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Seasonal/Saury 2016

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Fishing and Cooking



Voice Lines


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kamikaze Play これが tổn の, cá thu đao cá chi viện… Hạm đội…. えっと, tư もまず trang bị から, かな…? Quang り vật は cần thiết よね, たぶん… あとは… There's been a rumor that the support for the Saury fishing will be...this fleet. Umm, what equipment should I get first, I wonder...? Something bright will be required, and then... after that....
Harukaze Play Cá thu đao cá を chi viện されるという の ですね. Hiểu biết trí しました. わたくしも, ra cá trí します. You said that we'll be supporting the saury fishing didn't you? Roger that sir. I'll be heading out for fishing too.
Mutsuki Play Như nguyệt ちゃん, cá thu đao cá だよ cá thu đao cá! Mục nguyệt hình も ngoan trương って tham gia するにゃし! いざ ra phát にゃ, おー! Kisaragi-chan, it's time for Sanma fishing, Sanma fishing! The Mutsuki class will do their best to take part as well! Let's get going, Oh!
Kisaragi Play Cá thu đao cá の お tay vân い? Như nguyệt にできるかしら……. Mục nguyệt ちゃん, trương り thiết ってる の ね. うふふっ, đáng yêu いわ. Help out with Saury fishing? I wonder if Kisaragi can go too... Mutsuki-chan is so revved up isn't she? Ufufu, it's so cute.
Yayoi Play Cá thu đao は, hảo き……です. Cá thu đao tế り, di sinh, lương いと…… Tư い, ます. Saury....I like them. The Saury Festival, Yayoi, thinks it's a good thing.
Uzuki Play Cá thu đao ~! Cá thu đao は nhậm せておくぴょん! うーちゃん の áo nghĩa, ダブル đèn pha で chọn むぴょん! Ý vị? Ý vị は đặc にないぴょん. ファッションぴょ~ん♪ Saury~! Leave the saury to me pyon! It's Ucchan's secret double searchlight challenge pyon! What does that mean? There's no particular meaning pyon. It's just a fashion choice pyon!
Satsuki Play Tư lệnh quan, cá thu đao tế りだね. Phân かった, ボクも lực を thải すよ.……お tế りは, lặc しいねっ! Commander, it's the Saury Festival isn't it. I kno, I'll help out too! This festival is pretty fun you know!
Minazuki Play はぅ~, これが tổn に nghe く, trấn thủ phủ cá thu đao tế り? どんだけ の hạm đội が, cá thu đao cá に ra てるっていうんだろう. なんか thê すぎ……. うひひ. Ha~ Listen to this rumor, the Naval Base Saury Festival? What's up with this fleet, didn't they just go out Saury fishing. This is bad...Uhihi
Fumizuki Play Cá thu đao cá だよ~. あたし văn nguyệt も, cá の chi viện に ra るから~. しれーかん, nhậm せて nhậm せて~♪ Saury fishing~. I, Fumizuki will help out with the fishing as well. Comman-der, leave it to me, leave it to me.
Nagatsuki Play Cá thu đao か…… Ác くない, tay vân おう. Bồ thiêu も lương いが, やはり diêm thiêu きだろう. Lặc しみだ. Saury huh, not bad, I'll help out. Kabayaki is pretty good, Shioyaki is good too. This is fun.
Kikuzuki Play よし, cá thu đao cá か. Nhậm せておけ. Dân の nghề sinh sống を trợ けること, こ の cúc nguyệt, ngại いではない. Alirght, Saury fishing, huh? Leave it to me. Kikuzuki doesn't mind helping out the people who do this for a living.
Mikazuki Play Cá thu đao cá chi viện, ですか. Hiểu biết です, こ の ba ngày nguyệt にお nhậm せください. Ngoan trương ります! Saury Fishing Support, you say? Roger, please leave it to Mikazuki. I'll do my best.
Mochizuki Play あ~, cá thu đao cá? めんどいってそういう の. あたしゃ, ra tới たもんを thực いたい の よぉ. Ah, Saury fishing? That sounds like a real pain... I really just want to to eat them when we're done.
Uranami Play Hạm đội で cá thu đao cá chi viện ですか?… Hiểu biết です! Thứ 19 駆 trục đội, ra kích chuẩn bị に nhập ります! The fleet will be providing support for Saury fishing? Ro..Roger that! The 19th Destroyer Division will prepare to sortie!
Ayanami Play Đặc hình 駆 trục hạm lăng sóng, cá thu đao cá chi viện, ra kích chuẩn bị xong rồi です! Tư lệnh quan, いつでもお minh kỳ くださいね! Special Type Destroyer Ayanami, ready to sortie in support of Saury Fishing! Commander, please call on me anytime!
Shikinami Play Tư lệnh quan, cá thu đao tập めてるんだって? ほぇ~, cá thu đao hảo きだったんだ. へ? Vi う? あくまで chi viện nhiệm vụ? そうなんだ. なぁんだ…せっかく đắp sóng が cá thu đao thiêu いてあげようと tư った の に… Commander, we'll be gathering saury? Oh~ I like Saury. Eh? It's not that? It's just a support mission. Is that so. Well if it's not too much trouble Shikinami though she would like to fry some of them on a stick.
Ushio Play Thu は thiêu き khoai かおいいしですよね. Đề đốc, sau でお đình で khô れ diệp を tập めて, お khoai thiêu きませんか? Baked sweet potatoes in autumn are delicious. Admiral, shall we collect dead leaves in the back yard later to go bake some sweet potatoes? Saury 2015 Line
Akatsuki Play Cá thu đao を tập めるんでしょ? Nhậm せておいて! Thứ sáu 駆 trục đội の lực, thấy てなさい! We're gathering Saury right? Leave it to me! Please bear witness to the Sixth Destroyer Division's power!
Hibiki Play Cá thu đao cá chi viện nhiệm vụ, hiểu biết. Vang, ra る. Ура!! Saury fishing support mission, Roger! Hibiki, heading out. Hurrah!!
Ikazuchi Play こ の lôi dạng が, ngoan trương って đại cá kỳ làm ったんだから! あ, điện にも tay vân ってもらったわ. Ikazuchi-sama worked hard and made this Big Catch Flag! Ah, Inazuma helped out too, ya know.
Inazuma Play Điện も đại cá kỳ làm り, お tay vân いした の です! Ngoan trương った の で, sức ってくれるとうれしい の です! Inazuma helped out in making the Big Catch Flag nano desu. I did my best so I'm happy with the way the decorations came out nano desu!
Murasame Play こ の thu も, ちょっといい thôn vũ の F tác nghiệp, thấy てみたい? うんうん, nhậm せておいて. Ngoan trương ります♪ This autumn would you like to see how good Murasame is at fishing too? Yup Yup, leave it to me! I'll do my best!
Shigure Play Cá thu đao cá の mùa だね, đề đốc. Phó も ngoan trương るよ. It's the season for Saury fishing Admiral. I'll do my best too.
Play Đề đốc, cá thu đao cá は, năm nay は đại 変そうだ. Phó も bổn khí でいくよ. Admiral, saury fishing looks difficult this year. I'll go and do it seriously.
Play そうだね, thứ の ngư trường は bắc の phương がいいかもしれない. ポイントを変えてみよう. That's right, I think the next good fishing spot should be in the north. Let's change our fishing point.
Ooshio Play Con nước lớn, cá thu đao rất tốt きです! Cá thu đao cá chi viện nhiệm vụ も, アゲアゲで tham ります! Ooshio loves Saury! I'm all fired up for the Saury Fishing Support job!
Play Cá thu đao の mùa! Con nước lớn アゲアゲで tham ります! Cải trang された con nước lớn の こ の lực, cá thu đao cá でもアゲアゲで sinh động です! はい! It's the season for Saury. Ooshi is all fired up! With the remodeled Ooshio's power, the saury fishing is sure to be a fired up success! Yup! Kai Ni
Mi ăn kít o Play Cá thu đao? はぁ? Gì バカ ngôn ってん の? ぇえ, tư? Hư でしょ!? やぁっ, やだ, dẫn っ trương んないでよ! Saury? Huh? What stupid thing are you on about? Eh, Me? You're kidding right!? Nooo, No, I don't want to lure them out!
Arashio Play Cá thu đao cá ですかぁ~? Hoang triều, cá xú くなる nhiệm vụ はあんまり……. でも, sĩ phương ないわぁ. Trợ けて, あ・げ・る♪ Saury fishing you say~? Arashio, doesn't really want this mission to make her stink like a fish. Well I guess it can't be helped. I'll help-out-too
Arare Play Cá thu đao, tản も hảo きです. Đặc に diêm thiêu きといいと tư います. Arare likes saury too. I think it's especially good when you make Shioyaki with it.
Kasumi Play Cá thu đao cá ですって!? Hành くなら hành く! はっきりしなさいな!… Tư も hành くから! Đèn pha も…よし. これで đại trượng phu ね! Saury fishing!? I'll go, I'll go! To put it bluntly, because I can! Searchlight too...alright. Now it's fine!
Play Cá thu đao cá!?…… Sĩ phương ない, tư がつきあってあげるわ. もう thấy てらんないったら!…… Đại trượng phu! Tư が ra るからには đại cá よ! Saury!? It can't be helped, I'll come along too. Jeez, quit staring! It's fine! If I go we'll get a big catch! Kai Ni
Oyashio Play さ, cá thu đao cá, ですか!? Hiểu biết です! Thứ 15 駆 trục đội, cá thu đao cá chi viện に ra kích します! Hắc triều さん, đèn りを cầm って. Tham りましょう! Ah, Saury fishing you said? Roger! The 15th Destroyer Division will sortie in support of Saury Fishing! Kuroshio-san, light the way. Let's go!
Amatsukaze Play Cá thu đao cá? しっかたないわね. あたしがサポートしてあげるわ. Đèn pha と thăm tin nghi よね? フン. ばっちりよ. Saury fishing? I guess it can't be helped. I'll help out too then. Searchlights and sonar right? Hmm. It' perfect.
Isokaze Play ヴぇへっ!…い゙や, cá thu đao はな, こうやって, căn dặn に thiêu きあげて….…おかしい…おかしいぞ…? Phổ phong から nghe いていた の と, なにか… Vi う… Vehee! Ah, no, if I do it this way and carefully grill the saury. This is funny, funny? I heard how to do it from Urakaze but this is somehow...different. Saury 2015 Line
Arashi Play なんか…みんな đèn pha と tam thức, ma いてんな. どうしたんだ? Gì が thủy まるんだ? What's this? Everyone has three searchlights, it's so shiny. What's this for? What are you about to do?
Akigumo Play Cá thu đao cá chi viện hạm đội かぁー. Dũng tráng なような, hoàn toàn そうでないような……. あれは tịch trương さんかぁ, すごいなぁー! ある loại khí hợp の ガン tích みだなぁー♪ ラフ thiết っとこ. Saury fishing support fleet huh. How heroic of us...that's not the case at all... Ah, that's Yuubar-san. Awesome! The way she yells as she loads her gun- Rough cut.
Yuugumo Play うふふ… Cá sư さんたち の chi viện ね, nhậm せて. そういう の は đắc ý な の. さあ, thu vân さん. Hội ばっかり miêu いてないで, お sĩ sự よ. Ufufu...leave the support of the fisherman to me. That sort of thing is my specialty. Come on, Akigumo-san. Don't just draw pictures, do you job too.
Makigumo Play Tịch vân tỷ さん, cá sư さん の viện hộ とサポートですか? お nhậm せください! こ の quyển vân の đắc ý とするところです! Ngoan trương ります! えい, えい, おー! Yuugumo-san, we're supporting and assisting the fisherman? Leave it to me! That's Makigumo's specialty! I'll do my best! Hey, Hey, Ho!
Naganami Play Cá thu đao cá ってマジ!? え!? Hạm đội で chi viện に ra ん の? マジで!? いやあ sĩ phương ない, sĩ phương ないなぁ! あたしはやるときはやるぜぇ? Cao sóng! Đèn pha ありったけ cầm ってこい! Saury fishing, seriously!? Eh!? The fleet is heading out in support? Seriously!? Naw, it can't be helped, can't be helped! It's the time for us to do it so I guess I gotta? Takanami! Go get us the perfect searchlight!
Asashimo Play あたい, cá thu đao は ngại いじゃないんだよね~. “Bổn khí” と thư いて “マジ” と đọc む. “Bổn khí” でとるぜ~! やる! I don't particularly dislike Saury you know. You can write is as "Honki" but read it as "Maji". Let's take it seriously! Let's do it! Honki and Maji both mean serious
Hatsuzuki Play Bắc Dương ngư nghiệp? いや, cá thu đao cá の chi viện……か. Thành trình, こ の mùa ならではだな. よし, phó も một cơ thoát ごう. Đèn pha, だな? Northern fisheries? Ah no, support for the Saury fishing...huh? I see, it's that season now isn't it. Alright, I'll pitch in too. I'll need a Searchlight, riht?

Light Cruiser

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Yura Play Đề đốc さん, cá thu đao の diêm thiêu きは mỹ vị しい mùa ですね? ね? Đêm も thiêu いてみたいな. Admiral-san, it's the season of delicious Shioyaki Saury isn't it? Isn't it? I wish we could fry some up tonight.
Yuubari Play さあ, tới た! Cá thu đao cá の mùa! よーし, ngoan trương ろう! Phèn chua, cá thu đao cá dùng の いい trang bị, がっつり cầm ってきて? よーし! Well come on! It's the season for saury fishing! Alright, I'll do my best! Akashi we'll need some good equipment to catch the saury, can you find some for us? Alright!
Play Cá thu đao cá dùng trang bị, あれは…よし, これも…よし, よーし, mãn tái! ここは tư が ngoan trương るところ. Năm nay もやるわ! Tịch trương, ra kích します! Saury fishing equipment...let's see...this one...yup, and this one too...yup...all set! With these I'll be sure to do my best! Let's head out this for this year too! Yuubari, setting sail!
Agano Play いよいよ cá thu đao tế りね. Đại trượng phu, nhậm せて! A hạ dã がちゃ~んと cá thu đao を tập めて, しっっかり hoạch ってみせるから!

…へっ? A hạ dã, おるすばん? そんなぁ~.

It's finally the Saury festival isn't it? Don't worry, leave it to me! Agano will seriously gather up a bunch of saury, so just sit tight and watch me catch 'em all! Eh? Agano is going to be on lookout duty? But why~.... Looks like they just gave her 4 sonars.
Noshiro Play Cá thu đao cá chi viện nhiệm vụ ですね! Có thể đại, hiểu biết いたしました! Đèn pha, thuần thục thấy trương viên, っと………あと bầy cá dọ thám biết cơ は…これでいいかしら. It's a Saury Fishing Support Mission! Noshiro, ready for action! Spotlight, Skilled Lookouts, and.... I wonder if this is all I need...to be a fish finder.
Sakawa Play ぴゃっ! ちょっと lạnh しくなってきて, rượu hung は đùa しい♪ tư lệnh は gì してる の? え, ngư trường canh gác と chi viện の chuẩn bị? なにそれ? Pya! When it gets a little cooler like this Sakawa is happy! What are yo up to Commander? Eh, you're preparing to head for the fishing grounds to provide security? What's up with that?
Ooyodo Play Đèn りよし! Trong nước thăm tin nghi, よし! Đại điến, trang bị は vạn toàn です. Phương bắc hải vực cập び gần biển cá thu đao cá chi viện hạm đội rút miêu chuẩn bị xong rồi しました. Light check! Sonar, check! Ooyodo's equipment is all set! Ready to sortie to the Northern Waters in support of the Saury Fishing Fleet.

Training Cruiser

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kashima Play Cá thu đao…ですか……わかりました, tư, ngư trường canh gác も ngoan trương ります! え? Lấy るんですか!? Saury...you say...I understand, I'll do my best to provide security for the fishing grounds! Eh? Take this!?

Heavy Cruiser

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Mogami Play へぇ~, cá thu đao cá かぁ. いいねぇ, phó も tay vân うよ! Trang bị が gan tâm だね. まず, quang り vật は cần thiết だよね! Ehh~ Saury fishing huh. Sounds good, I'll pitch in too! Let's see what equipment do I need? First I'll need something bright!
Mikuma Play Cá thu đao? Cao cấp cá です の? ふーん… Tam ôi, cá thu đao はあまり…あっ!… Mỹ vị しい! Cá thu đao, mỹ vị しいですわ! Saury? Is that a high class fish? Hmm...I'm not sure Mikuma is particularly fond of saury...oh! This is delicious! Saury, saury is delicious!
Suzuya Play Cá thu đao? うん, thực べる の は hảo きだけど……えぇ~ cá thu đao cá に ra る の? なんかヌメヌメしそうでちょっとやだなぁ~… Saury? Yeah, I like to eat it...eh~ we're going Saury fishing? But then we'll get all slimy won't we~
Kumano Play Cá thu đao? なんです の それは…? サンドイッチ の cụ にも hợp います の? えっ? やり phương によってはいける? そう…なら, toàn lực で hành くしかないですわ! Linh cốc, ra かけますわよ! Saury? What is that? Are they ingredients for a sandwich? Eh? You can do use them that way? I see, then I'll contribute all my might! Suzuya, let's be off!
Aoba Play Cá thu đao cá が bổn cách hóa しましたっ! ここは cá thu đao cá chi viện hạm đội に đồng hành して, mật lấy tài liệu しなくてはっ! Thanh diệp, ra kích, いや, lấy tài liệu しま~すっ! Saury fishing is fully in progress! I'm here to cover the fleet's Saury Fishing Support Mission. Aoba, sortieing, no, covering!
Kinugasa Play Cá thu đao cá の シーズンね! よーし, こ の y nón さん, ひと cơ もふた cơ も thoát いじゃおっかな! Đèn pha と thấy trương viên さんもバッチリよ! It's Saury fishing season! Right, I'll get undressed then! Search lights and lookouts in place!
Takao Play さあ ái đãng, tư đạt の ngư trường thủ るはよ! Bốn chiến đội, ra kích! Cá thu đao cá chi viện làm chiến を thật thi します! Okay, Atago, let's go to the fishing grounds. Fourth Squadron, setting sail! Starting the Saury Fishing Support Operation!
Atago Play あら cao hùng, cá thu đao cá の サポート trương り thiết ってる の ね? Cá sư の phương も hỉ んでるは. Ah, Takao, are you excited to support the Saury fishing? The fisherman will be so happy.
Zara Play サンマー! うん, いいわね. ピザやパスタにも hợp いそう! Tay vân うわ! Gì すればいい? Sanma! Yup, these are good! These would be good on Pizza or in pasta! I'll lend a hand! Where should I go?
Pola Play サンマーフェス? よくわからないけれど, ザラ tỷ dạng, ポーラもお tay vân いしまーす! Sanma Fish? I don't get it at all but, Zara-nee-sama, Pola will come help too!


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kongou Play サンマ・・・? Oh, cá thu đao デスネー! Đèn pha を mãn tái して, ギョチョーに hướng かうデース! こういう の も, lặc しいネー! Sanma....? Oh the Pacific Saury DESS! Let's turn the searchlights on full blast and point them toward the fisheries DESS! I'm sure this will be really fun!
Hiei Play Kim cương お tỷ さま, サンマ cá です! Cá thu đao です! Tuần の cá thu đao は chi が の っていて mỹ vị しいですよねぇ.…そうだ, nay độ カレーに nhập れてみる の はどうでしょう!?…よぉ~し, thí してみよっ♪ Kongou-onee-sama, it's time for sanma fishing! Saury! When saury is in season the fat on them is so delicious isn't it? Oh, that's right, this time what do you think about making them into a curry? Alright, let's give it a shot! Run.
Haruna Play Ngư trường で の thắng tay は! Trăn danh が! Hứa しません!…はいっ đề đốc. Trăn danh, サンマ cá chi viện に ra kích します! お nhậm せください! Selfishness at the fishing grounds! Haruna will! Not forgive it! Okay Admiral, Haruna will deploy in support of Sanma fishing! Leave it to me!
Kirishima Play …お tỷ さま, như thế nào なサンマ cá chi viện とはいえ, そ の trang bị は….… Đèn pha だけをそんなに tích んでも….

…そうですね, tùy bạn hạm の thuỷ lôi chiến đội に thấy trương り viên の tăng viên や, bầy cá dọ thám biết cơ をお nguyện いしましょう.

Onee-sama, you say this is how we'll be hunting saury, but this equipment is....I'm not sure we'll catch a lot of them loaded out with only searchlights. Oh that's right, what if we had a sentry from one of the torpedo squadrons as an escort, we could ask them to be our dedicated fishfinder. Looks like Kongou wants to sortie with the legendary Sharp and Masochistic Admiral 4 Searchlight loadout.
Yamato Play Cá thu đao? Cá thu đao cá chi viện ですか? Hiểu biết しました. こ の chiến hạm đại cùng, phương bắc hải vực に hướng かいましょう! Saury? Saury fishing support is it? Roger that! Battleship Yamato, heading for the Northern Waters! No Teitoku don't do it, your resources!
Musashi Play Cá thu đao cá chi viện だと? こ の võ tàng が, か? ハハ, よかろう! Tồn phân にこ の lực を thải すぞ! Saury fishing support, huh? You want Musashi? Haha, very well! I'll lend you all of my power! And Musashi? But the event is in two weeks!
Iowa Play Sanma? What? なんでsanma?… Fishing… support? Grand fleetって, đại 変な の ね. Sanma? What? What is sanma? Fishing..support? It's pretty rough being in this Grand Fleet huh?
Warspite Play Cá thu đao? Fish の? Chiến hạm が ngư nghiệp の supportをするなんて, Nhật Bản の hạm đội はいいところ, あるわね! Tư も tay vân うわ! Saury? Is that a fish? The battleships are gathering to support the fisheries, Nihon's fleet is such a nice place to be! I'll help out too!

Light Carrier

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Houshou Play Xác かに, tuần の cá thu đao は đại 変 mỹ vị しい vật です. Diêm thiêu きもお sashimi もいいですね. Chuẩn bị しますね. Of course when they're in season saury are very delicious. Shioyaki and Sashimi both sound good. I'll prepare some.
Ryuujou Play ほっほ~う, cá thu đao cá の chi viện やな? Trên không thẳng giấu は, ウチにまかしとき! Cá thu đao かぁ…アイツも hảo きそうだなぁ…せや! Nay độ thiêu いて cầm ってったろ! うん! HoHooo, Saury fishing support, huh? Leave keeping the skies clear to me! Saury huh...those guys sure do like them don't they...hey! This time why don't we take some and fry em up! Yeah!
Ryuuhou Play Hạm đội toàn lực で cá thu đao cá chi viện ですか? Long phượng, hiểu biết しました! Cơ phong さん, bang phong さんも, chuẩn bị vạn đoan ですね? The fleet will be totally committed to supporting the saury fishing huh? Taigei, Roger that! Isokaze-san, Hamakaze-san are you both ready?

Standard / Armored Carrier

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Souryuu Play Cá thu đao って, あ の cá thu đao? ほぇ~, いいけど, xác かに diêm thiêu き, おいしいよね! Saury, umm those Saury? Oh~, that's good, surely if we make some Shioyaki it'll be delicious won't it!
Hiryuu Play くんくん, cá thu đao の diêm thiêu き の いい hung い! そっか, trấn thủ phủ cá thu đao tế り の mùa! いいねぇ! Heheh, Shioyaki Saury has a good smell! That's right, it's the season for the Naval District's Saury festival! Great!
Unryuu Play やだ, cá thu đao って, こんなにおいしい の ね. Tuần の thực べ vật って, bổn đương に tố địch ね. そうだ, nay độ, khi vũ にも thực べさせよ. うふふ No way, it's saury, those are so delicious. When they're in season they're really nice. Oh that's right, this time I should have some with Shigure. Ufufu.
Graf Zeppelin Play Gì? サンマ?……どういうことだ. Quý quan の ngôn う làm chiến nhiệm vụ が, toàn く lý giải できない. Ngư trường bảo hộ……と, chi viện……だと? なるほど.……あ, いや, đãi て đãi て đãi て. What? Sanma? Could you explain this operation I don't quite understand. The fisheries need protection and we're heading out to support them? Now I get it. Wait...nope I still don't get it...hold on, hold on, hold on....
Aquila Play Sanma? Biết らないお cá ですね…. Nhật Bản の お tế りですか? ふむ ふむ… Cá sư さん đạt の chi viện な の ですね! りょう・かい・です♪ Sanma? That's a fish I don't know. It's for a Japanese Festival? Hmm, Hmm....Alright Mr. Fishermen, I'll be along soon to support you! Ro-ger-That!
Taihou Play み, toàn さんどうしたんですか? そ の biên thành, trang bị は nhất thể……. え? Phương bắc cá thu đao cá chi viện……ですか? そ, そうですか. そう…… E...everyone what happened to you? This equipment, these loadouts...what the heck? Huh? It's to support the Northern Saury Fishing Expedition you say? Oh that makes sense I guess...yeah....


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
I-168 Play Cá thu đao cá の chi viện ね! Tư đạt lặn xuống nước hạm はあんまりどうかと tư うけど……うん! やってみようか! Khí cầm ちで ứng viện! とか ra tới るし! Saury fishing support huh! I wonder if there's any thing us subs can do...Oh yeah! Let's try that! I'll cheer them on! I can do that!
I-58 Play Cá thu đao tế りでち! Cá thu đao は quang に tập まる tập tính があるから, cá にはぴかーっと quang るも の, cầm って hành くといいでち! It's the saury festival dechi! Since the saury like to gather where there's lots of light it'd be a good idea to bring lots of shiny lights dechi!
I-26 Play くん, くん, くん…こ の hung いは, もしかして cá thu đao? Cá thu đao thiêu いてる の? Thực べたい, thực べたい, thực べたーい! Kun, Kun, Kun, this smell, could it be saury? Is it a saury fry? I want some, I want some, I want some!
Maruyu Play なにやら hạm đội は vội しそ. Minh かりがいっぱいつけて, ホッポウ の hải vực ra ていく. Mộc từng さん, あれって?... うん, うん... あ, なるほどそうだったですね! This sure is one busy fleet. They're completely bathed in light heading off to the northern sea. Kiso-san, whats that?....Oh...Oh...I get it now!


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Taigei Play Hạm đội で cá thu đao cá chi viện ですか? Hiểu biết しました! あ, cơ phong さんも chuẩn bị vạn đoan ですね~よし! The fleet will supporting Saury Fishing? Roger that! Ah, Isokaze-san is ready too~ Alright!
Akitsumaru Play これがサンマ cá chi viện nhiệm vụ でありますか. Tự đánh giá も tham gia してみたくはありますが…. Đề đốc điện, trang bị によっては khả năng でありましょうか? There's going to be a saury fishing expedition? I'd like to join as well but...Admiral-dono is it even possible for me to use the equipment? Akitsumaru can't equip Searchlights, Skilled Lookouts, or ASW equips. Sadly she's not much help with fishing.