Athesaurus(pl.:thesauriorthesauruses), sometimes called asynonym dictionaryordictionary of synonyms,is areference workwhich arranges words by their meanings (or in simpler terms, a book where one can find different words with similar meanings to other words),[1][2]sometimes as a hierarchy ofbroader and narrower terms,sometimes simply as lists ofsynonymsandantonyms.They are often used by writers to help find the best word to express an idea:

Thesaurus Linguae Latinae.
A modern english thesaurus. find the word, or words, by which [an] idea may be most fitly and aptly expressed

Synonym dictionaries have a long history. The word 'thesaurus' was used in 1852 byPeter Mark Rogetfor hisRoget's Thesaurus.

While some works called "thesauri", such asRoget's Thesaurus,group words in ahierarchicalhypernymictaxonomyof concepts, others are organised alphabetically[4][2]or in some other way.

Most thesauri do not include definitions, but many dictionaries include listings of synonyms.

Some thesauri and dictionary synonym notes characterise the distinctions between similar words, with notes on their "connotations and varying shades of meaning".[5]Some synonym dictionaries are primarily concerned with differentiating synonyms by meaning and usage.Usage manualssuch as Fowler'sDictionary of Modern English UsageorGarner's Modern English Usageoftenprescribeappropriate usage of synonyms.

Writers sometimes use thesauri to avoid repetition of words –elegant variation– which is often criticised by usage manuals: "Writers sometimes use them not just to vary their vocabularies but to dress them up too much".[6]



The word "thesaurus" comes fromLatinthēsaurus,which in turn comes fromGreekθησαυρός(thēsauros) 'treasure, treasury, storehouse'.[7]The wordthēsaurosis of uncertain etymology.[7][8][9]

Until the 19th century, a thesaurus was anydictionaryorencyclopedia,[9]as in theThesaurus Linguae Latinae(Dictionary of the Latin Language,1532), and theThesaurus Linguae Graecae(Dictionary of the Greek Language,1572). It was Roget who introduced the meaning "collection of words arranged according to sense", in 1852.[7]


Peter Mark Roget, author ofRoget's thesaurus

In antiquity,Philo of Byblosauthored the first text that could now be called a thesaurus. InSanskrit,theAmarakoshais a thesaurus in verse form, written in the 4th century.

The study of synonyms became an important theme in 18th-century philosophy, andCondillacwrote, but never published, a dictionary of synonyms.[10][11]

Some early synonym dictionaries include:

  • John Wilkins,An Essay Towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical LanguageandAlphabetical Dictionary(1668) is a "regular enumeration and description of all those things and notions to which names are to be assigned". They are not explicitly synonym dictionaries — in fact, they do not even use the word "synonym" — but they do group synonyms together.[12][13][14]
  • Gabriel Girard,La Justesse de la langue françoise, ou les différentes significations des mots qui passent pour synonymes(1718)[15]
  • John Trusler,The Difference between Words esteemed Synonyms, in the English Language; and the proper choice of them determined(1766)[16]
  • Hester Lynch Piozzi,British Synonymy(1794)[17]
  • James Leslie,Dictionary of the Synonymous Words and Technical Terms in the English Language(1806)[18]
  • George Crabb,English Synonyms Explained(1818)[19]

Roget's Thesaurus,first compiled in 1805 by Peter Mark Roget, and published in 1852, followsJohn Wilkins' semantic arrangement of 1668. Unlike earlier synonym dictionaries, it does not include definitions or aim to help the user choose among synonyms. It has been continuously in print since 1852 and remains widely used across the English-speaking world.[20]Roget described his thesaurus in the foreword to the first edition:[21]

It is now nearly fifty years since I first projected a system of verbal classification similar to that on which the present work is founded. Conceiving that such a compilation might help to supply my deficiencies, I had, in the year 1805, completed a classed catalogue of words on a small scale, but on the same principle, and nearly in the same form, as the Thesaurus now published.





Roget's original thesaurus was organized into 1000 conceptual Heads (e.g., 806 Debt) organized into a four-leveltaxonomy.For example, debt is classed under V.ii.iv:[22]

Class five,Volition: the exercise of the will
Division Two:Social volition
Section 4:Possessive Relations
Subsection 4:Monetary relations.

Each head includes direct synonyms: Debt, obligation, liability,...; related concepts: interest, usance, usury; related persons: debtor, debitor,... defaulter (808); verbs: to be in debt, to owe,...seeBorrow (788); phrases: to run up a bill or score,...; and adjectives: in debt, indebted, owing,.... Numbers in parentheses arecross-referencesto other Heads.

The book starts with a Tabular Synopsis of Categories laying out the hierarchy,[23]then the main body of the thesaurus listed by the Head, and then an alphabetical index listing the different Heads under which a word may be found: Liable,subject to,177;debt,806;duty,926.[24]

Some recent versions have kept the same organization, though often with more detail under each Head.[25]Others have made modest changes such as eliminating the four-level taxonomy and adding new heads: one has 1075 Heads in fifteen Classes.[26]

Some non-English thesauri have also adopted this model.[27]

In addition to its taxonomic organization, theHistorical Thesaurus of English(2009) includes the date when each word came to have a given meaning. It has the novel and unique goal of "charting the semantic development of the huge and varied vocabulary of English".

Different senses of a word are listed separately. For example, three different senses of "debt" are listed in three different places in the taxonomy:[28]
A sum of money that is owed or due; a liability or obligation to pay

Trade and Finance
Management of Money
Indebtedness [noun]

An immaterial debt; is an obligation to do something

Duty or obligation

An offence requiring expiation (figurative, Biblical)

Aspects of faith
instance of



Other thesauri and synonym dictionaries are organized alphabetically.

Most repeat the list of synonyms under each word.[29][30][31][32]

Some designate a principal entry for each concept and cross-reference it.[33][34][35]

A third system interfiles words and conceptual headings.Francis March'sThesaurus Dictionarygives forliability:CONTINGENCY, CREDIT–DEBT, DUTY–DERELICTION, LIBERTY–SUBJECTION, MONEY,each of which is a conceptual heading.[36]TheCREDIT—DEBTarticle has multiple subheadings, including Nouns of Agent, Verbs, Verbal Expressions,etc.Under each are listed synonyms with brief definitions,e.g."Credit.Transference of property on promise of future payment. "The conceptual headings are not organized into a taxonomy.

Benjamin Lafaye'sSynonymes français(1841) is organized aroundmorphologicallyrelated families of synonyms (e.g.logis, logement),[37]and hisDictionnaire des synonymes de la langue française(1858) is mostly alphabetical, but also includes a section on morphologically related synonyms, which is organized by prefix, suffix, or construction.[11]

Contrasting senses


Before Roget, most thesauri and dictionary synonym notes included discussions of the differences among near-synonyms, as do some modern ones.[32][31][30][5]

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Synonymsis a stand-alone modern English synonym dictionary that does discuss differences.[33]In addition, many general English dictionaries include synonym notes.

Several modern synonym dictionaries in French areprimarilydevoted to discussing the precise demarcations among synonyms.[38][11]

Additional elements


Some include short definitions.[36]

Some give illustrative phrases.[32]

Some include lists of objects within the category (hyponyms),e.g.breeds of dogs.[32]



Bilingual synonym dictionaries are designed for language learners. One such dictionary gives various French words listed alphabetically, with an English translation and an example of use.[39]Another one is organized taxonomically with examples, translations, and some usage notes.[40]

Information science and natural language processing


Inlibraryandinformation science,a thesaurus is a kind ofcontrolled vocabulary.

A thesaurus can form part of anontologyand be represented in theSimple Knowledge Organization System(SKOS).[41]

Thesauri are used innatural language processingforword-sense disambiguation[42]andtext simplificationformachine translationsystems.[43]

See also



  • W.E. Collinson, "Comparative Synonymics: Some Principles and Illustrations",Transactions of the Philological Society38:1:54–77, November 1939,doi:10.1111/j.1467-968X.1939.tb00202.x
  • Gerda Hassler, "Lafaye'sDictionnaire des synonymesin the History of Semantics "in Sheli Embleton, John E. Joseph, Hans-Josef Hiederehe,The Emergence of the Modern Language Sciences,John Benjamins 1999,ISBN1556197594,p.1:27–40
  • Werner Hüllen, "Roget's Thesaurus, deconstructed" inHistorical Dictionaries and Historical Dictionary Research,papers from theInternational Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology,University of Leicester, 2002, Max Niemeyer Verlag 2004,ISBN3484391235,p. 83–94
  • Werner Hüllen,A history of Roget's thesaurus: origins, development, and design,Oxford University Press 2004,ISBN0199254729
  • Werner Hüllen,Networks and Knowledge in Roget's Thesaurus,Oxford, January 2009,doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199553235.001.0001,ISBN0199553238
  • Gertrude E. Noyes, "The Beginnings of the Study of Synonyms in England",Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (PMLA)66:6:951–970 (December 1951)doi:10.2307/460151JSTOR460151
  • Eric Stanley, "Polysemy and Synonymy and how these Concepts were Understood from the Eighteenth Century onwards in Treatises, and Applied in Dictionaries of English" inHistorical Dictionaries and Historical Dictionary Research,papers from theInternational Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology,University of Leicester, 2002, Max Niemeyer Verlag 2004,ISBN3484391235,p. 157–184


  1. ^"thesaurus, n.",OED Online,Oxford University Press,retrieved2023-01-21
  2. ^abOxford thesaurus of English.Maurice Waite (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2009.ISBN978-0-19-956081-3.OCLC321014234.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: others (link)
  3. ^Roget, Peter. 1852.Thesaurus of English Language Words and Phrases.
  4. ^The Merriam-Webster thesaurus.Springfield, Massachusetts: Merriam-Webster. 2005.ISBN978-0-87779-637-4.OCLC57506786.
  5. ^abAmerican Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,5th edition, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2011,ISBN9780547041018,p. xxvii
  6. ^Edwin L. Battistella,"Beware the thesaurus", OUPblog, "Oxford University Press's Academic Insights for the Thinking World",February 11, 2018
  7. ^abc"thesaurus".Online Etymology Dictionary.
  8. ^R. S. P. Beekes,Etymological Dictionary of Greek,Brill, 2009, p. 548.
  9. ^abOxford English Dictionarys.v.
  10. ^Embleton
  11. ^abcB. Lafaye,Dictionnaire des synonymes de la langue française,Hachette 1869, 3rd edition
  12. ^John Wilkins,An Essay Towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language,London 1668full text
  13. ^John Wilkins, William Lloyd (anonymously),An Alphabetical Dictionary Wherein all English Words According to their Various Significations, Are either referred to their Places in the Philosophical Tables, Or explained by such Words as are in those Tables,London 1668full text
  14. ^Natascia Leonardi, "An Analysis of a Seventeenth Century Conceptual Dictionary with an Alphabetical List of Entries and a Network Definition Structure: John Wilkins' and William Lloyd'sAn Alphabetical Dictionary(1668) "inHistorical Dictionaries and Historical Dictionary Research,papers from theInternational Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology,University of Leicester, 2002, Max Niemeyer Verlag 2004,ISBN3484391235,p. 39-52
  15. ^Gabriel Girard,La Justesse de la langue françoise, ou les différentes significations des mots qui passent pour synonymes,Paris 1718,full text
  16. ^John Trusler (anonymously),The Difference between Words esteemed Synonyms, in the English Language; and the proper choice of them determined,London, 1766full text
  17. ^Hester Lynch Piozzi,British Synonymy; or, an Attempt Regulating the Choice of Words in Familiar Conversation,Dublin 1794full text
  18. ^James Leslie,Dictionary of the Synonymous Words and Technical Terms in the English Language,Edinburgh, 1806full text
  19. ^George Crabb,English Synonyms Explained, in Alphabetical Order with Copious Illustrations and Examples Drawn from the Best Writers,2nd edition, London 1818full text
  20. ^Hüllen, Werner (2003)."Introduction - Oxford Scholarship" March2018.
  21. ^Roget, P. M. (1982)."Prefact to the first edition, 1852".In Lloyd, Susan M. (ed.).Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases(New ed.). Harlow: Longman. p. xix.
  22. ^Peter Mark Roget,Thesaurus of English words and phrases, classified so as to facilitate the expression of ideas,1853,V.ii.iv, p. 204
  23. ^Roget,op.cit.p. xxvi
  24. ^Roget,op.cit.p. 349
  25. ^e.g.,George Davidson, ed.,Thesaurus of English words and phrases(150th Anniversary Edition), Penguin, 2002,ISBN0141004428,p. 454
  26. ^Barbara Ann Kipfer,ed.,Roget's International Thesaurus,7th edition, Collins Reference, 2010,ISBN9780061715228
  27. ^Daniel Péchoin,Thésaurus Larousse,Larousse 1991,ISBN9782033201074
  28. ^Christian Kay, Jane Roberts, Michael Samuels, Irené Wotherspoon,Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary,Oxford University Press 2009,ISBN9780199208999,p. ix
  29. ^Longman Synonym Dictionary,Rodale Press and Longman Group, 1986,ISBN0582893224
  30. ^abCharlton Laird, Michael Agnes, eds.,Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus,Macmillan USA, 3rd edition, 1971,ISBN0028632818
  31. ^abChristine A. Lindberg,The Oxford American Thesaurus of Current English,Oxford University Press, 1999,ISBN0195133757
  32. ^abcdOxford Thesaurus of English,3rd edition, 2009,ISBN9780199560813
  33. ^abMerriam-Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms: Choose Words with Precision,1994,ISBN0877799067uses an asterisk
  34. ^Henri Bertaud du Chazaud,Dictionnaire de synonyms et contraires,Le Robert "Les Usuels", 1998,ISBN2850364568
  35. ^Roger Boussinot,Dictionnaire des synonymes, analogies et antonymes,Bordas 1981,ISBN2040120092
  36. ^ab Francis Andrew March, Francis A. March, Jr.,March's Thesaurus and Dictionary of the English Language(issued under the editorial supervision ofNorman Cousins), Doubleday, 1968, p. 598full text, 1906 edition
  37. ^Pierre Benjamin Lafaye,Synonymes français,Paris 1841full text
  38. ^Henri Bénac,Dictionnaire des synonymes,Hachette 1956,ISBN2010112199(1982 edition)
  39. ^R.E. Batchelor, M.H. Offord,Using French Synonyms,Cambridge University Press, 1993,ISBN0521372771
  40. ^Marie-Noëlle Lamy,The Cambridge French-English Thesaurus,Cambridge University Press, 1998,ISBN0521563488
  41. ^Miles, Alistair; Bechhofer, Sean (2009)."SKOS simple knowledge organization system reference".W3C Recommendation.18:W3C.
  42. ^Yarowsky, David. "Word-sense disambiguation using statistical models of Roget's categories trained on large corpora."Proceedings of the 14th conference on Computational linguistics-Volume 2. Association for Computational Linguistics, 1992.
  43. ^Siddharthan, Advaith. "An architecture for a text simplification system." Language Engineering Conference, 2002. Proceedings. IEEE, 2002.