Alkaloidsare a class ofbasic,naturally occurringorganic compoundsthat contain at least onenitrogenatom. This group also includes some related compounds with neutral[2]and even weaklyacidicproperties.[3]Some synthetic compounds of similar structure may also be termed alkaloids.[4]In addition tocarbon,hydrogenandnitrogen,alkaloids may also containoxygenorsulfur.Rarer still, they may contain elements such asphosphorus,chlorine,andbromine.[5]

The first individual alkaloid,morphine,was isolated in 1804 from theopium poppy(Papaver somniferum).[1]

Alkaloids are produced by a large variety of organisms includingbacteria,fungi,plants,andanimals.[6]They can be purified from crude extracts of these organisms byacid-base extraction,or solvent extractions followed by silica-gelcolumn chromatography.[7]Alkaloids have a wide range ofpharmacologicalactivities includingantimalarial(e.g.quinine),antiasthma(e.g.ephedrine),anticancer(e.g.homoharringtonine),[8]cholinomimetic(e.g.galantamine),[9]vasodilatory(e.g.vincamine),antiarrhythmic(e.g.quinidine),analgesic(e.g.morphine),[10]antibacterial(e.g.chelerythrine),[11]andantihyperglycemicactivities (e.g.berberine).[12][13]Many have found use intraditionalormodern medicine,or as starting points fordrug discovery.Other alkaloids possesspsychotropic(e.g.psilocin) andstimulantactivities (e.g.cocaine,caffeine,nicotine,theobromine),[14]and have been used inentheogenicrituals or asrecreational drugs.Alkaloids can betoxictoo (e.g.atropine,tubocurarine).[15]Although alkaloids act on a diversity of metabolic systems in humans and other animals, they almost uniformly evoke abitter taste.[16]

The boundary between alkaloids and other nitrogen-containing natural compounds is not clear-cut.[17]Compounds likeamino acidpeptides,proteins,nucleotides,nucleic acid,amines,andantibioticsare usually not called alkaloids.[2]Natural compounds containing nitrogen in theexocyclicposition (mescaline,serotonin,dopamine,etc.) are usually classified asaminesrather than as alkaloids.[18]Some authors, however, consider alkaloids a special case of amines.[19][20][21]


The article that introduced the concept of "alkaloid".

The name "alkaloids" (German:Alkaloide) was introduced in 1819 by German chemistCarl Friedrich Wilhelm Meissner,and is derived from late Latin rootalkaliand the Greek-language suffix-οειδής-('like').[nb 1]However, the term came into wide use only after the publication of a review article, by Oscar Jacobsen in the chemical dictionary ofAlbert Ladenburgin the 1880s.[22][23]

There is no unique method for naming alkaloids.[24]Many individual names are formed by adding the suffix "ine" to the species or genus name.[25]For example,atropineis isolated from the plantAtropa belladonna;strychnineis obtained from the seed of theStrychnine tree(Strychnos nux-vomicaL.).[5]Where several alkaloids are extracted from one plant their names are often distinguished by variations in the suffix: "idine", "anine", "aline", "inine" etc. There are also at least 86 alkaloids whose names contain the root "vin" because they are extracted fromvincaplants such asVinca rosea(Catharanthus roseus);[26]these are calledvincaalkaloids.[27][28][29]


Friedrich Sertürner,the German chemist who first isolated morphine from opium.

Alkaloid-containing plants have been used by humans since ancient times for therapeutic and recreational purposes. For example, medicinal plants have been known inMesopotamiafrom about 2000 BC.[30]TheOdysseyof Homer referred to a gift given to Helen by the Egyptian queen, a drug bringing oblivion. It is believed that the gift was an opium-containing drug.[31]A Chinese book on houseplants written in 1st–3rd centuries BC mentioned a medical use ofephedraandopium poppies.[32]Also,cocaleaves have been used by Indigenous South Americans since ancient times.[33]

Extracts from plants containing toxic alkaloids, such asaconitineandtubocurarine,were used since antiquity for poisoning arrows.[30]

Studies of alkaloids began in the 19th century. In 1804, the German chemistFriedrich Sertürnerisolated from opium a "soporific principle" (Latin:principium somniferum), which he called "morphium", referring toMorpheus,the Greek god of dreams; in German and some other Central-European languages, this is still the name of the drug. The term "morphine", used in English and French, was given by the French physicistJoseph Louis Gay-Lussac.

A significant contribution to the chemistry of alkaloids in the early years of its development was made by the French researchersPierre Joseph PelletierandJoseph Bienaimé Caventou,who discoveredquinine(1820) andstrychnine(1818). Several other alkaloids were discovered around that time, includingxanthine(1817),atropine(1819),caffeine(1820),coniine(1827),nicotine(1828),colchicine(1833),sparteine(1851), andcocaine(1860).[34]The development of the chemistry of alkaloids was accelerated by the emergence ofspectroscopicandchromatographicmethods in the 20th century, so that by 2008 more than 12,000 alkaloids had been identified.[35]

The first complete synthesis of an alkaloid was achieved in 1886 by the German chemistAlbert Ladenburg.He producedconiineby reacting 2-methylpyridine withacetaldehydeandreducingthe resulting 2-propenyl pyridine with sodium.[36][37]

Bufotenin,an alkaloid from some toads, contains anindolecore, and is produced in living organisms from the amino acidtryptophan.


Thenicotinemolecule contains bothpyridine(left) andpyrrolidinerings (right).

Compared with most other classes of natural compounds, alkaloids are characterized by a great structural diversity. There is no uniform classification.[38]Initially, when knowledge of chemical structures was lacking, botanical classification of the source plants was relied on. This classification is now considered obsolete.[5][39]

More recent classifications are based on similarity of the carbon skeleton (e.g.,indole-,isoquinoline-, andpyridine-like) or biochemical precursor (ornithine,lysine,tyrosine,tryptophan,etc.).[5]However, they require compromises in borderline cases;[38]for example,nicotinecontains a pyridine fragment fromnicotinamideand apyrrolidinepart from ornithine[40]and therefore can be assigned to both classes.[41]

Alkaloids are often divided into the following major groups:[42]

  1. "True alkaloids" containnitrogenin theheterocycleand originate fromamino acids.[43]Their characteristic examples areatropine,nicotine,andmorphine.This group also includes some alkaloids that besides the nitrogen heterocycle containterpene(e.g.,evonine[44]) or peptide fragments (e.g.ergotamine[45]). The piperidine alkaloidsconiineandconiceinemay be regarded as true alkaloids (rather than pseudoalkaloids: see below)[46]although they do not originate from amino acids.[47]
  2. "Protoalkaloids", which containnitrogen(but not the nitrogen heterocycle) and also originate from amino acids.[43]Examples includemescaline,adrenalineandephedrine.
  3. Polyaminealkaloids – derivatives ofputrescine,spermidine,andspermine.
  4. Peptide andcyclopeptidealkaloids.[48]
  5. Pseudoalkaloids – alkaloid-like compounds that do not originate from amino acids.[49]This group includesterpene-like andsteroid-like alkaloids,[50]as well aspurine-like alkaloids such ascaffeine,theobromine,theacrineandtheophylline.[51]Some authors classifyephedrineandcathinoneas pseudoalkaloids. Those originate from the amino acidphenylalanine,but acquire their nitrogen atom not from the amino acid but throughtransamination.[51][52]

Some alkaloids do not have the carbon skeleton characteristic of their group. So,galanthamineand homoaporphines do not containisoquinolinefragment, but are, in general, attributed to isoquinoline alkaloids.[53]

Main classes of monomeric alkaloids are listed in the table below:

Class Major groups Main synthesis steps Examples
Alkaloids with nitrogen heterocycles (true alkaloids)
Ornithineorarginineputrescine→ N-methylputrescine → N-methyl-Δ1-pyrroline[55] Cuscohygrine,hygrine,hygroline, stachydrine[54][56]
Atropine group
Substitution in positions 3, 6 or 7
Ornithineorarginineputrescine→ N-methylputrescine → N-methyl-Δ1-pyrroline[55] Atropine,scopolamine,hyoscyamine[54][57][58]
Cocaine group
Substitution in positions 2 and 3
Non-esters In plants:ornithineorarginineputrescinehomospermidineretronecine[55] Retronecine,heliotridine, laburnine[60][61]
Complexestersof monocarboxylic acids Indicine, lindelophin, sarracine[60]
Macrocyclic diesters Platyphylline,trichodesmine[60]
1-aminopyrrolizidines (lolines) Infungi:L-proline+L-homoserineN-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)proline → norloline[62][63] Loline,N-formylloline,N-acetylloline[64]
Lysinecadaverine→ Δ1-piperideine[66] Sedamine,lobeline, anaferine,piperine[46][67]
Octanoic acid→ coniceine →coniine[47] Coniine,coniceine[47]
Lupininegroup Lysinecadaverine→ Δ1-piperideine[70] Lupinine,nupharidin[68]
Cytisinegroup Cytisine[68]
Sparteinegroup Sparteine,lupanine,anahygrine[68]
Matrinegroup. Matrine, oxymatrine, allomatridine[68][71][72]
Ormosaninegroup Ormosanine, piptantine[68][73]
Lysine→ δ-semialdehyde ofα-aminoadipic acidpipecolic acid→ 1 indolizidinone[75] Swainsonine,castanospermine[76]
Simple derivatives of pyridine Nicotinic acid→ dihydronicotinic acid → 1,2-dihydropyridine[79] Trigonelline,ricinine,arecoline[77][80]
Polycyclic noncondensing pyridine derivatives Nicotine,nornicotine,anabasine,anatabine[77][80]
Polycyclic condensed pyridine derivatives Actinidine,gentianine,pediculinine[81]
Sesquiterpenepyridine derivatives Nicotinic acid,isoleucine[21] Evonine, hippocrateine, triptonine[78][79]
Isoquinolinederivatives and related alkaloids[82]
Simple derivatives of isoquinoline[83] Tyrosineorphenylalaninedopamineortyramine(for alkaloids Amarillis)[84][85] Salsoline,lophocerine[82][83]
Derivatives of 1- and 3-isoquinolines[86] N-methylcoridaldine, noroxyhydrastinine[86]
Derivatives of 1- and 4-phenyltetrahydroisoquinolines[83] Cryptostilin[83][87]
Derivatives of 5-naftil-isoquinoline[88] Ancistrocladine[88]
Derivatives of 1- and 2-benzyl-izoquinolines[89] Papaverine,laudanosine,sendaverine
Cularinegroup[90] Cularine, yagonine[90]
Pavinesand isopavines[91] Argemonine,amurensine[91]
Benzopyrrocolines[92] Cryptaustoline[83]
Protoberberines[83] Berberine,canadine,ophiocarpine, mecambridine, corydaline[93]
Phthalidisoquinolines[83] Hydrastine,narcotine(Noscapine)[94]
Spirobenzylisoquinolines[83] Fumaricine[91]
Ipecacuanhaalkaloids[95] Emetine, protoemetine, ipecoside[95]
Benzophenanthridines[83] Sanguinarine, oxynitidine, corynoloxine[96]
Aporphines[83] Glaucine,coridine, liriodenine[97]
Proaporphines[83] Pronuciferine, glaziovine[83][92]
Homoaporphines[98] Kreysiginine, multifloramine[98]
Homoproaporphines[98] Bulbocodine[90]
Morphines[99] Morphine,codeine,thebaine,sinomenine[100]
Homomorphines[101] Kreysiginine, androcymbine[99]
Tropoloisoquinolines[83] Imerubrine[83]
Azofluoranthenes[83] Rufescine, imeluteine[102]
Amaryllisalkaloids[103] Lycorine,ambelline, tazettine,galantamine,montanine[104]
Erythrina alkaloids[87] Erysodine, erythroidine[87]
Phenanthrenederivatives[83] Atherosperminine[83][93]
Protopines[83] Protopine,oxomuramine, corycavidine[96]
Aristolactam[83] Doriflavin[83]
Tyrosinetyramine[106] Annuloline, halfordinol, texaline, texamine[107]
Ibotenic acidMuscimol Ibotenic acid, Muscimol
1-Deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate(DOXP),tyrosine,cysteine[109] Nostocyclamide, thiostreptone[108][110]
3,4-Dihydro-4-quinazolone derivatives Anthranilic acidorphenylalanineorornithine[112] Febrifugine[113]
1,4-Dihydro-4-quinazolone derivatives Glycorine, arborine, glycosminine[113]
Pyrrolidine and piperidine quinazoline derivatives Vazicine(peganine)[105]
Anthranilic acid[114] Rutacridone,acronicine[115][116]
Simple derivatives of quinoline derivatives of2–quinolonesand4-quinolone Anthranilic acid→ 3-carboxyquinoline[119] Cusparine,echinopsine,evocarpine[118][120][121]
Tricyclic terpenoids Flindersine[118][122]
Furanoquinoline derivatives Dictamnine,fagarine,skimmianine[118][123][124]
Quinines Tryptophantryptaminestrictosidine(withsecologanin) → korinanteal →cinhoninon[85][119] Quinine,quinidine,cinchonine,cinhonidine[122]
Non-isoprene indole alkaloids
Simple indole derivatives[125] Tryptophantryptamineor5-Hydroxytryptophan[126] Serotonin,psilocybin,dimethyltryptamine(DMT),bufotenin[127][128]
Simple derivatives ofβ-carboline[129] Harman,harmine,harmaline,eleagnine[125]
Pyrroloindole alkaloids[130] Physostigmine(eserine), etheramine, physovenine, eptastigmine[130]
Semiterpenoid indole alkaloids
Ergot alkaloids[100] Tryptophan→ chanoclavine → agroclavine → elimoclavine →paspalic acidlysergic acid[130] Ergotamine,ergobasine, ergosine[131]
Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids
Corynanthetype alkaloids[126] Tryptophantryptaminestrictosidine(withsecologanin)[126] Ajmalicine, sarpagine, vobasine,ajmaline,yohimbine,reserpine,mitragynine,[132][133]groupstrychnineand (Strychninebrucine,aquamicine,vomicine[134])
Iboga-type alkaloids[126] Ibogamine,ibogaine,voacangine[126]
Aspidosperma-type alkaloids[126] Vincamine,vincaalkaloids,[27][135]vincotine, aspidospermine[136][137]
Directly fromhistidine[138] Histamine,pilocarpine,pilosine,stevensine[105][138]
Xanthosine(formed in purine biosynthesis) → 7 methylxantosine →7-methylxanthinetheobrominecaffeine[85] Caffeine,theobromine,theophylline,saxitoxin[140][141]
Alkaloids with nitrogen in the side chain (protoalkaloids)
Tyrosineorphenylalaninedioxyphenilalaninedopamineadrenalineandmescalinetyrosinetyraminephenylalanine → 1-phenylpropane-1,2-dione →cathinoneephedrineandpseudoephedrine[21][52][142] Tyramine,ephedrine,pseudoephedrine,mescaline,cathinone,catecholamines(adrenaline,noradrenaline,dopamine)[21][143]
Tyrosineorphenylalaninedopamineautumnalinecolchicine[145] Colchicine,colchamine[144]
Glutamic acid→ 3-ketoglutamic acid → muscarine (withpyruvic acid)[147] Muscarine,allomuscarine, epimuscarine, epiallomuscarine[146]
Phenylalaninewithvaline,leucineorisoleucine[149] Capsaicin,dihydrocapsaicin,nordihydrocapsaicin,vanillylamine[148][150]
Polyamines alkaloids
ornithineputrescinespermidinespermine[152] Paucine[151]
Lunarine, codonocarpine[151]
Verbascenine, aphelandrine[151]
Peptide (cyclopeptide) alkaloids
Peptide alkaloids with a 13-membered cycle[48][153] Nummularine C type From different amino acids[48] Nummularine C, Nummularine S[48]
Ziziphinetype Ziziphine A, sativanine H[48]
Peptide alkaloids with a 14-membered cycle[48][153] Frangulanine type Frangulanine, scutianine J[153]
Scutianine A type Scutianine A[48]
Integerrine type Integerrine, discarine D[153]
Amphibine F type Amphibine F, spinanine A[48]
Amfibine B type Amphibine B, lotusine C[48]
Peptide alkaloids with a 15-membered cycle[153] Mucronine A type Mucronine A[45][153]
Pseudoalkaloids (terpenesandsteroids)
Lycoctonine type Mevalonic acidIsopentenyl pyrophosphategeranyl pyrophosphate[154][155] Aconitine,delphinine[45][156]
Steroidal alkaloids[157]
Cholesterol,arginine[158] Solanidine,cyclopamine,batrachotoxin[159]



Most alkaloids contain oxygen in their molecular structure; those compounds are usually colorless crystals at ambient conditions. Oxygen-free alkaloids, such asnicotine[160]orconiine,[36]are typically volatile, colorless, oily liquids.[161]Some alkaloids are colored, likeberberine(yellow) andsanguinarine(orange).[161]

Most alkaloids are weak bases, but some, such astheobromineandtheophylline,areamphoteric.[162]Many alkaloids dissolve poorly in water but readily dissolve inorganic solvents,such asdiethyl ether,chloroformor1,2-dichloroethane.Caffeine,[163]cocaine,[164]codeine[165]andnicotine[166]are slightly soluble in water (with a solubility of ≥1g/L), whereas others, includingmorphine[167]andyohimbine[168]are very slightly water-soluble (0.1–1 g/L). Alkaloids and acids form salts of various strengths. These salts are usually freely soluble in water andethanoland poorly soluble in most organic solvents. Exceptions includescopolaminehydrobromide, which is soluble in organic solvents, and the water-soluble quinine sulfate.[161]

Most alkaloids have a bitter taste or are poisonous when ingested. Alkaloid production in plants appeared to have evolved in response to feeding by herbivorous animals; however, some animals have evolved the ability to detoxify alkaloids.[169]Some alkaloids can produce developmental defects in the offspring of animals that consume but cannot detoxify the alkaloids. One example is the alkaloidcyclopamine,produced in the leaves ofcorn lily.During the 1950s, up to 25% of lambs born by sheep that had grazed on corn lily had serious facial deformations. These ranged from deformed jaws tocyclopia(see picture). After decades of research, in the 1980s, the compound responsible for these deformities was identified as the alkaloid 11-deoxyjervine, later renamed to cyclopamine.[170]

Distribution in nature

Strychnine tree.Its seeds are rich instrychnineandbrucine.

Alkaloids aregeneratedby various living organisms, especially byhigher plants– about 10 to 25% of those contain alkaloids.[171][172]Therefore, in the past the term "alkaloid" was associated with plants.[173]

The alkaloids content in plants is usually within a few percent and is inhomogeneous over the plant tissues. Depending on the type of plants, the maximum concentration is observed in the leaves (for example,black henbane),fruitsorseeds(Strychnine tree), root (Rauvolfia serpentina) or bark (cinchona).[174]Furthermore, different tissues of the same plants may contain different alkaloids.[175]

Beside plants, alkaloids are found in certain types offungus,such aspsilocybinin the fruiting bodies of the genusPsilocybe,and in animals, such asbufoteninin the skin of some toads[24]and a number of insects, markedly ants.[176]Many marine organisms also contain alkaloids.[177]Someamines,such asadrenalineandserotonin,which play an important role in higher animals, are similar to alkaloids in their structure and biosynthesis and are sometimes called alkaloids.[178]


Crystals ofpiperineextracted fromblack pepper.

Because of the structural diversity of alkaloids, there is no single method of their extraction from natural raw materials.[179]Most methods exploit the property of most alkaloids to be soluble in organic solvents[7]but not in water, and the opposite tendency of their salts.

Most plants contain several alkaloids. Their mixture is extracted first and then individual alkaloids are separated.[180]Plants are thoroughly ground before extraction.[179][181]Most alkaloids are present in the raw plants in the form of salts of organic acids.[179]The extracted alkaloids may remain salts or change into bases.[180]Base extraction is achieved by processing the raw material with alkaline solutions and extracting the alkaloid bases with organic solvents, such as 1,2-dichloroethane, chloroform, diethyl ether or benzene. Then, the impurities are dissolved by weak acids; this converts alkaloid bases into salts that are washed away with water. If necessary, an aqueous solution of alkaloid salts is again made alkaline and treated with an organic solvent. The process is repeated until the desired purity is achieved.

In the acidic extraction, the raw plant material is processed by a weak acidic solution (e.g.,acetic acidin water, ethanol, or methanol). A base is then added to convert alkaloids to basic forms that are extracted with organic solvent (if the extraction was performed with alcohol, it is removed first, and the remainder is dissolved in water). The solution is purified as described above.[179][182]

Alkaloids are separated from their mixture using their different solubility in certain solvents and different reactivity with certain reagents or bydistillation.[183]

A number of alkaloids are identified frominsects,among which thefire antvenomalkaloids known assolenopsinshave received greater attention from researchers.[184]These insect alkaloids can be efficiently extracted by solvent immersion of live fire ants[7]or by centrifugation of live ants[185]followed by silica-gel chromatography purification.[186]Tracking and dosing the extracted solenopsin ant alkaloids has been described as possible based on their absorbance peak around 232 nanometers.[187]



Biological precursors of most alkaloids areamino acids,such asornithine,lysine,phenylalanine,tyrosine,tryptophan,histidine,aspartic acid,andanthranilic acid.[188]Nicotinic acidcan be synthesized from tryptophan or aspartic acid. Ways of alkaloid biosynthesis are too numerous and cannot be easily classified.[85]However, there are a few typical reactions involved in the biosynthesis of various classes of alkaloids, including synthesis ofSchiff basesandMannich reaction.[188]

Synthesis of Schiff bases


Schiff bases can be obtained by reacting amines with ketones or aldehydes.[189]These reactions are a common method of producing C=N bonds.[190]

In the biosynthesis of alkaloids, such reactions may take place within a molecule,[188]such as in the synthesis of piperidine:[41]

Mannich reaction


An integral component of the Mannich reaction, in addition to an amine and acarbonylcompound, is acarbanion,which plays the role of the nucleophile in thenucleophilic additionto the ion formed by the reaction of the amine and the carbonyl.[190]

The Mannich reaction can proceed both intermolecularly and intramolecularly:[191][192]

Dimer alkaloids


In addition to the described above monomeric alkaloids, there are alsodimeric,and eventrimericandtetramericalkaloids formed upon condensation of two, three, and four monomeric alkaloids. Dimeric alkaloids are usually formed from monomers of the same type through the following mechanisms:[193]

There are also dimeric alkaloids formed from two distinct monomers, such as thevincaalkaloidsvinblastineand vincristine,[27][135]which are formed from the coupling ofcatharanthineandvindoline.[194][195]The newersemi-syntheticchemotherapeutic agentvinorelbineis used in the treatment ofnon-small-cell lung cancer.[135][196]It is another derivative dimer of vindoline and catharanthine and is synthesised fromanhydrovinblastine,[197]starting either fromleurosine[198][199]or the monomers themselves.[135][195]

Biological role


Alkaloids are among the most important and best-knownsecondary metabolites,i.e. biogenic substances not directly involved in the normalgrowth,development,orreproductionof the organism. Instead, they generally mediate ecologicalinteractions,which may produce a selective advantage for the organism by increasing itssurvivabilityorfecundity.In some cases their function, if any, remains unclear.[200]An early hypothesis, that alkaloids are the final products ofnitrogenmetabolismin plants, asureaanduric acidare in mammals, was refuted by the finding that their concentration fluctuates rather than steadily increasing.[17]

Most of the known functions of alkaloids are related to protection. For example,aporphinealkaloidliriodenineproduced by thetulip treeprotects it from parasitic mushrooms. In addition, the presence of alkaloids in the plant prevents insects andchordateanimals from eating it. However, some animals are adapted to alkaloids and even use them in their own metabolism.[201]Such alkaloid-related substances asserotonin,dopamineandhistamineare importantneurotransmittersin animals. Alkaloids are also known to regulate plant growth.[202]One example of an organism that uses alkaloids for protection is theUtetheisa ornatrix,more commonly known as the ornate moth. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids render these larvae and adult moths unpalatable to many of their natural enemies like coccinelid beetles, green lacewings, insectivorous hemiptera and insectivorous bats.[203]Another example of alkaloids being utilized occurs in thepoison hemlock moth(Agonopterix alstroemeriana).This moth feeds on its highly toxic and alkaloid-rich host plantpoison hemlock(Conium maculatum) during its larval stage.A. alstroemerianamay benefit twofold from the toxicity of the naturally-occurring alkaloids, both through the unpalatability of the species to predators and through the ability ofA. alstroemerianato recognizeConium maculatumas the correct location for oviposition.[204]Afire antvenomalkaloid known assolenopsinhas been demonstrated to protect queens ofinvasive fire antsduring the foundation of new nests, thus playing a central role in the spread of this pest ant species around the world.[205]



In medicine


Medical use of alkaloid-containing plants has a long history, and, thus, when the first alkaloids were isolated in the 19th century, they immediately found application in clinical practice.[206]Many alkaloids are still used in medicine, usually in the form of salts widely used including the following:[17][207]

Alkaloid Action
Ajmaline Antiarrhythmic
Emetine Antiprotozoal agent,emesis
Ergot alkaloids Vasoconstriction,hallucinogenic,Uterotonic
Glaucine Antitussive
Morphine Analgesic
Nicotine Stimulant,nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist
Physostigmine Inhibitor ofacetylcholinesterase
Quinidine Antiarrhythmic
Quinine Antipyretic,antimalarial
Reserpine Antihypertensive
Tubocurarine Muscle relaxant
Vinblastine,vincristine Antitumor
Vincamine Vasodilating,antihypertensive
Yohimbine Stimulant,aphrodisiac
Berberine Antihyperglycaemic[13]

Many synthetic and semisynthetic drugs are structural modifications of the alkaloids, which were designed to enhance or change the primary effect of the drug and reduce unwanted side-effects.[208]For example,naloxone,anopioid receptorantagonist,is a derivative ofthebainethat is present inopium.[209]

In agriculture


Prior to the development of a wide range of relatively low-toxic syntheticpesticides,some alkaloids, such as salts of nicotine andanabasine,were used asinsecticides.Their use was limited by their high toxicity to humans.[210]

Use as psychoactive drugs


Preparations of plants and fungi containing alkaloids and their extracts, and later pure alkaloids, have long been used aspsychoactive substances.Cocaine,caffeine,andcathinonearestimulantsof thecentral nervous system.[211][212]Mescalineand many indole alkaloids (such aspsilocybin,dimethyltryptamineandibogaine) havehallucinogeniceffect.[213][214]Morphineandcodeineare strong narcotic pain killers.[215]

There are alkaloids that do not have strong psychoactive effect themselves, but areprecursorsfor semi-synthetic psychoactive drugs. For example,ephedrineandpseudoephedrineare used to producemethcathinoneandmethamphetamine.[216]Thebaineis used in the synthesis of many painkillers such asoxycodone.

See also


Explanatory notes

  1. ^Meissner, W. (1819)."Über Pflanzenalkalien: II. Über ein neues Pflanzenalkali (Alkaloid)"[About Plant Alkalis: II. About a New Plant Alkali (Alkaloid)].Journal für Chemie und Physik.25:379–381. Archived fromthe originalon 18 May 2023.In the penultimate sentence of his article, Meissner wrote: "Überhaupt scheint es mir auch angemessen, die bis jetzt bekannten Pflanzenstoffe nicht mit dem Namen Alkalien, sondern Alkaloide zu belegen, da sie doch in manchen Eigenschaften von den Alkalien sehr abweichen, sie würden daher in dem Abschnitt der Pflanzenchemie vor den Pflanzensäuren ihre Stelle finden." [ "In general, it seems appropriate to me to impose on the currently known plant substances not the name 'alkalis' but 'alkaloids', since they differ greatly in some properties from the alkalis; among the chapters of plant chemistry, they would therefore find their place before plant acids (since 'Alkaloid' would precede 'Säure' (acid) but follow 'Alkalien')".]


  1. ^Luch, Andreas (2009).Molecular, Clinical and Environmental Toxicology, Volume 1: Molecular Toxicology.Vol. 1. Springer. p. 20.ISBN9783764383367.OCLC1056390214.
  2. ^abIUPAC,Compendium of Chemical Terminology,2nd ed. (the "Gold Book" ) (1997). Online corrected version: (2006–) "alkaloids".doi:10.1351/goldbook.A00220
  3. ^Manske, R. H. F. (12 May 2014).The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Physiology, Volume 8.Vol. 8. Saint Louis: Elsevier. pp. 683–695.ISBN9781483222004.OCLC1090491824.
  4. ^Lewis, Robert Alan (23 March 1998).Lewis' Dictionary of Toxicology.CRC Press. p. 51.ISBN9781566702232.OCLC1026521889.
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General and cited references

  • Aniszewski, Tadeusz (2007).Alkaloids: secrets of life.Amsterdam:Elsevier.ISBN978-0-444-52736-3.
  • Begley, Tadhg P. (2009).Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology.Vol. 10. Wiley. pp. 1569–1570.doi:10.1002/cbic.200900262.ISBN978-0-471-75477-0.
  • Brossi, Arnold (1989).The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Pharmacology.Academic Press.
  • Dewick, Paul M. (2002).Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach(Second ed.). Wiley.ISBN978-0-471-49640-3.
  • Fattorusso, E.; Taglialatela-Scafati, O. (2008).Modern Alkaloids: Structure, Isolation, Synthesis and Biology.Wiley-VCH.ISBN978-3-527-31521-5.
  • Grinkevich NI; Safronich LN, eds. (1983).The chemical analysis of medicinal plants(in Russian). Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola.
  • Hesse, Manfred (2002).Alkaloids: Nature's Curse or Blessing?.Wiley-VCH.ISBN978-3-906390-24-6.
  • Knunyants, IL (1988).Chemical Encyclopedia.Soviet Encyclopedia.
  • Orekhov, AP (1955).Chemistry alkaloids(Acad. 2nd ed.). Moscow.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Plemenkov, VV (2001).Introduction to the Chemistry of Natural Compounds.Kazan.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Saxton, J. E. (1971).The Alkaloids: A Specialist Periodical Report.London: The Chemical Society.
  • Veselovskaya, N. B.; Kovalenko, A. E. (2000).Drugs.Moscow: Triada-X.
  • Wink, M (2009). "Mode of action and toxicology of plant toxins and poisonous plants".Mitt. Julius Kühn-Inst.421:93–112x.
  • Media related toAlkaloidsat Wikimedia Commons
  • Quotations related toAlkaloidat Wikiquote