Diesel fuel,also calleddiesel oil,heavy oil(historically) or simplydiesel,is anyliquid fuelspecifically designed for use in adiesel engine,a type ofinternal combustion enginein which fuel ignition takes place without a spark as a result of compression of the inlet air and then injection of fuel. Therefore, diesel fuel needs good compression ignition characteristics.

A tank of diesel fuel on a truck

The most common type of diesel fuel is a specificfractional distillateofpetroleumfuel oil,but alternatives that are not derived from petroleum, such asbiodiesel,biomass to liquid(BTL) orgas to liquid(GTL) diesel are increasingly being developed and adopted. To distinguish these types, petroleum-derived diesel is sometimes calledpetrodieselin some academic circles.[1]Petrodiesel is a high-volume profitable product produced in crude oil refineries.[2]

In many countries, diesel fuel is standardized. For example, in the European Union, the standard for diesel fuel isEN 590.Ultra-low-sulfur diesel(ULSD) is a diesel fuel with substantially loweredsulfurcontents. As of 2016, almost all of the petroleum-based diesel fuel available in the United Kingdom, mainland Europe, and North America is of a ULSD type. Before diesel fuel had been standardized, the majority of diesel engines typically ran on cheapfuel oils.These fuel oils are still used in watercraft diesel engines. Despite being specifically designed for diesel engines, diesel fuel can also be used as fuel for several non-diesel engines, for example theAkroyd engine,theStirling engine,or boilers forsteam engines.Diesel is often used inheavy trucks,howeverdiesel exhaust,especially from older engines, can cause health damage.[3][4]



Diesel fuel has many colloquial names; most commonly, it is simply referred to asdiesel.In the United Kingdom, diesel fuel for road use is commonly calleddieselor sometimeswhite dieselif required to differentiate it from a reduced-taxagricultural-onlyproduct containing anidentifying coloured dyeknown asred diesel.The official term for white diesel isDERV,standing fordiesel-engine road vehicle.[5]InAustralia,diesel fuel is also known asdistillate[6](not to be confused with"distillate"in an older sense referring to a different motor fuel), and inIndonesia(as well inIsrael), it is known asSolar,a trademarked name from the country's national petroleum companyPertamina.The termgas oil(French:gazole) is sometimes also used to refer to diesel fuel.





Diesel fuel originated from experiments conducted by German scientist and inventorRudolf Dieselfor hiscompression-ignition enginewhich he invented around 1892. Originally, Diesel did not consider using any specific type of fuel. Instead, he claimed that the operating principle of hisrational heat motorwould work with any kind of fuel in any state of matter.[7]The first diesel engine prototype and the first functional Diesel engine were only designed for liquid fuels.[8]

At first, Diesel testedcrude oilfromPechelbronn,but soon replaced it withpetrolandkerosene,because crude oil proved to be too viscous,[9]with the main testing fuel for the Diesel engine being kerosene (paraffin).[10]Diesel experimented with types oflamp oilfrom various sources, as well as types of petrol andligroin,which all worked well as Diesel engine fuels. Later, Diesel testedcoal tarcreosote,[11]paraffin oil, crude oil,gasolineandfuel oil,which eventually worked as well.[12]In Scotland and France,shale oilwas used as fuel for the first 1898 production Diesel engines because other fuels were too expensive.[13]In 1900, the French Otto society built a Diesel engine for the use with crude oil, which was exhibited at the1900 Paris Exposition[14]and the 1911 World's Fair in Paris.[15]The engine actually ran onpeanut oilinstead of crude oil, and no modifications were necessary for peanut oil operation.[14]

During his first Diesel engine tests, Diesel also usedilluminating gasas fuel, and managed to build functional designs, both with and without pilot injection.[16]According to Diesel, neither was a coal-dust–producing industry existent, nor was fine, high-quality coal-dust commercially available in the late 1890s. This is the reason why the Diesel engine was never designed or planned as a coal-dust engine.[17]Only in December 1899, did Diesel test a coal-dust prototype, which used external mixture formation and liquid fuel pilot injection.[18]This engine proved to be functional, but suffered from piston ring failure after a few minutes due to coal dust deposition.[19]

Since the 20th century


Before diesel fuel was standardised, diesel engines typically ran on cheap fuel oils. In the United States, these were distilled from petroleum, whereas in Europe, coal-tar creosote oil was used. Some diesel engines were fuelled with mixtures of fuels, such as petrol, kerosene, rapeseed oil, or lubricating oil which were cheaper because, at the time, they were not being taxed.[20]The introduction of motor-vehicle diesel engines, such as theMercedes-Benz OM 138,in the 1930s meant that higher-quality fuels with proper ignition characteristics were needed. At first no improvements were made to motor-vehicle diesel fuel quality. After World War II, the first modern high-quality diesel fuels were standardised. These standards were, for instance, the DIN 51601, VTL 9140–001, and NATO F 54 standards.[21]In 1993, the DIN 51601 was rendered obsolete by the new EN 590 standard, which has been used in the European Union ever since. In sea-going watercraft, where diesel propulsion had gained prevalence by the late 1970s due to increasing fuel costs caused by the1970s energy crisis,cheapheavy fuel oilsare still used instead of conventional motor-vehicle diesel fuel. These heavy fuel oils (often calledBunker C) can be used in diesel-powered and steam-powered vessels.[22]



Diesel fuel is produced from various sources, the most common beingpetroleum.Other sources includebiomass,animal fat,biogas,natural gas,andcoal liquefaction.

Petroleum diesel

A modern diesel dispenser

Petroleum diesel, also called petrodiesel,[23]fossil diesel, or mineral diesel, is the most common type of diesel fuel. It is produced from thefractional distillationofcrude oilbetween 200 and 350 °C (392 and 662 °F) atatmospheric pressure,resulting in a mixture of carbon chains that typically contain between 9 and 25carbonatomspermolecule.[24]

Synthetic diesel


Synthetic diesel can be produced from any carbonaceous material, including biomass, biogas, natural gas, coal and many others. The raw material is gasified intosynthesis gas,which after purification is converted by theFischer–Tropsch processto a synthetic diesel.[25]

The process is typically referred to asbiomass-to-liquid(BTL),gas-to-liquid(GTL) orcoal-to-liquid(CTL), depending on the raw material used.

Paraffinic synthetic diesel generally has a near-zero content of sulfur and very low aromatics content, reducing unregulated emissions[clarification needed]of toxic hydrocarbons,nitrous oxides[clarification needed]and particulate matter (PM).[26]


Biodieselmade fromsoybean oil

Biodieselis obtained fromvegetable oilor animal fats (biolipids) which are mainlyfatty acid methyl esters(FAME), andtransesterifiedwithmethanol.It can be produced from many types of oils, the most common beingrapeseedoil (rapeseed methyl ester, RME) in Europe andsoybean oil(soy methyl ester, SME) in the US. Methanol can also be replaced with ethanol for the transesterification process, which results in the production of ethyl esters. The transesterification processes use catalysts, such as sodium or potassium hydroxide, to convert vegetable oil and methanol into biodiesel and the undesirable byproducts glycerine and water, which will need to be removed from the fuel along with methanol traces. Biodiesel can be used pure (B100) in engines where the manufacturer approves such use, but it is more often used as a mix with diesel, BXX where XX is the biodiesel content in percent.[27][28]

FAME used as fuel is specified inDIN EN 14214[29]and ASTM D6751 standards.[30]

Fuel Injection Equipment (FIE) manufacturers have raised several concerns regarding biodiesel, identifying FAME as being the cause of the following problems: corrosion of fuel injection components, low-pressure fuel system blockage, increased dilution andpolymerizationof engine sump oil, pump seizures due to high fuel viscosity at low temperature, increased injection pressure, elastomeric seal failures and fuel injector spray blockage.[31]Pure biodiesel has an energy content about 5–10% lower than petroleum diesel.[32]The loss in power when using pure biodiesel is 5–7%.[28]

Unsaturated fatty acidsare the source for the lower oxidation stability. They react with oxygen and form peroxides and result in degradation byproducts, which can cause sludge and lacquer in the fuel system.[33]

As biodiesel contains low levels of sulfur, the emissions ofsulfur oxidesandsulfates,major components ofacid rain,are low. Use of biodiesel also results in reductions of unburned hydrocarbons,carbon monoxide(CO), and particulate matter. CO emissions using biodiesel are substantially reduced, on the order of 50% compared to most petrodiesel fuels. The exhaust emissions of particulate matter from biodiesel have been found to be 30% lower than overall particulate matter emissions from petrodiesel. The exhaust emissions of total hydrocarbons (a contributing factor in the localized formation of smog and ozone) are up to 93% lower for biodiesel than diesel fuel.[citation needed]

Biodiesel also may reduce health risks associated with petroleum diesel. Biodiesel emissions showed decreased levels ofpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon(PAH) and nitrated PAH compounds, which have been identified as potentialcarcinogens.In recent testing, PAH compounds were reduced by 75–85%, except forbenz(a)anthracene,which was reduced by roughly 50%. Targeted nPAH compounds were also reduced dramatically with biodiesel fuel, with2-nitrofluoreneand1-nitropyrenereduced by 90%, and the rest of the nPAH compounds reduced to only trace levels.[34]

Hydrogenated oils and fats


This category of diesel fuels involves converting thetriglyceridesin vegetable oil and animal fats into alkanes byrefiningandhydrogenation,such asNeste Renewable DieselorH-Bio.The produced fuel has many properties that are similar to synthetic diesel, and are free from the many disadvantages of FAME.

Dimethyl ether,DME, is a synthetic, gaseous diesel fuel that results in clean combustion with very little soot and reducedNOxemissions.[27]


Large diesel fuel tanks inSörnäinen,Helsinki,Finland

In the US, diesel is recommended to be stored in a yellow container to differentiate it fromkerosene,which is typically kept in blue containers, andgasoline(petrol), which is typically kept in red containers.[35]In the UK, diesel is normally stored in a black container to differentiate it from unleaded or leaded petrol, which are stored in green and red containers, respectively.[36]



The diesel engine is a multifuel engine and can run on a huge variety of fuels. However, development of high-performance, high-speed diesel engines for cars and lorries in the 1930s meant that a proper fuel specifically designed for such engines was needed: diesel fuel. In order to ensure consistent quality, diesel fuel is standardised; the first standards were introduced after World War II.[21]Typically, a standard defines certain properties of the fuel, such ascetane number,density,flash point,sulphurcontent, or biodiesel content. Diesel fuel standards include:

Diesel fuel

  • EN 590(European Union)
  • ASTM D975 (United States)
  • GOST R 52368 (Russia; equivalent to EN 590)
  • NATO F 54 (NATO; equivalent to EN 590)
  • DIN 51601 (West Germany; obsolete)

Biodiesel fuel

  • EN 14214(European Union)
  • ASTM D6751 (United States)
  • CAN/CGSB-3.524 (Canada)

Measurements and pricing


Cetane number


The principal measure of diesel fuel quality is itscetane number.A cetane number is a measure of the delay of ignition of a diesel fuel.[37]A higher cetane number indicates that the fuel ignites more readily when sprayed into hot compressed air.[37]European (EN 590 standard) road diesel has a minimum cetane number of 51. Fuels with higher cetane numbers, normally "premium" diesel fuels with additional cleaning agents and some synthetic content, are available in some markets.

Fuel value and price


About 86.1% of diesel fuel mass is carbon, and when burned, it offers a net heating value of 43.1 MJ/kg as opposed to 43.2 MJ/kg for gasoline. Due to the higher density, diesel fuel offers a higher volumetric energy density: the density of EN 590 diesel fuel is defined as 0.820 to 0.845 kg/L (6.84 to 7.05 lb/US gal) at 15 °C (59 °F), about 9.0-13.9% more than EN 228 gasoline (petrol)'s 0.720–0.775 kg/L (6.01–6.47 lb/US gal) at 15 °C, which should be put into consideration when comparing volumetric fuel prices. The CO2emissions from diesel are 73.25 g/MJ, just slightly lower than for gasoline at 73.38 g/MJ.[38]

Diesel fuel is generally simpler to refine from petroleum than gasoline, and contains hydrocarbons having a boiling point in the range of 180–360 °C (356–680 °F). Additional refining is required to remove sulfur, which contributes to a sometimes higher cost. In many parts of the United States and throughout the United Kingdom and Australia,[39]diesel fuel may be priced higher than petrol pergallonorlitre.[40][41]Reasons for higher-priced diesel include the shutdown of some refineries in theGulf of Mexico,diversion of mass refining capacity to gasoline production, and a recent transfer toultra-low-sulfur diesel(ULSD), which causes infrastructural complications.[42]In Sweden, a diesel fuel designated as MK-1 (class 1 environmental diesel) is also being sold. This is a ULSD that also has a lower aromatics content, with a limit of 5%.[43]This fuel is slightly more expensive to produce than regular ULSD. In Germany, the fuel tax on diesel fuel is about 28% lower than the petrol fuel tax.



Diesel fuel is similar toheating oil,which is used incentral heating.In Europe, the United States, and Canada,taxeson diesel fuel are higher than on heating oil due to thefuel tax,and in those areas, heating oil is marked withfuel dyesand trace chemicals to prevent and detecttax fraud."Untaxed" diesel (sometimes called "off-road diesel" or "red diesel" due to its red dye) is available in some countries for use primarily in agricultural applications, such as fuel for tractors, recreational and utility vehicles or othernoncommercialvehicles that do not usepublic roads.This fuel may have sulfur levels that exceed the limits for road use in some countries (e.g. US).

This untaxed diesel is dyed red for identification,[44]and using this untaxed diesel fuel for a typically taxed purpose (such as driving use), the user can be fined (e.g. US$10,000 in the US). In the United Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands, it is known asred diesel(or gas oil), and is also used inagriculturalvehicles, home heating tanks, refrigeration units on vans/trucks which contain perishable items such as food and medicine and for marine craft. Diesel fuel, or marked gas oil is dyed green in the Republic of Ireland and Norway. The term "diesel-engined road vehicle" (DERV) is used in the UK as a synonym for unmarked road diesel fuel. In India, taxes on diesel fuel are lower than on petrol, as the majority of the transportation for grain and other essential commodities across the country runs on diesel.

Taxes onbiodieselin the US vary between states. Some states (Texas, for example) have no tax on biodiesel and a reduced tax on biodiesel blends equivalent to the amount of biodiesel in the blend, so that B20 fuel is taxed 20% less than pure petrodiesel.[45]Other states, such as North Carolina, tax biodiesel (in any blended configuration) the same as petrodiesel, although they have introduced new incentives to producers and users of all biofuels.[46]



Diesel fuel is mostly used in high-speed diesel engines, especially motor-vehicle (e.g. car, lorry) diesel engines, but not all diesel engines run on diesel fuel. For example, large two-stroke watercraft engines typically use heavy fuel oils instead of diesel fuel,[22]and certain types of diesel engines, such as MANM-Systemengines, are designed to run on petrol with knock resistances of up to 86 RON.[47]On the other hand,gas turbineand some other types of internal combustion engines, andexternal combustion engines,can also be designed to take diesel fuel.

Theviscosityrequirement of diesel fuel is usually specified at 40 °C.[37]A disadvantage of diesel fuel in cold climates is that its viscosity increases as the temperature decreases, changing it into agel(seeCompression Ignition – Gelling) that cannot flow in fuel systems. Speciallow-temperature dieselcontains additives to keep it liquid at lower temperatures.

On-road vehicles


Trucksandbuses,which were often otto-powered in the 1920s through 1950s, are now almost exclusively diesel-powered. Due to its ignition characteristics, diesel fuel is thus widely used in these vehicles. Since diesel fuel is not well-suited for otto engines, passenger cars, which often use otto or otto-derived engines, typically run on petrol instead of diesel fuel. However, especially in Europe and India, many passenger cars have, due to better engine efficiency,[48]diesel engines, and thus run on regular diesel fuel.



Diesel displaced coal and fuel oil for steam-powered vehicles in the latter half of the 20th century, and is now used almost exclusively for the combustion engines of self-powered rail vehicles (locomotives and railcars).[49][50]


Packard DR-980 9-cylinder diesel aircraft engine, used in the first diesel-engine airplane

In general, diesel engines are not well-suited for planes and helicopters. This is because of the diesel engine's comparatively lowpower-to-mass ratio,meaning that diesel engines are typically rather heavy, which is a disadvantage in aircraft. Therefore, there is little need for using diesel fuel in aircraft, and diesel fuel is not commercially used as aviation fuel. Instead, petrol (Avgas), andjet fuel(e. g. Jet A-1) are used. However, especially in the 1920s and 1930s, numerous series-production aircraft diesel engines that ran on fuel oils were made, because they had several advantages: their fuel consumption was low, they were reliable, not prone to catching fire, and required minimal maintenance. The introduction of petrol direct injection in the 1930s outweighed these advantages, and aircraft diesel engines quickly fell out of use.[51]With improvements in power-to-mass ratios of diesel engines, several on-road diesel engines have been converted to and certified for aircraft use since the early 21st century. These engines typically run onJet A-1aircraft fuel (but can also run on diesel fuel). Jet A-1 has ignition characteristics similar to diesel fuel, and is thus suited for certain (but not all) diesel engines.[52]

Military vehicles


Until World War II, several military vehicles, especially those that required high engine performance (armored fighting vehicles,for example theM26 PershingorPanthertanks), used conventional otto engines and ran on petrol. Ever since World War II, several military vehicles with diesel engines have been made, capable of running on diesel fuel. This is because diesel engines are more fuel efficient, and diesel fuel is less prone to catching fire.[53]Some of these diesel-powered vehicles (such as theLeopard 1orMAN 630) still ran on petrol, and some military vehicles were still made with otto engines (e. g.Ural-375orUnimog 404), incapable of running on diesel fuel.

Tractors and heavy equipment


Today'stractorsandheavy equipmentare mostly diesel-powered. Among tractors, only the smaller classes may also offer gasoline-fuelled engines. Thedieselizationof tractors and heavy equipment began in Germany before World War II but was unusual in the United States until after that war. During the 1950s and 1960s, it progressed in the US as well. Diesel fuel is commonly used in oil and gas extracting equipment, although some locales use electric or natural gas powered equipment.

Tractors and heavy equipment were oftenmultifuelin the 1920s through 1940s, running either spark-ignition and low-compression engines, akryod engines, or diesel engines. Thus many farm tractors of the era could burn gasoline,alcohol,kerosene,and any light grade offuel oilsuch asheating oil,ortractor vaporising oil,according to whichever was most affordable in a region at any given time. On US farms during this era, the name "distillate" often referred to any of the aforementioned light fuel oils. Spark ignition engines did not start as well on distillate, so typically a small auxiliary gasoline tank was used for cold starting, and the fuel valves were adjusted several minutes later, after warm-up, to transition to distillate. Engine accessories such asvaporizersandradiator shroudswere also used, both with the aim of capturing heat, because when such an engine was run on distillate, it ran better when both it and the air it inhaled were warmer rather than at ambient temperature. Dieselization with dedicated diesel engines (high-compression with mechanical fuel injection and compression ignition) replaced such systems and made moreefficientuse of the diesel fuel being burned.

Other uses


Poor quality diesel fuel has been used as an extraction agent forliquid–liquid extractionofpalladiumfromnitric acidmixtures.[54]Such use has been proposed as a means of separating thefission productpalladium fromPUREXraffinatewhich comes from usednuclear fuel.[54]In this system of solvent extraction, thehydrocarbonsof the diesel act as thediluentwhile the dialkylsulfidesact as the extractant.[54]This extraction operates by asolvationmechanism.[54]So far, neither apilot plantnor full scale plant has been constructed to recover palladium,rhodiumorrutheniumfromnuclear wastescreated by the use ofnuclear fuel.[55]

Diesel fuel is often used as the main ingredient in oil-base mud drilling fluid.[56]The advantage of using diesel is its low cost and its ability to drill a wide variety of difficult strata, including shale, salt and gypsum formations.[56]Diesel-oil mud is typically mixed with up to 40% brine water.[57]Due to health, safety and environmental concerns, Diesel-oil mud is often replaced with vegetable, mineral, or synthetic food-grade oil-base drilling fluids, although diesel-oil mud is still in widespread use in certain regions.[58]

During development of rocket engines inGermanyduringWorld War IIJ-2 Diesel fuel was used as the fuel component in several engines including theBMW 109-718.[59]J-2 diesel fuel was also used as a fuel for gas turbine engines.[59]

Chemical analysis


Chemical composition

Dieseldoes not mixwith water. This picture also showcases the phenomenon ofThin-film interference.

In the United States, petroleum-derived diesel is composed of about 75%saturated hydrocarbons(primarilyparaffinsincludingn,iso,andcycloparaffins), and 25%aromatic hydrocarbons(includingnaphthalenesandalkylbenzenes).[60]The average chemical formula for common diesel fuel is C12H23,ranging approximately from C10H20to C15H28.[61]

Chemical properties


Most diesel fuels freeze at common winter temperatures, while the temperatures greatly vary.[62]Petrodiesel typically freezes around temperatures of −8.1 °C (17.4 °F), whereas biodiesel freezes between temperatures of 2 to 15 °C (36 to 59 °F).[62]The viscosity of diesel noticeably increases as the temperature decreases, changing it into a gel at temperatures of −19 to −15 °C (−2 to 5 °F), that cannot flow in fuel systems. Conventional diesel fuels vaporise at temperatures between 149 °C and 371 °C.[37]

Conventional dieselflash pointsvary between 52 and 96 °C, which makes it safer than petrol and unsuitable for spark-ignition engines.[63]Unlike petrol, the flash point of a diesel fuel has no relation to its performance in an engine nor to its auto ignition qualities.[37]

Carbon dioxide formation


As a good approximation the chemical formula of diesel isC
.Diesel is a mixture of different molecules. As carbon has a molar mass of 12 g/mol and hydrogen has a molar mass of about 1 g/mol, so the fraction by weight of carbon in EN 590 diesel fuel is roughly 12/14.

The reaction of diesel combustion is given by:

+ 3nO
⇌ 2nCO
+ 2nH

Carbon dioxide has a molar mass of 44g/mol as it consists of 2 atoms of oxygen (16 g/mol) and 1 atom of carbon (12 g/mol). So 12 g of carbon yield 44 g of Carbon dioxide.

Diesel has a density of 0.838 kg per liter.

Putting everything together the mass of carbon dioxide that is produced by burning 1 liter of diesel fuel can be calculated as:

The figure obtained with this estimation is close to the values found in the literature.

For gasoline, with a density of 0.75 kg/L and a ratio of carbon to hydrogen atoms of about 6 to 14, the estimated value of carbon emission if 1 liter of gasoline is burnt gives:[64]



Environment hazards of sulfur


In the past, diesel fuel contained higher quantities ofsulfur.European emission standardsand preferential taxation have forcedoil refineriesto dramatically reduce the level of sulfur in diesel fuels. In the European Union, the sulfur content has dramatically reduced during the last 20 years. Automotive diesel fuel is covered in the European Union by standardEN 590.In the 1990s specifications allowed a content of 2000 ppm max of sulfur, reduced to a limit of 350 ppm by the beginning of the 21st century with the introduction of Euro 3 specifications. The limit was lowered with the introduction of Euro 4 by 2006 to 50 ppm (ULSD,Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel). The standard for diesel fuel in force in Europe as of 2009 is the Euro 5, with a maximum content of 10 ppm.[65]

Emission standard At latest Sulfur content Cetane number
N/a 1 January 1994 max. 2000 ppm min. 49
Euro 2 1 January 1996 max. 500 ppm min. 49
Euro 3 1 January 2001 max. 350 ppm min. 51
Euro 4 1 January 2006 max. 50 ppm min. 51
Euro 5 1 January 2009 max. 10 ppm min. 51

In the United States, more stringent emission standards have been adopted with the transition toULSDstarting in 2006, and becoming mandatory on June 1, 2010 (see alsodiesel exhaust).

Algae, microbes, and water contamination


There has been much discussion and misunderstanding ofalgaein diesel fuel. Algae need light to live and grow. As there is no sunlight in a closed fuel tank, no algae can survive, but somemicrobescan survive and feed on the diesel fuel.[66]

These microbes form a colony that lives at the interface of fuel and water. They grow quite fast in warmer temperatures. They can even grow in cold weather when fuel tank heaters are installed. Parts of the colony can break off and clog the fuel lines and fuel filters.[67]

Water in fuel can damage a fuelinjection pump.Some dieselfuel filtersalso trap water. Water contamination in diesel fuel can lead to freezing while in the fuel tank. The freezing water that saturates the fuel will sometimes clog the fuel injector pump.[68]Once the water inside the fuel tank has started to freeze, gelling is more likely to occur. When the fuel is gelled it is not effective until the temperature is raised and the fuel returns to a liquid state.

Road hazard


Diesel is less flammable thangasoline / petrol.However, because it evaporates slowly, any spills on a roadway can pose a slip hazard to vehicles.[69]After the light fractions have evaporated, a greasy slick is left on the road which reducestiregrip and traction, and can cause vehicles to skid. The loss of traction is similar to that encountered onblack ice,resulting in especially dangerous situations for two-wheeled vehicles, such asmotorcyclesandbicycles,inroundabouts.

See also



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