Lex mercatoria(fromLatinfor "merchant law" ), often referred to as "the Law Merchant" in English, is the body ofcommercial lawused by merchants throughout Europe[disputeddiscuss]during themedievalperiod. It evolved similar to Englishcommon lawas a system of custom and best practice, which was enforced through a system of merchant courts along the main trade routes. It developed into an integrated body of law that was voluntarily produced, adjudicated and enforced on a voluntary basis[citation needed],alleviating the friction stemming from the diverse backgrounds and local traditions of the participants. Due to the international background local state law was not always applicable and the merchant law provided a leveled framework to conduct transactions reducing the preliminary of a trusted second party.[1][full citation needed]It emphasized contractual freedom and inalienability of property, while shunninglegal technicalities[clarification needed]and deciding casesex aequo et bono.[citation needed]Withlex mercatoriaprofessional merchants revitalized the almost nonexistent commercial activities in Europe, which had plummeted after the fall of the Roman Empire.[2]

In the last years[when?]new theories had changed the understanding of this medieval treatise considering it as proposal for legal reform or a document used for instructional purposes[citation needed].These theories consider that the treatise cannot be described as a body of laws applicable in its time, but the desire of a legal scholar to improve and facilitate the litigation between merchants. The text[clarification needed]is composed by 21 sections and an annex. The sections described procedural matters such as the presence of witnesses and the relation between this body of law and common law. It has been considered as a false statement to define this as a system exclusively based in custom, when there are structures and elements from the existent legal system, such as Ordinances and even concepts proper of the Romano-canonical procedure.[3][page needed]Other scholars have characterized the law merchant as a myth and a seventeenth-century construct.[4]

Common law development


We find reference to the law merchant as early as 13 Edw. 4 (1473/4): "'the king has jurisdiction over them [merchants] to put them to stand (estoyer) to right, etc., but this will be 'according to the laws of nature' (secundum legem naturae) which is called by some 'law merchant', which is universal law for everyone (tout le monde)."[5]

English courts applied merchant customs only if they were "certain" in nature, "consistent with law" and "in existence sincetime immemorial".English judges also required that merchant customs be proven before the court. But even as early as 1608, Chief JusticeEdward Cokedescribedlex mercatoriaas "a part of the common law", andWilliam Blackstonewould later concur.[6]The tradition continued especially underLord Mansfield,who is said to be the father of English commercial law. Precepts of thelex mercatoriawere also kept alive throughequityand theadmiraltycourts in maritime affairs. In the US, traditions of thelex mercatoriaprevailed in the general principles and doctrines ofcommercial jurisprudence.[citation needed]

Lord Mansfield was a champion of fusinglex mercatoriawith thecommon law.

Sir John Holt(Chief Justice 1689 to 1710) andLord Mansfield(Chief Justice, 1756 to 1788) were the leading proponents of incorporating thelex mercatoriainto the common law. Holt did not complete the task, possibly out of his own conservatism (seeClerke v Martin[7][full citation needed]) and it was Lord Mansfield that became known as the 'founder of the commercial law of this country "(Great Britain).[8][non-primary source needed]Whilst sitting inGuildhall,Lord Mansfield created,

a body of substantive commercial law, logical, just, modern in character and at the same time in harmony with the principles of the common law. It was due to Lord Mansfield's genius that the harmonisation of commercial custom and the common law was carried out with an almost complete understanding of the requirements of the commercial community, and the fundamental principles of the old law and that that marriage of idea proved acceptable to both merchants and lawyers.[9]

International Commercial Law and Arbitration


Lex mercatoriaprecepts have been reaffirmed in new international mercantile law.[citation needed]The new commercial law is grounded on commercial practice directed at market efficiency and privacy.[citation needed]Dispute resolution has also evolved, and functional methods like international commercial arbitration is now available. These developments have also attracted the interest of empirical sociology of law.[10][page needed]

Present and future commercial law


Lex mercatoriais sometimes used in international disputes between commercial entities. Most often those disputes are decided by arbitrators which sometimes are allowed (explicitly of implied) to applylex mercatoriaprinciples.[11][better source needed]

See also



  1. ^Sealy and Hooley (2008) 14
  2. ^Johnson, David R.; Post, David (May 1996)."Law and Borders: The Rise of Law in Cyberspace".Stanford Law Review.48(5): 1367.doi:10.2307/1229390.JSTOR1229390.
  3. ^Basil, Bestor, Coquillette and Donahue (1998).Lex Mercatoria and Legal Pluralism: A Late Thirteenth Century Treatise and Its Afterlife.Ames Foundation.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. ^Kadens, Emily (Winter 2015)."The Medieval Law Merchant: The Tyranny of a Construct".Journal of Legal Analysis.7(2): 251–289.doi:10.1093/jla/lav004.
  5. ^Pasch. 13 Edw. 4 pl. 5.https://www.bu.edu/phpbin/lawyearbooks/display.php?id=20338
  6. ^James Brown Scott,Law, the State, and the International Community,p. 259, Columbia University Press, (1939)
  7. ^(1702) 2 Ld. Raym. 757; 92 E.R. 6
  8. ^Lickbarrow v Mason(1787) 2 Term Rep 63, 73, Buller J
  9. ^CM Schmitthoff, 'International Business Law, A New Law Merchant' inCurrent Law and Social Problems(1961) 137
  10. ^cf. Volkmar Gessner/Ali Cem Budak, eds., Emerging Legal Certainty: Empirical Studies on the Globalization of Law. Ashgate: Dartmouth 1998
  11. ^Some examples of such arbitral awards:Collected by Trans-Lex.org

