand FacilitySmoke GeneratorSupplies
RE:Emergency Repair PersonnelRationEquipment Card Improved Kanhon Type Turbine.pngEquipment Card Submarine 4-tube Stern Torpedo Launcher (Initial Model).pngEquipment Card Submarine 4-tube Stern Torpedo Launcher (Late Model).pngEquipment Card Submarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope.pngEquipment Card Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator (E27).pngEquipment Card Late Model Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator.pngEquipment Card Late Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel Equipment.png
Equipability notes:Night Fighter=Fighter;Night Torpedo Bomber=Torpedo Bomber;JetFighterBomber1.png=JetFighterBomber2.png;Night Reconnaissance Seaplane=Reconnaissance SeaplaneRecon;Night Seaplane Bomber=Seaplane BomberBomber;Small Caliber Main High-Angle GunSmall=Small Caliber Main Gun;Medium Main High-Angle GunMedium=Medium Caliber Main Gun;Secondary High-Angle GunSec=Secondary Gun;Barrage Balloon=Smoke Generator

I-36 Equipability Exceptions
Ship Banner I-36.png
Expansion Slot Exceptions Can Equip:
Equipment Card Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank.pngEquipment Card Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai.png
Ship Exceptions -

Fit Bonuses

[edit]I-36Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Armor Accuracy Evasion Note
Amphibious VehicleSpecial Type 4 Amphibious TankSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank
ORAmphibious VehicleSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai
(★0) +1 +2 -1
(★1-2) +1 +3 -1
(★3-5) +1 +3 +1 -1
(★6-9) +1 +3 +2 -1
(★MAX) +1 +4 +2 -1
(1st equipped) +2 +1 +2 One-time
Ship-Type Bonuses
SeaplaneType 0 Small Reconnaissance SeaplaneType 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane
ORSeaplaneType 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane (Skilled)Type 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane (Skilled)
(★0) +1 +3 +1 +5
(★1) +2 +3 +1 +5
(★2) +2 +3 +2 +5
(★3-4) +2 +3 +2 +6
(★5-7) +2 +4 +2 +6
(★8-9) +2 +4 +3 +6
(★MAX) +2 +4 +3 +7
SeaplaneType 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane (Skilled)Type 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane (Skilled) +2 +1 +1 +1 Dive Bomber Attack+2
TorpedoesType D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai)Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai) -1 -7
TorpedoesLate Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes)Late Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes) (1st equipped) (★8-9) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +1 One-time
Seaplane FighterKyoufuu Kai 2Kyoufuu Kai 2 (★3-4) +1
(★5-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +1
Amphibious VehicleSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank KaiSpecial Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai (★0-1) +1 +1 +1
(★2-3) +2 +1 +1
(★4-7) +2 +2 +1
(★8-MAX) +3 +2 +1
Submarine EquipmentLate Model Submarine Radar & Passive RadiolocatorLate Model Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator +Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)ORSkilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)ORLate Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes)Late Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes) +3 +2 One-time
Submarine EquipmentLate Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel EquipmentLate Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel Equipment (★3-4) +1
(★5-9) +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1
(★2-MAX) +★4+ Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (4 tubes)Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (4 tubes) +7 +5 One-time

Important Information

Drop Locations

ShipRarityTypeNo.World 1World 2World 3World 7World 4World 5World 6Remarks
I-36Very RareSSV571Unbuildable

Voice Lines


Event Japanese/English
I'm I-36, an I-class, Junsen Type B submarine. Right, we were the most widely produced and mainstay of the mainstay I-class subs. How would I like to be called? How about... Miimu? Like it?
Y hào tiềm, tuần tiềm Ất hình, y 36です.

そう, một phen lượng sản された chủ lực オブ chủ lực の y hào tiềm, です. Hô び phương ですか? みぃむ…はどうでしょう……いい?

I'm I-36, an I-class, Junsen Type B submarine. Yes, I fought my way through many tough battles and came back alive each time! Looking forward to fighting with you, Admiral!
Y hào tiềm, tuần tiềm Ất hình, y 36です.

はい, số 々 の nghiêm しい làm chiến をくぐり rút け, còn sống しています! Nay độ も, đề đốc とともに!

I am I-36, an I-class submarine, the seventeenth of the mass-produced mainstay Junsen Type Bs. During the Pacific War, I went both south and east, fighting hard wherever I went. I participated in many dangerous operations, but each of my captains managed to survive until that summer day that ended the war. In the end, I-47, many other submarines, and I fell into a long sleep off the Goto Islands[1].
Y hào lặn xuống nước hạm, chủ lực として lượng sản された tuần tiềm Ất hình, そ の 17 phiên hạm y 36です. Thái Bình Dương を nam へ bắc へと mục một ly phấn chiến しました. Số 々 の nghiêm しい làm chiến に tham gia しましたが, các hạm trưởng の chỉ huy の hạ, chiến い の chung わる hạ の ngày までは sinh き tàn ることとなりました. Nhất kỳ は, y 47たちと cộng に năm đảo quần đảo hướng で miên りにつきます.
Secretary 1
This'll do! Thank you like always!
いけます! いつでもどうぞ!
Secretary 1
Yes, this'll do! As always, thank you!
はい, hành けます! いつでも, どうぞ!
Secretary 2
Ready for patrol, aerial reconnaissance, even Operation Tatsumaki! Oh, but those girls[2]are already... really? Thank goodness.
Trạm canh gác giới でも, hàng không trinh sát でも, long quyển làm chiến でも! あ, あ の tử たち の làm chiến はもう…そう? よかった.
Secretary 2
Operation Tatsumaki? Let's give it a shot!
Long quyển làm chiến ですか?やってみますか!
Secretary 3
Ah, how are you, Shi-chan[3]!Oh, theKa-Tsutanks? You think so? Well, I like them... they're cute, like giant frogs! The speed? The noise? Well, yeah... look, nothing's perfect, right?
あっ, しーちゃんお mệt れー! あ, カツ xe? そう? Tư は hảo きだけど…でっかいカエルみたいで, かわいいじゃない? Tốc độ? Âm? んー, まぁそうねー…ほら, hoàn bích なも の ってあんまないじゃない? ね?
Hey, Yona[4]!How are you? Yeah, I'm great too! I was the one called "Yona" before I was launched, right? Yeah! And then they made me I-36! And we were together at the very end. What a twist of fate, huh?
あぁ, ヨナ! Nguyên khí? うん, tư も nguyên khí! Nước vào trước は tư がヨナだったんだよね? あ, そうな の! Sau で tư y 36になったんだ! Cuối cùng の khi も một tự! Gì か không tư nghị な duyên だよね?
Secretary Married
Admiral, sometimes, I have a dream. A dream of long ago, of those operations far away. I'm so glad an era of peace has arrived. I just want to cling onto these quiet times and seas... that's okay, right?
Đề đốc, tư, khi 々 mộng を thấy る の. Tích あ の khi, xa い làm chiến の mộng. Nay, ưu しい thời đại が tới て, bổn đương に lương かった. こ の tĩnh かな thời gian と hải, ôm きしめていたい…いい?
Did you call for me, Admiral? I-36 has arrived. Another attempt at Operation Tatsumaki? That... huh? No? Then- what? What is this!? T-Thank you, Admiral! How do I look, Admiral? Does it suit me? Then I'll be with you forever, okay?
Đề đốc! お hô びですか? Y 36, tham りました. また, long quyển làm chiến ですか? それは…え? Vi う の? じゃあ…えっ! これって! あり, ありがとう, đề đốc! どう? Đề đốc? Tựa hợp う? じゃあ, ずっと một tự! いい?
Looking At Scores
It's important to double-check information before any operation. How is it? Good!
Làm chiến trước に tình báo を xác nhận する の は đại sự. いい? うん!
Joining A Fleet
I-class submarine, Junsen Type B, I-36, sortieing! Forward, slow speed! Steady as she goes!
Y hào tiềm, tuần tiềm Ất hình, y 36, ra kích! Đi tới hơi tốc, よーそろー!
Equipment 1
Equipment 1
Yeah, Ka-Tsu tanks or torpedoes, either's okay!
そう! カツ xe でも, toan tố ngư lôi でも!
Equipment 2
This good, I guess? Yeah!
いい? かな? うん!
Equipment 2
This good, I guess? Yeah, okay!
いい? かな? うん, よしっ!
Equipment 3[5]
What do you think? Will it do?
どうだろう? はぁ, いい?
Fuel and torpedoes, then the veggies and rice, potatoes, and canned foods. Resupply complete!
Du に ngư lôi, そして rau dại と mễ, ジャガイモ, phữu cật っと. Tiếp viện xong rồi!
Docking Minor
Some proper maintenance, please!
ばっちり chỉnh đốn và sắp đặt, お nguyện いです!
Docking Major
Awww, do you mind if I take a break? Thank goodness, my body can get a proper fi xing!
んー, thiếu し hưu んでもいい? よかったー, ぱっちり thể thẳng します!
I heard it's done! Good? Right!
Ra tới たって! いい? よね!
Returning From Sortie
We're back in port! Whew...
Cảng に lệ りました! ふぅ…
Starting A Sortie
Sixth Fleet, I-36, weighing anchor! Let's do our best!
Thứ sáu hạm đội tương ứng, y 36, rút miêu します! Ngoan trương るぞー!
Battle Start
Enemy ships detected! Adjust torpedo running depth, prepare for torpedo battle!
Chiến hạm địch phát thấy! Lôi kích chiều sâu へ, ngư lôi chiến, dụng ý!
Here we go! Number 1, Number 2, fire!
やるぞー! 1 phiên, 2 phiên, てー!
Secondary Attack
Numbers 3 through 6, ready? Fire!
3 phiên から6 phiên, いい? てー!
Night Battle
You won't escape! I will! Stop you! Here I go!
Trốn がさない! Tư が, とどめ! Thứ すから! いくよ!
Huh? Miimu got it? A citation from Sixth Fleet headquarters? Yay!
へ? みぃむがやった の? ホントに? Thứ sáu hạm đội bộ tư lệnh から, cảm trạng? やったー!
Minor Damage 1
Hyaaa! Push down the diving planes! Dive!
ひゃー! Hạ げ đà いっぱい! Tiềm る!
Minor Damage 2
Ahhh! D-Depth charges! Hang in there!
あぁー! ば, bạo lôi? Nại えて!
Major Damage
Ahhh! N-No choice left! Main tank blow! Emergency ascent!
あぁー! だ, đà mục だ, メインタンクブロー! Khẩn cấp nổi lên!
Ah, I'm... sinking... main tank- oh... I'm... already...
あ, tư, Thẩm んでる…メンタンク…あ, そっか…もう… Tư…
  1. Operation Road's End
  2. Kaiten suicide torpedoes
  3. I-41
  4. I-47
  5. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.

Hourlies (Kai)

Time Japanese/English
It's the stroke of midnight and a new day. Admiral, today I, Miimu, will be your secretary! We good?
てっぺん hồi って, ngày phó が変わったよ! Đề đốc, hôm nay は tư, みぃむが bí thư hạm を đảm đương するね! いい?
Admiral, it's 0100! Let's give it our all, even in the dead of night! Eh, not like that?
Đề đốc, マルヒトマルマルです! Đêm khuya ですが, trương り thiết って tham りましょう! って, え? Vi う?
Admiral, 02, 00. Huh, that's not right either? Ugh... I didn't know it would be so hard to get the delivery right on the time of day...
Đề đốc, マルフタ, マルマルでーす. へっ? これも vi う? うぅ… Thời báo の テンション, ngoài ý muốn と khó しい.
Admiral, it's 0300! Oh, that, that's it then!? I got it! I'll remember!
Đề đốc, マルサンマルマルです! はっ, こ, これですね! みぃむ quặc めました! もう đại trượng phu です!
Admiral, at this rate it won't be long until morning. It's 0400. Maybe take a quick break, until sunrise?
Đề đốc, そんなことやってたら, もうすぐ triều. マルヨンマルマルです. Đêm minh けまで thiếu し, お hưu みになりますか?
You're a tough one, Admiral. It's 0500. I'll try to learn from your example. Oh, there's the sun! Ahh, so bright-!
Đề đốc, タフですね. マルゴーマルマルです. みぃむも kiến tập います. あ, mặt trời mới mọc です! うっ, huyễn しっ!
Admiral, everyone, it's 0600. Fleet, all hands, attention! I repeat! Fleet, all hands, attentioooon! Whew! Good morning, everyone!
Đề đốc, toàn さん, マルロクマルマルです. Hạm đội tổng viên, khởi こし! Sào り phản します! Hạm đội! Tổng viên! Khởi こしー! ふう! Toàn さん, おはようございます!
Admiral, it's 0700! Here's breakfast! Barley rice, seaweed and daikon miso soup, and pickled radish! That's everything! A good breakfast right there. Yes, your green tea!
Đề đốc, マルナナマルマルです! Triều ご cơm はこちらに! Mạch cơm, ワカメと đại căn の お miso nước, たくあん! Trở lên です! こういう の で, いい の です. はい, phiên trà です!
Admiral, it's 0800! Seconds- you're good? Really? I didn't think you were such a light eater. You need to eat well!
Đề đốc, マルハチマルマルです. おかわりは…いい? ですか? Ngoài ý muốn と tiểu thực ですね. ちゃんと thực べないと!
Admiral, it's 0900. Sixth Fleet sortie preparations? Yes, let's begin!
Đề đốc, マルキュ―マルマルです. Thứ sáu hạm đội, ra kích chuẩn bị ですね? はい, tham りましょう!
Admiral, it's 100- oh, Yona! Morning! Yeah, the first and the actual Yona, working together!
Đề đốc, ヒトマルマルマ…あ, ヨナ! おはよう! うん, そだね. Nguyên tổ ヨナと bổn gia ヨナ, một tự に ngoan trương ろう!
Admiral, it's 1100, almost lunchtime! I'll make lunch then. I had something special saved up!
Đề đốc, ヒトヒトマルマル, もうすぐお ngày です! お ngày ご cơm の dụng ý しますね. Hôm nay は lấy って trí きです!
Admiral it's 1200, noon! Today's lunch is a salted barley onigiri and... ta-dah! It's canned yamatoni[1]!Let's share this precious can, okay? I can't wait!
Đề đốc, ヒトフタマルマル, お ngày です! Hôm nay の お ngày ご cơm は, mạch cơm diêm おにぎりと, じゃーん! Thấy て! Thịt bò の đại cùng nấu phữu! Lấy って trí き の ngưu phữu, đại sự に một tự に thực べよ? Lặc しみ!
Wasn't that canned beef tasty, Admiral? It's 1300. There really is something special about food you save up! And it goes so well with a simple salt rice ball... pure bliss!
Đề đốc, ngưu phữu, mỹ vị しかったですね? ヒトサンマルマルです. やっぱり lấy って trí きは, lấy って trí き の vị! Hạnh せ. シンプルな diêm むすびと の tương tính も tối cao! ね? Hạnh せ!
Admiral! Oh, that's... sub I-41! Yay! Shii-chan! Are you headed to Base Q? Now? Can we go together! The time is... 1400!
Đề đốc! あ, あれは… Y 41 tiềm です! わーい! シーちゃん! Q căn cứ hành く の? これから? あ, じゃあ một tự しよ? Thời gian は, ヒトヨンマルマルです!
Admiral, it's 1500. We've arrived at the secret training base, Base Q! Uhm... ah, the Special Type 4 Ka-Tsu tank! So cute!
Đề đốc, ヒトゴーマルマルです. Bí mật huấn luyện căn cứ, Q căn cứ, đến です! えーと… Đặc bốn thức カツ xe! Đáng yêu いです!
Admiraaaal, it's 1600. Shii-chan was insulting the Ka-Tsu tank! "King of Toads", she called it. Well who cares! It's cute. It just needs a super, super-improvement!
Đề đốc, ヒトロクマルマルです. シーちゃんがカツ xe, ボロクソに ngôn う の! “ヒキガエル の vương dạng” だって. いいじゃんね? Đáng yêu いし. Siêu, siêu cải tiến すればなんとか!
Admiral, it's 1700. Look, the setting sun... it's beautiful. It brings back memories of past operations. Sad, and beautiful.
Đề đốc, ヒトナナマルマルです. Thấy てください, tịch ngày… Tươi đẹp ですね. Tích の làm chiến を tư い ra す. Bi しく, tươi đẹp.
Admiral, it's 1800. What're you thinking for dinner? Eh, we can go to Heian Maru for resupply and dinner? Yay! Hei-chan! Where is she? Where! Is! She! Ah, she's heeeeeere!
Đề đốc, ヒトハチマルマルです. お tịch cơm はどうします? え, bình an hoàn で tiếp viện とお thực sự? やったー! へいちゃん! どこ? どーこーなー の ー? あっ! Tới たー!
Admiral, Hei-chan, it's 1900. Hei-chan's delivery dinners are the best! Come every day! Wait, what, even coffee? Oh Hei-chan, you're the best! Marry me!
Đề đốc, へいちゃん, ヒトキューマルマルです. へいちゃん の デリバリーお tịch thực, tối cao! Mỗi mấy ngày gần đây て! はっ, え, コーヒーまで? わい, へいちゃん tối cao かよー! Kết hôn して!
Admiral, it's 2000! Submarine tenders are goddesses- no, God itself! Hah... they really are a lifeline for us submarines.
Đề đốc, フタマルマルマルです! Lặn xuống nước mẫu hạm って nữ thần, いや, thần dạng ですよね! はぁ… Lặn xuống nước hạm の mệnh です, mệnh.
Admiral, it's 2100. I get a little sentimental at night. About Road's End[2],our final day...
Đề đốc, フタヒトマルマルです. Đêm は, thiếu しセンチになりますね. Nhất kỳ の ローズエンド, tư たち の, chung わり の ngày.
Admiral, it's 2200. Don't worry. My heart and soul will forever protect this land! Forever, even now.
Đề đốc, フタフタマルマルです. でも đại trượng phu. Hồn は, tâm は, ずっとこ の mà を thủ っています! ずっと, nay も.
Admiral, it's 2300. Thanks for another day's hard work! I'm sure tomorrow will be another happy time! And the next day, and the next. Yeah, definitely!
Đề đốc, フタサンマルマルです. Hôm nay も một ngày, お mệt れ dạng でした! Ngày mai もきっと hạnh せな thời gian. ずっと. うん, きっと!
  1. Beef boiled in soy sauce, ginger, and sugar
  2. Operation Road's End was the name of the operation where 24 operational IJN submarines were scuttled by the Allies at Sasebo, as part of mass scrapping or disposal of the Japanese fleet.




General Information
  • Her nickname is "Miimu", an alternate reading of "36".
  • She was launched on the 1st of November 1941.
  • She surrendered in September 1945, and was scuttled on the 1st of April 1946
Update History
  • Survived World War II.

See Also