Ace Drummondis an aviationcomic stripscripted byEddie Rickenbackerand illustrated byClayton Knight.In its run, it followedaviatorAce Drummond on his adventures around the world.

Eddie Rickenbacker and Clayton Knight'sAce Drummond(April 28, 1935)

Distributed byKing Features Syndicate,the strip ran as a Sunday page from at least 1933 to 1939 (the final strip is dated 7 July 1939). According to Rickenbacker's autobiography, at its peak, the strip ran in 135 newspapers.[1]

In 1936, the strip was adapted into amovie serial.Rickenbacker was a key factor in the promotion of this strip through the formation of Eddie Rickenbacker's Junior Pilots Club, displaying theAce Drummondcharacters on buttons distributed to listeners.

See also



  1. ^Rickenbacker, Edward (1967).Rickenbacker: An Autobiography.Prentice-Hall. p. 161