AnactoriumorAnaktorion(Ancient Greek:Ἀνακτόριον) was a town inancient Acarnania,situated on the promontory on theAmbraciot Gulf.On entering the Ambraciot Gulf from theIonian Seait was the first town in Acarnania afterActium,from which it was distant 40stadia,and which was in the territory of Anactorium. This town was for some time one of the most important places in this part of Greece. It was colonized jointly by theCorinthiansandCorcyraeans;but in the war between these peoples, in 432 BCE, the Corinthians obtained sole possession of the place by fraud. It remained in the hands of the Corinthians till 425 BCE, when it was taken by the Acarnanians with the assistance of theAthenians,and the Corinthian settlers were expelled.Augustusremoved its inhabitants to the town ofNicopolis,which he founded on the opposite coast ofEpirus,andStrabodescribes it as an emporium of the latter city.[1][2][3][4]

Coin of Anactorium

Its site is located at Ag. Petros, near the modernNea Kamarina.[5][6]


  1. ^Thucydides.History of the Peloponnesian War.Vol. 1.55, 3.114, 4.49, 7.31.
  2. ^Strabo.Geographica.Vol. x. pp. 450-452.Page numbers refer to those ofIsaac Casaubon's edition.
  3. ^Dionys.A. R.1.51;Pausanias(1918)."23.3".Description of Greece.Vol. 5. Translated byW. H. S. Jones;H. A. Ormerod. Cambridge, Massachusetts; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann – viaPerseus Digital Library.
  4. ^Pliny.Naturalis Historia.Vol. 4.1.
  5. ^Richard Talbert,ed. (2000).Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World.Princeton University Press. p. 54, and directory notes accompanying.ISBN978-0-691-03169-9.
  6. ^Lund University.Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire.

This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Smith, William,ed. (1854–1857). "Anactorium".Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography.London: John Murray.

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