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Seasonal/Late Autumn 2020

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Returning CG
2017 CG
Fall Casual
2018 CG
Saury Festival
Autumn Casual
Lawson Collaboration 2018



New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Usugumo Play Trấn thủ phủ thu tế り, いいですね?…こ の bình thản な thời gian, hạnh せです. Đề đốc, một tự に phòng đài hồi っても…いいですか? うふふぅ. The Naval Base Autumn Festival is nice, don't you think so?...I'm happy there are times of peace like this. Admiral, would you like to... go visit the stalls together? Ufufu.
Uranami Play Năm nay も, thu が tới てしまいました. Phổ sóng, thu は thiếu し, khổ tay かもしれません. Autumn has come around again. I don't really like autumn.
Hatsuharu Play Thiếp が chiến liệt に thêm わった mùa じゃ. み の り の mùa. うむ, lương きかな.… Thiếp はこ の mùa, hảo きじゃな. I joined the fight around this season. It's a rewarding season. Yup, it's a good time of year... I love this season.
Nenohi Play あぁ, thu は tử ngày, bình thường に hảo き. Thực べ vật も mỹ vị しいし〜. うふふぅ. Ah, I just like the normal autumn. The food is delicious too~. Ufufu.
Hatsushimo Play Thu ですね. Thực べ vật の mỹ vị しい mùa. Thực べ quá ぎで trọng tải が tăng えないように, khí をつけないと…ふあぁ. It's autumn. It's the season of delicious food. I need to be careful I don't eat too much or my displacement will increase... Whew.
Shiratsuyu Play さあ, khi vũ, あたしたち の nhiệm vụ, một phen trước にパッパッとやつけちゃう. Sớm く quy て, tư ん bộ phòng で, thiêu き khoai と đọc thư! ん〜, tối cao だね? Come on, Shigure, let's finish up our mission as soon as possible. Then we'll hurry home and have roasted sweet potatoes while reading in my room! Mmm, doesn't that sound great? Kai Ni Secretary 3
Play お khoai, một phen! Thực べる? Sweet potatoes are the best! Want some? Equipment 3
Play お khoai, một っ phiên! Thực べる? Sweet potatoes are the beeeest! Want some? Kai Ni Equipment 3
Play やっぱ, こ の mùa は…はむ… Thiêu き khoai が một phen と…ん?…ん, ん…あれで!? Địch じゃ!? い, một phen に, chiến hạm địch phát thấy! Sweet potatoes are definitely...*nom*... the best at this time of year... Hmm?...*chew*, *gulp*... Huh!? It's the enemy!? I-I've spotted the enemy first! Starting a Battle
Play やっぱ, こ の mùa は…はむ, む, む… Thiêu き khoai が một phen と…って, ん, ん…あれで!? Địch じゃ!? い, một phen に, chiến hạm địch phát thấy! Sweet potatoes are definitely...*omnomnom*... the best at this time of year... Eh?...*chew*, *gulp*... Huh!? It's the enemy!? I-I've spotted the enemy first! Kai Ni Starting a Battle
Play さあ, お khoai しまって, ん, một phen trước に…ん… Đột っ込むよ! ついてきて! Right, I'll finish off this sweet potato *chew* and be the... *gulp*... first one in! Follow me! Night Battle
Play ん, さあ, お khoai しまって một phen trước に, đột っ込むよ! ついてきて! *gulp* Right, I've finishted the sweet potato so I'll be the first one in! Follow me! Kai Ni Night Battle
Shigure Play Phó は, bạch lộ hình 駆 trục hạm, khi vũ. Đề đốc, thiếu し… Thiếu しだけ hàn くなってきたね? I'm the Shiratsuyu-class destroyer, Shigure. Admiral, it's... it's gotten a bit colder hasn't it? Secretary 3
Play Phó は, bạch lộ hình 駆 trục hạm, khi vũ. Đề đốc, thiếu し hàn くなってきたね? もう thiếu しだけ, ここに…ん, bàng に hành っても, いいかな… I'm the Shiratsuyu-class destroyer, Shigure. Admiral, it's gotten a bit colder hasn't it? I'd like to stay here... No, by your side, a little longer... Kai Ni Secretary 3
Murasame Play Năm nay はサンマが… Tàn niệm. でも, thôn vũ に nhậm せて nhậm せて. そんなこともあろかと, アジ の ポイントで, năm nay は hành きます. There's no... saury this year. But just leave it all to me. We'll be heading out for mackerel this year too. Secretary 1
Play Năm nay はサンマが… Tàn niệm. でも, thôn vũ に, nhậm せて nhậm せて. そんなこともあろかと, アジ の ポイントで, năm nay は hành きます. There's no... saury this year. But just leave it all to me. We'll be heading out for mackerel this year too. Kai Ni Secretary 1
Play Thôn vũ の, ちょっといい câu quả, thấy せちゃうかな? うふふぅ. Shall I show you how good I am at fishing? Ufufu. Secretary 2
Play Thôn vũ の, ちょっといい, câu quả, thấy せちゃうかな? うふふふふぅ. Shall I show you how good I am at fishing? Ufufufufu. Kai Ni Secretary 2
Play はいはい! そう, thu は mỹ vị しいも の が bổn đương に nhiều くて, バルジには khí をつけなきゃ. Bạch lộ tỷ さんは…あはぁ, べ, đừng に vấn đề ないって tư います. Hey hey! Yeah, there's so, so many delicious things during autumn that I need to watch my bulge. Big sis Shiratsuyu is... Ahah, I don't think she'll have any problems. Secretary 3
Play はいはい〜! そう, thu は mỹ vị しいも の が bổn đương に nhiều くて, バルジには khí をつけなきゃ. Bạch lộ ちゃんは…あはは, べ, đừng に vấn đề ないって tư います. Hey hey~! Yeah, there's so, so many delicious things during autumn that I need to watch my bulge. Shiratsuyu is... Ahaha, I don't think she'll have any problems. Kai Ni Secretary 3
Play やった! Câu れた! Yes! I got it! Equipment 3
Play やった! Câu れた! Yes! I got it! Kai Equipment 3
Play やった! Câu ・れ・た! Yes! I- got- it! Kai Ni Equipment 3
Play あれは, bầy cá… Vi う! Địch! Chiến hạm địch phát thấy です! Is that a school of fish... No! It's the enemy! Enemy ships spotted! Starting a Battle
Play あれは, bầy cá… Vi う! Địch! Chiến hạm địch phát thấy です! Is that a school of fish... No! It's the enemy! Enemy ships spotted! Kai Ni Starting a Battle
Yuudachi Play Đề đốc さん, ご nắm quyền ガルル! Admiral, I have things to do-garuru! Kai Ni Secretary 2
Play ガルル〜! ソロモン の ác mộng, thấy せてガルル! Garuruuu! I'll let you see the Nightmare of Solomon-garuru! Kai Ni Night Battle
Nowaki Play いい cảm じですね? Dã phân, これは ngại いじゃないです. Do I look good? I don't mind these sorts of things.
Johnston Play Thu になると, なにか thể がウズウズしてきちゃうわね? Sam, あんたはそうでもない の? あぁ, やっぱり? I get kinda restless when autum comes you know? Sam, don't you feel the same way? Aha, right?

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2015 Lines
Libeccio Play リベ の これ, どぉ? Tựa hợp ってるかなぁ…そぉ? やった! エヒヒ How's this? Does it suit me... Really? Alright! Ehehe~
2016 Lines
Akatsuki Play Thu は thiếu し, đêm trung にお tay tẩy い hành く の が khổ tay……. こ, こ の mùa だけよ! ぷんすかっ! During autumn, it's a bit difficult to go to the toilet in the middle of the night... On... only during this season! Harrumph~!
2017 Lines
Asakaze Play ヤダ gần nhất hàn すぎ〜 xuống tay したらかぜしちゃう. Tư lệnh quan, bộ phòng にこたつ ra してよう, こたつ. Tư, vận ぶ の tay vân って thượng げるから. Oh no, it's gotten really cold lately~ I'll catch a cold if I'm not careful. Let's set up the kotatsu in your room, Commander. I'll help you take it out.
Matsukaze Play Tỷ quý, gì やってんだ? こたつ? へぇ, そんなに lí いてたら quá っちあうぜ. あ, ngoài ý muốn といいなこれ. うぁ, vũ れない. What're you up to, Aneki? A kotatsu? Heh, you'll get fat if you spend too much time under there. Ah, it's surprisingly nice. Whoa, can't underestimate this.
Hatakaze Play Thiếu しずつ mùa は đông が gần づいてきますね. Hàn い. あ, bình khí です. すみません, tư lệnh. Khủng れ nhập ります. Ôn かいです. Winter is getting closer and closer. It's cold. Ah, I'm fine. I'm sorry, Commander. I'll be imposing myself on you. It's warm.
Oboro Play Hàn いですね. もうすぐ đông. キスカ の あたりはもう tuyết かも. Đa phần. It's cold, huh. It's almost winter. It's already snowing around Kiska. Probably.
Akebono Play ほうぅ, hàn くなってきた. Liên, あんたちょっと cật めなさいよう! あたしも khởi こった nhập るから! Brrr, it's gotten cold. Move over, Sazanami! I want to get in too!
Sazanami Play あぁ, また hàn い mùa が tới てしまえましたが・・・しかし! おこたぬくぬく〜こ の chuối tây は譲れねい! Aaah, the cold season has come yet again... But! The kotatsu is super comfy~ I won't give this spot up!
Ushio Play Thiếu し cơ hàn くになってきました. Đề đốc, おかぜなど chọc かないように, khí をつけてください. It's gotten a bit colder. Please be careful not to catch a cold, Admiral.
Shiratsuyu Play ウェ, なんか hàn くなってきたよね. Nửa tay áo でちょっときついようね. ハックシュ! Urgh, it's gotten pretty cold now. Short sleeves are bad now huh. *achoo*!
Shigure Play Đề đốc, いい vũ だね. What a pleasant rain, Admiral.
Play ぼくは・・・ん, なんでもない. I'm... No, it's nothing.
Play そうだね, tiến むしかない. Ngăn まない vũ はない・・・ phó も・・・ đề đốc, ありがとう. ん, そうだね. わかった. That's right, I need to keep moving forwards. There's always a ray of light... I'm... Thank you, Admiral. Hm, I see. Alright then.
Murasame Play ハイハイ! Đề đốc, ちょっと hàn そうね. Thôn vũ が, ちょっといいマフラあんで thượng げましょうか? Hey hey! You look a bit cold, Admiral. Shall I get you a nice muffler?
Yamakaze Play Hàn くなってきた. おこた ra そう. It's gotten a bit colder. Let's get out the kotatsu.
Ooshio Play Thiếu し hàn くなってきましたが, con nước lớn はいつもアゲアゲです! Tư lệnh quan, thu も đông も, con nước lớn と nguyên khí いっぱいでまいりましょう! おおぅ!! Even though it's gotten a bit colder I'm still always in high spirits! Whether it be autumn or winter, come be full of life like me, Commander! Whooo!!
Arashio Play あら, すこぉし cơ hàn くになってきたはねぇ. こんな ngày の đêm は, お nồi はいいようねぇ. Tuyết phong ちゃん の đọc んでおうかしら. Oh, it's gotten quite chilly~ Hot pots are great on a night like this. I wonder if I should go get Yukikaze-chan.
Asagumo Play うん, そうっか. Năm nay もこ の mùa はやってきた の か. Đêm でもう đại trượng phu. Tư は, đại trượng phu. Yeah, I see. So this season has come again this year. I'm fine with the night. I'm just fine.
Yamagumo Play こ の mùa がまたやってきたん の ね. Đêm khuya は thiếu しざわざわします. ふぅ〜 So this season has come again huh. The late night is a bit noisy. Whew~
Kasumi Play Thiếu し hàn きなってきたはね. かぜとか chọc かないでようね. Hạm đội や, tư が vây るんだから. もう, ほら, あたたくして. はい. It's gotten a bit colder. Don't you go catching a cold. The fleet, and I, will be troubled. Jeez, just go get warmed up. Yes.
Arare Play Hàn くなってきた. もうすぐ, đông, です. うん. It's gotten colder. It's almost winter. Yup.
Amatsukaze Play クシャ! Thiếu し hàn くなってきたはね. あなた, phong tà なんか chọc かないでよう, うつるから. あたし? あたしはだいじょう・・・クシャ! *achoo*! It's gotten a bit colder. Don't spend so much time in the wind or you'll get infected. Me? I'm fi... *achoo*!
Isokaze Play Năm sau こそは, サンマもしっかり thiêu けるよう. Rèn 錬を tích んでおこう. Chiến đấu は ai にもおくれおとるつもりはないが・・・ thực đường の kỹ thuật も, đại thiết だ. I'll make sure to grill the saury properly next year. I'll go train a lot. I don't intend to lose to anyone in battle but... Cooking skills are important too.
Arashi Play ヘクッチュゥ! ウァ・・・いきなり hàn きなってきた hoa ・・・ tư lệnh, phong di しただろう. ヘクッチュゥ! *achoo*! Whoa... It's suddenly gotten colder... I've caught a cold, Commander. *achoo*!
Yuugumo Play フェ, そうね. Thiếu し vai の hà が hạ りたような. こ の mùa は, そんな không tư nghị な khí cầm ちになります. なに đề đốc? そう, やさし の ね. Whew, yes. I feel like a weight was taken off my shoulders. The season gives me that kind of feeling. What is it, Admiral? Oh, you're very kind.
Fujinami Play Gì, tư lệnh, đọc んだ? Đằng lãng これからちょっとおでかけだけど. What is it, Commander? Did you call me? I'm just about to go out in a bit.
Play お ra かけ の khi はおしゃれ, もち! でも thiếu し hàn くなってきたから, thượng もきたくる・・・かな. I'm definitely well dressed when I go out! But since it's getting colder, I guess... I'll need to wear a coat.
Play あぁ, もう, っとに. Đằng lãng, thu は vội しいから! あ, điểu hải さん? はい, đằng lãng を lí いてきます, cầm ち. きっと, きっとです. Aah, jeez, really. I'm really busy during autumn! Ah, Choukai-san? Yes, I'll definitely return. I'm 100% sure I will.
2018 Lines
Minazuki Play ハックション! さすがに hàn くなってきたわね. Tư lệnh quan, phong dẫn かないでね. えぇ, thủy vô nguyệt? Thủy vô nguyệt はれんれんらいじょ…ハックション! あれ? あれれ. *Achoo*! It's really gotten colder. Commander, don't catch a cold. Eh, me? I'm todally fide... *Achoo*! Oh? Uhoh. Secretary 2
Ayanami Play Tư lệnh quan, hôm nay は áo tắm で trấn thủ phủ の duyên ngày に hành きましょう. Bắn… Lăng sóng, bắn やりたいです. いいですか? Since I'm wearing a yukata today, let's go to the Naval Base Festival, Commander. The shooting gallery... I want to play the shooting gallery. Is that alright? Secretary 1
Play Thư います…えっ, thật đạn? Gì がですか? I'm opening fire... Eh, live ammo? What about it? Secretary 2
Play やーりーまーしーたー! Tư lệnh quan, ほら, lấy りました! えへぇ, かわいいですね? えぇ, trăm thức? なにかですか?…えぇー. Iii diiid ittt! Look, Admiral, I got it! Ehe, isn't it cute? Eh, Type 100? What's that?...Eeeeh. Secretary 3
Shikinami Play どうかな, これ? おかしいくない? そう? じゃあいいけどさ. うぅ, あんまみんなよ. いいけど… How's this? It doesn't look weird? Really? That's good then. Ummm, stop staring so much. I don't mind though...
Oboro Play はい! Cá thu đao に mỹ vị しい sinh ビール, tối cao です! Đa phần. Yes! Draft beer and saury is the best! It is. Secretary 1
Play あっ, cơ phong ちゃん…えっ, thự ちゃん の chi viện? えぇ, tay vân に? うん, そうね. あっ, あぁー, そっちは… Ah, Isokaze... Eh, supporting Akebono? Eh, you want to help too? I see. Ah, aaaah, that's... Secretary 3
Akebono Play あぁ, đề đốc, gì そ の Tシャツ? ク, クソ đề đốc, thoát げ! Ah, what's with that T-shirt, Admiral? Y-you shitty Admiral, take it off! Secretary 3
Sazanami Play あいよっ, cá thu đao と mùa の rau dại xuyến に, cá thu đao bồ thiêu phữu cật phong, お đãi ち! Okay! Seasonal vegetable skewers and canned saury kabayaki, order up! Secretary 2
Play ご chủ nhân dạng, こ の liên の cách hảo はどうよ? ふふんー. あんまり thấy つめると, ぶっ phi ばすぞ! How do I look, Master? Fufun. If you stare too much, you'll be blown away! Secretary 3
Ushio Play Lung ちゃん, ビール の phương は đại trượng phu? そう? Hiểu biết です. えぇ, thự ちゃんなに? えぇ, もう!? Are you alright with the beer, Oboro? Really? Roger that. Eh, what is it, Akebono? Eh, already!? Secretary 3
Wakaba Play こ の mùa は, dụng tâm が tất yếu だ. Đặc に đối không giám thị をこたってはいけない. そうだ, たとえ cảng にいる khi でもだ. We can't let our guard down during this season. Especially on anti-air watch. Yes, not even in port.
Shiratsuyu Play あぁ, đề đốc, おいも thực べる? Thiếu しなら phân けてあげるよ. Ah, Admiral, want to have some sweet potato? I'll share a bit with you. Secretary 1
Play そう? オーケー. はい, これ. どう? Mỹ vị しいよね? やっぱこれが một phen! Really? OK. Here you go. How is it? It's delicious right? This is definitely number one! Secretary 2
Shigure Play Thu は thiếu し vật bi しいなる mùa だね. えへぇ, ごめん. ううん, phó は đại trượng phu. ありがとう, đề đốc. Autumn is a bit of a sad season. Ehe, sorry. No, I'm fine. Thank you, Admiral.
Murasame Play Thôn vũ の, ちょっといいマフラーできました! もちろん, căn dặn に tâm を込めた, thôn vũ tay làm り. さあ, まいてみて. My pretty good muffler is done! Of course, I put my heart into making this. Now, try it on. Secretary 1
Play いい cảm じ, いい cảm じ! やっぱり, thôn vũ の tư った thông り, とっても tựa hợp う. Tự đánh giá の も, あまんじゃうかな. うふふふぅ, やったね. Looking very nice! Just as I thought, it really suits you. I wonder if I should make one for myself. Ufufufu, of course. Secretary 2
Yuudachi Play Đề đốc さん, も hàn いっぽい? ん, じゃ, tịch lập の マフラー nửa phần こするっぽい? はい, どぞ. えひひぃ, ấm かいっぽい? Admiral, are you still cold-poi? Hmmm, then shall I share my muffler with you-poi? Here you go. Ehihi, is it warm-poi? Kai Ni
Asashio Play し, tư lệnh quan, トリックオアトリート! Co-commander, Trick or Treat! Secretary 1
Play はい! こ の triều triều, こ の nghĩ trang でいつでも ra kích khả năng です! Yes! I can still sortie at any time with this outfit! Secretary 2
Ooshio Play Con nước lớn, F tác nghiệp も toàn lực toàn bộ khai hỏa です! I'll put all of my effort into F-work too! Secretary 2
Play はい, こ の nghĩ trang なら, câu り thượng げアゲアゲで tham りましょ! Yes, I can go catch lots of fish with this equipment! Secretary 3
Mi ăn kít o Play あんたたち, gì そ の cách hảo は? Gương mặt thật にやりなさいな. Why are all of you dressed like that? You need to shape up. Secretary 1
Play えぇ, すごい gương mặt thật? そ, そう. えぇ, tư? Tư は…し, sĩ sự なんだから! Eh, I'm being too serious? I-I see. Eh, me? This is... because I'm working! Secretary 2
Play ん, もう, sớm く thực べてよ. Tư が thiêu いたんだから, ちゃんと vị わってよね. Ngh, jeez, hurry up and eat. I grilled it so you better savour it. Secretary 3
Arashio Play うふふふふっ. みんな mặt trắng い y trang ねぇ. Hoang triều も, そろそろなにかやっちゃおうかしら… Ufufufufu. Everyone has on such interesting costumes. I wonder if I should do something soon... Secretary 2
Urakaze Play よーし, năm nay の thu も đại cá じゃ. うち, thư い kích ちは đắc ý なんよ. Đề đốc, こ の sau は không いとるけ. えへぇ, じゃあうちと…うん, うん, た, thực べ so べじゃ. Alright, A big catch this autumn too. I'm really good at sharpshooting you know. Are you free afterwards, Admiral? Ehe, then we should... Uhm, uhh, I-I think I'll just go have a taste of everything.
Hamakaze Play そうです, khí をつけてください, phổ phong. Cơ bản は lúc đầu phát thấy, lúc đầu đối 処です. Chính mình hi sinh とかもだめですよ. って, nghe いてますか? That's right, be careful, Urakaze. It's fundamental that you find and deal with problems ahead of time. Sacrificing yourself is a waste. Hey, are you listening?
Akigumo Play Hàn い… Hàn すぎる! もう gì もできない! こたつで tẩm るよぉ. って! たまさん, くまさん! じゃま! あぁ, もう, chiến hạm まで! Nhập れない! It's cold... Too cold! I don't wanna do anything! I'm gonna sleep under the kotatsu. Hey! Tama, Kuma! You're in the way! Ah, jeez, even the battleships! There's no room for me! Secretary 2
Yuugumo Play あら, đề đốc, どうされましたか? Đông lạnh えてましたね. Cơ hàn い の ですか? えへぇ, sĩ phương ないですね. Tịch vân に, もう thiếu し gửi り thêm ってくださいな. どう? Oh, Admiral, what's the matter? You look frozen. Are you feeling cold? Ehe, it can't be helped then. You can cuddle with me a bit more. How's that? Secretary 2
Naganami Play いやぁ, しかし gần nhất hàn いなぁ. こたつとか, やっぱいいよな, こたつとか. Gì だ, đảo phong, tuyết phong, お trước ら hàn くね の? すげぇな, tôn kính するよ. Maan, it's gotten cold recently. Kotatsus are definitely the best. Shimakaze, Yukikaze; aren't you cold? Amazing, respect. Secretary 2
Fujinami Play あぁ, はまっち. これ? うん, động họa dúm ảnh の chuẩn bị だよ. ニュース ánh họa みたいな. Vi う, vi う, なんか điểu hải さんから ngôn われて, こんな の. そうだ, はまっちも tay vân って. もちいいよね? うん, ありがとう. Ah, Hamacchi. This? Yeah, I'm getting the preparations done for a filming. For something like a news programme. No, no, Choukai taught me to do it kinda like this. I know, help me out, Hamacchi. It's definitely fine right? Yup, thanks.
Hamanami Play あ, あ の, ふうちゃん, なに, してる の? カメラ? ここも? Tư ま tay vân った phương が…いい? Uh-umm, what are you doing, Fuu-chan? A camera? Here too? Is it... fine for me to help too?
Kishinami Play Cá thu đao, diêm thiêu き… Mỹ vị しい! Hồn に thẳng kích するこ の vị. Diêm vị も đinh độ いい. Đề đốc も thực べて, thực べて. ねぇ! The salt-grilled saury is... delicious! This flavour hits you right in the soul. It's perfectly salted. Hey, you have some too, Admiral. Come on!
Jervis Play あぁ, Lady, どうした の? あぁ, あれか? あれ の cổ thương? そういえば, あたしも đầu が đau く…うん, お lẫn nhau い không から の gì かにを khí をつけましょう. What's wrong, Lady? Ah, it's that right? That old wound? Now that you mention it, my head hurts too... Yes, let's watch the skies for each other. Secretary 1. Refers toWarspite.
Play こ の mùa は…あれ…あれに khí をつけないと! Janus, đối không giám thị khí をつけて! あれは ngại い! I'll... I'll need to be careful of *that* during this time of year! Janus, keep the anti-air watch on alert! I hate those things! Secretary 2
Maestrale Play Libe, あんた, そ の cách hảo…ちょっとかわいいわね. えぇ, tư? Tư いい の よ. そ の… Trưởng nữ だから. ねぇ? Hey, that outfit, Libe... It's kinda cute. Eh, me? I'm fine. I mean... I'm the eldest sister. Alright?
Tashkent Play ヘェー, いいね, こ の phân 囲 khí. こ の quốc の thu もいいも の さ. Thực べ vật も mỹ vị しいね. Вкусно! Hmmm, this is a nice mood. This country's autumn is great. The food is delicious too. Yummy! Secretary 1
Play Gangut, そんなにこたつに nhập ていたら, thể がなまったしまうよ. えぇ, そうな の かい?…そうかぁ… Gangut, if you stay under the kotatsu for too long you'll grow soft. Eh, is that so?...I see... Secretary 2
Samuel B. Roberts Play まあ, thu はちょっとなんって ngôn う の…こう thể が châm えてからっと ngôn うか… Gì っていうか……えぇ, お khoai thực って lạc ち け?…あぁ, はい! はむ…ん…はむ…ん… Mỹ vị しいです. Well, autumn is a bit you know... My body just feels so restless... How do I say it... Eh, have a sweet potato and calm down?...Ah, yes! *nom*...*nom*...*nom*...*nom*... It's delicious.

Destroyer Escorts

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2017 Lines
Etorofu Play Hàn くなって tới ました. おこた, ra しておきますね. It’s getting colder. I'll get the kotatsu out alright?
Matsuwa Play Thiếu し hàn くなって tới ました. 択 bắt ちゃん, あぁ, こたつ ra す の? Tư も tay vân います. うわあ・・・おも・・・ It’s gotten a bit colder. A-are you taking out the kotatsu, Etorofu-chan? I’ll help too. Whoa... It's heavy...
2018 Lines
Shimushu Play うひひぃ, đông っすよ. Đông. でも, trấn thủ phủ の đông は, lưu băng も tới ないし dư dật っす. Tông cốc eo biển あったりじゃこうは hành かないっす. Chiếm thủ すっす. Uhihi, it's winter-su. Winter. But, winter in the Naval Base is a breeze since the drift ice doesn't come here-su. The Souya Strait will be blocked and impassable now-su. Shimushusu-su.
Kunashiri Play Tỷ さん, こたつそろそろ ra す? うわ, hứng thú ないだ. すご. Đông rất tốt きな の ね. あぁ, nguyên khí だな. Nee-san, is it about time we brought out the kotatsu? Wha, she's not interested. Wow. She really loves winter. Ah, she's having the time fo her life.
Matsuwa Play Hàn い. 択 bắt ちゃん, đại trượng phu? Phong dẫn かないでね…そ, そう? It's cold. Etorofu, are you alright? Don't catch a cold... Re-really? Secretary 2
Tsushima Play こ の mùa は, hương chuy さん の cuối cùng は, một tự に hành けなかった… Không kích で…あ の khoảnh はもう… This is the season when I couldn't follow Kashii to the end... During the air raids... it was already... She was separated from the fleet led by Kashii during the 85th Convoy. She was damaged and was being repaired while most of the fleet was attacked and sunk during the 86th Convoy.
Fukae Play こ の phân 囲 khí いいな. 択 bắt tỷ さん, あたしも bổn đương はこういうは ngại いじゃないんだ. いいな, tế りは. This atmosphere is good. To tell the truth, I don't mind these occasions, Etorofu-neesan. This festival is nice.
Hiburi Play ちょっと hàn いですね. でも, ngày chấn, đại trượng phu! Động きます! だいちゃんだって…だいちゃん? あ, あれ? あれ!? It's gotten a bit colder. But I'm fine! I'll work hard! Dai-chan too... Dai-chan? H-huh? Huuuh!?
Daitou Play あぁー, hàn い! まあ, Hokkaido の đông よりわ…あぁ, こたつ! はぁ, いいわ, これ…だめ hải phòng hạm になる…はぁー… Aaah, it's cold! Well, it's better than winter in Hokkaido... Ah, a kotatsu! Aaaah, this is great... I'll become a useless coastal defense ship... Aaaah...

Light Cruisers

New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Sendai Play Thu も đêm chiến の mùa だよね? うん, やっぱ đêm chiến. は・や・く! や・せ・ん! ねぇ, đề đốc? Autumn is the season for night battles too, right? Yup, it definitely is. Come- on-! Let's- night- battle-! Well, Admiral?

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2015 Lines
Yahagi Play Thiếu し hàn くなって tới たわね. Rèn 錬にはちょうどいいわね. Mười chiến đội tập hợp, diễn tập に ra ます. It's gotten colder. Perfect for training. 10th Squadron assemble, we're heading out for exercises. Christmas Eve 2015 Line
2017 Lines
Yura Play Đề đốc さん, năm nay の thu もうそろそろ chung わりですね. Hàn くなってきます. Phong tà を dẫn かないように, đêm は ấm くしてくださいね. Autumn is almost over this year, Admiral-san. It's going to get colder. Please keep yourself warm at night so you don't catch a cold.
Agano Play ふぅ〜, hàn い〜! こ の mùa, a hạ dã khổ tay. こたつとかで chờ thời したい. Có thể đại は nguyên khí だな・・・お tỷ ちゃんは chờ thời します. Brrr, it's cold~! I'm not good with this season. I just want to stand by in a kotatsu. Noshiro is looking well... I'm just going to stand by.
Noshiro Play A hạ dã tỷ, こたつでゴロゴロしてたらだめだから! Quá っちゃうから! ほら, lập って lập って, diễn tập でを hành ってきたら. Don't laze around under the kotatsu, Agano-nee! You'll get fat! Come on, get up and let's go for exercises.
Sakawa Play Rượu câu hoàn toàn hàn くない. Vũ hạc はもうちょっと hàn くかったかな. ぴゃ! I'm not cold at all. Maizuru was kind of colder than this. Pya!
2018 Lines
Jintsuu Play Đề đốc, gần nhất はさすがに lãnh えますね? Nay, ấm かいお trà でを nhập れますね. Thiếu し đãi ててください. Admiral, it's gotten colder recently hasn't it? I'll go make some warm tea now. Please wait a moment.
Gotland Play ヘェー, trấn thủ phủ thu tế り. いいわね, こ の phân 囲 khí. ねぇ, おフランス の thủy thượng cơ mẫu hạm さん gì が mỹ vị しい の? これ? ん… Oooh, it's the Naval Base Autumn Festival. This atmosphere is nice. Hey you, the French seaplane tender, what's good to eat? This? Hmmm...

Heavy Cruisers

New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kako Play あぁ, なんか sắc 々あったんだって? あたしはよう biết らん の だけど…あぁ, まあ, いいじゃん, cổ ưng? ふあぁ. Ah, lots of things happened? I dunno much about that... Ah, well, isn't it fine, Furutaka? Yaaawn.

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2015 Lines
Atago Play Thiếu しだけ hàn くなってきたはね. Đề đốc, ホットミルクつくってあげましょうか? うふ〜. は〜い〜 It's gotten a bit colder huh. Shall I make you some hot milk, Admiral? Ufu~ He~re~
Mikuma Play すっかり hàn くなりました. スカートだと thiếu し đủ がすうすうして. あぁ, nhất thượng, マフ? ありがとう. Một tự に sử う. It’s gotten pretty cold out. My legs feel so breezy in this skirt. Ah, a muffler, Mogami? Thank you. Let's share it.
Pola Play えや, hàn くなってきた. こんな khi は uống んで thể を ấm めないと. Kia trí さん, それは? Whoa, it's gotten colder. Now's the time to drink and warm myself up. What's that, Nachi-san?
2018 Lines
Maya Play あぁー…こ の こたつってやつは sử えるよなぁ. Mỏng で tẩm てでも, こ の tuyệt đối にあたたかさ…あぁ, まじ miên くなって…きた… Aaaaaah... This kotatsu is really useful. Even if you sleep in light clothes, it has this enveloping warmth... Aah, I'm seriously... sleepy... Secretary 2
Choukai Play Hàn いけれど, đông をすごせるっていう の は hạnh せな sự よね? ねぇ, ma gia? Ma gia? あぁ, もう. Phong tà dẫn くはよ. It's cold but braving winter is a good thing right? Right, Maya? Maya? Ah, jeez. You'll catch a cold. Secretary 2


New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Richelieu Play Mon Amiral, そうよ, クリ の お quả tử よ. Mont-Blanc aux marrons, biết っているでしょう? そうよ, tư が làm った の. Thực べてみなさい. My Admiral, that's right, it's a Japanese chestnut dessert. It's Mont-Blanc aux marrons, you've heard about it, right? Yes, I made it myself. Try some. Secretary 1
Play そう? Mỹ vị しいかった の? それは lương かったわね. Đương nhiên の ことだけれど. Merci. Really? It was delicious? That's good. Well, it was to be expected. Thanks. Secretary 2
Play Mỹ vị しいかった? あなた の quốc の, cùng lật を sử った の よ. Vị わいも áo thâm いけれど, sắc もいいわね? まさに, Mont-Blanc, bạch い sơn ね? Was it good? I used Japanese chestnuts to make it. It not only has a complex flavour but a good colour too right? It truly is a "Mont-Blanc", a white mountain, don't you think? Secretary 3
Play Thực べなさい. まだあるわよ. Eat up. There's still more. Equipment 3
Play Chiến hạm địch, phát thấy. Nay đại sự なところな の に! Ngu か giả め. いいでしょう! Sớm めに từ đầu đến cuối します. Enemy ships spotted. I was just getting to the good part! You damned fools. You asked for it! I'll deal with you quickly! Starting a Battle

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2016 Lines
Musashi Play Đề đốc よ, hàn くなってきたな? もっと gần くに tới ていいんだぞ. ん? あはは! Nhũng nói だ. It's gotten colder right, Admiral? It's fine to stick closer to me you know. Hmmm? Ahaha! I'm just joking.
2017 Lines
Yamato Play Võ tàng? どうした の? Hàn い の? Cơ quan bộ の điệu でを ác い の? そう, ならいいけれど. Gì かあったら, お tỷ さんを trò chuyện với nhau してね? Musashi? What's wrong? Are you cold? Is there something wrong with your engine room? I see, that's fine then. Let me know if anything happens alright?
Warspite Play Hàn くなって tới ると cổ thương は đau むわね. Fritz Xあれだけは phản tắc と tư うわ. そ の こと tư うと・・・いた・・・いたたたた・・・ đại trượng phu. My old wounds start to ache when it gets cold. I think the Fritz X was just foul play. Whenever I think of it... Ow... owowowow... I'm fine.
Gangut Play ふん・・・やっとこ の tao がしい hạm đội を tĩnh かになって tới たな. それは, なんだ? なに・・・こたつ? Hmph... So this noisy fleet has finally gotten quiet. What's that? What... a kotatsu?
Richelieu Play さ, hàn くなって tới たわね. そ, そ の tứ giác い trang bị はなに? コ, コタツ? Lặc しいそうね! Thiếu し thí してあげてもいいはよ. I-it's gotten cold. Wh-what's that square-shaped equipment? A-a kotatsu? That looks interesting! I'm willing to give it a try.
2018 Lines
Kongou Play So duệ, trấn thủ phủ tế り! Đề đốc, một tự に hành くです! Năm nay も gì やら…変な tế りです? It's the Naval Base Festival, Hiei! Let's go together, Admiral! Looks like it's... some strange festival this year?
Kirishima Play Trấn thủ phủ tế りですか? そうなると, thực べ vật の phòng đài の sung thật が đại thiết ですね? わかりました. Sương mù đảo が, F tác nghiệp で điều đạt します. Is it a Naval Base Festival? That means it's important that we keep the food stalls supplied right? I understand. I'll procure some food through some F-work.
Ise Play おぉ, ngày hướng nguyên khí じゃん. Phòng đài とか hảo きだもんね. Oh, you're looking happy, Hyuuga. You must really like the stalls.
Hyuuga Play ほぉー, こ の tế り ác くはない. Y thế, たまには lặc しいもう. Oooh, this festival isn't bad. Let's have fun once in a while, Ise.
Richelieu Play Mon Amiral, あれ, そんなに mỹ vị しい phương の? そう? ん… My Admiral, is that really that delicious? Really? I see... Secretary 1
Play Sĩ phương ないわね, そんなに mỹ vị しかった の なら, tư がここで làm って thượng げるは. Đãi ってなさい. It can't be helped then, if it's that delicious then I'll make some for you right now. Just wait. Secretary 2
Play さあ, できたは, thực べなさい. こ の Richelieuが, ここであなた の ために, わざわざ làm って thượng げた の だから. Căn dặn に vị をいなさい. どう? そ, そう? それなら lương かったわ. Merci. Now, it's done, help yourself. I've taken the time to make this especially for you. You better savour every last bit. How is it? Re-really? That's good then. Thank you. Secretary 3
Nelson Play Hàn くなってきたな. Rodneyもこ の mùa は khổ tay の はず…いや, そうでもなったかな. まあ, いい. Hôm nay の tịch thực はなんだ? ほぉー, nồi か? いいな. あれは ôn まる. It's getting colder. If I recall correctly, Rodney doesn't like this season... No, I'm mistaken. Oh well. What's for dinner tonight? I see, a hotpot? That's good. It'll warm me up.

Light Carriers

New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Gambier Bay Play Áo tắm? Tế り?…なるほど.…Feel well dance then? うわぁ, なにそれ? おいしそう! はわわわ. Yukatas? A festival?...I see. Shall we have a feel well dance then? Whoa, what's that? It looks good! Whoaaaa. Secretary 1
Play あたた…こ の season, お bụng が đau く…ぐぅ, うわぁ, đầu も…うぅ〜. あぁ, Kongou! な, なんでもない! No! はわわ! Owowow... My stomach hurts during this season... Guh, urgh, my head too... Ugggh. Ah, Kongou! I-it's nothing! No! Whoaaa! Secretary 3

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2017 Lines
Ryuuhou Play Thiếu し hàn きなって tới ましたね. かぜを dẫn かないようにしないと. Đề đốc も ấm かくしてくださいね. It’s getting a bit colder. I hope that I don’t catch a cold, Please make sure you stay warm too, Admiral.
2018 Lines
Shinyou Play Thu は… Thu が thâm まると… Hải が ngại いになります. なぜ? いつも の あんなに rất tốt きな, きれいな hải な の に… When autumn... when it deepens... I start to hate the sea. Why is that? It's the same beautiful sea I love so much... Secretary 1
Play Đại ưng tỷ さん…あぁ, phượng tường さん, お nồi ですか? はい, お tay vân いします. うわぁ, mỹ vị しそう. Tố địch です. Taiyou-neesan... Ah, Houshou, are you making a hotpot? Yes, I'll help. Whoa, it looks good. It's wonderful. Secretary 2
Gambier Bay Play こ の thu は tân しいtaskを mệnh じられたけど…できるかな… I was ordered to do a new task this autumn but... I wonder if I can... Secretary 1
Play はぁ, これ…これ mỹ vị しいです! Wow, this... this is delicious! Secretary 2
Play はわわわぁ, こ の mùa の âm lặc sẽ…Admiral, いいですね? うわぁ. Wowowow, this season's concert... Admiral, isn't it great? Whoaaa. Secretary 3


Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2017 Lines
Kaga Play Hàn くなった tới たわね. え? Tư が ấm かい? Gì を ngôn うな? Gì を・・・ It’s getting colder huh. Eh? I’m warm? What are you talking about? What….
Ark Royal Play こ の mùa は khí をつけないと, đặc に lặn xuống nước hạm には phải chú ý だ. まぁ, lấy り càng し khổ 労なら lương いだが・・・ん? Hữu huyền に kính tiềm vọng! Lảng tránh! ・・・ん? ・・・ん? Sóng の thấy gian vi いか? ふぇ〜 You need to be careful during this season, especially being careful about submarines. Well, being paranoid is fine but... Hmm? Periscope to starboard! Evasive manoeuvres!...Hmm?...Hmmm? That was a wave? *Sigh*
2018 Lines
Intrepid Play やだ! Bunker Hill, それどうかな. Chính しい duyên ngày の lặc しみ phương… Vi うと tư うな. ねぇ, thụy hạc? あぁ, また giận ってるし! No way! I don't think that's right, Bunker Hill. I don't think that's the right way to... enjoy a festival. Right, Zuikaku? Ah, she's angry again!


Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2017 Lines
I-168 Play ちょっと hàn くなってきたわ. Hải の thượng だと, こ の cách hảo は thiếu しきついかな. Tiềm っちゃへば bình khí だけど. It's getting a bit colder. Kinda rough being dressed like this while on the surface. I'm fine when I'm sumberged though.
I-19 Play Đại phân hàn くなって tới た の. いく? いくは phong tà なんか dẫn かない の! Đề đốc は? あれ, nhiệt ある の? え? Vi う? It’s gotten pretty cold. Me? I don't catch things like colds! How about you, Admiral? Oh, do you have a fever? Eh? You don't? A common Japanese saying is that idiots don't catch colds.
I-58 Play さすがに thủy một quả, hàn くなった tới たでち. Đề đốc chỉ định の phòng lạnh cụ を yêu cầu するでち. It really is too cold for just a swimsuit. I'm going to requisition some of the Admiral's cold weather gear.
Luigi Torelli Play ぶるぶる, ちょっと hàn いね. Vũ cùng す の こたつどこ? Sớm くはいた thấy たいよ. どこ? Brrr, it’s a little cold. Where’s this kotatsu I’ve heard about? I want to get inside it quickly. Where is it?
2018 Lines
I-400 Play めっきり hàn くなりました. Tư đạt lặn xuống nước không mẫu も, おこたに nhập りたくなる mùa です. ん…おこたに…ドボン! うわぁ…あぁ, あったかい…うん. It's gotten really cold. It's the time of year when us submarine carriers want to get under the kotatsu too. Hmmm... I want to... dive right in! Whoaaa... Aaaah, it's warm... Mmmm.


New Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Commandant Teste Play Oui? Mont-Blancですか? Tố địch な sắc. Tư も, いただいても? Merci. Yes? A Mont-Blanc? It has a lovely colour. Can I have some too? Thanks.
Jingei Play Đại kình さん, おめでとうございます. Kình の, tân しい thời đại が thủy まる の ですね? Tư も ứng viện してます. Ngoan trương ってください. Taigei, congratulations. A new era for whales has begun, hasn't it? I'll support you too. Do your best. Secretary 3
Play Đêm は… Đêm は, こ の cách hảo ではもう thiếu し hàn いかしら…… Đề đốc? あぁ…あ の, ありがとうございます. Khí をつけて, tấn kình, tham ります. It's... it's getting a bit cold to be dressed like this at night... Admiral? Ah... Umm, thank you very much. I'll head out with care. Night Battle

Previous Lines

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
2017 Lines
Kashima Play Đề đốc さん, hàn くなってきましたね. Nhiệt いコーヒ nhập れますね. Đãi ててください. It's gotten colder huh, Admiral. I'll make some hot coffee ok? Please wait.
Kamoi Play Đề đốc, どうしました? Hàn いですか? Hiểu biết です. Thể, ấm めましょう. いいお trà が nhập ったんです! What is it, Admiral? Are you cold? Understood. I'll warm you up. I'll bring you some good tea!
2018 Lines
Commandant Teste Play Pardon? Gambier Bayさん, Tashkentさん, ご chuẩn bị はどうですか? Excuse me? Gambier Bay, Tashkent; how are the preparations? Secretary 1
A reference to Molly Miki's KanColle Manga, "This Evening's Salute"
Play Oui? はい, tư の phương trình tự です. ほら, こんなにお rượu は tập まれました. あとは, コクテ の レシピーですね? あぁ, đủ bính さん, kia trí さん…えぇ, これわ? Merci, trợ かります. Yes? Yes, I'm all organised. Look, I've gotten all the alcohol together. Next is, the cocktail recipes right? Ah, Ashigara, Nachi... Eh, this is? Thanks, it helps. Secretary 2