Acastawayis a person who is cast adrift or ashore. While the situation usually happens after ashipwreck,some people voluntarily stay behind on adesert island,either to evadecaptorsor the world in general. A person may also be left ashore as punishment (marooned).

U.S. merchant seamen try to revive a shipwrecked Filipino fisherman rescued in the South China Sea (1983)
Castaways may need to survive on adesert island.

The provisions and resources available to castaways may allow them to live on the island until other people arrive to take them off the island. However, such rescue missions may never happen if the person is not known to still be alive, if the fact that they are missing is unknown, or if the island is not mapped. These scenarios have given rise to the plots of numerous stories in the form ofnovelsandfilm.

Real occurrences




Icelander Thorgisl set out to travel toGreenland.He and his party were first driven into a remote sound on the east coast of Greenland. Thorgisl, his infant son, and several others were then abandoned there by theirthralls.Thorgisl and his party traveled slowly along the coast to theEystribyggðsettlement ofErik the Redon the southwest coast of Greenland. Along the way, they met a Viking, an outlaw who had escaped to East Greenland. This history is told inFlóamanna sagaand Origines Islandicae and occurred during the early years ofViking Greenland,whileLeif Ericsonwas still alive.

Grettir Ásmundarson


Icelander Grettir Ásmundarson wasoutlawedby the assembly inIceland.After many years on the run, he and two companions went to the forbidden island ofDrangey,where he lived several more years before his pursuers managed to kill him in 1031.

Fernão Lopes


The Portuguese soldier Fernão Lopes was marooned on the island ofSaint Helenain 1513. He had lost his right hand, the thumb of his left hand, his nose, and his ears as punishment for mutiny andapostasyfor converting toIslam.For the rest of his life – he died in about 1545 – Lopes stayed on the island, except for two years around 1530, when the Portuguese king helped him travel to Rome, where the Pope granted himabsolutionfor his sin of apostasy.

Juan de Cartagena and Pedro Sánchez Reina


In April 1520, a mutiny broke out inMagellan's fleet while at thePatagonianseashore. Magellan put it down and executed some of the ringleaders. He then punished two others: theKing of Spain's delegate,Juan de Cartagenaand the priest, Pedro Sánchez Reina, by marooning them in that desolate place. They were never heard from again.

Gonzalo de Vigo


Gonzalo de Vigo was a Spanish sailor (Galician) who deserted from Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa'sTrinidad,part of the Spanish expedition ofFerdinand Magellan,while in theMaug Islandsin August 1522. He lived with theChamorrosfor four years and visited thirteen main islands in theMarianasuntil he was unexpectedly found inGuamin 1526 by theflagshipof theLoaísa Expedition,on its way to theSpice Islandsand the secondcircumnavigationof the globe. Gonzalo de Vigo was the first recorded European castaway in the history of the Pacific Ocean.[1]

Marguerite de La Rocque


A French noblewoman, Marguerite de la Rocque, was marooned in 1542 on an island in theGulf of St Lawrence,off the coast ofQuebec.She was left by her near relativeJean-François de La Rocque de Roberval,a noblemanprivateer,as punishment for her affair with a young man on board ship. The young man joined her, as did a servant woman, both of whom later died, as did the baby de la Rocque bore. Marguerite survived by hunting wild animals and was later rescued by fishermen. She returned to France and became well known when her story was recorded by theQueen of Navarrein her workHeptaméron.

Jan Pelgrom de Bye and Wouter Loos


In 1629 Jan Pelgrom de Bye van Bemel, a cabin boy, andWouter Loos,a 24-year-old soldier, had been on board the Dutch shipBatavia.The ship was famous because it was wrecked on Morning Reef of the Wallabi Group of theHoutman Abrolhos,(off the west coast of Australia) leading to the infamous Batavia Mutiny and mass killings. When all culprits were arrested on the islets, most of them were either hanged or sent to court in the town ofBatavia(nowJakarta). However, Jan Pelgrom and Wouter Loos were marooned on the Australian mainland, probably at or near the mouth of Hutt River in Western Australia, on 16 November 1629. They were the first Europeans to reside in Australia.Abel Tasman(after whomTasmaniawas named) was subsequently ordered to search for the castaways on his voyage along the coasts of northern Australia in 1643–44 but did not sail that far south. They were not seen again by Europeans. It has been argued byRupert GerritseninAnd Their Ghosts May Be Heardand subsequent publications that they survived and had a profound influence on local Aboriginal groups such as theNhandaandAmangu.

68 passengers and crew fromVergulde Draeck


In the early hours of 28 April 1656 a Dutch vessel belonging to theVerenigde Oostindische Compagnie(VOC),Vergulde Draeck,struck a reef off Ledge Point on the central west coast ofWestern Australia,about 5 kilometres from shore, and approximately 90 kilometres north of wherePerthnow stands. At least 75 individuals made it to shore, where they camped. Seven men departed in a boat, making for Batavia, now known as Jakarta, at the western end of Java. They arrived there on 7 June 1656 and raised the alarm. A number of ships were then dispatched over the following two years to search for the survivors who had remained behind, but an incorrect latitude meant the searches focused on the wrong area. The original campsite, by then abandoned, was not found until 26 February 1658, by a shore party led by Upper Steersman Abraham Leeman.[2]There has been much speculation as to the fate of the 68, who may have ended up east ofGeraldton,approximately 350 kilometres to the north, ultimately integrating with the local Aboriginal population.[3]Two stone arrangements, theRing of Stones,found to the north in modern times may have been markers left by the 68 survivors. Archaeological investigations are continuing in an endeavour to locate the original campsite.

Upper Steersman Abraham Leeman and 13 others


On 28 March 1658, while searching for the 68 survivors of the wreck ofVergulde Draeckalong the lower central west coast ofWestern Australia,Upper Steersman Abraham Leeman and his boat crew of 13 fromWaeckende Boey(also known asWaeckende Boeij( "Watching Buoy" )) were inexplicably abandoned by the skipper of that ship, Samuel Volkersen. They were then about 180 km north of present-dayPerth.Their boat was in poor condition, they had no water, just a few pounds of flour contaminated by seawater, and some rashers of bacon.

Leeman, who kept a journal,[4]rallied his crew. They found water by digging on an offshore islet, and then killed seals and dried the meat, using the skins to raise the sides of the boat. Leeman even constructed his own compass. They then set sail forJava.They made their way up the Western Australian coast, and after a voyage of 2500 km reached the eastern end of Java with the loss of only one man. In endeavouring to land, their boat was wrecked and many of the men ran off into the jungle. Leeman and his three remaining companions then walked the full length of the south coast of Java, through jungle, volcanic country, braving marauding tigers along the way. Upon getting to the western end of Java they were captured by a Javanese prince and held for ransom. The Dutch then paid the ransom and Leeman and his compatriots finally made it to Batavia (Jakarta) on 23 September 1658.[5]

A Miskito called Will


In 1681, aMiskitonamed Will by his English comrades was sent ashore as part of an English foraging party toMás a Tierra.When he was hunting for goats in the interior of the island, he suddenly saw his comrades departing in haste after having spotted the approach of enemies, leaving Will behind to survive until he was picked up in 1684.

Alexander Selkirk


TheJuan Fernández Islands,to which Más a Tierra belongs, would have a more famous occupant in October 1704 when Alexander Selkirk made the decision to stay there. Selkirk, a sailor with theWilliam Dampierexpedition, became concerned about the condition and seaworthiness of theCinque Ports,the vessel on which he was sailing, and chose to be put ashore on the island. The ship later sank with most of its crew being lost. Being a voluntary castaway, Selkirk was able to gather numerous provisions to help him to survive, including amusket,gunpowder,carpenter's tools,a knife, aBible,and clothing. He survived on the island for four years and four months, building huts and hunting the plentiful wildlife before his rescue on 2 February 1709. His adventures are said to be a possible inspiration forRobinson Crusoe,a novel byDaniel Defoepublished in 1719.

Philip Ashton


Philip Ashton, born inMarblehead, Massachusetts,in 1702, was captured bypirateswhile fishing near the coast ofNova Scotiain June 1722. He managed to escape in March 1723 when the pirates' ship landed atRoatánin theBay IslandsofHonduras,hiding in the jungle until the pirates left him there. He survived for 16 months, in spite of many insects, tropical heat, and crocodiles. He had no equipment at all until he met another castaway, an Englishman. The Englishman disappeared after a few days but he left behind a knife, gunpowder, tobacco, and more. Ashton was finally rescued by theDiamond,a ship fromSalem, Massachusetts.[6]

Survivors of theZuytdorp


TheZuytdorpdeparted from the Cape of Good Hope on 22 April 1712 with at least 200 to 250 people on board, including women and children, and disappeared. It is now thought to have struck theZuytdorp Cliffson the central coast ofWestern Australiain early June 1712. The first signs of the wreck were found in 1927 but it was not until 1959 that the identity of the wreck was confirmed by Dr. Philip Playford.[7]The discovery of a considerable amount of material from the wreck on the scree slope and top of the cliffs established that many people had managed to get off the stricken vessel and on to shore. Exactly how many people survived the disaster is uncertain and estimates vary from 30 up to 180 or more. There has been speculation that the survivors headed east along theMurchison River,60 kilometres to the south. However, finds of a coin and a 'Leyden Tobacco Tin' at wells to the north, as well as linguistic and technological evidence suggest they headed north, perhaps ending up in the northernGascoyne,about 450 kilometres north of the wrecksite.[8]It is thought the survivors ultimately integrated with local Aboriginal populations.

Leendert Hasenbosch


Leendert Hasenbosch was a Dutch ship's officer (a bookkeeper), probably born in 1695. He was set ashore on the uninhabitedAscension Islandon 5 May 1725 as a punishment forsodomy.He was left behind with a tent, a survival kit, and an amount of water sufficient to last about four weeks. He had bad luck in that no ships called at the island during his stay. He ateseabirdsandgreen turtles,but probably died of thirst after about six months. He wrote a diary that was found in January 1726 by British mariners who brought the diary back to Britain. The diary was rewritten and published a number of times.

In 2002, the full truth of the story was disclosed in a book by Dutch historian Michiel Koolbergen (1953–2002), the first to mention Hasenbosch by name. Before that time, the castaway's name had not been known. The story is available in English asA Dutch Castaway on Ascension Island in 1725.[9][10]

Charles Barnard


In 1812, the British shipIsabella,captained by George Higton, was shipwrecked offEagle Island,one of theFalkland Islands.Most of the crew were rescued by the AmericansealerNanina,commanded by Captain Charles Barnard. However, realising that they would require more provisions for the expanded number of passengers, Barnard and a few others went out in a party to retrieve more food. During his absence, theNaninawas taken over by the British crew, who left them on the island. Barnard and his party were finally rescued in November 1814. In 1829, Barnard wrote,A Narrative of the Sufferings and Adventures of Captain Charles Barnard,detailing the happenings.

Crews of theGraftonandInvercauld


On January 3, 1864, the 56-ton schoonerGraftonwas wrecked in the north arm of Carnley Harbour,Auckland Island.The five-man crew, led by Captain Thomas Musgrave and Francois Edouard Raynal as mate, spent twenty months on the island until three of them went out for rescue in the ship's dinghy, sailing more than 400 km up north to Stewart Island. All men survived. Unknown to them, on May 11, 1864, the shipInvercauldbound from Melbourne to Callao was wrecked in bad weather on the west coast of the same island. From the initial crew of 25, only 19 made it to shore and after more than a year spent on the island only three men survived starvation and cold, being rescued by a ship looking for a shelter to make repairs.

Steven Callahan


A week after sailing from theCanary Islandson January 19, 1982, Steven Callahan's self-madesloopNapoleon Solohad hit an unknown object during a night storm, he managed to escape into a six manlife raft,diving into the sinking boat a few times in order to get the supplies he needed for survival before cutting his raft loose. Utilising 2solar stills(a third of which was cut open to find out how they worked) and eatingfish,barnaclesandbirdshe captured, he survived for 76 days adrift before reaching the Caribbean, where he was discovered and rescued by local fishermen.



Survivors of theStrathmoresurvived for 7 months on a small island of theCrozet Islandsfrom 1875 to 1876. They survived from eating eggs and flesh of geese, albatrosses and other seabirds. The also ate root vegetables and fish.[11]The survival was the input for, among others, the book “Survival on the Crozet Islands: The Wreck of the Strathmore in 1875”.[12]

Other castaways


Other castaways in history include:

  • Pedro Serrano,a 16th-century Spanish sailor marooned on a small island in the Caribbean.
  • James Knightand his crew perished onMarble Islandin 1721 while looking for theNorthwest Passage.
  • Four Russian whalers, Aleksei Inkov, Khrisanf Inkov, Stepan Sharapov, and Fedor Verigin, survived from 1743 to 1749 probably onHalvmåneøyain the Svalbard group of Norwegian islands; one died shortly before rescue[13]
  • The French cargo shipL’Utileran aground in 1761 on an island of sand and coral today known as Tromelin Island on its way to Mauritius while on an unofficial detour when travelling from Madagascar, carrying an unauthorised cargo of slaves. A flat bottom ship was made using the remains of the wreckage and 80 Malagasy were left on the island with three months supplies and were told that the 122 departing sailors would send help at the first opportunity. They were rescued 15 years later.[14]
  • TheBounty's mutineers and Tahitian women
  • James Riley,who led his crew through the Sahara Desert, after they were shipwrecked off the coast ofWestern Saharain August 1815
  • Otokichi,a Japanese boy whose ship was cast adrift and after 14 months reached the west coast of North America in 1834
  • Juana Maria,the last surviving member of theNicoleño,who lived alone onSan Nicolas Island,California,from 1835 to 1853 and inspiredScott O'Dell'sIsland of the Blue Dolphins
  • Nakahama Manjirō,a Japanese fisherman's son, shipwrecked onTori-shimain 1841, who was rescued by an American ship and played a role in the opening up of Japan to the West
  • James Morrill,an English sailor who was shipwrecked off the coast of north-easternAustraliain 1846. After surviving a journey in a makeshift raft to the mainland, he was taken in by a local clan ofAboriginal Australians.He adopted their language and customs and lived as a member of their society for 17 years before joining the newly established British colony.
  • Narcisse Pelletier,a 14-year-old French cabin boy who was abandoned on theCape York Peninsulain Australia in 1858. He was adopted by anAboriginalfamily with whom he lived for 17 years before being discovered by the crew of a passing ship and returned to France against his will.
  • A number of crew members on thePolaris Expeditionon apolar expeditionwere accidentally cast a float on an ice floe and endured six months and 2900 km living in tents and igloos while moving from floe to floe.
  • On theJeannetteexpeditionto thenorth pole,after being frozen in pack ice and spending 16 months adrift their ship was crushed. 33 Men took to the ice to walk and sail to the Lena River on the Siberian Coast. 13 survivors made it back to the United States.
  • 22 men ofErnest Shackleton'sTrans-Antarctic expeditionwere stranded onElephant Islandoff the Antarctic Peninsula for four months in 1916.
  • Ada Blackjack,anInukwoman left alone (1921–23) onWrangel Islandwhen a European expedition went wrong.
  • Poon Lim,a Chinese sailor who survived 133 days alone in the South Atlantic after his ship was torpedoed by theGermanKriegsmarine.Rescued in 1943. His story partly used byAlfred Besterin The Stars My Destination (1956) as an idiom for the protagonist Gully Foyle.
  • TheTongan castaways,a group of teenage boys who ran away from school in 1965 and ended up marooned on an island in the Pacific for 15 months. Their story has been held as a parallel with the fictional boy castaways in the novelLord of the Flies.
  • Gerald KingslandandLucy Irvine,author ofCastaway,British writers and self-imposed castaways for a year (1982–83) onBarney Island, Queensland,in theTorres StraitbetweenNew Guineaand Australia
  • 16 people who were washed onto an island[specify]during the2004 Indian Ocean Tsunamiand were rescued after two months[citation needed]
  • Jesús Vidaña,Salvador Ordóñez and Lucio Rendón, three Mexican fishermen from the port of San Blas, Nayarit who sailed 5,500 miles (8,900 km) in nine months before being rescued 200 miles (320 km) from the Marshall Islands on August 9, 2006
  • On December 19, 2011, two fishermen from theRepublic of Kiribatilanded in theMarshall Islandswhere they were rescued by theU.S. Coast Guard.The men were adrift for 33 days and fed ontuna.The two men, aged 53 and 26, were also involved in a rare incident upon landing when the 26-year-old found that his uncle, who had disappeared at sea more than 25 years ago and was long believed dead, had landed in the Marshall Islands as well and married there, where he also had children.[15]
Robinson Crusoe(1719) byDaniel Defoe.Illustration of Crusoe standing overMan Fridayafter freeing him from the cannibals.

Various novels, television shows and films tell the story of castaways:

Pre-20th century




This is a list of fiction. There are also memoirs such asCastaway.


Title Director Notable cast Summary Released Notes
The Blue Lagoon W. Bowden, Dick Cruickshanks Molly Adair First film adaptation of thenovel. 1923
Mr. Robinson Crusoe A. Edward Sutherland Douglas Fairbanks A yachtsman makes a bet his friends that he can swim ashore on a remote island in the South Seas with nothing but a toothbrush and be "living the life of Riley" when they return. 1932
The Blue Lagoon Frank Launder Jean Simmons,Donald Houston Second film adaptation of the novel. 1949
Miss Robin Crusoe Eugene Frenke Amanda Blake,George Nader,Rosalind Hayes A variation ofRobinson Crusoestarring Amanda Blake as Robin Crusoe. 1953
Robinson Crusoe Luis Buñuel Daniel O'Herlihy Adaptation based on thebook of the same name.Lead actor Dan O'Herlihy, playing Crusoe, was nominated for the 1955 Academy Award for Best Actor – making him the only actor to receive a nomination for the role. 1954
Swiss Family Robinson Ken Annakin John Mills,Dorothy McGuire,James MacArthur Walt Disney adaptation based on thebook of the same name. 1960
In Search of the Castaways Robert Stevenson Hayley Mills,Maurice Chevalier,George Sanders,Wilfrid Hyde-White,Michael Anderson Jr. Walt Disney adaptation based on thebook of the same name. 1962
Lord of the Flies Peter Brook James Aubrey,Tom Chapinand Hugh Edwards Based on thebook of the same name. 1963 Awards:1NBR Award
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. Byron Paul Dick Van Dyke Walt Disney adaptation based on thebook of the same name. 1966 Awards:1Golden Laurel
Hell in the Pacific John Boorman Lee Marvin,Toshiro Mifune An American pilot and a Japanese naval captain match wits when both are marooned on an uninhabited island during World War II. 1968
Swept Away Lina Wertmüller Giancarlo Giannini,Mariangela Melato A rich woman and a communist sailor are stranded on an island in theMediterranean Sea. 1974 Awards:1David di Donatello Award,1 other award
The Blue Lagoon Randal Kleiser Brooke Shields,Christopher Atkins,Leo McKern Two children survive a shipwreck and grow up on a tropical island in the South Pacific. 1980 Third film version of the novel.
Castaway Nicolas Roeg Oliver Reed,Amanda Donohoe Based on thebook of the same name. 1986
Lord of the Flies Harry Hook Balthazar Getty,Chris Furrh,Danuel Pipoly Shipwrecked on a tropical island, a group of English schoolchildren eventually revert to savagery in spite of the efforts of a few rational children. 1990 Remake of the 1963 film of the same title.
Return to the Blue Lagoon William A. Graham Brian Krause,Milla Jovovich,Lisa Pelikan The son of the original castaways is marooned with a young girl on a tropical island. 1991 Sequel toThe Blue Lagoon.
Robinson Crusoe Rod Hardy,George T. Miller Pierce Brosnan Film adaptation loosely based on the novel. 1997
Six Days Seven Nights Ivan Reitman Harrison Ford,Anne Heche,David Schwimmer A New York magazine editor and a pilot fight pirates and face other dangers after crash landing on a desert island in the South Seas. 1998
Cast Away Robert Zemeckis Tom Hanks After surviving a plane crash, a FedEx systems analyst finds himself stranded on a desert island in the South Pacific. 2000 Awards:1Golden Globe,15 other awards
Swept Away Guy Ritchie Madonna,Adriano Giannini,Bruce Greenwood Remake of the 1974 film of the same title. 2002
Survival Island Stewart Raffill Billy Zane,Kelly Brook,Juan Pablo Di Pace A love triangle turns deadly when a husband and wife, and her lover, are stranded on a desert island. 2005
The Breed Nicholas Mastandrea Michelle Rodriguez,Oliver Hudson,Taryn Manning A group of college students fly to a desert island for a party weekend find themselves under siege by murderous hounds. 2006


Title Network Notable cast Summary Years Notes
77 Sunset Strip– Secret Island ABC Efrem Zimbalist Jr.,Jacques Bergerac,Grant Sullivan,Catherine McLeod,Tuesday Weld,Kathleen Crowley While flying from thePhilippines,Stuart Bailey, his prisoner, and four other survivors of a plane crash reach an isolated island, only to discover that it's the target of anh bombtest. December 4, 1959
Gilligan's Island CBS Bob Denver,Alan Hale Jr.,Jim Backus,Natalie Schafer,Tina Louise,Russell Johnson,Dawn Wells Classic sitcom about seven castaways stranded on a desert island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean after a shipwreck. 1964–1967 Awards:3TV Land Awards,1 other award
The Admirable Crichton NBC Norman Barrs,Pamela Brown,Edward Cicciarelli A group of English aristocrats are shipwrecked when their yacht runs around on an island in the South Pacific. 1968 Television film
The New People ABC Tiffany Bolling,Zooey Hall,David Moses A group of young college students are stranded after their plane crashes on a mysterious island in the South Pacific. 1969–1970
Lost Flight NBC Lloyd Bridges,Anne Francis,Ralph Meeker The crew and passengers of a jet airliner crash struggle to survive on an uninhabited island in the South Pacific. 1970 Television film
Der Seewolf[de] ZDF
Edward Meeks,Raimund Harmstorf Based on thebook of the same name. 1971–1973 Television miniseries
The Six Million Dollar Man- Survival of the Fittest ABC Lee Majors,Richard Anderson Oscar Goldman becomes the target for several conspirators who want to stop him from negotiating with theRussians.As he and Steve Austin fly back toWashington, D.C.,their plane is caught in a storm, and they crash land on an island in thePacific Ocean.Amongst the survivors are the conspirators who want to kill Oscar. January 25, 1974
The Cay NBC James Earl Jones,Alfred Lutter III Based on thebook of the same name. 1974 Television film
The Bionic Woman- Fly Jamie ABC Lindsay Wagner,Martin E. Brooks Jaime is undercover asstewardessMiss Winters to keep an eye on Rudy Wells, who is transporting a top-secret Cobalt 247 formula. The plane goes down in an electrical storm and the passengers end up on a desert island where the conspirators will do anything to get the formula from Rudy. May 5, 1976
Shogun NBC Richard Chamberlain,Toshiro Mifune,Yoko Shimada An English navigator and his crew are shipwrecked in feudal Japan. 1980 Television miniseries.
Awards:3Golden Globes,5 other awards
Danger Island NBC Lisa Banes,Richard Beymer,Maria Celedonio A group of vacationers survive an airliner at sea on a flight and are cast ashore on a mysterious island. 1992 Television film
Mysterious Island Family Channel Alan Scarfe,Colette Stevenson,Stephen Lovatt Based on thebook of the same name. 1995
Bermuda Triangle ABC Sam Behrens,Susanna Thompson,Lisa Jakub After their boat sinks in an unusual storm, a family become stranded on an island in the "27th dimension". 1996 Television film
Forbidden Island Nikita Ager,Paul Kersey,Grayson McCouch Survivors of a plane crash are stranded on a mysterious tropical island which possesses supernatural powers. 1999
Survivor/Expedition Robinson Various N/A Reality game show in which contestants various remote island areas while competing in challenges and progressively vote each other out of the game. 1997–
Castaway 2000 BBC N/A Reality televisionseries in which a volunteer community lived for a year on the previously uninhabitedTaransayin theOuter Hebrides. 2000–2001
Jumping Ship Disney Channel Joey Lawrence,Matthew Lawrence,Andrew Lawrence Three brothers sailing to Australia for summer vacation are forced to abandon ship during an encounter with modern-day pirates. 2001 Television movie. Sequel toHorse Sense.
Dinotopia ABC Tyron Leitso,Wentworth Miller,David Thewlis Two American teenage boys on a joyride in their father's plane crash land onan isolated islandwhere humans and sentient dinosaurs peacefully coexist. It later spawned a short-livedTV series. 2002 Television miniseries.
Awards:1Primetime Emmy,5 other awards
Lost ABC Terry O'Quinn,Matthew Fox,Evangeline Lilly,Josh Holloway,Jorge Garcia Drama series about the 48 survivors ofOceanic Flight 815as they try to survive on a mysterious island in the South Pacific. 2004–2010 Awards:1Golden Globe,56 other awards
Mysterious Island Hallmark Channel Kyle MacLachlan,Gabrielle Anwar,Patrick Stewart Based on thebook of the same name. 2005 Television film
Flight 29 Down Discovery Kids Allen Alvarado,Corbin Bleu,Jeremy James Kissner,Johnny Pacar Adventure series about teenagers after a plane crash on an island somewhere in theSouth Pacific. 2005–2010 Television show
Blue Lagoon: The Awakening Lifetime Indiana Evans,Brenton Thwaites Remake ofThe Blue Lagoonset in the 21st century. 2012 Television film
MythBusters:Duct Tape Island Discovery Channel Adam Savage,Jamie Hyneman Adam and Jamie recreate a castaway scenario: using onlyduct tapeto survive both on a desert island and on their canoe. 2012 Television show
Arrow WBTD Stephen Amell,Katie Cassidy,Colin Donnell Based on the fictional characterGreen Arrow.Oliver Queen is a castaway, and to survive he must forge himself into a weapon. He goes on to become a vigilante crime-fighter to clean up his city. 2012–
Awesomness/AwesomenessTV Nickelodeon N/A A sketch called "Gillian's Island" has the titular castaway (portrayed byAmber Montana) showing viewers of her "TV series" how to survive on an island in the event that they get stranded and await for the day when someone comes to rescue them. 2013 Web series/Television show



Minor part of the story


Castaways are part of other stories as well, where the event is not the central plot but is still an important aspect. Examples include:

Desert Island Discs


Desert Island Discsis aBBC Radio 4interview show in which the subject is invited to consider themselves as a castaway on a desert island, and then select their eight favourite records, one favourite book (in addition toThe Bibleand the Complete Works of Shakespeare), and a luxury inanimate object to occupy their time.

See also



  1. ^Coello, Francisco. "Conflicto hispano-alemán",Boletín de Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid,t.XIX. 2º semestre 1885, Madrid, pp. 233, 301
  2. ^Rupert Gerritsen2011Selected Transcriptions and Translations, and Collation of Information...... Relating to Material Evidence from the Vergulde Draeck... 1656–1658,Canberra: Batavia Online Publishing.
  3. ^Rupert Gerritsen1994And Their Ghosts May Be Heard,South Fremantle: Fremantle Art Centre Press. pp. 232–46.
  4. ^‘Journaal of te dag register van mijne voyagie...’
  5. ^See James Henderson 1982Marooned,Perth: St. George Books.
  6. ^"Pirate Biographies"atThe New England Pirate Museum.Accessed 4 December 2005.
  7. ^Philip Playford 1960 "The Wreck of the Zuytdorp On the Western Australian Coast in 1712", Nedlands: Royal Western Australian Historical Society.
  8. ^Rupert Gerritsen1994And Their Ghosts May Be Heardpp. 252–60; Philip Playford 1996Carpet of Silver: The Wreck of the ZuytdorpNedlands: University of Western Australia Press pp. 213–17.
  9. ^Alex Ritsema,A Dutch Castaway on Ascension Island in 1725(2010),ISBN978-1-4461-8986-3
  10. ^Michiel Koolbergen,Een Hollandse Robinson Crusoë(2002),ISBN90-74622-23-2
  11. ^"Varia".Algemeene visscherij-courant(in Dutch). 2 April 1876 – viaDelpher.
  12. ^"Survival on the Crozet Islands: The Wreck of the Strathmore in 1875.: 9780908708024 - AbeBooks".
  13. ^Four Against the Arctic: Shipwrecked for Six Years at the Top of the World.(2003). Simon & Schuster.ISBN0-7432-2431-0
  14. ^Macfarlane, J.A."Fifteen Years Forsaken".Damn Interesting.Retrieved3 August2021.
  15. ^"Pacific castaways find long-lost relatives" 13 December 2011. Archived from the original on January 20, 2012.RetrievedDecember 19,2011.