Inmathematics,more specifically infunctional analysis,aBanach space(pronounced[ˈbanax]) is acompletenormed vector space.Thus, a Banach space is a vector space with ametricthat allows the computation ofvector lengthand distance between vectors and is complete in the sense that aCauchy sequenceof vectors always converges to a well-definedlimitthat is within the space.

Banach spaces are named after the Polish mathematicianStefan Banach,who introduced this concept and studied it systematically in 1920–1922 along withHans HahnandEduard Helly.[1] Maurice René Fréchetwas the first to use the term "Banach space" and Banach in turn then coined the term "Fréchet space".[2] Banach spaces originally grew out of the study offunction spacesbyHilbert,Fréchet,andRieszearlier in the century. Banach spaces play a central role in functional analysis. In other areas ofanalysis,the spaces under study are often Banach spaces.



ABanach spaceis acompletenormed space A normed space is a pair[note 1] consisting of avector spaceover a scalar field(whereis commonlyor) together with a distinguished[note 2] normLike all norms, this norm induces atranslation invariant[note 3] distance function,called thecanonicalor(norm)induced metric,defined for all vectorsby[note 4] This makesinto ametric space A sequenceis calledCauchy inor-Cauchyor-Cauchyif for every realthere exists some indexsuch that wheneverandare greater than The normed spaceis called aBanach spaceand the canonical metricis called acomplete metricifis acomplete metric space,which by definition means for everyCauchy sequenceinthere exists somesuch that where becausethis sequence's convergence tocan equivalently be expressed as:

The normof a normed spaceis called acomplete normifis a Banach space.

L-semi-inner product

For any normed spacethere exists anL-semi-inner productonsuch thatfor all;in general, there may be infinitely many L-semi-inner products that satisfy this condition. L-semi-inner products are a generalization ofinner products,which are what fundamentally distinguishHilbert spacesfrom all other Banach spaces. This shows that all normed spaces (and hence all Banach spaces) can be considered as being generalizations of (pre-)Hilbert spaces.

Characterization in terms of series

The vector space structure allows one to relate the behavior of Cauchy sequences to that of convergingseries of vectors. A normed spaceis a Banach space if and only if eachabsolutely convergentseries inconverges in[3]



The canonical metricof a normed spaceinduces the usualmetric topologyonwhich is referred to as thecanonicalornorm inducedtopology. Every normed space is automatically assumed to carry thisHausdorfftopology, unless indicated otherwise. With this topology, every Banach space is aBaire space,although there exist normed spaces that are Baire but not Banach.[4]The normis always acontinuous functionwith respect to the topology that it induces.

The open and closed balls of radiuscentered at a pointare, respectively, the sets Any such ball is aconvexandbounded subsetofbut acompactball/neighborhoodexists if and only ifis afinite-dimensional vector space. In particular, no infinite–dimensional normed space can belocally compactor have theHeine–Borel property. Ifis a vector andis a scalar then Usingshows that this norm-induced topology istranslation invariant,which means that for anyandthe subsetisopen(respectively,closed) inif and only if this is true of its translation Consequently, the norm induced topology is completely determined by anyneighbourhood basisat the origin. Some common neighborhood bases at the origin include: whereis a sequence in of positive real numbers that converges toin(such asorfor instance). So for example, every open subsetofcan be written as a union indexed by some subsetwhere everymay be picked from the aforementioned sequence(the open balls can be replaced with closed balls, although then the indexing setand radiimay also need to be replaced). Additionally,can always be chosen to becountableifis aseparable space,which by definition means thatcontains some countabledense subset.

Homeomorphism classes of separable Banach spaces

All finite–dimensional normed spaces are separable Banach spaces and any two Banach spaces of the same finite dimension are linearly homeomorphic. Every separable infinite–dimensionalHilbert spaceis linearly isometrically isomorphic to the separable Hilbertsequence spacewith itsusual norm

TheAnderson–Kadec theoremstates that every infinite–dimensional separableFréchet spaceishomeomorphicto theproduct spaceof countably many copies of(this homeomorphism need not be alinear map).[5][6] Thus all infinite–dimensional separable Fréchet spaces are homeomorphic to each other (or said differently, their topology is uniqueup toa homeomorphism). Since every Banach space is a Fréchet space, this is also true of all infinite–dimensional separable Banach spaces, including In fact,is evenhomeomorphicto its ownunitspherewhich stands in sharp contrast to finite–dimensional spaces (theEuclidean planeis not homeomorphic to theunit circle,for instance).

This pattern inhomeomorphism classesextends to generalizations ofmetrizable(locally Euclidean)topological manifoldsknown asmetricBanach manifolds,which aremetric spacesthat are around every point,locally homeomorphicto some open subset of a given Banach space (metricHilbert manifoldsand metricFréchet manifoldsare defined similarly).[6] For example, every open subsetof a Banach spaceis canonically a metric Banach manifold modeled onsince theinclusion mapis anopenlocal homeomorphism. Using Hilbert spacemicrobundles,David Henderson showed[7]in 1969 that every metric manifold modeled on a separable infinite–dimensional Banach (orFréchet) space can betopologically embeddedas anopensubsetofand, consequently, also admits a uniquesmooth structuremaking it into aHilbert manifold.

Compact and convex subsets

There is a compact subsetofwhoseconvex hullisnotclosed and thus alsonotcompact (see this footnote[note 5]for an example).[8] However, like in all Banach spaces, theclosedconvex hullof this (and every other) compact subset will be compact.[9]But if a normed space is not complete then it is in generalnotguaranteed thatwill be compact wheneveris; an example[note 5]can even be found in a (non-complete)pre-Hilbertvector subspace of

As a topological vector space

This norm-induced topology also makesinto what is known as atopological vector space(TVS), which by definition is a vector space endowed with a topology making the operations of addition and scalar multiplication continuous. It is emphasized that the TVSisonlya vector space together with a certain type of topology; that is to say, when considered as a TVS, it isnotassociated withanyparticular norm or metric (both of which are "forgotten"). This Hausdorff TVSis evenlocally convexbecause the set of all open balls centered at the origin forms aneighbourhood basisat the origin consisting of convexbalancedopen sets. This TVS is alsonormable,which by definition refers to any TVS whose topology is induced by some (possibly unknown)norm.Normable TVSsare characterized bybeing Hausdorff and having aboundedconvexneighborhood of the origin. All Banach spaces arebarrelled spaces,which means that everybarrelis neighborhood of the origin (all closed balls centered at the origin are barrels, for example) and guarantees that theBanach–Steinhaus theoremholds.

Comparison of complete metrizable vector topologies

Theopen mapping theoremimplies that ifandare topologies onthat make bothandintocomplete metrizable TVS(for example, Banach orFréchet spaces) and if one topology isfiner or coarserthan the other then they must be equal (that is, iforthen).[10] So for example, ifandare Banach spaces with topologiesandand if one of these spaces has some open ball that is also an open subset of the other space (or equivalently, if one oforis continuous) then their topologies are identical and theirnorms are equivalent.



Complete norms and equivalent norms

Two norms,andon a vector spaceare said to beequivalentif they induce the same topology;[11]this happens if and only if there exist positive real numberssuch thatfor allIfandare two equivalent norms on a vector spacethenis a Banach space if and only ifis a Banach space. See this footnote for an example of a continuous norm on a Banach space that isnotequivalent to that Banach space's given norm.[note 6][11] All norms on a finite-dimensional vector space are equivalent and every finite-dimensional normed space is a Banach space.[12]

Complete norms vs complete metrics

A metricon a vector spaceis induced by a norm onif and only ifistranslation invariant[note 3]andabsolutely homogeneous,which means thatfor all scalarsand allin which case the functiondefines a norm onand the canonical metric induced byis equal to

Suppose thatis a normed space and thatis the norm topology induced onSuppose thatisanymetriconsuch that the topology thatinduces onis equal toIfistranslation invariant[note 3]thenis a Banach space if and only ifis a complete metric space.[13] Ifisnottranslation invariant, then it may be possible forto be a Banach space but fortonotbe a complete metric space[14](see this footnote[note 7]for an example). In contrast, a theorem of Klee,[15][16][note 8]which also applies to allmetrizable topological vector spaces,implies that if there existsany[note 9]complete metriconthat induces the norm topologyonthenis a Banach space.

AFréchet spaceis alocally convex topological vector spacewhose topology is induced by some translation-invariant complete metric. Every Banach space is a Fréchet space but not conversely; indeed, there even exist Fréchet spaces on which no norm is a continuous function (such as thespace of real sequenceswith theproduct topology). However, the topology of every Fréchet space is induced by somecountablefamily of real-valued (necessarily continuous) maps calledseminorms,which are generalizations ofnorms. It is even possible for a Fréchet space to have a topology that is induced by a countable family ofnorms(such norms would necessarily be continuous)[note 10][17] but to not be a Banach/normable spacebecause its topology can not be defined by anysinglenorm. An example of such a space is theFréchet spacewhose definition can be found in the article onspaces of test functions and distributions.

Complete norms vs complete topological vector spaces

There is another notion of completeness besides metric completeness and that is the notion of acomplete topological vector space(TVS) or TVS-completeness, which uses the theory ofuniform spaces. Specifically, the notion of TVS-completeness uses a unique translation-invariantuniformity,called thecanonical uniformity,that dependsonlyon vector subtraction and the topologythat the vector space is endowed with, and so in particular, this notion of TVS completeness is independent of whatever norm induced the topology(and even applies to TVSs that arenoteven metrizable). Every Banach space is a complete TVS. Moreover, a normed space is a Banach space (that is, its norm-induced metric is complete) if and only if it is complete as a topological vector space. Ifis ametrizable topological vector space(such as any norm induced topology, for example), thenis a complete TVS if and only if it is asequentiallycomplete TVS, meaning that it is enough to check that every Cauchysequenceinconverges into some point of(that is, there is no need to consider the more general notion of arbitrary Cauchynets).

Ifis a topological vector space whose topology is induced bysome(possibly unknown) norm (such spaces are callednormable), thenis a complete topological vector space if and only ifmay be assigned anormthat induces onthe topologyand also makesinto a Banach space. AHausdorfflocally convex topological vector spaceisnormableif and only if itsstrong dual spaceis normable,[18]in which caseis a Banach space (denotes thestrong dual spaceofwhose topology is a generalization of thedual norm-induced topology on thecontinuous dual space;see this footnote[note 11]for more details). Ifis ametrizablelocally convex TVS, thenis normable if and only ifis aFréchet–Urysohn space.[19] This shows that in the category oflocally convex TVSs,Banach spaces are exactly those complete spaces that are bothmetrizableand have metrizablestrong dual spaces.



Every normed space can beisometricallyembedded onto a dense vector subspace ofsomeBanach space, where this Banach space is called acompletionof the normed space. This Hausdorff completion is unique up toisometricisomorphism.

More precisely, for every normed spacethere exist a Banach spaceand a mappingsuch thatis anisometric mappingandis dense inIfis another Banach space such that there is an isometric isomorphism fromonto a dense subset ofthenis isometrically isomorphic to This Banach spaceis the Hausdorffcompletionof the normed spaceThe underlying metric space foris the same as the metric completion ofwith the vector space operations extended fromtoThe completion ofis sometimes denoted by

General theory


Linear operators, isomorphisms


Ifandare normed spaces over the sameground fieldthe set of allcontinuous-linear mapsis denoted byIn infinite-dimensional spaces, not all linear maps are continuous. A linear mapping from a normed spaceto another normed space is continuous if and only if it isboundedon the closedunit ballofThus, the vector spacecan be given theoperator norm

Fora Banach space, the spaceis a Banach space with respect to this norm. In categorical contexts, it is sometimes convenient to restrict thefunction spacebetween two Banach spaces to only theshort maps;in that case the spacereappears as a naturalbifunctor.[20]

Ifis a Banach space, the spaceforms a unitalBanach algebra;the multiplication operation is given by the composition of linear maps.

Ifandare normed spaces, they areisomorphic normed spacesif there exists a linear bijectionsuch thatand its inverseare continuous. If one of the two spacesoris complete (orreflexive,separable,etc.) then so is the other space. Two normed spacesandareisometrically isomorphicif in addition,is anisometry,that is,for everyinTheBanach–Mazur distancebetween two isomorphic but not isometric spacesandgives a measure of how much the two spacesanddiffer.

Continuous and bounded linear functions and seminorms


Everycontinuous linear operatoris abounded linear operatorand if dealing only with normed spaces then the converse is also true. That is, alinear operatorbetween two normed spaces isboundedif and only if it is acontinuous function.So in particular, because the scalar field (which isor) is a normed space, alinear functionalon a normed space is abounded linear functionalif and only if it is acontinuous linear functional.This allows for continuity-related results (like those below) to be applied to Banach spaces. Although boundedness is the same as continuity for linear maps between normed spaces, the term "bounded" is more commonly used when dealing primarily with Banach spaces.

Ifis asubadditive function(such as a norm, asublinear function,or real linear functional), then[21]iscontinuous at the originif and only ifisuniformly continuouson all of;and if in additionthenis continuous if and only if itsabsolute valueis continuous, which happens if and only ifis an open subset of[21][note 12] And very importantly for applying theHahn–Banach theorem,a linear functionalis continuous if and only if this is true of itsreal partand moreover,andthe real partcompletely determineswhich is why the Hahn–Banach theorem is often stated only for real linear functionals. Also, a linear functionalonis continuous if and only if theseminormis continuous, which happens if and only if there exists a continuous seminormsuch that;this last statement involving the linear functionaland seminormis encountered in many versions of the Hahn–Banach theorem.

Basic notions


The Cartesian productof two normed spaces is not canonically equipped with a norm. However, several equivalent norms are commonly used,[22]such as which correspond (respectively) to thecoproductandproductin the category of Banach spaces and short maps (discussed above).[20]For finite (co)products, these norms give rise to isomorphic normed spaces, and the product(or the direct sum) is complete if and only if the two factors are complete.

Ifis aclosedlinear subspaceof a normed spacethere is a natural norm on thequotient space

The quotientis a Banach space whenis complete.[23]Thequotient mapfromontosendingto its classis linear, onto and has normexcept whenin which case the quotient is the null space.

The closed linear subspaceofis said to be acomplemented subspaceofifis therangeof asurjectivebounded linearprojectionIn this case, the spaceis isomorphic to the direct sum ofandthe kernel of the projection

Suppose thatandare Banach spaces and thatThere exists acanonical factorizationofas[23] where the first mapis the quotient map, and the second mapsends every classin the quotient to the imageinThis is well defined because all elements in the same class have the same image. The mappingis a linear bijection fromonto the rangewhose inverse need not be bounded.

Classical spaces


Basic examples[24]of Banach spaces include: theLp spacesand their special cases, thesequence spacesthat consist of scalar sequences indexed bynatural numbers;among them, the spaceofabsolutely summablesequences and the spaceof square summable sequences; the spaceof sequences tending to zero and the spaceof bounded sequences; the spaceof continuous scalar functions on a compact Hausdorff spaceequipped with the max norm,

According to theBanach–Mazur theorem,every Banach space is isometrically isomorphic to a subspace of some[25]For every separable Banach spacethere is a closed subspaceofsuch that[26]

AnyHilbert spaceserves as an example of a Banach space. A Hilbert spaceonis complete for a norm of the form where is theinner product,linear in its first argument that satisfies the following:

For example, the spaceis a Hilbert space.

TheHardy spaces,theSobolev spacesare examples of Banach spaces that are related tospaces and have additional structure. They are important in different branches of analysis,Harmonic analysisandPartial differential equationsamong others.

Banach algebras


ABanach algebrais a Banach spaceoverortogether with a structure ofalgebra over,such that the product mapis continuous. An equivalent norm oncan be found so thatfor all


  • The Banach spacewith the pointwise product, is a Banach algebra.
  • Thedisk algebraconsists of functionsholomorphicin the open unit diskand continuous on itsclosure:Equipped with the max norm onthe disk algebrais a closed subalgebra of
  • TheWiener algebrais the algebra of functions on the unit circlewith absolutely convergent Fourier series. Via the map associating a function onto the sequence of its Fourier coefficients, this algebra is isomorphic to the Banach algebrawhere the product is theconvolutionof sequences.
  • For every Banach spacethe spaceof bounded linear operators onwith the composition of maps as product, is a Banach algebra.
  • AC*-algebrais a complex Banach algebrawith anantilinearinvolutionsuch thatThe spaceof bounded linear operators on a Hilbert spaceis a fundamental example of C*-algebra. TheGelfand–Naimark theoremstates that every C*-algebra is isometrically isomorphic to a C*-subalgebra of someThe spaceof complex continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff spaceis an example of commutative C*-algebra, where the involution associates to every functionitscomplex conjugate

Dual space


Ifis a normed space andthe underlyingfield(either therealor thecomplex numbers), thecontinuous dual spaceis the space of continuous linear maps fromintoorcontinuous linear functionals. The notation for the continuous dual isin this article.[27] Sinceis a Banach space (using theabsolute valueas norm), the dualis a Banach space, for every normed spaceTheDixmier–Ng theoremcharacterizes the dual spaces of Banach spaces.

The main tool for proving the existence of continuous linear functionals is theHahn–Banach theorem.

Hahn–Banach theoremLetbe avector spaceover the fieldLet further

  • be alinear subspace,
  • be asublinear functionand
  • be alinear functionalso thatfor all

Then, there exists a linear functionalso that

In particular, every continuous linear functional on a subspace of a normed space can be continuously extended to the whole space, without increasing the norm of the functional.[28] An important special case is the following: for every vectorin a normed spacethere exists a continuous linear functionalonsuch that

Whenis not equal to thevector, the functionalmust have norm one, and is called anorming functionalfor

TheHahn–Banach separation theoremstates that two disjoint non-emptyconvex setsin a real Banach space, one of them open, can be separated by a closedaffinehyperplane. The open convex set lies strictly on one side of the hyperplane, the second convex set lies on the other side but may touch the hyperplane.[29]

A subsetin a Banach spaceistotalif thelinear spanofisdenseinThe subsetis total inif and only if the only continuous linear functional that vanishes onis thefunctional: this equivalence follows from the Hahn–Banach theorem.

Ifis the direct sum of two closed linear subspacesandthen the dualofis isomorphic to the direct sum of the duals ofand[30] Ifis a closed linear subspace inone can associate theorthogonal ofin the dual,

The orthogonalis a closed linear subspace of the dual. The dual ofis isometrically isomorphic to The dual ofis isometrically isomorphic to[31]

The dual of a separable Banach space need not be separable, but:

Theorem[32]Letbe a normed space. Ifisseparable,thenis separable.

Whenis separable, the above criterion for totality can be used for proving the existence of a countable total subset in

Weak topologies


Theweak topologyon a Banach spaceis thecoarsest topologyonfor which all elementsin the continuous dual spaceare continuous. The norm topology is thereforefinerthan the weak topology. It follows from the Hahn–Banach separation theorem that the weak topology isHausdorff,and that a norm-closedconvex subsetof a Banach space is also weakly closed.[33] A norm-continuous linear map between two Banach spacesandis alsoweakly continuous,that is, continuous from the weak topology ofto that of[34]

Ifis infinite-dimensional, there exist linear maps which are not continuous. The spaceof all linear maps fromto the underlying field(this spaceis called thealgebraic dual space,to distinguish it fromalso induces a topology onwhich isfinerthan the weak topology, and much less used in functional analysis.

On a dual spacethere is a topology weaker than the weak topology ofcalledweak* topology. It is the coarsest topology onfor which all evaluation mapswhereranges overare continuous. Its importance comes from theBanach–Alaoglu theorem.

Banach–Alaoglu theoremLetbe anormed vector space.Then theclosedunit ballof the dual space iscompactin the weak* topology.

The Banach–Alaoglu theorem can be proved usingTychonoff's theoremabout infinite products of compact Hausdorff spaces. Whenis separable, the unit ballof the dual is ametrizablecompact in the weak* topology.[35]

Examples of dual spaces


The dual ofis isometrically isomorphic to:for every bounded linear functionalonthere is a unique elementsuch that

The dual ofis isometrically isomorphic to. The dual ofLebesgue spaceis isometrically isomorphic towhenand

For every vectorin a Hilbert spacethe mapping

defines a continuous linear functionalonTheRiesz representation theoremstates that every continuous linear functional onis of the formfor a uniquely defined vectorin The mappingis anantilinearisometric bijection fromonto its dual When the scalars are real, this map is an isometric isomorphism.

Whenis a compact Hausdorff topological space, the dualofis the space ofRadon measuresin the sense of Bourbaki.[36] The subsetofconsisting of non-negative measures of mass 1 (probability measures) is a convex w*-closed subset of the unit ball of Theextreme pointsofare theDirac measureson The set of Dirac measures onequipped with the w*-topology, ishomeomorphicto

Banach–Stone TheoremIfandare compact Hausdorff spaces and ifandare isometrically isomorphic, then the topological spacesandarehomeomorphic.[37][38]

The result has been extended by Amir[39]and Cambern[40]to the case when the multiplicativeBanach–Mazur distancebetweenandis The theorem is no longer true when the distance is[41]

In the commutativeBanach algebrathemaximal idealsare precisely kernels of Dirac measures on

More generally, by theGelfand–Mazur theorem,the maximal ideals of a unital commutative Banach algebra can be identified with itscharacters—not merely as sets but as topological spaces: the former with thehull-kernel topologyand the latter with the w*-topology. In this identification, the maximal ideal space can be viewed as a w*-compact subset of the unit ball in the dual

TheoremIfis a compact Hausdorff space, then the maximal ideal spaceof the Banach algebraishomeomorphicto[37]

Not every unital commutative Banach algebra is of the formfor some compact Hausdorff spaceHowever, this statement holds if one placesin the smaller category of commutativeC*-algebras. Gelfand'srepresentation theoremfor commutative C*-algebras states that every commutative unitalC*-algebrais isometrically isomorphic to aspace.[42] The Hausdorff compact spacehere is again the maximal ideal space, also called thespectrumofin the C*-algebra context.



Ifis a normed space, the (continuous) dualof the dualis calledbidual,orsecond dualof For every normed spacethere is a natural map,

This definesas a continuous linear functional onthat is, an element ofThe mapis a linear map fromto As a consequence of the existence of anorming functionalfor everythis mapis isometric, thusinjective.

For example, the dual ofis identified withand the dual ofis identified withthe space of bounded scalar sequences. Under these identifications,is the inclusion map fromtoIt is indeed isometric, but not onto.

Ifissurjective,then the normed spaceis calledreflexive(seebelow). Being the dual of a normed space, the bidualis complete, therefore, every reflexive normed space is a Banach space.

Using the isometric embeddingit is customary to consider a normed spaceas a subset of its bidual. Whenis a Banach space, it is viewed as a closed linear subspace ofIfis not reflexive, the unit ball ofis a proper subset of the unit ball of TheGoldstine theoremstates that the unit ball of a normed space is weakly*-dense in the unit ball of the bidual. In other words, for everyin the bidual, there exists anetinso that

The net may be replaced by a weakly*-convergent sequence when the dualis separable. On the other hand, elements of the bidual ofthat are not incannot be weak*-limit ofsequencesinsinceisweakly sequentially complete.

Banach's theorems


Here are the main general results about Banach spaces that go back to the time of Banach's book (Banach (1932)) and are related to theBaire category theorem. According to this theorem, a complete metric space (such as a Banach space, aFréchet spaceor anF-space) cannot be equal to a union of countably many closed subsets with emptyinteriors. Therefore, a Banach space cannot be the union of countably many closed subspaces, unless it is already equal to one of them; a Banach space with a countableHamel basisis finite-dimensional.

Banach–Steinhaus TheoremLetbe a Banach space andbe anormed vector space.Suppose thatis a collection of continuous linear operators fromtoThe uniform boundedness principle states that if for allinwe havethen

The Banach–Steinhaus theorem is not limited to Banach spaces. It can be extended for example to the case whereis aFréchet space,provided the conclusion is modified as follows: under the same hypothesis, there exists a neighborhoodofinsuch that allinare uniformly bounded on

The Open Mapping TheoremLetandbe Banach spaces andbe a surjective continuous linear operator, thenis an open map.

CorollaryEvery one-to-one bounded linear operator from a Banach space onto a Banach space is an isomorphism.

The First Isomorphism Theorem for Banach spacesSuppose thatandare Banach spaces and thatSuppose further that the range ofis closed inThenis isomorphic to

This result is a direct consequence of the precedingBanach isomorphism theoremand of the canonical factorization of bounded linear maps.

CorollaryIf a Banach spaceis the internal direct sum of closed subspacesthenis isomorphic to

This is another consequence of Banach's isomorphism theorem, applied to the continuous bijection fromontosendingto the sum

The Closed Graph TheoremLetbe a linear mapping between Banach spaces. The graph ofis closed inif and only ifis continuous.



The normed spaceis calledreflexivewhen the natural map is surjective. Reflexive normed spaces are Banach spaces.

TheoremIfis a reflexive Banach space, every closed subspace ofand every quotient space ofare reflexive.

This is a consequence of the Hahn–Banach theorem. Further, by the open mapping theorem, if there is a bounded linear operator from the Banach spaceonto the Banach spacethenis reflexive.

TheoremIfis a Banach space, thenis reflexive if and only ifis reflexive.

CorollaryLetbe a reflexive Banach space. Thenisseparableif and only ifis separable.

Indeed, if the dualof a Banach spaceis separable, thenis separable. Ifis reflexive and separable, then the dual ofis separable, sois separable.

TheoremSuppose thatare normed spaces and thatThenis reflexive if and only if eachis reflexive.

Hilbert spaces are reflexive. Thespaces are reflexive whenMore generally,uniformly convex spacesare reflexive, by theMilman–Pettis theorem. The spacesare not reflexive. In these examples of non-reflexive spacesthe bidualis "much larger" than Namely, under the natural isometric embedding ofintogiven by the Hahn–Banach theorem, the quotientis infinite-dimensional, and even nonseparable. However, Robert C. James has constructed an example[43]of a non-reflexive space, usually called "the James space"and denoted by[44]such that the quotientis one-dimensional. Furthermore, this spaceis isometrically isomorphic to its bidual.

TheoremA Banach spaceis reflexive if and only if its unit ball iscompactin theweak topology.

Whenis reflexive, it follows that all closed and boundedconvex subsetsofare weakly compact. In a Hilbert spacethe weak compactness of the unit ball is very often used in the following way: every bounded sequence inhas weakly convergent subsequences.

Weak compactness of the unit ball provides a tool for finding solutions in reflexive spaces to certainoptimization problems. For example, everyconvexcontinuous function on the unit ballof a reflexive space attains its minimum at some point in

As a special case of the preceding result, whenis a reflexive space overevery continuous linear functionalinattains its maximumon the unit ball of The followingtheorem of Robert C. Jamesprovides a converse statement.

James' TheoremFor a Banach space the following two properties are equivalent:

  • is reflexive.
  • for allinthere existswithso that

The theorem can be extended to give a characterization of weakly compact convex sets.

On every non-reflexive Banach spacethere exist continuous linear functionals that are notnorm-attaining. However, theBishopPhelpstheorem[45]states that norm-attaining functionals are norm dense in the dualof

Weak convergences of sequences


A sequencein a Banach spaceisweakly convergentto a vectorifconverges tofor every continuous linear functionalin the dualThe sequenceis aweakly Cauchy sequenceifconverges to a scalar limitfor everyin A sequencein the dualisweakly* convergentto a functionalifconverges tofor everyin Weakly Cauchy sequences, weakly convergent and weakly* convergent sequences are norm bounded, as a consequence of theBanach–Steinhaustheorem.

When the sequenceinis a weakly Cauchy sequence, the limitabove defines a bounded linear functional on the dualthat is, an elementof the bidual ofandis the limit ofin the weak*-topology of the bidual. The Banach spaceisweakly sequentially completeif every weakly Cauchy sequence is weakly convergent in It follows from the preceding discussion that reflexive spaces are weakly sequentially complete.

Theorem[46]For every measurethe spaceis weakly sequentially complete.

An orthonormal sequence in a Hilbert space is a simple example of a weakly convergent sequence, with limit equal to thevector. Theunit vector basisofforor ofis another example of aweakly null sequence,that is, a sequence that converges weakly to For every weakly null sequence in a Banach space, there exists a sequence of convex combinations of vectors from the given sequence that is norm-converging to[47]

The unit vector basis ofis not weakly Cauchy. Weakly Cauchy sequences inare weakly convergent, since-spaces are weakly sequentially complete. Actually, weakly convergent sequences inare norm convergent.[48]This means thatsatisfiesSchur's property.

Results involving thebasis


Weakly Cauchy sequences and thebasis are the opposite cases of the dichotomy established in the following deep result of H. P. Rosenthal.[49]

Theorem[50]Letbe a bounded sequence in a Banach space. Eitherhas a weakly Cauchy subsequence, or it admits a subsequenceequivalentto the standard unit vector basis of

A complement to this result is due to Odell and Rosenthal (1975).

Theorem[51]Letbe a separable Banach space. The following are equivalent:

  • The spacedoes not contain a closed subspace isomorphic to
  • Every element of the bidualis the weak*-limit of a sequencein

By the Goldstine theorem, every element of the unit ballofis weak*-limit of a net in the unit ball ofWhendoes not containevery element ofis weak*-limit of asequencein the unit ball of[52]

When the Banach spaceis separable, the unit ball of the dualequipped with the weak*-topology, is a metrizable compact space[35]and every elementin the bidualdefines a bounded function on:

This function is continuous for the compact topology ofif and only ifis actually inconsidered as subset of Assume in addition for the rest of the paragraph thatdoes not contain By the preceding result of Odell and Rosenthal, the functionis thepointwise limitonof a sequenceof continuous functions onit is therefore afirst Baire class functionon The unit ball of the bidual is a pointwise compact subset of the first Baire class on[53]

Sequences, weak and weak* compactness


Whenis separable, the unit ball of the dual is weak*-compact by theBanach–Alaoglu theoremand metrizable for the weak* topology,[35]hence every bounded sequence in the dual has weakly* convergent subsequences. This applies to separable reflexive spaces, but more is true in this case, as stated below.

The weak topology of a Banach spaceis metrizable if and only ifis finite-dimensional.[54]If the dualis separable, the weak topology of the unit ball ofis metrizable. This applies in particular to separable reflexive Banach spaces. Although the weak topology of the unit ball is not metrizable in general, one can characterize weak compactness using sequences.

Eberlein–Šmulian theorem[55]A setin a Banach space is relatively weakly compact if and only if every sequenceinhas a weakly convergent subsequence.

A Banach spaceis reflexive if and only if each bounded sequence inhas a weakly convergent subsequence.[56]

A weakly compact subsetinis norm-compact. Indeed, every sequence inhas weakly convergent subsequences by Eberlein–Šmulian, that are norm convergent by the Schur property of

Type and cotype


A way to classify Banach spaces is through the probabilistic notion oftype and cotype,these two measure how far a Banach space is from a Hilbert space.

Schauder bases


ASchauder basisin a Banach spaceis a sequenceof vectors inwith the property that for every vectorthere existuniquelydefined scalarsdepending onsuch that

Banach spaces with a Schauder basis are necessarilyseparable,because the countable set of finite linear combinations with rational coefficients (say) is dense.

It follows from the Banach–Steinhaus theorem that the linear mappingsare uniformly bounded by some constant Letdenote the coordinate functionals which assign to everyinthe coordinateofin the above expansion. They are calledbiorthogonal functionals.When the basis vectors have normthe coordinate functionalshave normin the dual of

Most classical separable spaces have explicit bases. TheHaar systemis a basis for Thetrigonometric systemis a basis inwhen TheSchauder systemis a basis in the space[57] The question of whether the disk algebrahas a basis[58]remained open for more than forty years, until Bočkarev showed in 1974 thatadmits a basis constructed from theFranklin system.[59]

Since every vectorin a Banach spacewith a basis is the limit ofwithof finite rank and uniformly bounded, the spacesatisfies thebounded approximation property. The first example byEnfloof a space failing the approximation property was at the same time the first example of a separable Banach space without a Schauder basis.[60]

Robert C. James characterized reflexivity in Banach spaces with a basis: the spacewith a Schauder basis is reflexive if and only if the basis is bothshrinking and boundedly complete.[61] In this case, the biorthogonal functionals form a basis of the dual of

Tensor product


Letandbe two-vector spaces. Thetensor productofandis a-vector spacewith a bilinear mappingwhich has the followinguniversal property:

Ifis any bilinear mapping into a-vector spacethen there exists a unique linear mappingsuch that

The image underof a coupleinis denoted byand called asimple tensor. Every elementinis a finite sum of such simple tensors.

There are various norms that can be placed on the tensor product of the underlying vector spaces, amongst others theprojective cross normandinjective cross normintroduced byA. Grothendieckin 1955.[62]

In general, the tensor product of complete spaces is not complete again. When working with Banach spaces, it is customary to say that theprojective tensor product[63]of two Banach spacesandis thecompletionof the algebraic tensor productequipped with the projective tensor norm, and similarly for theinjective tensor product[64] Grothendieck proved in particular that[65]

whereis a compact Hausdorff space,the Banach space of continuous functions fromtoandthe space of Bochner-measurable and integrable functions fromtoand where the isomorphisms are isometric. The two isomorphisms above are the respective extensions of the map sending the tensorto the vector-valued function

Tensor products and the approximation property


Letbe a Banach space. The tensor productis identified isometrically with the closure inof the set of finite rank operators. Whenhas theapproximation property,this closure coincides with the space ofcompact operatorson

For every Banach spacethere is a natural normlinear map obtained by extending the identity map of the algebraic tensor product. Grothendieck related theapproximation problemto the question of whether this map is one-to-one whenis the dual of Precisely, for every Banach spacethe map is one-to-one if and only ifhas the approximation property.[66]

Grothendieck conjectured thatandmust be different wheneverandare infinite-dimensional Banach spaces. This was disproved byGilles Pisierin 1983.[67] Pisier constructed an infinite-dimensional Banach spacesuch thatandare equal. Furthermore, just asEnflo'sexample, this spaceis a "hand-made" space that fails to have the approximation property. On the other hand, Szankowski proved that the classical spacedoes not have the approximation property.[68]

Some classification results


Characterizations of Hilbert space among Banach spaces


A necessary and sufficient condition for the norm of a Banach spaceto be associated to an inner product is theparallelogram identity:

Parallelogram identityfor all

It follows, for example, that theLebesgue spaceis a Hilbert space only when If this identity is satisfied, the associated inner product is given by thepolarization identity.In the case of real scalars, this gives:

For complex scalars, defining theinner productso as to be-linear inantilinearinthe polarization identity gives:

To see that the parallelogram law is sufficient, one observes in the real case thatis symmetric, and in the complex case, that it satisfies theHermitian symmetryproperty andThe parallelogram law implies thatis additive in It follows that it is linear over the rationals, thus linear by continuity.

Several characterizations of spaces isomorphic (rather than isometric) to Hilbert spaces are available. The parallelogram law can be extended to more than two vectors, and weakened by the introduction of a two-sided inequality with a constant:Kwapień proved that if for every integerand all families of vectorsthen the Banach spaceis isomorphic to a Hilbert space.[69] Here,denotes the average over thepossible choices of signs In the same article, Kwapień proved that the validity of a Banach-valuedParseval's theoremfor the Fourier transform characterizes Banach spaces isomorphic to Hilbert spaces.

Lindenstrauss and Tzafriri proved that a Banach space in which every closed linear subspace is complemented (that is, is the range of a bounded linear projection) is isomorphic to a Hilbert space.[70]The proof rests uponDvoretzky's theoremabout Euclidean sections of high-dimensional centrally symmetric convex bodies. In other words, Dvoretzky's theorem states that for every integerany finite-dimensional normed space, with dimension sufficiently large compared tocontains subspaces nearly isometric to the-dimensional Euclidean space.

The next result gives the solution of the so-calledhomogeneous space problem.An infinite-dimensional Banach spaceis said to behomogeneousif it is isomorphic to all its infinite-dimensional closed subspaces. A Banach space isomorphic tois homogeneous, and Banach asked for the converse.[71]

Theorem[72]A Banach space isomorphic to all its infinite-dimensional closed subspaces is isomorphic to a separable Hilbert space.

An infinite-dimensional Banach space ishereditarily indecomposablewhen no subspace of it can be isomorphic to the direct sum of two infinite-dimensional Banach spaces. TheGowersdichotomy theorem[72]asserts that every infinite-dimensional Banach spacecontains, either a subspacewithunconditional basis,or a hereditarily indecomposable subspaceand in particular,is not isomorphic to its closed hyperplanes.[73] Ifis homogeneous, it must therefore have an unconditional basis. It follows then from the partial solution obtained by Komorowski andTomczak–Jaegermann,for spaces with an unconditional basis,[74]thatis isomorphic to

Metric classification


Ifis anisometryfrom the Banach spaceonto the Banach space(where bothandare vector spaces over), then theMazur–Ulam theoremstates thatmust be an affine transformation. In particular, ifthis ismaps the zero ofto the zero ofthenmust be linear. This result implies that the metric in Banach spaces, and more generally in normed spaces, completely captures their linear structure.

Topological classification


Finite dimensional Banach spaces are homeomorphic as topological spaces, if and only if they have the same dimension as real vector spaces.

Anderson–Kadec theorem(1965–66) proves[75]that any two infinite-dimensionalseparableBanach spaces are homeomorphic as topological spaces. Kadec's theorem was extended by Torunczyk, who proved[76]that any two Banach spaces are homeomorphic if and only if they have the samedensity character,the minimum cardinality of a dense subset.

Spaces of continuous functions


When two compact Hausdorff spacesandarehomeomorphic,the Banach spacesandare isometric. Conversely, whenis not homeomorphic tothe (multiplicative) Banach–Mazur distance betweenandmust be greater than or equal tosee above theresults by Amir and Cambern. Although uncountable compact metric spaces can have different homeomorphy types, one has the following result due to Milutin:[77]

Theorem[78]Letbe an uncountable compact metric space. Thenis isomorphic to

The situation is different forcountably infinitecompact Hausdorff spaces. Every countably infinite compactis homeomorphic to some closed interval ofordinal numbers equipped with theorder topology,whereis a countably infinite ordinal.[79] The Banach spaceis then isometric toC(⟨1,α⟩).Whenare two countably infinite ordinals, and assumingthe spacesC(⟨1,α⟩)andC(⟨1,β⟩)are isomorphic if and only ifβ<αω.[80] For example, the Banach spaces are mutually non-isomorphic.



Glossary of symbols for the table below:

  • denotes thefieldofreal numbersorcomplex numbers
  • is acompact Hausdorff space.
  • arereal numberswiththat areHölder conjugates,meaning that they satisfyand thus also
  • is a-algebraof sets.
  • is analgebraof sets (for spaces only requiring finite additivity, such as theba space).
  • is ameasurewithvariationA positive measure is a real-valued positive set function defined on a-algebra which is countably additive.
ClassicalBanach spaces
Dual space Reflexive weakly sequentially complete Norm Notes
Yes Yes Euclidean space
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
No Yes
No No
No No
No No Isomorphic but not isometric to
No Yes Isometrically isomorphic to
No Yes Isometrically isomorphic to
No No Isometrically isomorphic to
No No Isometrically isomorphic to
No No
No No
? No Yes
? No Yes A closed subspace of
? No Yes A closed subspace of
Yes Yes
No Yes The dual isifis-finite.
? No Yes is thetotal variationof
? No Yes consists offunctions such that
No Yes Isomorphic to theSobolev space
No No Isomorphic toessentially byTaylor's theorem.



Several concepts of a derivative may be defined on a Banach space. See the articles on theFréchet derivativeand theGateaux derivativefor details. The Fréchet derivative allows for an extension of the concept of atotal derivativeto Banach spaces. The Gateaux derivative allows for an extension of adirectional derivativetolocally convextopological vector spaces. Fréchet differentiability is a stronger condition than Gateaux differentiability. Thequasi-derivativeis another generalization of directional derivative that implies a stronger condition than Gateaux differentiability, but a weaker condition than Fréchet differentiability.



Several important spaces in functional analysis, for instance the space of all infinitely often differentiable functionsor the space of alldistributionsonare complete but are not normed vector spaces and hence not Banach spaces. InFréchet spacesone still has a completemetric,whileLF-spacesare completeuniformvector spaces arising as limits of Fréchet spaces.

See also



  1. ^It is common to read"is a normed space "instead of the more technically correct but (usually) pedantic"is a normed space ",especially if the norm is well known (for example, such as withspaces) or when there is no particular need to choose any one (equivalent) norm over any other (especially in the more abstract theory oftopological vector spaces), in which case this norm (if needed) is often automatically assumed to be denoted byHowever, in situations where emphasis is placed on the norm, it is common to seewritten instead ofThe technically correct definition of normed spaces as pairsmay also become important in the context ofcategory theorywhere the distinction between the categories of normed spaces,normable spaces,metric spaces,TVSs,topological spaces,etc. is usually important.
  2. ^This means that if the normis replaced with a different normonthenisnotthe same normed space asnot even if the norms are equivalent. However, equivalence of norms on a given vector space does form anequivalence relation.
  3. ^abcA metricon a vector spaceis said to betranslation invariantiffor all vectorsThis happens if and only iffor all vectorsA metric that is induced by a norm is always translation invariant.
  4. ^Becausefor allit is always true thatfor allSo the order ofandin this definition does not matter.
  5. ^abLetbe the separableHilbert spaceof square-summable sequences with the usual normand letbe the standardorthonormal basis(that isat the-coordinate). The closed setis compact (because it issequentially compact) but its convex hullisnota closed set becausebelongs to the closure ofinbut(since every sequenceis a finiteconvex combinationof elements ofand sofor all but finitely many coordinates, which is not true of). However, like in allcompleteHausdorff locally convex spaces, theclosedconvex hullof this compact subset is compact. The vector subspaceis apre-Hilbert spacewhen endowed with the substructure that the Hilbert spaceinduces on it butis not complete and(since). The closed convex hull ofin(here, "closed" means with respect toand not toas before) is equal towhich is not compact (because it is not a complete subset). This shows that in a Hausdorff locally convex space that is not complete, the closed convex hull of compact subset mightfailto be compact (although it will beprecompact/totally bounded).
  6. ^Letdenote theBanach space of continuous functionswith the supremum norm and letdenote the topology oninduced byThe vector spacecan be identified (via theinclusion map) as a properdensevector subspaceof thespacewhich satisfiesfor allLetdenote the restriction of theL1-normtowhich makes this mapa norm on(in general, the restriction of any norm to any vector subspace will necessarily again be a norm). The normed spaceisnota Banach space since its completion is the proper supersetBecauseholds onthe mapis continuous. Despite this, the normisnotequivalent to the norm(becauseis complete butis not).
  7. ^Thenormed spaceis a Banach space where the absolute value is anormon the real linethat induces the usualEuclidean topologyonDefine a metriconbyfor allJust like 'sinduced metric, the metricalso induces the usual Euclidean topology onHowever,is not a complete metric because the sequencedefined byis a-Cauchysequencebut it does not converge to any point ofAs a consequence of not converging, this-Cauchysequence cannot be a Cauchy sequence in(that is, it is not a Cauchy sequence with respect to the norm) because if it was-Cauchy,then the fact thatis a Banach space would imply that it converges (a contradiction).Narici & Beckenstein 2011,pp. 47–51
  8. ^The statement of the theorem is: Letbeanymetric on a vector spacesuch that the topologyinduced byonmakesinto a topological vector space. Ifis acomplete metric spacethenis acomplete topological vector space.
  9. ^This metricisnotassumed to be translation-invariant. So in particular, this metricdoesnoteven have to be induced by a norm.
  10. ^A norm (orseminorm)on a topological vector spaceis continuous if and only if the topologythatinduces oniscoarserthan(meaning,), which happens if and only if there exists some open ballin(such as maybefor example) that is open in
  11. ^denotes thecontinuous dual spaceofWhenis endowed with thestrong dual space topology,also called thetopology of uniform convergenceonbounded subsetsofthen this is indicated by writing(sometimes, the subscriptis used instead of). Whenis a normed space with normthen this topology is equal to the topology oninduced by thedual norm.In this way, thestrong topologyis a generalization of the usual dual norm-induced topology on
  12. ^The fact thatbeing open implies thatis continuous simplifies proving continuity because this means that it suffices to show thatis open forand at(where) rather than showing this forallrealandall


  1. ^Bourbaki 1987,V.87
  2. ^Narici & Beckenstein 2011,p. 93.
  3. ^see Theorem 1.3.9, p. 20 inMegginson (1998).
  4. ^Wilansky 2013,p. 29.
  5. ^Bessaga & Pełczyński 1975,p. 189
  6. ^abAnderson & Schori 1969,p. 315.
  7. ^Henderson 1969.
  8. ^Aliprantis & Border 2006,p. 185.
  9. ^Trèves 2006,p. 145.
  10. ^Trèves 2006,pp. 166–173.
  11. ^abConrad, Keith."Equivalence of norms"(PDF) the original on 2022-10-09.RetrievedSeptember 7,2020.
  12. ^see Corollary 1.4.18, p. 32 inMegginson (1998).
  13. ^Narici & Beckenstein 2011,pp. 47–66.
  14. ^Narici & Beckenstein 2011,pp. 47–51.
  15. ^Schaefer & Wolff 1999,p. 35.
  16. ^Klee, V. L. (1952)."Invariant metrics in groups (solution of a problem of Banach)"(PDF).Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.3(3): 484–487.doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1952-0047250-4.Archived(PDF)from the original on 2022-10-09.
  17. ^Trèves 2006,pp. 57–69.
  18. ^Trèves 2006,p. 201.
  19. ^Gabriyelyan, S.S."On topological spaces and topological groups with certain local countable networks(2014)
  20. ^abQiaochu Yuan (June 23, 2012)."Banach spaces (and Lawvere metrics, and closed categories)".Annoying Precision.
  21. ^abNarici & Beckenstein 2011,pp. 192–193.
  22. ^Banach (1932,p. 182)
  23. ^absee pp. 17–19 inCarothers (2005).
  24. ^seeBanach (1932),pp. 11-12.
  25. ^seeBanach (1932),Th. 9 p. 185.
  26. ^see Theorem 6.1, p. 55 inCarothers (2005)
  27. ^Several books about functional analysis use the notationfor the continuous dual, for exampleCarothers (2005),Lindenstrauss & Tzafriri (1977),Megginson (1998),Ryan (2002),Wojtaszczyk (1991).
  28. ^Theorem 1.9.6, p. 75 inMegginson (1998)
  29. ^see also Theorem 2.2.26, p. 179 inMegginson (1998)
  30. ^see p. 19 inCarothers (2005).
  31. ^Theorems 1.10.16, 1.10.17 pp.94–95 inMegginson (1998)
  32. ^Theorem 1.12.11, p. 112 inMegginson (1998)
  33. ^Theorem 2.5.16, p. 216 inMegginson (1998).
  34. ^see II.A.8, p. 29 inWojtaszczyk (1991)
  35. ^abcsee Theorem 2.6.23, p. 231 inMegginson (1998).
  36. ^see N. Bourbaki, (2004), "Integration I", Springer Verlag,ISBN3-540-41129-1.
  37. ^abEilenberg, Samuel (1942). "Banach Space Methods in Topology".Annals of Mathematics.43(3): 568–579.doi:10.2307/1968812.JSTOR1968812.
  38. ^see alsoBanach (1932),p. 170 for metrizableand
  39. ^Amir, Dan (1965)."On isomorphisms of continuous function spaces".Israel Journal of Mathematics.3(4): 205–210.doi:10.1007/bf03008398.S2CID122294213.
  40. ^Cambern, M. (1966)."A generalized Banach–Stone theorem".Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.17(2): 396–400.doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1966-0196471-9.AndCambern, M. (1967)."On isomorphisms with small bound".Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.18(6): 1062–1066.doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1967-0217580-2.
  41. ^Cohen, H. B. (1975)."A bound-two isomorphism betweenBanach spaces ".Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.50:215–217.doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1975-0380379-5.
  42. ^See for exampleArveson, W. (1976).An Invitation to C*-Algebra.Springer-Verlag.ISBN0-387-90176-0.
  43. ^R. C. James (1951)."A non-reflexive Banach space isometric with its second conjugate space".Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.37(3): 174–177.Bibcode:1951PNAS...37..174J.doi:10.1073/pnas.37.3.174.PMC1063327.PMID16588998.
  44. ^seeLindenstrauss & Tzafriri (1977),p. 25.
  45. ^bishop, See E.; Phelps, R. (1961)."A proof that every Banach space is subreflexive".Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.67:97–98.doi:10.1090/s0002-9904-1961-10514-4.
  46. ^see III.C.14, p. 140 inWojtaszczyk (1991).
  47. ^see Corollary 2, p. 11 inDiestel (1984).
  48. ^see p. 85 inDiestel (1984).
  49. ^Rosenthal, Haskell P (1974)."A characterization of Banach spaces containing ℓ1".Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.71(6): 2411–2413.arXiv:math.FA/9210205.Bibcode:1974PNAS...71.2411R.doi:10.1073/pnas.71.6.2411.PMC388466.PMID16592162.Rosenthal's proof is for real scalars. The complex version of the result is due to L. Dor, inDor, Leonard E (1975)."On sequences spanning a complex ℓ1space ".Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.47:515–516.doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1975-0358308-x.
  50. ^see p. 201 inDiestel (1984).
  51. ^Odell, Edward W.; Rosenthal, Haskell P. (1975),"A double-dual characterization of separable Banach spaces containing ℓ1"(PDF),Israel Journal of Mathematics,20(3–4): 375–384,doi:10.1007/bf02760341,S2CID122391702,archived(PDF)from the original on 2022-10-09.
  52. ^Odell and Rosenthal, Sublemma p. 378 and Remark p. 379.
  53. ^for more on pointwise compact subsets of the Baire class, seeBourgain, Jean;Fremlin, D. H.; Talagrand, Michel (1978), "Pointwise Compact Sets of Baire-Measurable Functions",Am. J. Math.,100(4): 845–886,doi:10.2307/2373913,JSTOR2373913.
  54. ^see Proposition 2.5.14, p. 215 inMegginson (1998).
  55. ^see for example p. 49, II.C.3 inWojtaszczyk (1991).
  56. ^see Corollary 2.8.9, p. 251 inMegginson (1998).
  57. ^seeLindenstrauss & Tzafriri (1977)p. 3.
  58. ^the question appears p. 238, §3 in Banach's book,Banach (1932).
  59. ^see S. V. Bočkarev, "Existence of a basis in the space of functions analytic in the disc, and some properties of Franklin's system". (Russian) Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 95(137) (1974), 3–18, 159.
  60. ^seeEnflo, P. (1973)."A counterexample to the approximation property in Banach spaces".Acta Math.130:309–317.doi:10.1007/bf02392270.S2CID120530273.
  61. ^see R.C. James, "Bases and reflexivity of Banach spaces". Ann. of Math. (2) 52, (1950). 518–527. See alsoLindenstrauss & Tzafriri (1977)p. 9.
  62. ^see A. Grothendieck, "Produits tensoriels topologiques et espaces nucléaires". Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 1955 (1955), no. 16, 140 pp., and A. Grothendieck, "Résumé de la théorie métrique des produits tensoriels topologiques". Bol. Soc. Mat. São Paulo 8 1953 1–79.
  63. ^see chap. 2, p. 15 inRyan (2002).
  64. ^see chap. 3, p. 45 inRyan (2002).
  65. ^see Example. 2.19, p. 29, and pp. 49–50 inRyan (2002).
  66. ^see Proposition 4.6, p. 74 inRyan (2002).
  67. ^see Pisier, Gilles (1983), "Counterexamples to a conjecture of Grothendieck", Acta Math.151:181–208.
  68. ^see Szankowski, Andrzej (1981), "does not have the approximation property ", Acta Math.147:89–108. Ryan claims that this result is due toPer Enflo,p. 74 inRyan (2002).
  69. ^see Kwapień, S. (1970), "A linear topological characterization of inner-product spaces", Studia Math.38:277–278.
  70. ^Lindenstrauss, Joram; Tzafriri, Lior (1971)."On the complemented subspaces problem".Israel Journal of Mathematics.9(2): 263–269.doi:10.1007/BF02771592.
  71. ^see p. 245 inBanach (1932).The homogeneity property is called "propriété (15)" there. Banach writes: "on ne connaît aucun exemple d'espace à une infinité de dimensions qui, sans être isomorphe avecpossède la propriété (15) ".
  72. ^abGowers, W. T. (1996), "A new dichotomy for Banach spaces", Geom. Funct. Anal.6:1083–1093.
  73. ^seeGowers, W. T. (1994). "A solution to Banach's hyperplane problem".Bull. London Math. Soc.26(6): 523–530.doi:10.1112/blms/26.6.523.
  74. ^seeKomorowski, Ryszard A.; Tomczak-Jaegermann, Nicole (1995)."Banach spaces without local unconditional structure".Israel Journal of Mathematics.89(1–3): 205–226.arXiv:math/9306211.doi:10.1007/bf02808201.S2CID5220304.and alsoKomorowski, Ryszard A.; Tomczak-Jaegermann, Nicole (1998)."Erratum to: Banach spaces without local unconditional structure".Israel Journal of Mathematics.105:85–92.arXiv:math/9607205.doi:10.1007/bf02780323.S2CID18565676.
  75. ^C. Bessaga, A. Pełczyński (1975).Selected Topics in Infinite-Dimensional Topology.Panstwowe wyd. naukowe. pp. 177–230.
  76. ^H. Torunczyk (1981).Characterizing Hilbert Space Topology.Fundamenta Mathematicae. pp. 247–262.
  77. ^Milyutin, Alekseĭ A. (1966), "Isomorphism of the spaces of continuous functions over compact sets of the cardinality of the continuum". (Russian) Teor. Funkciĭ Funkcional. Anal. i Priložen. Vyp.2:150–156.
  78. ^Milutin. See also Rosenthal, Haskell P., "The Banach spaces C(K)" in Handbook of the geometry of Banach spaces, Vol. 2, 1547–1602, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2003.
  79. ^One can takeα=ωβn,whereis theCantor–Bendixson rankofandis the finite number of points in the-thderived setofSeeMazurkiewicz, Stefan;Sierpiński, Wacław(1920), "Contribution à la topologie des ensembles dénombrables", Fundamenta Mathematicae 1: 17–27.
  80. ^Bessaga, Czesław; Pełczyński, Aleksander (1960), "Spaces of continuous functions. IV. On isomorphical classification of spaces of continuous functions", Studia Math.19:53–62.

