
Cities of Japan (without Hokkaido and Okinawa)

Acity(Thị,shi)is a localadministrativeunit inJapan.Cities are ranked on the same level astowns(Đinh,machi)andvillages(Thôn,mura),with the difference that they are not a component ofdistricts(Quận,gun).Like other contemporary administrative units, they are defined by theLocal Autonomy Lawof 1947.[2][3]

City status


Article 8 of the Local Autonomy Law sets the following conditions for a municipality to be designated as a city:

  • Population must generally be 50,000 or greater ( nguyên tắc として nhân khẩu 5 vạn nhân dĩ thượng )
  • At least 60% of households must be established in a central urban area ( trung tâm thị nhai địa の hộ sổ が toàn hộ sổ の6 cát dĩ thượng )
  • At least 60% of households must be employed in commerce, industry or other urban occupations ( thương công nghiệp đẳng の đô thị đích nghiệp thái に従 sự する thế đái nhân khẩu が toàn nhân khẩu の6 cát dĩ thượng )
  • Any other conditions set by prefectural ordinance must be satisfied ( tha に đương cai đô đạo phủ huyện の điều lệ で định める yếu kiện を mãn たしていること)

The designation is approved by the prefectural governor and theMinister for Internal Affairs and Communications.

A city can theoretically be demoted to a town or village when it fails to meet any of these conditions, but such a demotion has not happened to date. The least populous city,Utashinai, Hokkaido,has a population of three thousand, while a town in the same prefecture,Otofuke, Hokkaido,has over forty thousand.

Under the Act on Special Provisions concerning Merger of Municipalities(Thị đinh thôn の hợp tịnh の đặc lệ đẳng に quan する pháp luật,Act No. 59 of 2004),the standard of 50,000 inhabitants for the city status has been eased to 30,000 if such population is gained as a result of amerger of towns and/or villages,in order to facilitate such mergers to reduce administrative costs. Many municipalities gained city status under this eased standard. On the other hand, the municipalities recently gained the city status purely as a result of increase of population without expansion of area are limited to those listed inList of former towns or villages gained city status alone in Japan.

Classifications for large cities


TheCabinet of Japancan designate cities of at least 200,000 inhabitants to have the status ofcore city,ordesignated city.These statuses expand the scope of administrative authority delegated from the prefectural government to the city government.

Status of Tokyo


Tokyo,Japan's capital,existed as a cityuntil 1943, but is now legally classified as a special type ofprefecturecalled a metropolis(Đô,to).[4]The 23special wards of Tokyo,which constitute the core of the Tokyo metropolitan area, each have an administrative status analogous to that of cities. Tokyo also has several other incorporated cities, towns and villages within its jurisdiction.



Cities were introduced under the "city code" (shisei,Thị chế ) of 1888[5]during the "Great Meiji mergers" (Meiji no daigappei,Minh trị の đại hợp tịnh ) of 1889. The-shireplaced the previousurban districts/ "wards/cities"(-ku)that had existed as primary subdivisions of prefectures besidesrural districts(-gun)since 1878. Initially, there were 39 cities in 1889: only one in most prefectures, two in a few (Yamagata, Toyama, Osaka, Hyōgo, Fukuoka), and none in some – Miyazaki became the last prefecture to contain its first city in 1924. InOkinawa-ken and Hokkai-dō which were not yet fully equal prefectures in the Empire, major urban settlements remained organized as urban districts until the 1920s: Naha-ku and Shuri-ku, the two urban districts of Okinawa were only turned intoNaha-shi and Shuri-shi in May 1921, and six -ku ofHokkaidōwere converted into district-independent cities in August 1922.

By 1945, the number of cities countrywide had increased to 205. AfterWWII,their number almost doubled during the "great Shōwa mergers" of the 1950s and continued to grow so that it surpassed the number of towns in the early 21st century (see theList of mergers and dissolutions of municipalities in Japan).[6]As of October 1 2018, there are 792 cities of Japan.[7]

See also



  1. ^Cite error: The named referenceundefinedwas invoked but never defined (see thehelp page).
  2. ^Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications,e-gov database of legal texts:ChihōjichihōArchived2005-02-05 at theWayback Machine
  3. ^Ministry of Justice,Japanese Law Translation Database System:Local Autonomy Act
  4. ^"Tokyo - City Guide".japan-guide.Retrieved3 September2017.
  5. ^National Diet LibraryNihon hōrei sakuin( nhật bổn pháp lệnh tác dẫn, "Index of Japanese laws and ordinances" ): Entry thị chế,List of changes to the law and deliberative histories in the Imperial Diet of the laws that changed itArchived2019-09-17 at theWayback Machine(no legislative history of theshiseiitself as the law was decreed by the government in 1888 before the Imperial constitution took effect in 1890),List of other laws changed by itArchived2019-09-17 at theWayback Machine& entry for the revised thị chế of 1911,Legislative history of the bill in the Imperial DietArchived2019-09-17 at theWayback Machine,Laws changing/abolishing itArchived2019-09-17 at theWayback Machine,Laws changed by itArchived2019-09-17 at theWayback Machine
  6. ^MIC:Timeline of number of municipalities since the Great Meiji mergers
  7. ^Zenkoku shichōkai ( toàn quốc thị trường hội; nationwide association of city and special ward mayors)